
Anionic Functions3

Anionic Special Functions(III) for the HP-41


 1°)  Polygamma Functions
 2°)  Incomplete Gamma Function
 3°)  Incomplete Beta Function
 4°)  Harmonic Numbers
 5°)  Bessel-Clifford Functions
 6°)  Whittaker-M Functions
 7°)  Whittaker-W Functions
 8°)  Generalized Error-Functions
 9°)  Lambert W-Function
10°) Continued Fractions ( with an application to the error-function )

1°)  Polygamma Functions

Formulae:     "PSINA" employs the asymptotic expansions:

  •   If m > 0  ,  y(m) (a)  ~  (-1)m-1 [ (m-1)! / am + m! / (2.am+1) + SUMk=1,2,.... B2k (2k+m-1)! / (2k)! / a2k+m       where  B2k are Bernoulli numbers

  •   If m = 0  ,  y (a)  ~  Ln a - 1/(2a) - SUMk=1,2,.... B2k / (2k) / a2k              ( digamma function )

 and the recurrence relation:   y(m) (a+p) = y(m) (a) + (-1)m m! [ 1/am+1 + ....... + 1/(a+p-1)m+1 ]           where  p  is a positive integer

Data Registers:           •  R00 = n > 1         ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "PSINA" )

                                      •  R01   ......  •  Rnn = the n components of the anion

                                         Rn+1 ..........  R4n:  temp

  >>>  When the program stops:     R01   ......  Rnn = the n components of the result

Flags:  /
Subroutines:  "A*A1"  "1/A"  "A^X"   "LNA"    ( cf "Anions for the HP41" )
                         "ST*A"  "ST/A"                           ( cf "Anionic Special Functions(I) for the HP41" )

  01  LBL "PSINA"
  02  STO M
  03  RCL 00
  04  .1
  05  %
  06  ISG X
  07  +
  08   E3
  09  /
  10  1
  11  +
  12  STO N
  14  RCL 00
  15  3
  16  *
  17  .1
  18  %
  19  ISG X
  20  +
  21  RCL 00
  22  -
  23  CLRGX
  24  LBL 01
  25  RCL N
  28  8
  29  RCL M
  30  +
  31  RCL 01
  32  X>Y?
  33  GTO 00
  34  1
  35  LASTX
  36  +
  37  CHS
  38  XEQ "A^X"
  39  XEQ "DSA"
  40  RCL 00
  41  1
  42  ST+ Y
  43  ST+ IND Y
  44  GTO 01
  45  LBL 00
  46  RCL 00
  47   E3
  48  /
  49  ISG X
  50  RCL 00
  51  3
  52  *
  53  +
  54   E3
  55  /
  56  1
  57  +
  59  XEQ "A*A1"
  60  XEQ "1/A"
  61  RCL N
  63  RCL M
  64  9
  65  +
  66  FACT
  67  39.6
  68  /
  69  XEQ "ST*A"
  70  XEQ "A*A1"
  71  RCL M
  72  7
  73  +
  74  FACT
  75  ST- 01
  76  XEQ "A*A1"
  77  40
  78  XEQ "ST/A"
  79  RCL M
  80  5
  81  +
  82  FACT
  83  ST+ 01
  84  XEQ "A*A1"
  85  42
  86  XEQ "ST/A"
  87  RCL M
  88  3
  89  +
  90  FACT
  91  ST- 01
  92  XEQ "A*A1"
  93  60
  94  XEQ "ST/A"
  95  RCL M
  96  1
  97  +
  98  FACT
  99  ST+ 01
100  XEQ "A*A1"
101  6
102  XEQ "ST/A"
103  RCL 00
104  .1
105  %
106  ISG X
107  +
108  RCL 00
109 +
110   E3
111  /
112  1
113  +
115  RCL M
116  FACT
117  XEQ "ST*A"
118  X<>Y
120  RCL N
122  RCL 00
123   E3
124  /
125  ISG X
126  LASTX
127  /
128  1
129  +
130  RCL 00
131  3
132  *
133  +
134  STO O
136  XEQ "1/A"
137  RCL M
138  FACT
139  XEQ "ST*A"
140  RCL 00
141  ENTER^
142  ST+ Y
143  LBL 03
144  RCL IND Y
145  RCL IND Y
146  +
147  2
148  /
149  STO IND Y
150  RDN
151  DSE Y
152  DSE X
153  GTO 03
154  RCL M
155  X=0?
156  GTO 00
157  1
158  -
159  FACT
160  ST+ 01
161  RCL N
163  RCL O
165  RCL M
166  CHS
167  XEQ "A^X"
168  XEQ "A*A1"
169  GTO 02
170  LBL 00
171  RCL N
173  RCL O
175  XEQ "LNA"
176  RCL 00
177  ENTER^
178  ST+ Y
179  LBL 04
180  RCL IND Y
181  RCL IND Y
182  -
183  STO IND Y
184  RDN
185  DSE Y
186  DSE X
187  GTO 04
188  LBL 02
189  XEQ "DSA"
190  RCL O
191  RCL 00
192  -
194  SIGN
195  CHS
196  RCL M
197  Y^X
198  CHS
199  XEQ "ST*A"
200  RCL 00
201   E3
202  /
203  ISG X
204  CLA
205  END

   ( 401 bytes / SIZE 4n+1 )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X            m         1.nnn

   where  m  is a non-negative integer  <  61  and  1.nnn   is the control number of  the result

Example1:    Calculate  y(3) ( 1 + 0.9 i + 0.8 j + 0.7 k )                        ( quaternion ->  4  STO 00 )

     1   STO 01
   0.9  STO 02
   0.8  STO 03
   0.7  STO 04

    3    XEQ "PSINA"   >>>>   1.004                                           ---Execution time = 61s---

   R01 = -0.673649101
   R02 =  0.147195368
   R03 =  0.130840327
   R04 =  0.114485286

  whence    y(3) ( 1 + 0.9 i + 0.8 j + 0.7 k ) =  -0.673649101 + 0.147195368 i + 0.130840327 j + 0.114485286 k

Example2:    Calculate  y ( 1 + 0.9 i + 0.8 j + 0.7 k )       digamma function    i-e   m = 0              ( quaternion ->  4  STO 00 )

     1   STO 01
   0.9  STO 02
   0.8  STO 03
   0.7  STO 04

    0    XEQ "PSINA"   >>>>   1.004                                           ---Execution time = 47s---

   R01 = 0.377339972
   R02 = 0.783351925
   R03 = 0.696312822
   R04 = 0.609273719

  whence    y ( 1 + 0.9 i + 0.8 j + 0.7 k ) =  0.377339972 + 0.783351925 i + 0.696312822 j + 0.609273719 k


-"PSINA" computes  (m+9)!  - line 66 - so m cannot exceed 60.

2°)  Incomplete Gamma Function

Formula:      g(m,a) = ( am / m ) exp(-a)  M(1,m+1;a)   where  M = Kummer's function

Data Registers:           •  R00 = n > 1                ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "IGFA" )

                                      •  R01   ......  •  Rnn = the n components of the anion

                                         Rn+1 ..........  R3n:  temp     R3n+1 = m

  >>>  When the program stops:     R01   ......  Rnn = the n components of the result

Flags:  /
Subroutines:  "A*A1"  "A^X"   "E^A"              ( cf "Anions for the HP41" )
                         "ST*A"  "ST/A"  "KUMA"          ( cf "Anionic Special Functions(I) for the HP41" )

 01  LBL "IGFA"
 02  RCL 00
 03  3
 04  *
 05  1
 06  +
 07  X<>Y
 08  STO IND Y   
 09  1
 10  STO Z
 11  +
 12  XEQ "KUMA"
 13   E3
 14  /
 15  1
 16  +
 17  RCL 00
 18  +
 19  STO M
 21  RCL 00
 22  3
 23  *
 24  1
 25  +
 26  RCL IND X   
 27  STO N
 28  XEQ "A^X"
 29  RCL M
 31  SIGN
 32  CHS
 33  XEQ "ST*A"
 34  XEQ "E^A"
 35  XEQ "A*A1"  
 36  RCL M
 37  RCL 00
 38  .1
 39  %
 40  +
 41  +
 43  XEQ "A*A1"  
 44  RCL N
 45  XEQ "ST/A"
 46  X<>Y
 47  CLA
 48  END

      ( 103 bytes / SIZE 3n+2 )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X            m         1.nnn

   where   1.nnn   is the control number of  the result

Example:    Compute   g( 1.6 , 1 + 2 i + 3 j + 4 k )               ( quaternion ->  4  STO 00 )

     1   STO 01
     2   STO 02
     3   STO 03
     4   STO 04

    1.6   XEQ "IGFA"  >>>>    1.004                                           ---Execution time = 38s---

   R01 =  0.955358734
   R02 = -0.390239936
   R03 = -0.585359904
   R04 = -0.780479873

-So,     g( 1.6 , 1 + 2 i + 3 j + 4 k ) = 0.955358734 - 0.390239936 i - 0.585359904 j - 0.780479873 k

3°)  Incomplete Beta Function

Formula:    Ba(p,q) = ( ap / p )  F(p,1-q;p+1;a)   where  F = the hypergeometric function

Data Registers:           •  R00 = n > 1                ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "IBFA" )

                                      •  R01   ......  •  Rnn = the n components of the anion

                                         Rn+1 ..........  R3n:  temp

  >>>  When the program stops:     R01   ......  Rnn = the n components of the result

Flag:  F04
Subroutines:  "A*A1"  "A^X"                          ( cf "Anions for the HP41" )
                         "ST/A"  "HGFA"          ( cf "Anionic Special Functions(I) for the HP41" )

 01  LBL "IBFA"
 02  CHS
 03  1
 04  +
 05  RCL Y
 06  LASTX
 07  +
 08  CF 04
 09  XEQ "HGFA"
 10  R^
 11  STO M
 12  X<>Y
 13   E3
 14  /
 15  1
 16  +
 17  RCL 00
 18  +
 20  X<>Y
 21  XEQ "A^X"
 22  XEQ "A*A1"
 23  RCL M
 24  XEQ "ST/A"
 25  X<>Y
 26  CLA
 27  END

( 61 bytes / SIZE 3n+1 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y            p            p
           X            q         1.nnn

   where   1.nnn   is the control number of  the result

Example:    Compute  B0.1+0.2i+0.3j+0.4k ( 0.7 , 1.8 )               ( quaternion ->  4  STO 00 )

   0.1  STO 01
   0.2  STO 02
   0.3  STO 03
   0.4  STO 04

   0.7  ENTER^
   1.8  XEQ "IBFA"  >>>>    1.004                                           ---Execution time = 32s---

   R01 = 0.653131938
   R02 = 0.244542459
   R03 = 0.366813688
   R04 = 0.489084918

-Whence,    B0.1+0.2i+0.3j+0.4k ( 0.7 , 1.8 ) = 0.653131938 + 0.244542459 i + 0.366813688 j + 0.489084918 k


-In general, the hypergeometric series converge if  | a | < 1

4°)  Harmonic Numbers

 "HRMA" calculates the generalized harmonic numbers defined as  Hm(a) = 1 + 2 -a + 3 -a + ............ + m -a

Data Registers:           •  R00 = n > 1                ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "HRMA" )

                                      •  R01   ......  •  Rnn = the n components of the anion

                                         Rn+1 ..........  R3n:  temp

  >>>  When the program stops:     R01   ......  Rnn = the n components of the result

Flags:  /
Subroutines:  "X^A"                                      ( cf "Anions for the HP41" )
                         "ST*A"  "DSA"          ( cf "Anionic Special Functions(I) for the HP41" )

 01  LBL "HRMA"
 02  STO M
 03  1
 04  CHS
 05  XEQ "ST*A"
 06  RCL 00
 07   E3
 08  /
 09  ISG X
 10  STO N
 11  LASTX        
 12  /
 13  1
 14  +
 15  RCL 00
 16  +
 17  STO O
 19  RCL N
 20  RCL 00
 21  ST+ X
 22  .1
 23  %
 24  +
 25  +
 26  CLRGX       
 27  LBL 01 
 28  RCL O
 30  RCL M
 31  XEQ "X^A"
 32  XEQ "DSA"  
 33  DSE M
 34  GTO 01
 35  RCL O
 36  RCL 00
 37  +
 38  REGMOVE  
 39  RCL N
 40  CLA
 41  END

    ( 81 bytes / SIZE 3n+1 )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X            m         1.nnn

   where  m is a positive integer and 1.nnn   is the control number of  the result

Example:    Calculate  H12( 1 + 2 e1 + 3 e2 + 4 e3 + 5 e4 + 6 e5 + 7 e6 + 8 e7 )                ( octonion ->  8  STO 00 )

     1   STO 01
     2   STO 02
     3   STO 03
     4   STO 04
     5   STO 05
     6   STO 06
     7   STO 07
     8   STO 08

    12  XEQ "HRMA"  >>>>  1.008                                ---Execution time = 44s---

   R01 = 0.248285998     R05 = 0.031438213
   R02 = 0.012575285     R06 = 0.037725855
   R03 = 0.018862927     R07 = 0.044013498
   R04 = 0.025150570     R08 = 0.050301140     whence

   H12( 1 + 2 e1 + 3 e2 + 4 e3 + 5 e4 + 6 e5 + 7 e6 + 8 e7 )  =  0.248285998 + 0.012575285 e1 + 0.018862927 e2 + 0.025150570 e3
                                                                                           + 0.031438213 e4 + 0.037725855 e5 + 0.044013498 e6 + 0.050301140 e7

5°)  Bessel-Clifford Functions

Formula:    Cm(a) = SUMk=0,1,...,infinity  ( 1/Gamma(k+m+1) )  ak / k!

Data Registers:           •  R00 = n > 1                ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "BSCLA" )

                                      •  R01   ......  •  Rnn = the n components of the anion

                                         Rn+1 ..........  R3n:  temp

  >>>  When the program stops:     R01   ......  Rnn = the n components of the result

Flags:  /
Subroutines:   "A*A1"                                               ( cf "Anions for the HP41" )
                         "ST*A"  "ST/A"  "DSA"          ( cf "Anionic Special Functions(I) for the HP41" )
                         "1/G+"                                          ( cf "Gamma function for the HP41" )

 01  LBL "BSCLA"
 02  CLA
 03  STO M
 04  RCL 00
 05  .1
 06  %
 07  STO Z
 08  ISG X
 09  +
 10   E3
 11  /
 12  1
 13  +
 15  0
 16  XEQ "ST*A" 
 17  SIGN
 18  STO 01
 19  RDN
 20  +
 21  STO N
 23  LBL 01
 24  XEQ "A*A1" 
 25  RCL M
 26  RCL O
 27  1 
 28  +
 29  STO O
 30  ST+ Y
 31  *
 32  XEQ "ST/A" 
 33  XEQ "DSA"
 34  X#0?
 35  GTO 01
 36  RCL N
 37  REGSWAP   
 38  SIGN
 39  RCL M
 40  +
 41  XEQ "1/G+"
 42  XEQ "ST*A" 
 43  RCL 00
 44   E3
 45  /
 46  ISG X
 47  CLA
 48  END

    ( 105 bytes / SIZE 3n+1 )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X            m         1.nnn

   where   1.nnn   is the control number of  the result

Example:     CPI( 1 + 2 i + 3 j + 4 k ) = ?               ( quaternion ->  4  STO 00 )

     1   STO 01
     2   STO 02
     3   STO 03
     4   STO 04

    PI   XEQ "BSCLA"  >>>>    1.004                                           ---Execution time = 17s---

   R01 = 0.070702245
   R02 = 0.069832002
   R03 = 0.104748003
   R04 = 0.139664004

Whence,   CPI( 1 + 2 i + 3 j + 4 k ) = 0.070702245 + 0.069832002 i + 0.104748003 j + 0.139664004 k


-"BSCLA" does not work if m is a negative integer.
-But it will if you use the program HGFB listed in "Anionic Special Functions(II)"  paragraph 6-b),
-The routine may be simplified a lot:

 01  LBL "BSCLA"
 02  1
 03  +
 04   E-3
 05  CHS
 06  XEQ "HGFB"
 07  END


6°)  Whittaker-M Functions


    Mq,p(a) = exp(-a/2)  ap+1/2  M( p-q+1/2 , 1+2p , a )               where  M = Kummer's functions

Data Registers:           •  R00 = n > 1                ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "WHIMA" )

                                      •  R01   ......  •  Rnn = the n components of the anion

                                         Rn+1 ..........  R3n:  temp

  >>>  When the program stops:     R01   ......  Rnn = the n components of the result

Flags:  /
Subroutines:  "A*A1"  "A^X"   "E^A"              ( cf "Anions for the HP41" )
                         "ST/A"  "KUMA"          ( cf "Anionic Special Functions(I) for the HP41" )

 01  LBL "WHIMA"
 02  ST- Y
 03  ST+ X
 04  1
 05  +
 06  .5
 07  RCL Z
 08  -
 09  X<>Y
 10  XEQ "KUMA"
 11   E3
 12  /
 13  1
 14  +
 15  RCL 00
 16  +
 17  STO M
 18  REGMOVE    
 19  CLX
 20  2
 21  /
 22  XEQ "A^X"
 23  FRC
 24  ST+ X
 25  RCL M
 26  +
 27  REGSWAP    
 28  XEQ "A*A1"
 29  RCL M
 31  RCL 00
 32  +
 33  REGMOVE    
 34  2
 35  CHS
 36  XEQ "ST/A"
 37  XEQ "E^A"
 38  XEQ "A*A1"
 39  CLA
 40  END

    ( 91 bytes / SIZE 3n+1 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y            q            /
           X            p         1.nnn

   where   1.nnn   is the control number of  the result

Example:      q = sqrt(2)   p = sqrt(3)    a = 0.4 + 0.5 i + 0.6 j + 0.7 k               ( quaternion ->  4  STO 00 )

    0.4  STO 01
    0.5  STO 02
    0.6  STO 03
    0.7  STO 04

     2   SQRT
     3   SQRT   XEQ "WHIMA"  >>>>  1.004                                           ---Execution time = 21s---

    R01 = -0.807065423
    R02 =  0.373202939
    R03 =  0.447843527
    R04 =  0.522484115

-So,  Mq,p(a) = -0.807065423 + 0.373202939 i + 0.447843527 j + 0.522484115 k

7°)  Whittaker-W Functions


  Wq,p(a) = [ Gam(2p) / Gam(p-q+1/2) ]  Mq,-p(a) + [ Gam(-2p) / Gam(-p-q+1/2) ]  Mq,p(a)     assuming  2p is not an integer.

Data Registers:           •  R00 = n > 1                ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "WHIWA" )

                                      •  R01   ......  •  Rnn = the n components of the anion

                                         Rn+1 ..........  R4n:  temp      R4n+1 = p  ,  R4n+2 = q

  >>>  When the program stops:     R01   ......  Rnn = the n components of the result

Flags:  /
Subroutines:  "WHIMA"                                   ( cf paragraph 6 above )
                         "ST*A"                     ( cf "Anionic Special Functions(I) for the HP41" )
                         "1/G+"                                ( cf "Gamma function for the HP41" )

 01  LBL "WHIWA"
 02  RCL 00
 03  4
 04  *
 05  2
 06  +
 07  X<> Z
 08  STO IND Z
 09  DSE Z
 10  X<>Y
 11  STO IND Z
 12  XEQ "WHIMA"
 13  RCL 00
 14  4
 15  *
 16  2
 17  +
 18  RCL IND X
 19  STO N
 20  DSE Y
 21  RCL IND Y
 22  STO M
 23  ST+ X
 24  CHS
 25  XEQ "1/G+"
 26  STO O
 27  .5
 28  RCL M
 29  RCL N
 30  +
 31  -
 32  XEQ "1/G+"
 33  RCL O
 34  /
 35  XEQ "ST*A"    
 36  RCL 00
 37   E3
 38  /
 39  ISG X
 40  LASTX
 41  /
 42  1
 43  +
 44  RCL 00
 45  3
 46  *
 47  +
 49  RCL 00
 50  -
 52  RCL N
 53  RCL M
 54  CHS
 55  XEQ "WHIMA"
 56  STO N
 57  RCL 00
 58  4
 59  *
 60  2
 61  +
 62  RCL IND X
 63  CHS
 64  DSE Y
 65  RCL IND Y 
 66  STO M
 67  +
 68  .5
 69  +
 70  XEQ "1/G+"     
 71  X<> M
 72  ST+ X
 73  XEQ "1/G+"
 74  RCL M
 75  X<>Y
 76  /
 77  XEQ "ST*A"
 78  4
 79  RCL 00
 80  ST* Y
 81  LBL 01
 82  RCL IND Y 
 83  RCL IND Y
 84  +
 85  STO IND Y      
 86  RDN
 87  DSE Y
 88  DSE X
 89  GTO 01
 90  X<> N
 91  CLA
 92  END

    ( 182 bytes / SIZE 4n+3 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y            q            /
           X            p         1.nnn

   where   2.p  is not an integer  &  1.nnn   is the control number of  the result

Example:      q = sqrt(2)    p = sqrt(3)    a = 0.4 + 0.5 i + 0.6 j + 0.7 k               ( quaternion ->  4  STO 00 )

    0.4  STO 01
    0.5  STO 02
    0.6  STO 03
    0.7  STO 04

     2   SQRT
     3   SQRT   XEQ "WHIWA"  >>>>  1.004                                           ---Execution time = 56s---

    R01 =  2.275449624
    R02 = -1.129250840
    R03 = -1.355101007
    R04 = -1.580951175

Whence,        Wq,p(a)  = 2.275449624 - 1.129250840 i - 1.355101007 j - 1.580951175 k


-"WHIWA" does not work if 2.p is an integer.

8°)  Generalized Error-Functions

"GERFA" calculates  erfm (a) = a  exp ( -am )  M ( 1 ; 1+1/m ; am )          where   M = Kummer's function

Data Registers:           •  R00 = n > 1                ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "GERFA" )

                                      •  R01   ......  •  Rnn = the n components of the anion

                                         Rn+1 ..........  R4n:  temp

  >>>  When the program stops:     R01   ......  Rnn = the n components of the result

Flags:  /
Subroutines:  "KUMA"   "ST*A"   "AMOVE"  "ASWAP"        ( cf "Anionic Special Functions(I) for the HP41" )
                         "A*A1"   "A^X"   "E^A"                                          ( cf "Anions for the HP41" )

-The M-Code routines may be replaced by the corresponding focal programs...

 01  LBL "GERFA"
 02  STO M
 03  14
 04  AMOVE
 05  X<>Y
 06  XEQ "A^X"
 07  SIGN
 08  RCL M
 09  1/X
 10  1
 11  +
 12  XEQ "KUMA"
 13  12
 14  ASWAP
 15  SIGN
 16  CHS
 17  ST*A
 18  XEQ "E^A"
 19  A*A1
 20  42
 21  AMOVE
 22  A*A1
 23  END

( 57 bytes / SIZE 4n+1 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             m         1.nnn

   Where  1.nnn   is the control number of  the result

Example:      m = sqrt(2)    a = 1.1 + 1.2 i + 1.3 j + 1.4 k               ( quaternion ->  4  STO 00 )

    1.1   STO 01
    1.2   STO 02
    1.3   STO 03
    1.4   STO 04

     2  SQRT   XEQ "GERFA"  >>>>   1.004                                           ---Execution time = 37s---

    R01 =  1.205349648
    R02 = -0.208378333
    R03 = -0.225743195
    R04 = -0.243108056

 Whence    erfm(a) = 1.205349648 - 0.208378333 i - 0.225743195 j - 0.243108056 k


-The anion a must remains "small"
-If m = 2, we get "the" error-function divided by  2/sqrt(pi)
-To get the "normalized" generalized error-function, multiply the result by  Gamma(m+1) / sqrt(PI)

9°)  Lambert W-Function

-Here we use Newton's method to solve the equation   w exp(w) = a    where  a  is a given anion # -1

Data Registers:           •  R00 = n > 1                ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "LBWA" )

                                      •  R01   ......  •  Rnn = the n components of the anion

                                         Rn+1 ..........  R4n:  temp

  >>>  When the program stops:     R01   ......  Rnn = the n components of the result

Flags:  /
Subroutines:  AMOVE  ASWAP   ST*A   DSA                        ( cf "Anionic Special Functions(I) for the HP41" )
                         LNA  E^A  A*A1  A-A  1/A                                             ( cf "Anions for the HP41" )

-The M-Code routines may of course be replaced by focal programs

 01  LBL "LBWA"
 02  14
 03  AMOVE
 04  SIGN
 05  ST+ 01
 06  XEQ "LNA"
 07  13
 08  AMOVE
 09  LBL 01
 10  31
 11  AMOVE
 12  VIEW 01
 13  SIGN
 14  CHS
 15  ST*A
 16  XEQ "E^A"  
 17  42
 18  AMOVE       
 19  A*A1
 20  32
 21  AMOVE
 22  A-A
 23  12
 24  ASWAP
 25  SIGN
 26  ST+ 01
 27  XEQ "1/A"    
 28  A*A1
 29  DSA
 30   E-8
 31  X<Y?
 32  GTO 01
 33  31
 34  AMOVE       
 35  RCL 00
 36   E3
 37  /
 38  ISG X
 39  CLD
 40  END

   ( 88 bytes / SIZE 4n+1 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             /         1.nnn

   Where  1.nnn   is the control number of  the result

Example:       a = 1 + 2 i + 3 j + 4 k               ( quaternion ->  4  STO 00 )

     1   STO 01
     2   STO 02
     3   STO 03
     4   STO 04

     XEQ "LBWA"  >>>>   1.004                                           ---Execution time = 38s---

     R01 = 1.281459811
     R02 = 0.304051227
     R03 = 0.456076840
     R04 = 0.608102453

  Whence    W(a) = 1.281459811 + 0.304051227 i + 0.456076840 j + 0.608102453 k


-The real parts of the successive approximations are displayed ( line 12 )
-This routine does not work if  a = -1 but w(-1) = -0.3181315052 + 1.337235701 i

10°) Continued Fractions

 "CFRA" calculates the continued fraction  f(a) =  b0 + ( a1/b1+ ) ( a2/b2+ ) ................... ( an/bn+ ) ......   by the modified Lentz's algorithm,

   assuming that all the anions have proportional imaginary parts.

Data Registers:           •  R00 = n > 1                ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "CFRA" )

                                      •  R01   ......  •  Rnn = the n components of the anion

                                         Rn+1 ..........  R7n:  temp

  >>>  When the program stops:     R01   ......  Rnn = the n components of the result

Flags:  /
Subroutines:     "AJ"  "BJ"    ( see below )
                            AMOVE  ASWAP  ST*A   DSA                        ( cf "Anionic Special Functions(I) for the HP41" )
                            A*A1  A+A  "1/A"                                                           ( cf "Anions for the HP41" )

-The M-Code routines may be replaced by focal programs

-"AJ" must take the anion a in R01 thru Rnn ,  j  in synthetic register M
  and returns the anion  aj  in R01 thru Rnn without disturbing R00 and R2n+1 thru R7n
-Same thing for "BJ"

 01  LBL "CFRA"
 02  16
 03  AMOVE
 04  CLA
 05  XEQ "BN"
 06  XEQ 00
 07  13
 08  AMOVE
 09  15
 10  AMOVE
 11  CLX
 12  ST*A
 13  14
 14  AMOVE
 15  GTO 10
 16  LBL 00
 17  XEQ 01
 18  X#0?
 19  RTN
 20   E-41
 21  STO 01
 22  RTN
 23  LBL 01
 24  RCL 00
 25  0
 26  LBL 02
 27  RCL IND Y
 28  X^2
 29  +
 30  DSE Y
 31  GTO 02
 32  RTN
 33  LBL 10
 34  ISG M
 35  CLX
 36  61
 37  AMOVE
 38  XEQ "AN"
 39  17
 40  AMOVE
 41  61
 42  AMOVE
 43  XEQ "BN"  
 44  14
 45  ASWAP
 46  72
 47  AMOVE
 48  A*A1
 49  42
 50  AMOVE
 51  A+A
 52  XEQ 00
 53  XEQ "1/A"
 54  14
 55  AMOVE
 56  51
 57  AMOVE
 58  XEQ "1/A"  
 59  27
 60  ASWAP
 61  A*A1
 62  72
 63  AMOVE
 64  A+A
 65  XEQ 00
 66  15
 67  AMOVE
 68  42
 69  AMOVE
 70  A*A1
 71  32
 72  AMOVE
 73  13
 74  AMOVE
 75  A*A1
 76  VIEW 01
 77  13
 78  ASWAP      
 79  SIGN
 80  ST- 01
 81  XEQ 01
 82  SQRT
 83  2 E-9
 84  X<Y?
 85  GTO 10
 86  31
 87  AMOVE
 88  RCL 00
 89   E3
 90  /
 91  ISG X
 92  CLA
 93  CLD
 94  END

    ( 193 bytes / SIZE 7n+1 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             /         1.nnn

   Where  1.nnn   is the control number of  the result

Example1:       a = 1 + 2 i + 3 j + 4 k               ( quaternion ->  4  STO 00 )

     1   STO 01
     2   STO 02
     3   STO 03
     4   STO 04

 with the continued fraction defined as   b0 = 1 ,  aj = 2 a + n  ,  bj = a2 + n2     ( j > 0 )

 01  LBL "AJ"
 02  2
 03  ST*A
 04  RCL M
 05  ST+ 01
 06  RTN
 07  LBL "BJ"
 08  RCL M
 09  X=0?
 10  GTO 00
 11  12
 12  AMOVE
 13  A*A1
 14  RCL M
 15  X^2
 16  ST+ 01
 17  RTN
 18  LBL 00
 19  ST*A
 20  SIGN
 21  STO 01
 22  RTN
 23  END

   XEQ "CFRA"  >>>>      1.004                                           ---Execution time = 95s---

   R01 =  1.036327819
   R02 = -0.143096562
   R03 = -0.214644843
   R04 = -0.286193124

Whence,   f( 1 + 2 i + 3 j + 4 k ) = 1.036327819 - 0.143096562 i - 0.214644843 j - 0.286193124 k


-The HP-41 displays the real parts of the successive approximations.
-Since we use A*A1, "CFRA" will not work if the anions have non-proportional imaginary parts.
-If, however, only b0 does not satisfy this property, calculate f(a) with b0 = 0 and add the "true" b0 at the end

Example2:                                        Error-Function

-The error function may be computed by an ascending series for small arguments.
-But there is also a continued fraction that is preferable for large arguments, provided  Re(a) > 0

   1 - erf(a) = (1/sqrt(PI))  exp (-a2 )  (1/a+) (1/2/a+) (1/a+) (3/2/a+ ) .....................

 01  LBL "ERFA2"
 02  XEQ "CFRA"
 03  61
 04  AMOVE
 05  12
 06  AMOVE
 07  A*A1
 08  SIGN
 09  CHS
 10  ST*A
 11  XEQ "E^A"   
 12  32
 13  AMOVE
 14  A*A1
 15  PI
 16  SQRT
 17  CHS
 18  ST/A
 19  SIGN
 20  ST- 01
 21  X<>Y
 22  RTN
 23  LBL "AJ"       
 24  CLX
 25  ST*A
 26  RCL M
 27  1
 28  X#Y?
 29  GTO 00
 30  STO 01
 31  RTN
 32  LBL 00         
 33  -
 34  2
 35  /
 36  STO 01
 37  RTN
 38  LBL "BJ"       
 39  RCL M
 40  X#0?
 41  RTN
 42  ST*A
 43  RTN
 44  END

-To calculate  erf ( 1.8 + 1.9 i + 2 j + 2.1 k )               ( quaternion ->  4  STO 00 )

     1.8   STO 01
     1.9   STO 02
      2     STO 03
     2.1   STO 04

     XEQ "ERFA2"  >>>>         1.004                                           ---Execution time = 2m33s---

    R01 = -533.4595229
    R02 =  434.2164660
    R03 =  457.0699647
    R04 =  479.9234626

-So,   erf ( 1.8 + 1.9 i + 2 j + 2.1 k ) = -533.4595229 + 434.2164660 i + 457.0699647 j + 479.9234626 k


-This continued fraction may also be calculated more directly ( from right to left )
  if you specify the number of terms N to be taken into account:

 01  LBL "ERFA3"
 02  STO M
 03  12
 04  AMOVE
 05  LBL 01
 06  XEQ "1/A"
 07  RCL M
 08  1
 09  -
 10  STO M
 11  X=0?
 12  GTO 00       
 13  2
 14  /
 15  ST*A
 16  A+A
 17  GTO 01
 18  LBL 00
 19  12
 20  ASWAP       
 21  2
 22  XEQ "A^X"  
 23  SIGN
 24  CHS
 25  ST*A
 26  XEQ "E^A"
 27  A*A1
 28  PI
 29  SQRT
 30  CHS
 31  ST/A
 32  SIGN
 33  ST- 01         
 34  X<>Y
 35  END

    ( 72 bytes / SIZE 2n+1 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             N         1.nnn

   Where  N is the number of terms in the continued fraction  and  1.nnn   is the control number of  the result

Example:    Calculate  erf ( 1.8 + 1.9 i + 2 j + 2.1 k )               ( quaternion ->  4  STO 00 )

     1.8   STO 01
     1.9   STO 02
      2     STO 03
     2.1   STO 04

-With   N = 19     XEQ "ERFA3"  >>>>         1.004                                           ---Execution time = 33s---

    R01 = -533.4595240
    R02 =  434.2164654
    R03 =  457.0699637
    R04 =  479.9234616

-So,   erf ( 1.8 + 1.9 i + 2 j + 2.1 k ) = -533.4595240 + 434.2164654 i + 457.0699637 j + 479.9234616 k


-With  N = 20 , we get the same result.

-Of course, this is not the recommended way to evaluate a continued fraction,
 but roundoff-errors are probably smaller and moreover, SIZE 2n+1 is enough instead of SIZE 7n+1 with "CFRA"
-So, "ERFA3" may be used with 128-ons !


[1]   Abramowitz and Stegun - "Handbook of Mathematical Functions" -  Dover Publications -  ISBN  0-486-61272-4
[2]   http://functions.wolfram.com/