
Coordinates Transformation of Coordinates and Precession for the HP-41


 1°) 3 Subroutines

    a) Rectangular-Spherical conversion
    b) Spherical-Rectangular conversion
    c) A very useful subroutine: "EE"

 2°) Equatorial & Ecliptic Coordinates

    a) Equatorial >>> Ecliptic
    b) Ecliptic >>> Equatorial

 3°) Equatorial & Azimuthal Coordinates

    a) Equatorial >>> Azimuthal
    b) Azimuthal >>> Equatorial

 4°) Galactic Coordinates

    a) Equatorial >>> Galactic
    b) Galactic >>> Equatorial

 5°) Precession

    a) Equatorial coordinates
    b) Ecliptic coordinates, program#1
    c) Ecliptic coordinates, program#2

1°)  3 Subroutines

    a) Rectangular-Spherical conversion:

       x = r cos b cos l
       y = r cos b sin l
       z = r sin b

   where    x , y , z = rectangular coordinates,    r  = ( x2 + y2 + z2 )1/2  ,   l  = longitude ,  b = latitude

-However, the results can be obtained more easily by the R-P and P-R functions:
 T-register is saved and no data register is used!

 01  LBL "R-S"
 02  R-P
 03  X<>Y
 04  RDN
 05  R-P
 06  R^
 07  X<>Y
 08  END

( 16 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           T            T            T
           Z            z            b
           Y            y            l
           X            x            r
           L            /      (x2+y2)1/2

Example:     x = 3 ; y = 4 ; z = -7   find the spherical coordinates ( in DEG mode )

    -7  ENTER^
     4  ENTER^
     3  XEQ "R-S"    r  =  8.602325267
                  RDN     = 53.13010235°
                  RDN     b = -54.46232221°

   b) Spherical-Rectangular conversion:

 01  LBL "S-R"
 02  X<>Y
 03  RDN
 04  P-R
 05  R^
 06  X<>Y
 07  P-R
 08  END

( 16 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           T            T             T
           Z            b             z
           Y            l             y
           X            r             x
           L            /      (x2+y2)1/2

Example:     r = 10 ; l = 124° ; b = 37°   find    x ; y ; z   ( in DEG mode )

   37   ENTER^
  124  ENTER^
   10  XEQ "S-R"   x = -4.465913097
                  RDN   y =  6.620988446
                  RDN   z =  6.018150232

- "R-S" and "S-R" work in all angular modes

   c) A very useful subroutine: "EE"

-Many transformations use the same type of formulae which appear in the equatorial-ecliptic conversion, namely:

                       sin  b = cos e  sin d - sin e  cos d  sin a
             cos cos l = cos d  cos a
             cos b  sin  l = sin e  sin d  +  cos e  cos d  sin a

- But once again, P-R and R-P lead to a shorter and faster algorithm.

 01  LBL "EE"
 02  1
 03  XEQ "S-R"
 04  RDN
 05  R-P
 06  X<> Z
 07  ST- Y
 08  X<> Z
 09  P-R
 10  R^
 11  XEQ "R-S"
 12  RDN
 13  END

( 31 bytes / SIZE 000 )

-If "EE" is useful for you but "R-S" and "S-R" are not, here is another version of this program that doesn't need any subroutine:

 01  LBL "EE"
 02  1
 03  X<>Y
 04  RDN
 05  P-R
 06  R^
 07  X<>Y
 08  P-R
 09  RDN
 10  R-P
 11  X<> Z
 12  ST- Y
 13  X<> Z
 14  P-R
 15  R^
 16  R-P
 17  X<>Y
 18  RDN
 19  R-P
 20  X<> T
 21  END

( 32 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK      INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z            e            e
           Y         decl            b
           X          RA            l

  where  e = obliquity of the ecliptic

Example:     if right-ascension = RA = 116.328942 , declination = decl = 28.026183 and  e = 23.4392911

    23.4392911  ENTER^
    28.026183    ENTER^
  116.328942    XEQ "EE"  >>>> l  =  113.215630°   RDN   b  =  6.684170°

-Like "R-S" and "S-R" , "EE"  works in all angular modes.
-But here are more easy-to-use programs:

2°) Equatorial & Ecliptic Coordinates

    a) Equatorial >>> Ecliptic

Data Registers:    R00 = number of millenia since 2000/01/01  0h        R01 & R02: temp

Flag:   F01   Set flag F01 if you are using apparent coordinates
                  Clear flag F01 ---------------   mean     -----------

Subroutines:  "J0"      ( cf "Julian & Gregorian Calendar for the HP-41" )
                        "OBL"  ( cf "Nutation - Obliquity of the Ecliptic - Sidereal time for the HP-41" )
                        "NUT"  ( idem )  if SF 01  ;  "EE"

01  LBL "EQ-ECL"
02  STO 01
03  RDN
04  STO 02
05  X<>Y
06  XEQ "J0"
07  365250
08  /
09  STO 00
10  XEQ "OBL"    
12  RCL 02           
13  HR
14  RCL 01
15  HR
16  15
17  *
18  XEQ "EE"       
19  X<>Y
20  HMS
21  X<>Y             
22  360
23  MOD
24  HMS
25  END

   ( 54 bytes SIZE 003 )

        STACK         INPUTS       OUTPUTS
             Z   YYYY.MNDDdd          e or em
             Y       decl ( ° . ' " )         b ( ° . ' " )
             X      RA (hh.mnss)         l ( ° . ' " )

  where   l  = ecliptic longitude , b  = ecliptic latitude

Example1:     On  2134/04/04 at 0h  if  Right-Ascension = 12h34m56s  and  Declination =  25°12'49"  ( mean coordinates )

          CF 01
    2134.0404  ENTER^
        25.1249  ENTER^
        12.3456  XEQ "EQ-ECL"  >>>>  l  =  177°13'44"69    RDN    b  =  26°27'18"71

Example2:     On  2134/04/04 at 0h  if  RA = 12h34m56s  and  decl =  25°12'49"  ( apparent coordinates )

          SF 01
    2134.0404  ENTER^
        25.1249  ENTER^
        12.3456  XEQ "EQ-ECL"  >>>>  l  =  177°13'41"39    RDN    b  =  26°27'18"39

    b) Ecliptic >>> Equatorial

Data Registers:    R00 = number of millenia since 2000/01/01  0h        R01 & R02: temp

Flag:   F01   Set flag F01 if you are using apparent coordinates
                  Clear flag F01 ---------------   mean     -----------

Subroutines:  "J0"      ( cf "Julian & Gregorian Calendar for the HP-41" )
                        "OBL"  ( cf "Nutation - Obliquity of the Ecliptic - Sidereal time for the HP-41" )
                        "NUT"  ( idem )  if SF 01 ;  "EE"

01  LBL "ECL-EQ"
02  STO 01
03  RDN
04  STO 02
05  X<>Y
06  XEQ "J0"
07  365250
08  /
09  STO 00
10  XEQ "OBL"    
12  CHS
13  RCL 02
14  HR
15  RCL 01
16  HR
17  XEQ "EE"       
18  X<>Y
19  HMS
20  X<>Y             
21  15
22  /
23  24
24  MOD
25  HMS              
26  END

   ( 54 bytes / SIZE 003 )

        STACK         INPUTS       OUTPUTS
             Z   YYYY.MNDDdd          e or em
             Y       decl ( ° . ' " )         b ( ° . ' " )
             X      RA (hh.mnss)         l ( ° . ' " )

  where   l  = ecliptic longitude , b  = ecliptic latitude

Example1:     On  2134/04/04 at 0h  if  l  =  177°13'44"69  and b  =  26°27'18"71  ( mean coordinates )

          CF 01
    2134.0404      ENTER^
        26.271871  ENTER^
      177.134469  XEQ "ECL-EQ"  >>>>  RA = 12h34m56s00    RDN    decl =  25°12'49"00

Example2:     On  2134/04/04 at 0h  if  l  =  177°13'41"39  and b  =  26°27'18"39  ( apparent coordinates )

          SF 01
    2134.0404  ENTER^
        26.271839  ENTER^
      177.134139  XEQ "ECL-EQ"  >>>>  RA = 12h34m56s00    RDN    decl =  25°12'49"00

Note:    If you know the mean equatorial coordinates and you want to find the apparent equatorial coordinates,

  a)  Execute "EQ-ECL" with CF 01 to calculate the mean ecliptic coordinates
  b)  Add the nutation in longitude to the mean ecliptic longitude
  c)  Execute "ECL-EQ" with SF 01

3°) Equatorial & Azimuthal Coordinates

    a) Equatorial >>> Azimuthal

Data Registers:    R00 = number of millenia since 2000/01/01  0h        R01 & R05: temp   R03 = local sidereal time, R04 = hour angle

Flag:   F01   Set flag F01 if you are using apparent coordinates
                  Clear flag F01 ---------------   mean     -----------

Subroutines:  "J0"      ( cf "Julian & Gregorian Calendar for the HP-41" )
                        "OBL"  ( cf "Nutation - Obliquity of the Ecliptic - Sidereal time for the HP-41" )
                        "ST"      ( idem )
                        "NUT"  ( idem )  if SF 01 ;  "EE"

-Line 07 = the East longitude of the US Naval Observatory.  Change this line according to your location or store your longitude in a data register.
-Line 20 = the latitude of the US Naval Observatory.  Change this line according to your location or store your latitude in a data register.

01  LBL "EQ-AZ"
02  STO 01
03  RDN
04  STO 02
05  RDN
06  XEQ "ST"
07  -77.0356
08  HR
09  15
10  /
11  HMS
12  HMS+
13  STO 03          
14  RCL 01
15  HMS-
16  STO 04
17  HR
18  15
19  *
20  38.55172
21  HR
22  RCL 02          
23  HR
24  90
25  ST- Z
26  R^
27  -
28  XEQ "EE"
29  CHS
30  90
31  +
32  X<>Y            
33  HMS
34  X<>Y
35  360 
36  MOD 
37  180 
38  X<Y?
39  X=0?
40  CLX
41  ST+ X            
42  -
43  HMS
44  END

    ( 84 bytes / SIZE 005 )

        STACK         INPUTS       OUTPUTS
             T    YYYY.MNDD             /
             Z    HH.MNSS (UT)             /
             Y       decl ( ° . ' " )    altitude ( ° . ' " )
             X      RA (hh.mnss)    azimuth ( ° . ' " )

-Azimuths are measured clockwise ( westwards ) from South
-If you reckon the azimuths clockwise from North, as the navigators prefer, replace the + ( line 31 ) with a  -

Example1:    On  2005/12/12  at  20h51m29s (UT)  we have  R.A. = 7h41m16s  &  decl = 60°21'37"   ( mean coordinates ),
                      compute the azimuthal coordinates at the US Naval Observatory.

         CF 01
    2005.1212  ENTER^
        20.5129  ENTER^
        60.2137  ENTER^
          7.4116  XEQ "EQ-AZ"  >>>>   Azimuth = -169°03'28"33   RDN   Altitude = 10°55'57"90

Example2:    On  2005/12/12  at  20h51m29s (UT)  we have  R.A. = 7h41m16s  &  decl = 60°21'37"   ( apparent coordinates )

         SF 01
    2005.1212  ENTER^
        20.5129  ENTER^
        60.2137  ENTER^
          7.4116  XEQ "EQ-AZ"  >>>>   Azimuth = -169°03'29"87   RDN   Altitude = 10°55'57"43

-If you want to take the refraction into account, cf for instance "Atmospheric Refraction for the HP-41"

    b) Azimuthal >>> Equatorial

Data Registers:    R00 = number of millenia since 2000/01/01  0h        R01 & R05: temp   R03 = local sidereal time

Flag:   F01   Set flag F01 if you are using apparent coordinates
                  Clear flag F01 ---------------   mean     -----------

Subroutines:  "J0"      ( cf "Julian & Gregorian Calendar for the HP-41" )
                        "OBL"  ( cf "Nutation - Obliquity of the Ecliptic - Sidereal time for the HP-41" )
                        "ST"      ( idem )
                        "NUT"  ( idem )  if SF 01 ;  "EE"

-Line 07 = the East longitude of the USNO.  Change this line according to your location or store your longitude in a data register.
-Line 14 = the latitude of the USNO.  Change this line according to your location or store your latitude in a data register.
-Add   CHS  after line 20 if you measure the azimuths from North.

01  LBL "AZ-EQ"
02  STO 01
03  RDN
04  STO 02
05  RDN
06  XEQ "ST"
07  -77.0356
08  HR
09  15
10  /
11  HMS
12  HMS+
13  STO 03
14  38.55172       
15  CHS
16  HR
17  RCL 02
18  HR
19  90
20  ST+ Z
21  RCL 01
22  HR
23  -
24  XEQ "EE"      
25  90
26  -
27  X<>Y
28  HMS
29  X<>Y
30  15
31  /
32  RCL 03         
33  HR
34  +
35  24
36  MOD             
37  HMS
38  END

   ( 74 bytes / SIZE 004 )

        STACK         INPUTS       OUTPUTS
             T    YYYY.MNDD             /
             Z    HH.MNSS (UT)             /
             Y     altitude ( ° . ' " )       decl ( ° . ' " )
             X     azimuth ( ° . ' " )      RA (hh.mnss)

Example1:    On  2005/12/12  at  20h51m29s (UT)  we have  Azimuth = 190°56'31"67   &   Altitude = 10°55'57"90   ( mean coordinates ),
                      compute the equatorial coordinates at the US Naval Observatory.

         CF 01
    2005.1212      ENTER^
        20.5129      ENTER^
        10.555790  ENTER^
      190.563167  XEQ "AZ-EQ"  >>>>   R.A. = 7h41m16s00   RDN   decl = 60°21'37"00

Example2:    On  2005/12/12  at  20h51m29s (UT)  we have  Azimuth = 190°56'30"13   &  Altitude = 10°55'57"43   ( apparent coordinates )

         SF 01
    2005.1212      ENTER^
        20.5129      ENTER^
        10.555743  ENTER^
      190.563013  XEQ "AZ-EQ"  >>>>   R.A. = 7h41m16s00   RDN   decl = 60°21'37"00

4°) Galactic Coordinates

    a) Equatorial >>> Galactic

Data Registers:  /
Flags:  /
Subroutine:   "EE"

01  LBL "EQ-GAL"
02  DEG
03  HR
04  15
05  *
06  77.140702
07  +
08  X<>Y
09  HR
10  62.871732
11  X<> Z
12  XEQ "EE"
13  X<>Y
14  HMS
15  X<>Y
16  32.93192
17  +
18  360
19  MOD
20  HMS
21  END

 ( 62 bytes / SIZE 000 )

        STACK         INPUTS       OUTPUTS
             Y       decl ( ° . ' " )         b ( ° . ' " )
             X      RA (hh.mnss)         l ( ° . ' " )

  where   l  = galactic longitude , b  = galactic latitude

Example:    The coordinates of Procyon are  Right Ascension = 7h39m18s1  ,  Declination = 5°13'30"  for the equinox of  J2000.0

   5.1330    ENTER^
   7.39181  XEQ "EQ-GAL"  >>>>  l  = 213°42'08"19   RDN   b  =  13°01'10"16

-In this program, right ascensions and declinations must be referred to J2000.0  ( Julian day = 2451545 )
-If  R.A. & decl are referred to B1950.0 ( Julian day = 2433282.4235 ),  replace lines 06-10-16  with  77.75  ;  62.6  ;  33  respectively.

    b) Galactic >>> Equatorial

Data Registers:  /
Flags:  /
Subroutine:   "EE"

01  LBL "GAL-EQ"
02  DEG
03  HR
04  32.93192
05  -
06  X<>Y
07  HR
08  62.871732
09  CHS
10  X<> Z
11  XEQ "EE"
12  X<>Y
13  HMS
14  X<>Y
15  77.140702
16  -
17  15
18  /
19  24
20  MOD
21  HMS
22  END

 ( 62 bytes / SIZE 000 )

        STACK         INPUTS       OUTPUTS
             Y         b ( ° . ' " )       decl ( ° . ' " )
             X         ( ° . ' " )      RA ( hh.mnss )

  where   l  = galactic longitude , b  = galactic latitude

Example:    l  = 213°42'08"19   &   b  =  13°01'10"16   for the equinox of  J2000.0

      13.011016    ENTER^
    213.420819    XEQ "GAL-EQ"  >>>>  RA  = = 7h39m18s10   RDN   Declination = 5°13'30"00

-Right ascensions and declinations are referred to J2000.0  ( Julian day = 2451545 )
-If  R.A. & decl are referred to B1950.0 ( Julian day = 2433282.4235 ),  replace lines 04-08-15  with  33 ;  62.6  ;  77.75  respectively.

5°) Precession

    a) Equatorial coordinates

Data Registers:    R00 thru R03: temp
Flag:   F00
Subroutines:  "J0"      ( cf "Julian & Gregorian Calendar for the HP-41" ) , "EE"

-Line 95 is a three-byte GTO 00

  01  LBL "PREQ"
  02  DEG
  03  HR
  04  STO 01
  05  RDN
  06  HR
  07  STO 02
  08  15
  09  ST* 01
  10  R^
  11  STO 00
  12  R^
  13  SF 00
  14  LBL 00
  15  X<> 00
  16  XEQ "J0"
  17  .5
  18  -
  19  365250
  20  /
  21  17
  22  RCL Y
  23  9
  24  *
  25  +
  26  *
  27  5005
  28  -
  29  *
  30  8301
  31  -
  32  *
  33  6405787      
  34  -
  35  *
  36  CHS
  37  736
  38  +
  39  STO 03
  40  CLX
  41  8
  42  *
  43  79
  44  +
  45  *
  46  5075
  47  -
  48  *
  49  30354
  50  -
  51  *
  52  6405770      
  53  -
  54  *
  55  736
  56  +
  57   E6
  58  ST/ 03
  59  /
  60  FC? 00
  61  X<> 03
  62  90
  63  -
  64  ST+ 01
  65  CLX
  66  5
  67  +
  68  *
  69  4
  70  *
  71  11617
  72  +
  73  *
  74  11930
  75  +
  76  *
  77   E6
  78  /
  79  5.5672         
  80  -
  81  *
  82  FC? 00
  83  CHS
  84  RCL 02
  85  RCL 01
  86  XEQ "EE"
  87  90
  88  +
  89  RCL 03
  90  -
  91  STO 01
  92  X<>Y
  93  STO 02
  94  FS?C 00
  95  GTO 00       
  96  HMS
  97  X<>Y
  98  15
  99  /
100  24
101  MOD
102  HMS
103  END

   ( 187 bytes / SIZE 004 )

        STACK         INPUTS       OUTPUTS
             T   YYYY.MNDDdd1             /
             Z   YYYY.MNDDdd2             /
             Y     decl1 ( ° . ' " )       decl2 ( ° . ' " )
             X     RA1 (hh.mnss)      RA2 (hh.mnss)

Example:   The mean coordinates of Sirius on 1600/04/04 0h are  AR = 6h27m17s88 ;  Decl = -16°21'56"34
                   Calculate the equatorial coordinates on 2134/12/12 0h

   1600.0404    ENTER^
   2134.1212    ENTER^
  -16.215634   ENTER^
     6.271788   XEQ "PREQ"  >>>>  RA = 6h51m10s79   RDN   Decl =  -16°52'22"05

    b) Ecliptic coordinates, program#1

-One could use similar expressions for the ecliptic coordinates ( see the next program below ).
-But the following program converts ecliptic coordinates into equatorial coordinates,
  then "PREQ" is called and finally, "EQ-ECL" produces the required results.
-This method has at least one advantage: it saves bytes!
-However, it's also slower than direct formulae.

Data Registers:    R00 thru R04: temp
Flags:   F00 & F01
Subroutines:  "J0"  ( cf "Julian & Gregorian Calendar for the HP-41" ) "ECL-EQ"  "PREQ"  "EQ-ECL"  "EE"

 01  LBL "PREC"
 02  CF 01
 03  R^
 04  STO 03
 05  X<> T
 06  STO 04
 07  RDN
 08  XEQ "ECL-EQ"
 09  RCL 03
 10  RCL 04
 11  R^
 12  R^
 13  XEQ "PREQ"
 14  X<>Y
 15  RCL 04
 16  X<> Z
 17  XEQ "EQ-ECL"
 18  END

 ( 49 bytes / SIZE 005 )

        STACK         INPUTS       OUTPUTS
             T   YYYY.MNDDdd1             /
             Z   YYYY.MNDDdd2             /
             Y        b1 ( ° . ' " )         b2 ( ° . ' " )
             X        l1  ( ° . ' " )         l2  ( ° . ' " )

  where   l  = ecliptic longitudes , b  = ecliptic latitudes

Example:   The mean ecliptic coordinates of Sirius on 1600/04/04 0h are  l1 = 98°30'58"32  ;  b1 =  -39°39'17"79
                   Calculate the ecliptic coordinates on 2134/12/12 0h

   1600.0404    ENTER^
   2134.1212    ENTER^
  -39.391779   ENTER^
    98.305832   XEQ "PREC"  >>>> l2=  105°57'44"15   RDN b1=  -39°35'19"15

    c) Ecliptic coordinates, program#2

-Now, we use the specific formulae for ecliptic coordinates.

Data Registers:    R00 thru R04: temp
Flag:   F00
Subroutines:  "J0"      ( cf "Julian & Gregorian Calendar for the HP-41" )  "EE"

-Line 82 is a three-byte GTO 00

01  LBL "PREC2"
02  DEG
03  HR
04  STO 01
05  X<>Y
06  HR
07  STO 02
08  R^
09  STO 00
10  R^
11  SF 00
12  LBL 00
13  X<> 00
14  XEQ "J0"
15  .5
16  -
17  365250
18  /
19  133
20  CHS
21  RCL Y
22  ENTER^
23  +
24  +
25  *
26  149
27  -
28  *
29  4389
30  +
31  *
32  2410993
33  -
34  *
35  174874109    
36  +
37   E6
38  /
39  STO 03
40  ST- 01
41  RDN
42  66
43  -
44  *
45  22
46  +
47  *
48  30707
49  +
50  *
51  13968878     
52  +
53  *
54  CHS
55   E6
56  /
57  STO 04
58  FS? 00
59  ST+ 01
60  CLX
61  35
62  *
63  930
64  +
65  *
66  130553         
67  -
68  *
69   E6
70  /
71  FC? 00
72  CHS
73  RCL02
74  RCL 01
75  XEQ "EE"
76  RCL 03
77  +
78  STO 01
79  X<>Y
80  STO 02
81  FS?C 00
82  GTO 00         
83  HMS
84  X<>Y
85  RCL 04
86  -
87  360
88  MOD
89  HMS
90  END

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        STACK         INPUTS       OUTPUTS
             T   YYYY.MNDDdd1             /
             Z   YYYY.MNDDdd2             /
             Y        b1 ( ° . ' " )         b2 ( ° . ' " )
             X        l1  ( ° . ' " )         l2  ( ° . ' " )

    where   l  = ecliptic longitudes , b  = ecliptic latitudes

Example:   The mean ecliptic coordinates of Sirius on 1600/04/04 0h are  l1 = 98°30'58"32  ;  b1 =  -39°39'17"79
                   Calculate the ecliptic coordinates on 2134/12/12 0h

   1600.0404    ENTER^
   2134.1212    ENTER^
  -39.391779   ENTER^
    98.305832   XEQ "PREC2"  >>>> l2=  105°57'44"15   RDN b1=  -39°35'19"15

-The polynomial coefficients of the precession angles ( expressed in degrees ) are rounded to 6 decimals, with T expressed in millenia from J2000.
-So, the accuracy is of the order of 0.01 arcsecond over the time span [ 1000 ; 3000 ]


   [1] Astronomical Algorithms - Jean Meeus - Willmann-Bell   ISBN 0-943396-35-2
   [2] Spherical Astronomy - Robin M.Green - Cambridge University Press    ISBN  0-521-31779-7
   [3] Introduction aux Ephemerides Astronomiques - EDP Sciences     ISBN  2-86883-298-9  ( in French )
   [4] United States Naval Observatory, Circular n° 179 http://aa.usno.navy.mil/publications/docs/circular_179.html
   [5] Report of the IAU division I working group on precession and the ecliptic.