

Differential Geometry(2) for the HP41


 0°)  2 M-Code Routines
 1°)  Curvature & Torsion of a Parametric Curve
 2°)  Gaussian Curvature of a Surface
 3°)  Biharmonic Operator
 4°)  Curl, Divergence, Gradient & Laplacian
 5°)  Laplacian of a function of n variables ( n < 10 )
 6°)  Linear Systems
 7°)  Riemannian Geometry

     a) Initialization
     b) Recalling Gij & Cij^k
     c) Curvature Tensor
     d) Ricci Tensor
     e) Scalar Curvature
     f) Einstein Tensor
     g) Weyl Tensor
     h) Covariant Derivative of a Vector or a Tensor of order 2
     i) Curl, Divergence, Laplacian & Gradient
     j) Covariant Vector <> Contravariant Vector

 8°)  An Example of a Non-Diagonal Metric
 9°)  Schwarzchild Metric
10°) Non-Riemannian Geometry

     a) Curvature Tensor(s)
     b) Ricci Tensor & Segmental Curvature
     c) Scalar Curvature(s)
     d) Torsion Tensor
     e) Torsion Vector

11°)  Differential Geometry QRG

-Almost all these programs require the evaluation of derivatives
-Formulas of order 10 are usually used, but the execution time may be prohibitive to compute all tensors..
-So, you can also choose 4th-order methods, to get faster - but less accurate - results.

-However, a good emulator like V41 or a 41CL is recommended.

-Several programs come from "Numerical Differentiation for the HP41", sometime with minor modifications...
-All are included in a module published here.

>>> Last update:

-I've slightly modified several programs.
-Instead of using F00 for diagonal metrics, I've used a trick to get the derivative faster when the function = 0
-Simply store an alpha string in X-register and "FD" ( if CF 03 ) or "SD" will return 0 without evaluating the function 10 times.

-Several routines have been added to calculate a few tensors in non-Riemannian manifolds.


-In the comments below, I've used Einstein summation convention:

-When an index appears as an upper index & a lower index in a monomial and is not otherwise defined,
  it means summation of that term over all the values of the index.

-For example, in a 3 dimensional space,

            ak bk = a1 b1 + a2 b2 + a3 b3

         gij ai aj = g11 a1 a1 + g12 a1 a2 + g13 a1 a3
                    + g21 a2 a1 + g22 a2 a2 + g23 a2 a3
                    + g31 a3 a1 + g32 a3 a2 + g33 a3 a3

-If the tensor gij is symmetric ( gij = gji )  the last expression may be simplified and becomes:

        gij ai aj = g11 a1 a1 + g22 a2 a2 + g33 a3 a3  + 2 ( g12 a1 a2 + g13 a1 a3 + g23 a2 a3 )

-The partial derivative     m gij   means   gij / xm
-Likewise,          km gij   =  gij / xkxm

0°) GIJ name & CIJK name in Alpha register

-The M-code routine Fµ places "GIJ" in the alpha register where  I = Inf ( i , j )  &  J = Sup ( i , j )
  if X-register = i  and Y-register = j ,
-So, the program lines ( with FIX 0  CF 29 ):


 are replaced by


-A similar function ( called "DIFF MANIF" - a section header in the module )
 places CIJK in alpha provided Z = i  Y = j  X = k

086   "F"
009   "I"
00E  "N"
001  "A"
00D  "M"
020   " "
006   "F"
006   "F"
009   "I"
004   "D"
02D  "-"
288   SETF 7
023   JNC +04
0CC  "µ"
006   "F"
284   CLRF 7
04E  C=0
168  M=C
1A8  N=C
1E8  O=C
228  P=C
28C  ?FSET 7
033  JNC +06
29C  PT=7
110  LD@PT- 4
0D0  LD@PT- 3
0D0  LD@PT- 3
023  JNC+04
09C  PT=5
110  LD@PT- 4
1D0  LD@PT- 7
01C  PT=3
0D0  LD@PT- 3
010  LD@PT- 0
0D0  LD@PT- 3
28C  ?FSET 7
07B  JNC+15d
10E  A=C ALL
078  C=Z
13C  RCR 8
05C  PT=4
102  A=C @PT
0B8  C=Y
0FC  RCR 10
21C  PT=2
102  A=C @PT
0F8  C=X
37C  RCR 12
39C  PT=0
102  A=C @PT
083  JNC+16d
0B8  C=Y
10E  A=C ALL
0F8  C=X
30E  ?A<C ALL
017  JC+02
06E  A<>B ALL
37C  RCR 12
39C  PT=0
102  A=C @PT
21C  PT=2
0FC  RCR 10
102  A=C @PT
168  M=C
3E0  RTN

  ( 69 words )

1°) Curvature & Torsion of a Parametric Curve

-A curve  may be defined by 3 functions X(t) Y(t) Z(t)  in a 3-dimensional Euclidean space.
-"KHT" returns the curvature c ( khi ) and the torsion t ( tau ) of the curve at a point defined by t

-The curvature is calculated by   c = | r' x r'' | / | r' |3                                      where  the vector  r = [ X(t) , Y(t) , Z(t) ]
                   and the torsion by   t = ( r' x r'' ) .r''' / | r' x r'' |2                        x = cross-product  and  . = dot-product

Data Registers:              R00 =  | r' |

                                        R04 = z'        R07 = y'        R10 = | r' x r'' |2       R13 = x'        R16 = x
                                        R05 = z''       R08 = y''        R11 = t                    R14 = x''
                                        R06 = z'''      R09 = y'''       R12 = h                    R15 = x'''
Flags: /
Subroutines:    "dF"  and  3 functions named  "X"  "Y"  "Z"   that compute x(t) , y(t) , z(t)  assuming t is in X-register upon entry

 01 LBL "KHT"
 02 LBL 13
 03 "Z"
 04 ASTO 00
 05 XROM "dF"
 06 STO 12 
 07 RDN
 08 STO 13
 09 X<>Y
 10 STO 14
 11 "Y"
 12 ASTO 00
 13 RCL 02
 14 RCL 01
 15 XROM "dF"
 16 STO 09
 17 RDN
 18 STO 10       
 19 X<>Y
 20 STO 11
 21 "X"
 22 ASTO 00
 23 RCL 02 
 24 RCL 01
 25 XROM "dF"
 26 RCL 12
 27 RCL 09
 28 R-P
 29 RCL 03
 30 R-P
 31 STO 00
 32 RCL 13
 33 RCL 09
 34 *
 35 RCL 12
 36 RCL 10
 37 *
 38 -
 39 X^2
 40 STO 06
 42 RCL 05
 43 STO 08
 44 *
 45 RCL 12
 46 RCL 04
 47 STO 07
 48 *
 49 RCL 13
 50 RCL 03
 51 *
 52 -
 54 X^2
 55 ST+ 06
 56 CLX
 57 RCL 11
 58 *
 59 +
 60 RCL 10
 61 RCL 03
 62 *
 63 RCL 09
 64 RCL 07 
 65 *
 66 -
 68 X^2
 69 ST+ 06
 70 CLX
 71 RCL 14
 72 *
 73 +
 74 RCL 06
 75 ST/ Y
 76 SQRT
 77 RCL 00 
 78 3
 79 Y^X
 80 /
 81 X<>Y
 82 STO 04       
 83 X<>Y
 84 STO 03
 85 RTN
 86 GTO 13
 87 LBL "dF"
 88 LBL 10
 89 STO 01
 90 X<>Y
 91 STO 02
 92 X<>Y
 93 XEQ IND 00
 94 STO 06
 95 CLX
 96 STO 08
 97 XEQ 01
 98 STO 04
 99 RCL 07
100 STO 03
101 STO 05
102 42
103 ST* 04
104 ST+ X
105 ST* 03
106 70098
107 CHS
108 ST* 05
109 XEQ 01
110 6
111 *
112 ST- 04
113 RCL 07
114 24
115 *
116 ST- 03
117 2184.5
118 *
119 ST+ 05
120 XEQ 01
121 ST+ 04
122 RCL 07 
123 6
124 *
125 ST+ 03
126 2434.5
127 *
128 ST- 05
129 XEQ 01
130 8
131 /
132 ST- 04
133 RCL 07 
134 ST- 03
135 2522
136 *
137 ST+ 05
138 25
139 ST* 03
140  E3
141 ST* 04
142 XEQ 01
143 8
144 *
145 ST+ 04
146 RCL 07       
147 ST+ X
148 ST+ 03
149 RCL 07
150 205
151 *
152 ST- 05
153 RCL 02
154 ST/ 04
155 2520
156 *
157 ST/ 03
158 10
159 *
160 ST/ 04
161 1.2
162 *
163 RCL 02
164 X^2
165 *
166 ST/ 05
167 RCL 05
168 RCL 04
169 RCL 03
170 RTN
171 GTO 10
172 LBL 01
173 RCL 02
174 ST+ 08
175 RCL 01
176 RCL 08
177 +
178 XEQ IND 00
179 STO 07
180 RCL 01
181 RCL 08
182 -
183 XEQ IND 00
184 RCL 07 
185 X<>Y
186 ST- 07
187 +
188 RCL 06
189 ST+ X
190 -
191 RTN
192 LBL 02
193 RCL 14
194 RCL 15
195 X<> Z
196 GTO IND 16
197 LBL 03
198 RCL 15 
199 X<>Y
200 RCL 13       
201 GTO IND 16
202 LBL 04
203 RCL 14
204 RCL 13
205 GTO IND 16
206 LBL 07
207 RCL 11
208 X<>Y
209 GTO IND 12
210 LBL 08
211 RCL 10
212 GTO IND 12
213 LBL "dF2"
214 LBL 11
215 XROM "MDV"
216 STO 09
217 RCL 01
218 STO 10
219 RCL 02
220 STO 11
221 8
222 X<> 00
223 STO 12
224 RCL 03
225 RCL 11
226 XROM "dF"
227 STO 13
228 RDN
229 STO 14
230 X<>Y
231 STO 15
232 DSE 00
233 RCL 02
234 RCL 10
235 XROM "dF"
236 RCL 12
237 STO 00
238 RCL 15
239 STO 08
240 RCL 09
241 SIGN
242 RCL 14 
243 STO 07
244 RCL 04
245 RCL 13
246 STO 06
247 RCL 03
248 RTN
249 GTO 11
250 LBL "dF3"
251 LBL 05
252 STO 13
253 RDN
254 STO 14       
255 RDN
256 STO 15
257 X<>Y
258 STO 02 
259 4
260 X<> 00
261 STO 16
262 RCL 02
263 RCL 15
264 XROM "dF"
265 STO 09
266 RDN
267 STO 10
268 X<>Y
269 STO 11
270 DSE 00
271 RCL 02
272 RCL 14
273 XROM "dF"
274 STO 17
275 RDN
276 STO 18
277 X<>Y
278 STO 19
279 DSE 00
280 RCL 02
281 RCL 13
282 XROM "dF"
283 RCL 16
284 STO 00
285 RCL 19
286 STO 08
287 RCL 06
288 STO 12
289 RCL 04
290 RCL 18
291 STO 07
292 +
293 RCL 10
294 +
295 RCL 09
296 RCL 17
297 STO 06
298 RCL 03 
299 RTN
300 GTO 05
301 LBL "KGS"
302 LBL 06
303 XROM "dF2"
304 X^2
305 X<>Y
306 X^2
307 +
308 1
309 +
310 X^2
311 X<> Z
312 *
313 RCL 09       
314 X^2
315 -
316 X<>Y
317 /
318 RTN
319 GTO 06
320 LBL "MDV"
321 LBL 12
322 STO 01
323 RDN
324 STO 02
325 X<>Y
326 STO 03
327 X<> T
328 XEQ IND 00
329 STO 04
330 CLX
331 STO 06
332 XEQ 01
333 42
334 *
335 STO 05
336 XEQ 01
337 6
338 *
339 ST- 05
340 XEQ 01
341 ST+ 05
342 XEQ 01
343 8
344 /
345 ST- 05
346  E3
347 ST* 05
348 XEQ 01
349 8
350 *
351 RCL 05
352 +
353 50400
354 RCL 03
355 X^2
356 *
357 /
358 STO 05 
359 RTN
360 GTO 12
361 LBL 01
362 RCL 03
363 ST+ 06
364 RCL 02
365 RCL 01
366 RCL 06
367 +
368 XEQ IND 00
369 STO 07
370 RCL 02       
371 RCL 01
372 RCL 06
373 -
374 XEQ IND 00
375 ST+ 07
376 RCL 02
377 RCL 06
378 +
379 RCL 01
380 XEQ IND 00
381 ST+ 07
382 RCL 02
383 RCL 06
384 -
385 RCL 01
386 XEQ IND 00
387 ST+ 07
388 RCL 02
389 RCL 01
390 RCL 06
391 ST+ Z
392 +
393 XEQ IND 00
394 ST- 07
395 RCL 02
396 RCL 01
397 RCL 06
398 ST- Z
399 -
400 XEQ IND 00
401 RCL 07
402 -
403 RCL 04
404 ST+ X
405 +
406 RTN
407 GTO 12
408 END

         ( 613 bytes / SIZE var. )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             h         t (t)
           X             t         c (t)

Example:   The curve defined by   x(t) = et cos t  ,  y(t) = et sin t  ,  z(t) = Ln(t)        ( t expressed in radians )
-Evaluate the curvature c (t) and the torsion t (t) for t = 1.3

-Load the following routines in main memory

 01  LBL "X"
 02  E^X
 03  LASTX
 04  COS
 05  *
 06  RTN
 07  LBL "Y"
 08  E^X
 09  LASTX
 10  SIN
 11  *
 12  RTN
 13  LBL "Z"
 14  LN
 15  RTN

   XEQ "RAD"   and if you choose  h = 0.1

    0.1   ENTER^
    1.3    XEQ "KHT"  >>>> c (1.3)  = 0.194807823                       ---Execution time = 45s---
                                  X<>Y    t (1.3)  = 0.123665258

-The exact values are   c (1.3) = 0.194807823  &  t (1.3) = 0.123665529


-If you want to estimate the curvature and torsion with other parameters, simply press   h ENTER^  t   R/S

-With an helicoidal curve:    x(t) = r Cos t , y(t) = r Sin t ,  z(t) = a t
  where r & a are positive constants,

   c = r / ( a2 + r2 )
   = a / ( a2 + r2 )

-This long program also contains "KGS" to calculate the Gaussian Curvature of a surface ( 3D)
  and several subroutines for numerical differentiation.

2°) Gaussian Curvature of a Surface

-We assume that the surface is defined by a function of 2 variables  z = z(x,y)

-The Gaussian Curvature K may be computed by:

   K = [ ( 2z / x2 ) ( 2z / y2 ) - ( 2z / xy )2 ] / [ 1 + ( z / x )2 + ( z / y )2 ]2

Data Registers:           •  R00 = f name                     ( Registers R00 is to be initialized before executing "KGS" )

                                         R01 to R15: temp
Flags: /
Subroutines:  "dF" "dF2" "MDV" and a program that takes x in X-register and y in Y-register and returns f(x,y) in X-register

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             h            /
           Y             y            /
           X             x    Gauss Curv.

Example:   Calculate the Gaussian Curvature K of the surface defined by z = Exp(-x.y) Ln( 2 + x2 + y2 )  at the point  x = 1 , y = 2

-Load the short routine below in main memory

 01  LBL "Z"
 02  RCL Y
 03  RCL Y
 04  *
 05  CHS
 06  E^X
 07  X<> Z
 08  X^2
 09  X<>Y
 10  X^2 
 11  +
 12  2
 13  +
 14  LN
 15  *
 16  RTN

  Z  ASTO 00

  If you choose  h = 0.1

   0.1  ENTER^
    2    ENTER^
    1    XEQ "KGS"   >>>>    K = 0.057571609                                              ---Execution time = 78s---

-With  x = y = 1 , you'll get   K = -0.106545128

-The exact results are

    K = + 0.0575715829 ...
    K = - 0.1065451428 ....


-If you want to estimate the Gaussian curvature, simply press   h  ENTER^  y  ENTER^  x   R/S

-If  K > 0  we have an elliptic point
-If  K < 0  we have a hyperbolic point
-If  K = 0  we have a parabolic point

-With a sphere, you'll get   K =  1 / R2  where  R = radius of the sphere.

Derivatives of a Function of 1 variable

-"dF"  calculates the 1st,  2nd & 3rd derivatives of a function of 1 variable f(x)


       df/dx = (1/2520.h).[ 2100.( f1 - f-1 ) - 600.( f2 - f-2 ) + 150.( f3 - f-3 ) - 25.( f4 - f-4 ) + 2.( f5 - f-5 ) ] + O(h10)
     d2f/dx2 = (1/25200.h2).[ -73766 f0 + 42000.( f1 + f-1 ) - 6000.( f2 + f-2 ) + 1000.( f3 + f-3 ) - 125.( f4 + f-4 ) + 8.( f5 + f-5 ) ] + O(h10)

      (  f(x+k.h) is denoted fk to simplify these expressions )

    d3f/dx3 = [ -e f(x-5h) - d f(x-4h) - c f(x-3h) - b f(x-2h) - a f(x-h) + a f(x+h) + b f(x+2h) + c f(x+3h) + d f(x+4h) + e f(x+5h) ] / h3 + O(h10)

       with   a = -1669/720 ,  b = 8738/5040 ,  c = -4869/10080 ,  d = 2522/30240 , e = -205/30240

-They are exact for any polynomial of degree < 11

Data Registers:           •  R00 = Function name            ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "dF" )

                                         R01 = x     R03 = df/dx    R05 = d3f/dx3    R06 to R08: temp
                                         R02 = h     R04 = d2f/dx2
Flags: /
Subroutine:      A program which computes f(x) assuming x is in X-register upon entry

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /         f '''(x)
           Y             h         f ''(x)
           X             x         f '(x)

Example:      f(x) = exp(x) + ln(x)     x = 2

  01  LBL "T"
  02  E^X
  03  LASTX
  04  LN
  05  +
  06  RTN

  "T"  ASTO 00

-With  h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    2     XEQ "dF"  >>>>   f '(2) = 7.889056107 = R03                 ---Execution time = 13 seconds---
                             RDN   f "(2) = 7.139056635 = R04
                             RDN  f '''(2) = 7.639051753 = R05

Derivatives of a Function of 2 variables

-"dF2" calls "dF" and "MDV" to compute the 5 partial derivatives:

     f 'x = f / x ; f 'y = f / y ;  f "xx = 2f / x2 ; f "yy = 2f / y2  and   f "xy  = 2f / xy

Data Registers:           •  R00 = Function name                  ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "dF2" )

                    R01 = x                     R03 = f 'x = f / x            R06 =  f 'y = f / y           R09 =  f "xy  = 2f / xy
                    R02 = y                     R04 = f "xx = 2f / x2       R07 = f "yy = 2f / y2
                                                     R05 = f "'xxx = 3f / x3     R08 = f "'yyy = 3f / y3

Flags: /
Subroutine:      A program which computes f(x,y) assuming x is in X-register & y is in Y-register upon entry

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /   f "yy = 2f / y2
           Z            h   f "xx = 2f / x2
           Y             y    f 'y = f / y
           X             x    f 'x = f / x

Example:     f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y)    x = 1 , y = 2

 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  CHS
 04  E^X
 05  X<>Y
 06  LN
 07  *
 08  RTN 

    T  ASTO 00

-If we choose h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    2     ENTER^
    1     XEQ "dF2"  >>>>  f 'x  = f / x  =   -0.509989198     the exact result is    -0.509989195                ---Execution time = 57s---
                               RDN   f 'y  = f / y  =    0.183939720      the exact result is     0.183939721
                               RDN  f "xx  = 2f / x2 =  0.509989188      the exact result is     0.509989195
                               RDN  f "yy = 2f / y2 = -0.091969868      the exact result is    -0.091969860
                          LASTX  f "xy  = 2f / xy = -0.367879468    the exact result is    -0.367879441

-You have also:

       R05 = f "'xxx = 3f / x3   = 1.019980483  exact result = 1.019978390
       R08 = f "'yyy = 3f / y3 =  0.091970052   exact result = 0.091969860

Derivatives of a Function of 3 variables

-"dF3" calls  "dF" to compute the 6 partial derivatives  f 'x = f / x ; f 'y = f / y ; f 'z = f / z ;  f "xx = 2f / x2 ;  f "yy = 2f / y2 ;  f "zz = 2f / z2

   and  f "'xxx = 3f / x3      f "'yyy = 3f / y3      f "'zzz = 3f / z3

Data Registers:          •  R00 = Function name                             ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "dF3" )

                                         R03 = f 'x = f / x            R06 =  f 'y = f / y           R09 = f 'z = f / z           R12 = f(x,y,z)
                                         R04 = f "xx = 2f / x2       R07 = f "yy = 2f / y2       R10 = f "zz = 2f / z2      R13 = x  R14 = y  R15 = z
                                         R05 = f "'xxx = 3f / x3     R08 = f "'yyy = 3f / y3     R11 = f "'zzz = 3f / z3

Flags: /
Subroutines:   "dF" and a program which computes f(x,y,z) assuming x is in X-register, y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             h            Df
           Z             z    f 'z = f / z
           Y             y    f 'y = f / y
           X             x    f 'x = f / x

       Df = Laplacian ( f ) =   2f / x2 + 2f / y2 + 2f / z2

Example:     f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y2+z)    x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 3

 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  CHS
 04  E^X
 05  RDN
 06  X^2
 07  +
 08  LN
 09  R^
 10  *
 11  RTN 

      T  ASTO 00

-If we choose h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    3     ENTER^
    2     ENTER^
    1     XEQ "dF3"  >>>>   f 'x  = f / x  =   -1.413720683              R04 = f "xx = 2f / x2 =  1.413720682             ---Execution time = 52s---
                                RDN   f 'y  = f / y  =    0.210216822              R07 = f "yy = 2f / y2 = -0.015015424
                                RDN   f 'z  = f / z   =    0.052554204              R10 = f "zz2f / z2 = -0.007507569
    RDN    2f / x2 + 2f / y2 + 2f / z2 =     1.409197689      and

     R05 = f "'xxx  = 3f / x3  =  2.863447421
     R08 = f "'yyy = 3f / y3  = -0.042900947
     R11 = f "'zzz  = 3f / z3 =   0.002145569

Mixed Derivative of a Function of 2 variables

 "MDV" calculates  2f / xy   with the formula:

     f "xy = 2f / xy = (1/50400.h2).[ 73766 f00 + 42000.( f11 + f -1-1 - f10 - f -10 - f01 - f0-1 ) + 6000.( - f 22 - f -2-2 + f20 + f -20 + f02 + f0-2 )
                                                         + 1000.( f33 + f -3-3 - f30 - f -30 - f03 - f0-3 ) + 125.( - f 44 - f -4-4 + f40 + f -40 + f04 + f0-4 )
                                                               + 8.( f55 + f -5-5 - f50 - f -50 - f05 - f0-5 ) ] + O(h10)

-This formula is exact for any polynomial of degree < 11               (   fkm =  f ( x + k.h , y + m.h )  )

Data Registers:           •  R00 = Function name            ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "MDV" )

                                         R01 = x        R04 = f(x,y)
                                         R02 = y        R05 = f "xy = 2f / xy     R06: temp
                                         R03 = h
Flags: /
Subroutine:         A program which computes f(x,y) assuming x is in X-register and y is in Y-register upon entry.

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             h             /
           Y             y             /
           X             x  f "xy = 2f / xy

Example:     f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y)    x = 1 , y = 2

  01  LBL "T"
  02  X^2
  03  CHS
  04  E^X
  05  X<>Y
  06  LN
  07  *
  08  RTN 

    T  ASTO 00

-If we choose h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    2     ENTER^
    1     XEQ "MDV"  >>>>    f "xy  = 2f / xy = -0.367879468              ---Execution time = 28s---

-The exact result is    -0.367879441.....

3°) Biharmonic Operator

-The Biharmonic Operator ( also called Bilaplacian ) is defined as

       D2 f = 4f / x4 + 4f / y4 + 4f / z4 + 2 ( 4f / x2y2 + 4f / x2z2 + 4f / y2z2 )

-The 4th derivative  d4f / dx4  may be approximated by the following formula, of order 10

       ( 192654 F - 140196 G + 52428 H - 9738 I +1261 J - 82 K ) / ( 15120 h4 )

  where      G = f(x+h) + f(x-h)  ,  H = f(x+2h) + f(x-2h)  ,  I = f(x+3h) + f(x-3h)  ,  J = f(x+4h) + f(x-4h)  , K = f(x+5h) + f(x-5h)

  and   F = f(x)

-Likewise,  4f / x2y2   may be computed by

     4f / x2 y2 ~  [ 20881861 f00 /  3240000 - ( 5/3 ) ( 2 g1 - h1 ) +  ( 5/84 ) ( 2 g2 - h2 ) - ( 5/1134 ) ( 2 g3 - h3 )

                                + ( 5/16128 ) ( 2 g4 - h4 ) - ( 1/78750 ) ( 2 g5 - h5 ) ] / h4

     where  fij = f ( x+i.h , y+j.h )  ;  gk =  fk0 + f-k0 + f0k + f0-k  and   hk =  fkk + f-k-k + fk-k + f-kk

-Combining these formulas, we get the following approximation

   h4 D2 f  ~  A f000
                 + B1 ( f100 + f-100 + f010 + f0-10 + f001 + f00-1 )  + C1 ( f110 + f-1-10 + f1-10 + f-110 + f101 + f-10-1 + f10-1 + f-101 + f011 + f0-1-1 + f01-1 + f0-11 )
                 + B2 ( f200 + f-200 + f020 + f0-20 + f002 + f00-2 )  + C2 ( f220 + f-2-20 + f2-20 + f-220 + f202 + f-20-2 + f20-2 + f-202 + f022 + f0-2-2 + f02-2 + f0-22 )
                 + B3 ( f300 + f-300 + f030 + f0-30 + f003 + f00-3 )  + C3 ( f330 + f-3-30 + f3-30 + f-330 + f303 + f-30-3 + f30-3 + f-303 + f033 + f0-3-3 + f03-3 + f0-33 )
                 + B4 ( f400 + f-400 + f040 + f0-40 + f004 + f00-4 )  + C4 ( f440 + f-4-40 + f4-40 + f-440 + f404 + f-40-4 + f40-4 + f-404 + f044 + f0-4-4 + f04-4 + f0-44 )
                 + B5 ( f500 + f-500 + f050 + f0-50 + f005 + f00-5 )  + C5 ( f550 + f-5-50 + f5-50 + f-550 + f505 + f-50-5 + f50-5 + f-505 + f055 + f0-5-5 + f05-5 + f0-55 )

     where  fijk = f ( x+i.h , y+j.h , z+k.h )    and

     A = 41523361 / 540000  ,   B1 =  -4069 / 180             C1 =  +10 / 3
                                                 B2 =  +4969 / 1260          C2 =  -10 / 84
                                                 B3 =  -2201 / 3240           C3 =  +10 / 1134
                                                 B4 =  +371 / 4320            C4 =  -10 / 16128
                                                 B5 =  -5221 / 945000       C5 =  +2 / 78750

Data Registers:           •  R00 = Function name            ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "BHRM" )

                                         R01 = x        R04 = h
                                         R02 = y        R05 = D2 f
                                         R03 = z        R06-R07-R08-R09:  temp
Flags: /
Subroutine:         A program which computes f(x,y,z) assuming x is in X-register, y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.

 01 LBL "BHRM"
 02 STO 01
 03 RDN
 04 STO 02
 05 RDN
 06 STO 03
 07 X<>Y
 08 STO 04
 09 STO 06
 10 X<>Y
 11 R^
 12 R^
 13 XEQ IND 00
 14 6
 15 ST* 06
 16 *
 17 STO 09  
 18 XEQ 01        
 19 24
 20 *
 21 RCL 07
 22 5221
 23 *
 24 -
 25 125
 26 /
 27 STO 05
 28 XEQ 01
 29 75
 30 *
 31 RCL 07
 32 10388
 33 *
 34 -
 35 16
 36 /
 37 ST- 05
 38 XEQ 01
 39 200
 40 *
 41 RCL 07        
 42 15407
 43 *
 44 -
 45 3
 46 /
 47 ST+ 05
 48 6
 49 ST/ 05
 50 XEQ 01
 51 150
 52 *
 53 RCL 07
 54 4969
 55 *
 56 -
 57 ST- 05
 58 7
 59 ST/ 05
 60 XEQ 01
 61 600
 62 *
 63 RCL 07
 64 4069
 65 *
 66 -
 67 GTO 04
 68 LBL 01
 69 RCL 04        
 70 ST- 06
 71 CLX
 72 STO 07
 73 STO 08
 74 LBL 02
 75 RCL 03
 76 RCL 06
 77 +
 78 RCL 02
 79 RCL 01
 80 XEQ IND 00
 81 ST+ 07
 82 RCL 03
 83 RCL 02
 84 RCL 06
 85 +
 86 RCL 01
 87 XEQ IND 00
 88 ST+ 07
 89 RCL 03
 90 RCL 02
 91 RCL 01
 92 RCL 06
 93 +
 94 XEQ IND 00
 95 ST+ 07
 96 RCL 06
 97 CHS
 98 STO 06
 99 X<0?
100 GTO 02
101 STO 10
102 LBL 03
103 RCL 03
104 RCL 06
105 +
106 RCL 02
107 RCL 10
108 +
109 RCL 01
110 XEQ IND 00
111 ST+ 08
112 RCL 03
113 RCL 06
114 +
115 RCL 02
116 RCL 01
117 RCL 10
118 +
119 XEQ IND 00
120 ST+ 08
121 RCL 03
122 RCL 02
123 RCL 06
124 +
125 RCL 01
126 RCL 10
127 +
128 XEQ IND 00
129 ST+ 08
130 RCL 10
131 CHS
132 STO 10
133 X<0?
134 GTO 03
135 RCL 06
136 CHS
137 STO 06
138 X<0?
139 GTO 03
140 RCL 08        
141 RCL 09 
142 ST- 07
143 ST+ X
144 -
145 RTN
146 LBL 04
147 RCL 05 
148 +
149 180
150 RCL 04
151 X^2
152 X^2
153 *
154 /
155 STO 05
156 END

     ( 231 bytes / SIZE 010 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T            h             /
           Z             z             /
           Y             y             /
           X             x          D2 f

Example:     f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y2+z)    x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 3

 01  LBL "T"
 02  X^2
 03  CHS
 04  E^X
 05  RDN
 06  X^2
 07  +
 08  LN
 09  R^
 10  *
 11  RTN

      T  ASTO 00

-If you choose h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    3     ENTER^
    2     ENTER^
    1     XEQ "BHRM"  >>>> D2 f = -14.34282056 = R05             ---Execution time = 1m41s---

-The exact result is  -14.34264116  ( relative error about 2 E-5 )

-With h = 0.2  it yields   -14.34285066 and with h = 0.15  we get  -14.34265712


-91 evaluations of the function are performed (!).

-Though the formula is of order 10 - due to roundoff-errors - 4th derivatives are difficult to get with a great precision.
-So, there are seldom more than 5 or 6 significant digits.

4°) Curl, Divergence, Gradient & Laplacian

  "CDGL"  computes the Curl , divergence, gradient and Laplacian of a 3D-Vector Field   E= ( f , g , h ) = ( X , Y , Z )

-If the coordinates are rectangular, clear flags F01 & F02
-If the coordinates are cylindrical, set F01 and clear F02
-If the coordinates are spherical, set F02                                            ( if F02 & F01 are set, F01 is automatically cleared )

-In the last 2 cases, the HP41 sets the RAD mode automatically.


    •  Rectangular Coordinates x , y , z

  Curl E = ( h/y - g/z , f/z - h/x , g/x - f/y )

  Div E  =  f/x + g/y + h/z

  Grad f = ( f/x , f/y , f/z )       and similar formulae for g & h

  Lapl f  = 2f / x2 + 2f / y2 + 2f / z2      and similar formulae for g & h

    •  Cylindrical Coordinates r , f , z

  Curl E = [ (1/r) h/¶f - g/z , f/z - h/r , (1/r) ( g + r g/r - f/¶f ) ]

  Div E  =  f/r + (1/r) f + (1/r) g/¶f + h/z

 Grad f = ( f/r , (1/r) f/¶f , f/z )       and similar formulae for g & h

  Lapl f  = 2f / r2 + (1/r) f/r + (1/r2) 2f / ¶f2 + 2f / z2      and similar formulae for g & h

    •  Spherical Coordinates r , q , f

  Curl E = [ (1/(r.sin q) ) ( h cos q + sin q h/¶q - g/¶f ) , (1/(r.sin q) ) f/¶f - h/r - h / r , (1/r) ( g + r g/r - f/¶q ) ]

  Div E  = f/r + (2/r) f + g (cos q)/(r sin q)  + (1/r) g/¶q + (1/(r sin q)) h/¶f

 Grad f = ( f/r , (1/r) f/¶q , (1/(r sin q))  f/¶f )       and similar formulae for g & h

  Lapl f  = 2f / r2 + (2/r) f/r + (1/r2) 2f / ¶q2 + (1/(r2tan q)f / ¶q + (1/(r2sin2q)) 2f / ¶f2      and similar formulae for g & h

Data Registers:             R00 = h

                                        R01 = x         R04-R05-R06 = Curl E       R08-R09-R10 = Grad (X)    R17 = Lap (X)
                                        R02 = y         R07 = Div E                         R11-R12-R13 = Grad (Y)   R18 = Lap (Y)
                                        R03 = z                                                     R14-R15-R16 = Grad (Z)    R19 = Lap (Z)

                                        R23 to R38 contain the same results as R04 to R19

Flags: /
Subroutines:     3 programs named "X"  "Y"  "Z"  which compute X(x,y,z) , Y(x,y,z) and Z(x,y,z)
                            assuming x is in X-register, y is in Y-register and z is in Z-register upon entry.

     XROM may be replaced by XEQ

 01 LBL "CDGL"
 02 FC? 01
 03 FS? 02
 04 RAD
 05 STO 13
 06 RDN
 07 STO 14
 08 RDN
 09 STO 15
 10 X<>Y
 11 STO 02 
 12 X<>Y
 13 R^
 14 R^
 15 "X"
 16 ASTO 00
 17 XROM "dF3"
 18 STO 26        
 19 STO 27       
 20 RDN
 21 STO 28
 22 CHS
 23 STO 25
 24 RDN
 25 STO 29
 26 STO 24
 27 X<>Y
 28 STO 36
 29 FS? 02
 30 GTO 02
 31 FC? 01
 32 GTO 00
 33 XEQ 04
 34 +
 35 STO 36
 36 RCL 12
 37 RCL 13
 38 ST/ 25
 39 ST/ 28
 40 /
 41 ST+ 26
 42 GTO 00
 43 LBL 02
 44 XEQ 03
 45 STO 36
 46 RCL 13
 47 ST/ 25
 48 ST/ 28
 49 RCL 14 
 50 SIN
 51 *
 52 ST/ 24
 53 ST/ 29
 54 RCL 12
 55 ST+ X
 56 RCL 13       
 57 /
 58 ST+ 26
 59 LBL 00
 60 "Y"
 61 ASTO 00
 62 RCL 02
 63 RCL 15
 64 RCL 14
 65 RCL 13
 66 XROM "dF3"
 67 FC? 01
 68 FS? 02
 69 GTO 01
 70 ST+ 25
 71 STO 30
 72 RDN
 73 STO 31
 74 ST+ 26
 75 RDN
 76 STO 32
 77 CHS
 78 STO 23
 79 X<>Y
 80 STO 37
 81 GTO 00
 82 LBL 01
 83 FS? 02
 84 GTO 02
 85 XEQ 04
 86 +
 87 STO 37
 88 RCL 03 
 89 STO 30
 90 RCL 06
 91 RCL 13
 92 /
 93 ST+ 26
 94 STO 31       
 95 RCL 09
 96 STO 32
 97 CHS
 98 STO 23
 99 RCL 03
100 RCL 12
101 RCL 13
102 /
103 +
104 ST+ 25
105 GTO 00
106 LBL 02
107 XEQ 03
108 STO 37
109 RCL 03
110 STO 30
111 RCL 06
112 RCL 13
113 /
114 STO 31
115 RCL 09
117 RCL 14
118 SIN
119 *
120 /
121 STO 32
122 RCL 12
123 RCL 14
124 TAN
125 /
126 RCL 06 
127 +
128 RCL 13
129 /
130 ST+ 26
131 RCL 09       
132 CHS
133 RCL 13
134 RCL 14
135 SIN
136 *
137 /
138 STO 23
139 RCL 12
140 RCL 13
141 /
142 RCL 03
143 +
144 ST+ 25
145 LBL 00
146 "Z"
147 ASTO 00
148 RCL 02
149 RCL 15
150 RCL 14
151 RCL 13
152 XROM "dF3"
153 FC? 01
154 FS? 02
155 GTO 01
156 STO 33
157 ST- 24
158 RDN
159 STO 34
160 ST+ 23
161 RDN
162 STO 35
163 ST+ 26
164 X<>Y
165 STO 38       
166 GTO 00
167 LBL 01
168 FS? 02
169 GTO 02
170 XEQ 04
171 +
172 STO 38
173 RCL 03
174 STO 33
175 RCL 06
176 RCL 13
177 /
178 ST+ 23
179 STO 34
180 RCL 09
181 STO 35
182 ST+ 26
183 RCL 03
184 ST- 24
185 GTO 00
186 LBL 02
187 XEQ 03
188 STO 38
189 RCL 03
190 STO 33
191 RCL 06
192 RCL 13
193 /
194 STO 34
195 RCL 09
197 RCL 14
198 SIN
199 *
200 /
201 STO 35
202 ST+ 26
203 RCL 06 
204 RCL 12       
205 RCL 14
206 TAN
207 /
208 +
209 RCL 13
210 /
211 ST+ 23
212 RCL 03
213 RCL 12
214 RCL 13
215 /
216 +
217 ST- 24
218 GTO 00
219 LBL 03
220 XEQ 04
221 RCL 14
222 SIN
223 X^2
224 /
225 RCL 06
226 RCL 14
227 TAN
228 /
229 +
230 RCL 13
231 X^2
232 /
233 +
234 RTN
235 LBL 04
236 RCL 07
237 RCL 13
238 /
239 RCL 03 
240 FS? 02
241 ST+ X
242 +
243 RCL 13       
244 /
245 RCL 04
246 +
247 RCL 10
248 RTN
249 LBL 00
250 RCL 02
251 STO 00
252 RCL 13
253 STO 01
254 RCL 14
255 STO 02
256 RCL 15
257 STO 03
258 23.004016
260 4.019
261 SIGN
262 RCL 07
263 RCL 06
264 RCL 05
265 RCL 04
266 END

     ( 411 bytes / SIZE 039 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T              h         Div E
           Z             x3        Curl3 E
           Y             x2        Curl2 E
           X            x1        Curl1 E
           L             /         4.019

    4.019 = control number of all the results.

Example1 - Rectangular Coordinates:   CF 01  CF 02

   E = ( f , g , h )  = [ exp(-x2) Ln(y2+z) , x2y2z2 , exp(x) y2z ]     With  x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 3

-Load the short routines:

 01  LBL "X"
 02  X^2
 03  CHS
 04  E^X
 05  RDN
 06  X^2
 07  +
 08  LN
 09  R^
 10  *
 11  RTN 
 12  LBL "Y"
 13  *
 14  *
 15  X^2
 16  RTN
 17  LBL "Z"
 18  E^X
 19  RDN
 20  X^2
 21  *
 22  R^
 23  *
 24  RTN

      CF 01   CF 02

-If you choose  h = 0.1

  0.1  ENTER^
   3    ENTER^
   2    ENTER^
   1    XEQ "CDGL"  >>>>     8.619381890  = R04                                                                    ---Execution time = 127s---
                                 RDN    -32.56682777  = R05
                                 RDN     71.78978318  = R06
                                 RDN     45.44140669  = R07

-So,  Curl E = ( 8.619381890 ,  -32.56682777 ,  71.78978318 )

 and    Div E = 45.44140669

-You also find in registers R08 to R19:

    Grad f = ( -1.431720683 , 0.210216822 , 0.052554204 )
    Grad g = ( 72 , 36 , 24 )
    Grad h = ( 32.61938197 , 32.61938189 , 10.87312737 )

    Lapl f = 1.409197689
    Lapl g = 98
    Lapl h = 48.92907013

Example2 - Cylindrical Coordinates:   SF 01  CF 02

   E = ( f , g , h )  = (  r z2 sin2f , r2 z , r3 z cos f )                   r = 2 , f = PI/5 , z = 1

 01  LBL "X"
 02  RDN
 03  SIN
 04  *
 05  X^2
 06  R^
 07  *
 08  RTN
 09  LBL "Y"
 10  X^2
 11  RCL Z
 12  *
 13  RTN
 14  LBL "Z"
 15  X^2
 16  LASTX
 17  *
 18  X<>Y
 19  COS
 20  *
 21  *
 22  RTN

    SF 01   CF 02

-If you choose  h = 0.1

     0.1   ENTER^
   PI  5  /
      2    R/S   >>>>    -6.351141008  = R04                                                                     ---Execution time = 135s---
                     RDN    -8.326237924  = R05
                     RDN     5.048943483  = R06
                     RDN     7.163118958  = R07

-So,  Curl E = ( -6.351141008 ,  -8.326237924 ,  5.048943483 )

 and    Div E = 7.163118958

-You also find in registers R08 to R19:

    Grad f = ( 0.345491503 , 0.951056518 , 1.381966009 )
    Grad g = ( 4 , 0 , 4 )
    Grad h = ( 9.708203933 , -2.351141008 , 6.472135952 )

    Lapl f = 1.863728736
    Lapl g = 4
    Lapl h = 12.94427209

Example2 - Spherical Coordinates:    CF 01  SF 02

   E = ( f , g , h )  = (  r sin2 q cos2 f , r2sin f  , r3 cos q cos2 f )                   r = 2 , q = PI/3 , f = PI/5

 01  LBL "X"
 02  RDN
 03  SIN
 04  X<>Y
 05  COS
 06  *
 07  X^2
 08  R^
 09  *
 10  RTN
 11  LBL "Y"
 12  X^2
 13  RCL Z
 14  SIN
 15  *
 16  RTN
 17  LBL "Z"
 18  X^2
 19  LASTX
 20  *
 21  X<>Y
 22  COS
 23  *
 24  X<>Y
 25  COS
 26  X^2
 27  *
 28  RTN

   CF 01    SF 02

-If you choose  h = 0.1

   PI  5  /
   PI  3  /
      2    R/S   >>>>   -3.379867347  = R04                                                                     ---Execution time = 187s---
                     RDN    -6.059707086  = R05
                     RDN     2.959890531  = R06
                     RDN    -0.045010875  = R08

-So,  Curl E = ( -3.379867347 ,  -6.059707086 ,  2.959890531 )

 and    Div E = -0.045010875

-You also find in registers R08 to R19:

    Grad f = ( 0.490881375 , 0.566820985 , -0.823639103 )
    Grad g = ( 2.351141010 , 0 , 1.868344717 )
    Grad h = ( 3.927050988 , -2.267283945 , -2.196370944 )

    Lapl f = 0.018237234
    Lapl g = 2.742997604
    Lapl h = 5.721039298

5°) Laplacian of a Function of N variables ( n < 10 )

 "LAPL" may be used to evaluate the Laplacian of a function of n variables, provided n < 10

 "SD" is called as a subroutine( see below ), so the same formulas are used, of order 10 if h > 0 or of order 4 if h < 0

>>> In both cases if the function returns an alpha data, 0 is returned without calculating the whole formula

Data Registers:   •  R00 = Function name                    ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "LAPL"  )

                              •  R01 = x1 ,  •  R02 = x2 , .......... ,  •  Rnn = xn

                                           R10 = h
                                           R12-..........-R20: temp
Flag:  F10
Subroutines:   "SD" and a program which computes  f(x1, ..... ,xn)  assuming  x1 is in R01 , ............ , xn is in Rnn

 01 LBL "FD"
 02 LBL 01
 03 STO 13
 04 CLX
 05 STO 14
 06 RCL IND 13
 07 STO 11
 08 X<> Z
 09 STO 10
 10 FC? 03
 11 XEQ IND 00
 12 SIGN
 13 X=0?
 14 RTN
 15 RCL 10
 16 X<0?
 17 GTO 00
 18 XEQ 03
 19 14
 20 *
 21 STO 12
 22 XEQ 03
 23 4
 24 *
 25 ST- 12
 26 XEQ 03
 27 ST+ 12
 28 6
 29 ST* 12
 30 XEQ 03
 31 ST- 12
 32 25
 33 ST* 12
 34 XEQ 03
 35 ST+ X
 36 ST+ 12
 37 2520
 38 LBL 13
 39 RCL 10
 40 *
 41 ST/ 12
 42 RCL 11
 43 STO IND 13 
 44 RCL 12
 45 RTN
 46 GTO 01
 47 LBL 00
 48 XEQ 03
 49 8
 50 *
 51 STO 12
 52 XEQ 03
 53 ST- 12
 54 12
 55 GTO 13
 56 LBL 03
 57 RCL 10
 58 ST+ 14
 59 RCL 11
 60 RCL 14
 61 -
 62 STO IND 13
 63 XEQ IND 00
 64 STO 15
 65 RCL 11
 66 RCL 14
 67 +
 68 STO IND 13
 69 XEQ IND 00
 70 RCL 15
 71 -
 72 RTN
 73 LBL "SD"
 74 LBL 02
 75 CF 10
 76 X=Y?
 77 SF 10
 78 STO 16
 79 RDN
 80 STO 17
 81 CLX
 82 STO 15
 84 STO 13
 85 RCL IND 17
 86 STO 14
 87 R^
 88 STO 10
 89 XEQ IND 00
 90 SIGN
 91 X=0?
 92 RTN
 94 STO 11
 95 RCL 10
 96 X<0?
 97 GTO 00
 98 XEQ 03
 99 42
100 *
101 STO 12
102 XEQ 03
103 6
104 *
105 ST- 12
106 XEQ 03
107 ST+ 12
108 XEQ 03
109 8
110 /
111 ST- 12
112  E3
113 ST* 12
114 XEQ 03
115 8
116 *
117 ST+ 12
118 RCL 13
119 STO IND 16 
120 25200
121 LBL 14
122 FC? 10
123 ST+ X
124 FC?C 10
125 CHS
126 RCL 10
127 X^2
128 *
129 ST/ 12
130 RCL 12
131 RTN
132 GTO 02
133 LBL 00
134 XEQ 03
135 16
136 *
137 STO 12
138 XEQ 03
139 ST- 12
140 RCL 13
141 STO IND 16 
142 12
143 GTO 14
144 LBL "LAPL"
145 LBL 04
146 STO 19
147 X<>Y
148 STO 10
149 CLX
150 STO 20
151 LBL 05
152 RCL 10
153 RCL 19
155 XROM "SD"
156 ST+ 20
157 DSE 19
158 GTO 05
159 RCL 20
160 RTN
161 GTO 04
162 LBL 03
163 RCL 10
164 ST+ 15
165 RCL 15
166 RCL 13
167 +
168 STO IND 16 
169 XEQ IND 00
170 STO 18
171 RCL 13
172 RCL 15
173 -
174 STO IND 16
175 XEQ IND 00
176 RCL 11
177 ST+ X
178 -
179 ST+ 18
180 RCL 18
181 FS? 10
182 RTN
183 RCL 14
184 RCL 15
185 -
186 STO IND 17
187 XEQ IND 00
188 ST- 18
189 RCL 13
190 STO IND 16
191 XEQ IND 00
192 ST+ 18
193 RCL 14
194 RCL 15
195 +
196 STO IND 17 
197 XEQ IND 00
198 ST+ 18
199 RCL 15
200 ST+ IND 16
201 XEQ IND 00
202 ST- 18
203 RCL 14
204 STO IND 17
205 RCL 18
206 RTN
207 END

      ( 345 bytes / SIZE 021 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             h             /
           X             n      Laplacian(f)

  where n is the number of variables

Example:     f(x) = exp(-x2.t).Ln(y2+z)    x = 1 , y = 1 , z = 1 , t = 1

  LBL "T"       RCL 04      X^2           *                     "T"   ASTO 00
  RCL 01       *                 RCL 03     RTN                 1    STO 01  STO 02  STO 03  STO 04
  X^2             E^X            +
  CHS            RCL 02      LN

-With h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
    4     XEQ "LAPL"  >>>>    Laplacian(f) =  2f / x2 + 2f / y2 + 2f / z2 + 2f / t2 = 0.673013891                  ---Execution time = 54s---

 ( the last 3 decimals should be 932 )

-With  h < 0  we get more quickly:

   -0.01  ENTER^
       4        R/S        >>>>   Lapl(f) = 0.67300675                  ---Execution time = 25s---

First Derivatives of a Function of N variables

-If h > 0  "FD"  employs a formula of order 10
-If h < 0  "FD"  employs a formula of order 4  ( faster ) i-e

    df/dx   = (1/12h).[ f(x-2h) - 8.f(x-h) + 8.f(x+h) - f(x+2h) ]

>>> In both cases if the function returns an alpha data, 0 is returned without calculating the whole formula if CF 03

Data Registers:   •  R00 = Function name                                  ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "FD"  )

                              •  R01 = x1 ,  •  R02 = x2 , .......... ,  •  Rnn = xn

                                           R10 = h      R11: temp           R13 = i         R15 = xi
                                           R12 =  f / xi       R14 = 0 , h , 2h , ....     R16: temp
Flag:  F03
Subroutine:   A program which computes  f(x1, ..... ,xn)  assuming  x1 is in R01 , ............ , xn is in Rnn

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             h             /
           X             i    f 'xi = f / xi

Example:     f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y2+z)    x = 1 , y = 1 , z = 1

  LBL "T"        E^X               +                    "T"    ASTO 00
  RCL 01        RCL 02          LN                  1     STO 01   STO 02   STO 03
  X^2              X^2              *
  CHS            RCL 03          RTN

-With  h = 0.1

  0.1   ENTER^
    1    XEQ "FD"   >>>>   f 'x1 = f / x1 = -0.509989198   ( The last decimal should be a 5 )               ---Execution time = 10s---

  0.1   ENTER^
    2       R/S     >>>>   f 'x2 = f / x2 = 0.367879440     ( The last decimal should be a 1 )                    ---Execution time = 11s---

  0.1   ENTER^
    3       R/S      >>>>   f 'x3 = f / x3 = 0.183939720     ( The last decimal should be a 1 )                    ---Execution time = 11s---


-This program uses the same formula of order 10 as "dF"  if  h > 0
-Though it's relatively fast, it may take a long time when this routine is called many times as it is the case in the Riemanian section.

-So, if you choose  h < 0 , "FD" will use a formula of order 4 , often less accurate but faster

-For instance, with h = -0.01

  0.01  CHS  ENTER^
          1           R/S          >>>>    f 'x1 = f / x1 = -0.509989196                     ---Execution time = 4.5s---

Second Derivatives of a Function of N variables

-If h > 0  "SD"  employs a formula of order 10
-If h < 0  "SD"  employs a formula of order 4  ( faster )  i-e

          d2f/dx2 = (1/12h2).[ - f(x-2h) + 16.f(x-h) - 30.f(x) +16.f(x+h) - f(x+2h) ]

 and, for the crossed derivative

           f "xy = 2f / xy = (1/24.h2).[ 30 f00 + 16.( f11 + f -1-1 - f10 - f -10 - f01 - f0-1 ) + ( - f 22 - f -2-2 + f20 + f -20 + f02 + f0-2 ) ]

  where   fkm denotes  f ( x + k.h , y + m.h )

>>> In both cases if the function places an alpha data in X-register, 0 is returned without calculating the whole formula

Data Registers:   •  R00 = Function name                    ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "SD"  )

                              •  R01 = x1 ,  •  R02 = x2 , .......... ,  •  Rnn = xn

                                           R10 = h        R11: temp        R13 = xi           R15 = 0 , h , 2h , ....
                                           R12 =  2f / xixj        R14 = xj            R16 =  i    R17 = j   R18: temp
Flag:  F10
Subroutine:   A program which computes  f(x1, ..... ,xn)  assuming  x1 is in R01 , ............ , xn is in Rnn

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             h             /
           Y             j             /
           X             i  f "ij = 2f / xixj

Example:       f(x) = exp(-x2).Ln(y2+z)    x = 1 , y = 1 , z = 1

  LBL "T"        E^X               +                    "T"    ASTO 00
  RCL 01        RCL 02          LN                  1     STO 01   STO 02   STO 03
  X^2              X^2               *
  CHS            RCL 03          RTN

-With  h = 0.1

  0.1  ENTER^
   1    ENTER^
         XEQ "SD"  >>>>   f "xx = 2f / x2 =0.509989188   ( exact derivative = 0.509989195 )                   ---Execution time = 12s---

 0.1   ENTER^
   1    ENTER^
   2       R/S     >>>>   f "xy = 2f / xy = -0.735758883  ( the last decimal should be a 2 )                         ---Execution time = 32s---


-Like "FD" the formula is of order 10 if h > 0 and of order 4 if h < 0

-With  h = -0.01

   -0.01  ENTER^
       1     ENTER^  R/S     >>>>   f "xx = 2f / x2 = 0.509987083                   ---Execution time = 5.6s---

   -0.01   ENTER^
       1      ENTER^
       2         R/S     >>>>   f "xy = 2f / xy = -0.735758125                   ---Execution time = 13.8s---

6°) Linear Systems

-We need a program to find the inverse of the matrix [ gij ]  i-e  [ gij ]
-But "LS" may also be used for another purpose

 "LS" allows you to solve linear systems, including overdetermined and underdetermined systems.
  You can also invert up to a 12x12 matrix.

  The determinant of this matrix is also computed and stored in register R00.
  ( if there are more rows than columns, R00 is not always equal to the determinant of the upper left matrix because of rows exchanges )

  Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting is used.

  One advantage of this program is that you can choose the beginning data register - except R00 -
  You store the first coefficient into Rbb , ... , up to the last one into Ree ( column by column )             ( bb > 00 )

  Then you key in  bbb.eeerr  ENTER^
                                 p          XQ "LS"    and the system will be solved.    ( bbb.eeerr ends up in L-register )

  where r is the number of rows of the matrix
  and  p  is a small non-negative number that you choose to determine tiny elements: if a pivot is smaller than p it will be considered to be zero.

  Don't interrupt "LS" because registers P and Q are used ( there is no risk of crash, but their contents could be altered )

 01 LBL "LS"
 02 STO M
 03 X<>Y
 05 INT
 07 FRC
 08 ISG X
 09 INT
 10 STO O       
 11 RCL Y 
 12 +
 13 DSE X
 14  E3
 15 /
 16 +
 17 X<> O
 18 .1
 19 %
 20 +
 21 STO Q 
 22 SIGN
 23 STO 00
 24 X<>Y
 25 STO P
 26 LBL 01
 27 STO N
 28 INT
 29 RCL O 
 30 FRC
 31 +
 34 CLX
 35 LBL 02 
 37 ABS
 38 X>Y?
 39 STO Z 
 40 X>Y?
 41 +
 42 RDN
 43 ISG Z
 44 GTO 02
 45 RCL N
 47 FRC
 48 R^
 49 INT
 50 +
 51 X=Y?
 52 GTO 04
 53 LBL 03
 55 X<> IND Z
 57 ISG Y
 58 RDN
 59 ISG Y
 60 GTO 03
 61 RCL 00
 62 CHS
 63 STO 00
 64 LBL 04 
 65 RCL M 
 67 ST* 00
 68 ABS
 69 X<=Y?
 70 GTO 09
 71 RCL N
 73 LBL 05
 74 ST/ IND Y
 75 ISG Y
 76 GTO 05
 77 LBL 06
 78 RCL N
 80 FRC
 81 RCL O 
 82 INT
 83 +
 84 X=Y?
 85 GTO 08
 87 SIGN
 88 RDN
 89 LBL 07 
 92 *
 93 ST- IND Y
 94 ISG Y
 95 RDN
 96 ISG Y
 97 GTO 07
 98 LBL 08
 99 ISG O
100 GTO 06
101 RCL Q 
102 INT
103 ST- O
104 LBL 09 
105 RCL Q 
106 ST+ O
107 X^2
108 RCL P       
109 INT
111 SIGN
112 ST+ N 
113 -
114 +
115 RCL N 
116 X>Y?
117 CLX
118 ISG X
119 GTO 01
120 X<> P
121 SIGN
122 RCL 00
123 CLA
124 END

     ( 185 bytes / SIZE var. )

       STACK         INPUTS         OUTPUTS
            Y         bbb.eeerr               1
            X               p       determinant
            L               /         bbb.eeerr

Example1:     Find the solution of the system:

    2x + 3y + 5z + 4t = 39
   -4x + 2y + z + 3t  = 15
    3x  -  y + 2z + 3t = 19
    5x + 7y - 3z + 2t = 18

 If you choose to store the first element into R01, you have to store these 20 numbers:

          2  3  5  4  39                  R01  R05  R09  R13  R17
        -4  2  1  3  15        in        R02  R06  R10  R14  R18     respectively
         3 -1  2  3  19                  R03  R07  R11  R15  R19
         5  7 -3  2  18                  R04  R08  R12  R16  R20

The first register is R01, the last register is R20 and there are 4 rows, therefore the control number of the matrix is  1.02004
If you choose p = 10-7  key in:

  1.02004 ENTER^
      E-7    XEQ "LS"   and  you obtain  840 in X-register and in R00:  it is the determinant of the 4x4 matrix on the left.           ---Execution time = 31s---

Registers R01 thru R16 now contains the unit matrix and registers R17 thru R20 contains the solution  x = 1 ; y = 2 ; z = 3 ; t = 4
Thus, the array has been changed into:

         1  0  0 0  1
         0  1  0 0  2              the solution is the last column
         0  0  1  0  3              of the new matrix.
         0  0  0  1  4

Example2:    Solve the system:

          5x + y + z  = 8
          4x - y + 2z = 13
           x + 2y - z  = -5
         7x - 4y + 5z = 31

-Suppose we need to store the first element into  R11 , then we store these 16 numbers

          5   1  1   8                       R11  R15  R19  R23
          4  -1  2  13         in          R12  R16  R20  R24          respectively
          1   2  -1  -5                     R13  R17  R21  R25
          7  -4  5  31                      R14  R18  R22  R26

Here, the control number of this array is   11.02604   and if we take p = 10-7 again,

              11.02604  ENTER^
                    E-7     XEQ "LS"   gives   -5.4  10-17  in X-register and in R00 = the determinant of the 4x4 matrix, which is of course 0   ---Execution time = 21s--

and registers R11 thru R27 are now:

        1  0   0.333333333     2.333333333
        0  1  -0.666666667   -3.666666669
        0  0      5.10-10              -2.10-9
        0  0          0                    4.10-9

Thus, the system is equivalent to:

      x + z /3  =  7/3              and there is an infinite set of solutions:
      y - 2z /3 = -11/3           z may be chosen at random and x and y are determined by
                0  =  0                 x = -z /3 + 7/3
                0  =  0                 y = 2z /3 - 11/3

-If the last number of the initial matrix is 32 instead of 31 the array is changed into:

       1  0   0.333333333   0        i-e         x +  z /3 = 0
       0  1  -0.666666667   0                     y - 2z /3 = 0
       0  0        5.10-10        0                                 0 = 0
       0  0           0              1                                 0 = 1        and there is no solution at all !

Example3:    To invert the matrix

    2  3  4                                                                             R11  R14  R17
    3  5  6      store these coefficients - for example - into       R12  R15  R18
    4  6  7                                                                             R13  R16  R19

                                                1  0  0            R20   R23  R26
Likewise, store the unit matrix   0  1  0   into    R21   R24  R27
                                                0  0  1            R22   R25  R28

-The control number is  11.02803  and if you choose  p = 0

  11.02803  ENTER^
         0        XEQ "LS"   >>>>   det = -1 = R00                                           ---Execution time = 21s---

-The array is now

   R11  R14  R17  R20  R23  R26         1    0    0    1   -3   2
   R12  R15  R18  R21  R24  R27   =    0    1    0   -3   2    0
   R13  R16  R19  R22  R25  R28         0    0    1    2    0   -1

-So the inverse matrix is

     1    -3     2
    -3     2     0
     2     0    -1


-Thus, this program can be used to invert an nxn matrix, but it requires 2n2 registers and so, it cannot invert a 13x13 matrix.

7°)   Riemannian Geometry

    a) Initialization - Metric Tensor & Christoffel Symbols

-Always execute "INIGC" before calculating the components of the tensors below

-You have to load in main memory the functions gij which must be called  LBL "G11"  LBL "G12" .... LBL "G22"  and so on
-Since the metric tensor is symmetric, LBL "G21" ...  are unuseful.

-However, if the metric is diagonal ( i-e orthogonal ), only create  LBL "G11"  LBL "G22" ......  provided you set flag  F00

-They must take  x1 , x2 , ........... , xn  in registers R01  R02 .............  Rnn   ( n < 7 ) and return  gij  in X-register

-"INIGC"  calculates and stores the n(n+1)/2  gij  in registers  R41  R42 ....  ( i <= j )   for a given point  (  x1, ........... , xn )
-Then it calls "LS" to find the inverse of the metric matrix and stores gij  in registers  R41+n(n+1)/2  .....

-The determinant g = det gij is stored in R40 and n(n+1)/2 is sored in R39

-The Christoffel symbols  Gkij = (1/2) gkmi gmj + j gimm gij )   are then computed and stored in the following registers.

-Only  Gkij with  i <= j  because they are symmetric  Gkji = Gkij

>>> After executing "INIGC" , do not disturb register R09 , R39 & R41 to R40+n(n+1)(n+2)/2

Data Registers:              R00 = temp          ( Registers R01 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "INIGC" )

                                      •  R01 = x1                    R09 = n                              R41 to R40+n(n+1)/2                     =   gij   with  i <= j
                                      •  R02 = x2                    R10 = h                               R41+n(n+1)/2 to R40+n(n+1)         =  gij    with i <= j
                                         .............                     R39 =  n(n+1)/2                   R41+n(n+1) to R40+n(n+1)(n+2)/2 = Gkij with  i <= j
                                      •  Rnn = xn                    R40 = g = det gij

Flag:   F04                       CF 04 = The HP41 calculates gij , gij  and Gkij
                                         SF 04 =  Only gij and gij  are computed

Subroutines:   The  n(n+1)/2  functions   gij     with  i <= j

 02 STO 09
 03 STO 11
 05 X^2
 06 +
 07 2
 08 /
 09 STO 39 
 10 X<>Y
 11 STO 10 
 12 CLX
 13 40
 14 +
 15 STO 13       
 16 RCL 09
 17 X^2
 18 +
 19 STO 26
 20 RCL 09
 21  E5
 22 /
 23 +
 24 STO 14
 25 CLX
 26 STO 15
 27 LBL 04
 28 RCL 11
 29 STO 12
 30 LBL 05
 31 RCL 11
 32 RCL 12
 33 Fµ
 34 ASTO X
 36 SIGN
 37 X#0?
 39 STO IND 13
 40 STO IND 14
 41 STO IND 26
 42 DSE 26 
 43 DSE 14
 44 DSE 13
 45 DSE 12
 46 GTO 05
 47 CLX
 48 SIGN
 49 ST+ 15
 50 RCL 15
 51 ST- 26
 52 RCL 14 
 53 FRC
 54 RCL 26
 55 +
 56 STO 14
 57 DSE 11
 58 GTO 04
 59 RCL 09
 60 X^2
 61 ST+ X
 62 RCL 39
 63 +
 64 40
 65 +
 66 .1
 67 %
 68 +
 69 RCL 09
 70 X^2
 71 DSE X
 72 -
 74 RCL 09 
 75 1
 76 +
 77  E5
 78 /
 79 +
 80 SIGN
 81 LBL 06
 82 STO IND L 
 83 ISG L
 84 GTO 06
 86 FRC
 87 41
 88 +
 89 RCL 39
 90 +
 91  E-5
 92 -
 93 0
 94 XROM "LS"
 95 STO 40
 96 1
 97 STO 12
 98 RCL 09
 99 STO 11 
100 ST* X
102 INT
103 ST+ Y
104 LBL 07
107 CLX
108 SIGN
109 ST+ Z
110 +
111 DSE Z
112 GTO 07
113 ISG 12
114 CLX
115 X<>Y
116 RCL 11
117 +
118 DSE X
119 RCL 12
120 X<> Z
121 DSE 11
122 GTO 07
123 RCL 39
124 RCL 09
125 FS? 04
126 CLX
127 STO 23 
128 2
129 +
130 *
131 RCL 13 
132 +
133 STO 26       
134 STO 29
135 FS? 04
136 GTO 14
137 LBL 10
138 RCL 09
139 STO 21
140 LBL 01
141 RCL 21
142 STO 22
143 LBL 02
144 CLX
145 STO 27
146 RCL 09
147 STO 24
148 LBL 03
149 RCL 23
150 RCL 24
152 CLX
153 CIJK
154 X=0?
155 GTO 00
156 STO 28
157 CLX
158 STO 25 
159 RCL 22
160 RCL 24 
161 Fµ
162 ASTO 00
163 RCL 10
164 RCL 21
165 XROM "FD"
166 ST+ 25
167 RCL 21
168 RCL 24
169 Fµ
170 ASTO 00
171 RCL 10
172 RCL 22
173 XROM "FD"
174 ST+ 25
175 RCL 21
176 RCL 22
177 Fµ
178 ASTO 00
179 RCL 10
180 RCL 24
181 XROM "FD"
182 ST- 25
183 RCL 25
184 RCL 28
185 *
186 ST+ 27
187 LBL 00
188 DSE 24
189 GTO 03
190 RCL 27 
191 2
192 /
193 STO IND 26
194 DSE 26
195 DSE 22
196 GTO 02
197 DSE 21
198 GTO 01
199 DSE 23
200 GTO 10
201 LBL 14
202 RCL 29
203  E3
204 /
205 41
206 +
207 END

      ( 322 bytes / SIZE 41+n(n+1)(n+2)/2 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             h             /
           X             n   bbb.eee (g&G)

  where n is the number of variables  n < 8

Example:   A 3D-Riemannian manifold, with a diagonal metric defined by

    g11 = 1 + x2 y2z2
    g22 = 1 + x2 + y2 + z2                       and      gij = 0   if  i # j
    g33 = 1 + x2 y2 + x2 z2 + y2 z2

-Load for instance these 6 routines in main memory:

 01  LBL "G11"
 02  CLX
 03  SIGN
 04  RCL 01
 05  RCL 02
 06  RCL 03
 07  *
 08  *
 09  X^2
 10  +
 11  RTN
 12  LBL "G22"
 13  CLX 
 14  SIGN
 15  RCL 01
 16  X^2
 17  +
 18  RCL 02
 19  X^2
 20  +
 21  RCL 03
 22  X^2
 23  +
 24  RTN
 25  LBL "G33"
 26  CLX
 27  SIGN
 28  RCL 01    
 29  RCL 02
 30  *
 31  X^2
 32  +
 33  RCL 01 
 34  RCL 03    
 35  *
 36  X^2
 37  +
 38  RCL 02
 39  RCL 03
 40  *
 41  X^2
 42  +
 43  RTN
 44  LBL "G12"
 45  LBL "G13"
 46  LBL "G23"
 47  ASTO X
 48  RTN
 49  END

-At the point  x = y = z = 1

   1  STO 01  STO 02  STO 03

-We have n = 3 and if you choose h = 0.1

            SF 00

    0.1   ENTER^
     3     XEQ "INIGC"   >>>>   41.070                                               ---Execution time = 4m37s---

-And you find in registers R41 thru R52

    R41 = g11 = 2     R42 = g12 = 0      R44 = g13 = 0              R47 = g11 = 1/2     R48 =  g12 = 0            R50 = g13 =  0
                               R43 = g22 = 4     R45 = g23 = 0                                             R49 = g22 = 1/4          R51 = g23 = 0
                                                          R46 = g33 = 4                                                                               R52 = g33 = 1/4

-And in registers R53 to R70

   R53 = G111 = 1/2    R54 = G112 =  1/2     R56 = G113 =  1/2
                                  R55 = G122 = -1/2     R57 = G123 =   0
                                                                   R58 = G133 =  -1

   R59 = G211 = -1/4     R60 = G212 = 1/4     R62 = G213 =  0
                                    R61 = G222 = 1/4      R63 = G223 = 1/4
                                                                     R64 = G233 = -1/2

   R65 = G311 = -1/4      R66 = G312 =    0        R68 = G313 =  1/2
                                     R67 = G322 =  -1/4      R69 = G323 =  1/2
                                                                        R70 = G333 =  1/2

-We have also   R39 = 6  i-e  n(n+1)/2    and   R40 = 32 = g = det gij


-Since all the gij functions are polynomials of degree < 5, we could get the same results with derivative-formulas of order 4
-So, if you choose h = -0.01, you get the same values in 2m57s

-Execute a SIZE at least

       n    SIZE
       2     053
       3     071
       4     101
       5     146
       6     209
       7     293

-So, there are not enough data registers for n = 8 if CF 04.

     b) Recalling Gij & Cijk

-CIJK is an M-Code routine that recalls  Gkij provided  R39 = n(n+1)/2  and  R09 = n
-These 2 registers have been initialized by "INIGC"

-CIJK checks that the data registers do exist and don't contain alpha data
-However, it does not check for alpha data in the stack.

-The formula to get the address of the register Rmm that contains Gkij  is  ( with  i < j )

    m = 40 + i + ( j2 - j ) / 2 + ( k + 1 )  n ( n + 1 ) / 2

08B  "K"
00A  "J"
009   "I"
003   "C"
378   C=c
03C  RCR 3
106  A=C S&X
130  LDI S&X
027  027h=39d
146  A=A+C S&X
130  LDI S&X
200  200h
306  ?A<C S&X
381  GOTO
0A6  A<>C S&X
106  A=C S&X
130  LDI S&X
01E  1Eh=30d
246  C=A-C S&X
10E  A=C ALL
046  C=0 S&X
355   chk A&C
050   and SETDEC
268  Q=C
128  L=C
10E  A=C ALL
0F8  C=X
135  C=
060  A*C
138  C=L
025  C=
060  AB*C
128  L=C
078  C=Z
10E  A=C ALL
0B8  C=Y
30E  ?A<C ALL
027  JC+04
068  Z=C
0A8  Y=C
10E   A=C ALL
135  C=
060  A*C
0B8  C=Y
2BE  C=-C
025  C=
061  AB+C
04E   C
35C   =
090   2
269   C=
060  AB/C
138  C=L
025  C=
060  AB+C
078  C=Z
025  C=
060  AB+C
028  T=C
38D  C
008  ->S&X
106  A=C S&X
130  LDI S&X
028  028h=040d
146  A=A+C S&X
378  C=c
03C  RCR 3
146  A=A+C S&X
130  LDI S&X
200  200h
306  ?A<C S&X
381  GOTO
0A6  A<>C S&X
10E  A=C ALL
046  C=0 S&X
0E8  X=C
3E0  RTN

( 93 words )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /     address-40
           Z             i          inf(i,j)
           Y             j          sup(i,j)
           X             k           Gkij


-With the metric above and after executing "INIGC"

      3  ENTER^
      2  XEQ "CIJK"  >>>> G233 = -1/2

-Register T also contains 24 , so the data register which contains G233  is R64

Example2:     CIJK  may also be used to recall  gij  if  k = -1  and  gij  if  k = 0

-For instance,  3  ENTER^  ENTER^  0  gives  g33 = 1/4

 and   2  ENTER^   ENTER^   1  CHS   yields   g22 = 4


-These routines check that the data registers  R09 & R39 do exist and that they do contain numbers
-However, they do not check  X-Y-Z-registers  for alpha data.

-Since n is a positive integer smaller than 10,  CIJK only take into account the first digit of the mantissas

     c)  Curvature Tensor

-The curvature tensor    Rijkl  ( 4 times covariant ) may be computed by the formula:

     Rijkl = (1/2) ( jk gil + il gjk - jl gik - kik gjl ) + gmp ( GmjkGpil - GmjlGpik )

-The following listing includes "RIJKL"  "RIJ"  and  "RIJK^L"

 02 LBL 14
 03 STO 24
 04 RDN
 05 STO 23
 06 RDN
 07 STO 22
 08 X<>Y
 09 STO 21
 10 FS? 49
 11 OFF
 12 RCL 09
 13 STO 25
 14 CLX
 15 STO 28           
 16 LBL 11
 17 RCL 09 
 18 STO 26
 19 LBL 13
 20 RCL 25
 21 RCL 26
 23 SIGN
 24 CHS
 25 CIJK
 26 X=0?
 27 GTO 00
 28 STO 29
 29 RCL 22
 30 RCL 23
 31 RCL 25
 32 CIJK
 33 STO 27
 34 RCL 21
 35 RCL 24
 36 RCL 26
 37 CIJK
 38 ST* 27
 39 RCL 22
 40 RCL 24
 41 RCL 25
 42 CIJK
 43 STO 19           
 44 RCL 21
 45 RCL 23
 46 RCL 26
 47 CIJK
 48 ST* 19
 49 RCL 27
 50 RCL 19
 51 -
 52 RCL 29
 53 *
 54 ST+ 28
 55 LBL 00
 56 DSE 26
 57 GTO 13
 58 DSE 25
 59 GTO 11
 60 RCL 21
 61 RCL 24
 62 Fµ
 63 ASTO 00
 64 RCL 10
 65 RCL 22 
 66 RCL 23
 67 XROM "SD"
 68 ST+ 25
 69 RCL 22 
 70 RCL 23           
 71 Fµ
 72 ASTO 00
 73 RCL 10
 74 RCL 21
 75 RCL 24
 76 XROM "SD"
 77 ST+ 25
 78 RCL 21
 79 RCL 23
 80 Fµ
 81 ASTO 00
 82 RCL 10
 83 RCL 22
 84 RCL 24
 85 XROM "SD"
 86 ST- 25
 87 RCL 22
 88 RCL 24
 89 Fµ
 90 ASTO 00
 91 RCL 10
 92 RCL 21
 93 RCL 23
 94 XROM "SD"
 95 ST- 25
 96 RCL 25           
 97 2
 98 /
 99 RCL 28
100 +
101 SIGN
102 RCL 21
103 RCL 22
104 RCL 23
105 RCL 24
106 X<> L
107 RTN
108 GTO 14
109 LBL "RIJ"
110 LBL 10
111 STO 23
112 X<>Y
113 STO 21
114 RCL 09
115 STO 22
116 CLX
117 STO 20
118 LBL 01
119 RCL 09
120 STO 24
121 LBL 02
122 RCL 22
123 RCL 24          
125 CLX
126 CIJK
127 X=0?
128 GTO 00
129 STO 30
130 RCL 21
131 RCL 22
132 RCL 23
133 RCL 24
135 RCL 30
136 *
137 ST+ 20
138 LBL 00
139 DSE 24
140 GTO 02
141 DSE 22
142 GTO 01
143 RCL 23
144 SIGN
145 RCL 21
146 RCL 20
147 RTN
148 GTO 10
149 LBL "RIJK^L"
150 LBL 12 
151 STO 30           
152 RDN
153 STO 24
154 RDN
155 STO 23
156 X<>Y
157 STO 22
158 RCL 09
159 STO 21
160 CLX
161 STO 20
162 LBL 03
163 RCL 21
164 RCL 30
166 CLX
167 CIJK
168 X=0?
169 GTO 00
170 STO 31
171 RCL 21
172 RCL 22
173 RCL 23
174 RCL 24
176 RCL 31            
177 *
178 ST+ 20
179 LBL 00
180 DSE 21
181 GTO 03
182 RCL 30
183 SIGN
184 RCL 22
185 RCL 23
186 RCL 24
187 RCL 20
188 RTN
189 GTO 12
190 END

     ( 348 bytes / SIZE 41+n(n+1)(n+2)/2 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             i            i
           Z             j            j
           Y             k            k
           X             l          Rijkl
           L             /             l

Examples:    The same diagonal metric and with x = y = z = 1

  1  ENTER^
  2  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  2  XEQ "RIJKL"  >>>>  R1212 = -3/4                                     ---Execution time = 28s---


  2  ENTER^
  3  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  3     R/S      >>>>  R2313 = 1/2                                      ---Execution time = 38s---   (  or  20s  if  h < 0 )


-The curvature tensor has many components but it has many symmetries
-So there are in fact N =  n2 ( n2 - 1 ) / 12  independant components i-e

   N = 1  if  n = 2
   N = 6  if  n = 3
   N =20 if  n = 4

   1-time contravariant 3-times covariant curvature tensor

-The 1-time contravariant 3-times covariant curvature tensor is given by:

      Rijkl = gim Rjmkl

-"RIJK^L" calculates these components

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             i            i
           Z             j            j
           Y             k            k
           X             l          Rlijk
           L             /             l

Examples:    The same diagonal metric and with x = y = z = 1

  2  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  2  ENTER^
  1  XEQ "RIJK^L"  >>>>  R1212 = 3/8                                      ---Execution time = 30s---


  3  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  3  ENTER^
  2     R/S      >>>>  R2313 = -1/8                                      ---Execution time = 39s---   (  or  21s  if  h < 0 )

     d)  Ricci Tensor

-If we contract 2 indices of the curvature tensor ( the 2nd and the 4th ), we get the Ricci tensor which is symmetric

    Rij = gkm  Rikjm

-We can also contract other indices, but it would yield  -Rij  ( or 0 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             i            i
           X             j           Rij
           L             /             j

Examples:    The same diagonal metric and with x = y = z = 1

  1  ENTER^
  1  XEQ "RIJ"  >>>>  R11 = -5/16                                      ---Execution time = 1m49s---


  2  ENTER^
  3     R/S      >>>>  R23 = -3/8                                      ---Execution time = 2m34s---

-All the components - with i <= j - are

   R11 = -5/16     R22 = -13/16      R33 = -11/16
   R12 = +1/8      R23 =   -3/8
   R13 = +5/16

    e)  Scalar Riemannian Curvature

-Contracting the Ricci tensor, we get the scalar curvature    R = gij  Rij
-"RR" calculates and stores R in register R38

-The following listing contains also "EIJ" & "WIJKL" ( cf the 2 paragraphs below )

 01 LBL "RR"
 02 CLX
 03 STO 38
 04 RCL 09
 05 STO 21
 06 LBL 01
 07 RCL 21
 08 STO 23
 09 LBL 02
 10 RCL 21
 11 RCL 23             
 13 CLX
 14 CIJK
 15 X=0?
 16 GTO 00
 17 STO 31
 18 RCL 21
 19 RCL 23
 20 X=Y?
 21 GTO 02
 22 RCL 31 
 23 ST+ 31
 24 RDN
 25 LBL 02
 26 XROM "RIJ"
 27 RCL 31
 28 *
 29 ST+ 38
 30 LBL 00
 31 DSE 23
 32 GTO 02
 33 DSE 21
 34 GTO 01
 35 RCL 38
 36 RTN
 37 LBL "EIJ"
 38 XEQ 12
 39 LBL 10
 40 STO 34 
 41 X<>Y
 42 STO 33            
 43 X<>Y
 44 1
 45 CHS
 46 CIJK
 47 STO 31
 48 RCL 33
 49 RCL 34 
 50 XROM "RIJ"
 51 RCL 38
 52 RCL 31
 53 *
 54 2
 55 /
 56 -
 57 SIGN
 58 RCL 33
 59 RCL 38
 60 RCL 34
 61 X<> L
 62 CLD
 63 RTN
 64 GTO 10
 66 XEQ 12
 67 LBL 13
 68 STO 34 
 69 RDN
 70 STO 33            
 71 RDN
 72 STO 32
 73 X<>Y
 74 STO 31
 75 CLX
 76 STO 08
 77 RCL 32
 78 RCL 33 
 79 1
 80 CHS
 81 CIJK
 82 STO 35
 83 X=0?
 84 GTO 00
 85 RCL 31
 86 RCL 34
 87 XROM "RIJ"
 88 RCL 35
 89 *
 90 ST+ 08
 91 LBL 00
 92 RCL 31
 93 RCL 34            
 94 1
 95 CHS
 96 CIJK
 97 ST* 35
 98 X=0?
 99 GTO 00
100 STO 36 
101 RCL 32
102 RCL 33
103 XROM "RIJ"
104 RCL 36
105 *
106 ST+ 08
107 LBL 00 
108 RCL 32
109 RCL 34
110 1
111 CHS
112 CIJK
113 STO 37
114 X=0?
115 GTO 00
116 RCL 31
117 RCL 33
118 XROM "RIJ"
119 RCL 37
120 *
121 ST- 08
122 LBL 00
123 RCL 31            
124 RCL 33 
125 1
126 CHS
127 CIJK
128 ST* 37
129 X=0?
130 GTO 00
131 STO 36
132 RCL 32 
133 RCL 34
134 XROM "RIJ"
135 RCL 36
136 *
137 ST- 08
138 LBL 00
139 RCL 37
140 RCL 35
141 -
142 RCL 38
143 *
144 RCL 09
145 1
146 -
147 /
148 RCL 08
149 +
150 RCL 09
151 2
152 -
153 /
154 STO 08
155 RCL 31
156 RCL 32
157 RCL 33
158 RCL 34            
160 ST+ 08
161 X<> 08
162 CLD
163 RTN
164 GTO 13 
165 LBL 12
166 "R38=R?"
168 END

           ( 293 bytes / SIZE 41+n(n+1)(n+2)/2 )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             /           R

Examples:    The same diagonal metric and with x = y = z = 1

   XEQ "RR"  >>>>   R = -17/32 = R38                              ---Execution time = 5m44s---


-With a 2D-surface, the scalar curvature is twice the Gaussian curvature given by "KGS"

-"RR" uses 5 subroutine-levels, provided the "GIJ" do not call any subroutine.
-So, this program cannot be called as more than a first level subroutine.

-Always execute "RR" before computing Einstein tensor or Weyl tensor.
-Register R38 must contain R

    f) Einstein Tensor

-Einstein tensor is a symmetric tensor defined as

   Eij = Rij - (1/2) R gij

-Only after executing "RR" - which stores R into R38 - execute EIJ to get the components of Einstein tensor ( see listing in paragraph above )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             i            i
           X             j           Eij
           L             /             j

Examples:    The same diagonal metric and with x = y = z = 1

  1  ENTER^
  1  XEQ "EIJ"  >>>>   "R38=R?"  and finally     E11 = 7/32                                      ---Execution time = 1m49s---


  2  ENTER^
  3     R/S      >>>>  E23 = -3/8                                      ---Execution time = 2m35s---

-All the components - with i <= j - are

   E11 = +7/32     E22 = +1/4      E33 = +3/8
   E12 = +1/8       E23 = -3/8
   E13 = +5/16


-When you XEQ "EIJ" the HP41 displays "R38=R?" to remind that R38 must contain the scalar curvature R before executing "EIJ"
-This message is not displayed again if you press R/S to get the other components.

-"EIJ" uses 5 subroutine-levels, provided the "GIJ" do not call any subroutine.
-So, this program cannot be called as more than a first level subroutine.

-In our example, the metric is diagonal. So, if i#j , Eij = Rij

-The cosmolical constant  L  is omitted here: the complete tensor is     Eij = Rij - (1/2) R gij + L gij

-Elie Cartan proved that this tensor is the unique tensor T of order 2 involving derivatives of order < 3
 and linear with respect to the 2nd derivatives that satisfies the conservative equations

    Di Tij = 0  for all j    where    Di is the covariant differentiation.

-They are the equations of General Relativity !

    g) Weyl Tensor

-Weyl tensor is the covariant tensor of order 4 defined as

   Wijkl = Rijkl + [ 1/(n-2) ] ( Ril gjk - Rik gjl + Rjk gil - Rjl gik ) + [ R/(n-1)/(n-2) ] ( gik gjl - gil gjk )

-Like Einstein tensor, execute "RR" first before executing "WIJKL" so that data register R38 = R    ( cf listing 2 paragraphs above )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             i            i
           Z             j            j
           Y             k            k
           X             l          Wijkl
           L             /             l

Examples:    The same diagonal metric and with x = y = z = 1

  1  ENTER^
  2  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  2  XEQ "WIJKL"  >>>>  "R38=R?"  and finally    W1212 = 0                    ---Execution time = 4m11s---


  2  ENTER^
  3  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  3     R/S      >>>>  W2313 = 0                                      ---Execution time = 3m08s---

-In fact, all the components of Weyl tensor = 0  if  n < 4
-The number of independent components is n(n-3)(n+1)(n+2)/12


-When you XEQ "WIJKL" the HP41 displays "R38=R?" to remind that R38 must contain the scalar curvature R before executing "WIJKL"
-This message is not displayed again if you press R/S to get another component.

-When the program stops, register R08 contains  Rijkl

-"WIJKL" uses 5 subroutine-levels, provided the "GIJ" do not call any subroutine.
-So, this program cannot be called as more than a first level subroutine.

-With the same expression for gii  if  i = 3  and  g44 = 1 + x2 y2 z2 t2    at  x = y = z = t =1   ( n = 4 )
 you will get for example - after executing "INIGC" -

     R = -45/32  and   W1414 = 0    W2424 = +3/16    W3434 = -3/16

   h) Covariant Derivative of a Tensor Field of order 2 or 1

-The usual partial derivative of a vector or a tensor is not a tensor, but the covariant derivatives are.
-They involve the partial derivatives and the Christoffel symbols.
-The formulae to get a tensor are not the same if the vector or the tensor is covariant or contravariant:

Covariant Vector - CF 01  CF 02

    Dk Vi =    k Vi - Gmik Vm

Contravariant Vector - SF 01 CF 02

    Dk Vi =    k Vi + Gikm Vm

Covariant Tensor of order 2 - CF 01  CF 02

    Dk Tij =   k Tij - Gmik Tmj - Gmkj Tim

Contravariant Tensor of order 2 - SF 02

   Dk Tij =    k Tij + Gikm Tmj + Gjkm Tim

Mixed Tensor of order 2 - SF 01  CF 02

   Dk Tij =   k Tij + Gikm Tmj - Gmkj Tim

-"DKTIJ" will calculate the components of all these tensors, but not those of order 3 , 4 , ...

Data Registers:     R00: temp
                                R01 thru Rnn  coordinates of the point  ( n < 8 )

                                R09 = n       R11 to R18 are used by "FD"              R39 = n(n+1)/2   R41 thru R40+n(n+)(n+2)/2  =  gij ,  gijGkij
                                R10 = h       R20 to R25 are used by "DKTIJ"

Flags:  F10   and    F01 & F02    SF 01 if there is 1 upper index      ( contravariant )
                                                     SF 02 if there are 2 upper indices ( contravariant )

Subroutines:   CIJK & "FD"

-This listing also contains other programs below

 02 STO 23
 03 RDN
 04 X<>Y
 05 FRC
 06 CF 10
 07 X#0?
 08 SF 10
 09 X<> L
 10 X<>Y
 11 FS? 10
 12 1
 13 STO 22           
 14 RDN
 15 STO 21 
 16 X<>Y
 17 STO 19
 18 CLX
 19 STO 24
 20 RCL 09
 21 STO 25
 22 FS? 10
 23 GTO 10
 24 LBL 09
 25 RCL 23
 26 RCL 22
 27 RCL 25
 28 FS? 02
 29 X<>Y
 30 CIJK
 31 X=0?
 32 GTO 09
 33 STO 20
 34 RCL 21
 35 RCL 25
 36 RCL 09
 37 ST* Y
 38 -
 39 +
 41 SIGN
 42 -
 43 RCL 19
 44 +
 47 RCL 20
 48 *
 49 FC? 02
 50 CHS
 51 ST+ 24
 52 LBL 09
 53 DSE 25
 54 GTO 09
 55 RCL 09
 56 STO 25
 57 LBL 10
 58 RCL 23
 59 RCL 21
 60 RCL 25            
 61 FC? 01
 62 FS? 02
 63 X<>Y
 64 CIJK
 65 X=0?
 66 GTO 10
 67 STO 20
 68 RCL 25
 69 RCL 22
 70 RCL 09
 71 ST* Y
 72 -
 73 +
 74 RCL 19
 75 +
 77 SIGN
 78 -
 81 RCL 20
 82 *
 83 FC? 01
 84 FS? 02
 85 CHS
 86 ST- 24
 87 LBL 10
 88 DSE 25
 89 GTO 10
 90 RCL 21
 91 RCL 22
 92 RCL 09
 93 ST* Y
 94 -
 95 +
 96 RCL 19
 97 +
 98 1
 99 -
101 STO 00
102 RCL 10
103 RCL 23
104 XROM "FD"
105 ST+ 24
106 RCL 23
107 SIGN
108 RCL 19
109 RCL 21
110 FC? 10
111 RCL 22          
112 RCL 24 
113 RTN
115 XEQ 14
116 ST- 26
117 LBL 06
118 RCL 21
119 STO 22
120 ISG 22
121 LBL 07
122 RCL 26
123 RCL 22
124 +
126 STO 00
127 RCL 10
128 RCL 21
129 XROM "FD"
130 STO 25
131 RCL 26
132 RCL 21
133 +
135 STO 00
136 RCL 10
137 RCL 22
138 XROM "FD"
139 RCL 25
140 -
141 STO IND 23
142 CLX
143 SIGN
144 ST+ 22
145 ST+ 23
146 RCL 09
147 RCL 22
148 X<=Y?
149 GTO 07
150 SIGN
151 ST+ 21
152 CLX
153 RCL 21
154 X<Y?
155 GTO 06
156 LBL 13
157 RCL 23
158 DSE X
159  E3
160 /
161 RCL 24 
162 +
163 RCL 19           
164 SIGN
165 RDN
166 RTN
167 LBL "RDIV"
168 STO 19
169 INT
170 RCL 09
171 STO 21
172 +
173 STO 25
174 CLX
175 STO 24
176 DSE 25
177 LBL 04
178 RCL 09
179 STO 22
180 CLX
181 STO 23
182 LBL 05
183 RCL 21
184 RCL 22
186 CIJK
187 ST+ 23
188 DSE 22
189 GTO 05
190 RCL IND 25
191 STO 00
192 XEQ IND 00
193 ST* 23
194 RCL 10
195 RCL 21
196 XROM "FD"
197 RCL 23
198 +
199 ST+ 24
200 DSE 25
201 DSE 21
202 GTO 04
203 RCL 19
204 SIGN
205 RCL 24
206 RTN
208 CLX
209 STO 24 
210 RCL 39           
211 RCL 09
212 STO 22
213 STO 23
214 2
215 +
216 *
217 41
218 +
219 STO 26
220 ST+ 23
221 DSE 23
222 LBL 08
223 RCL 10
224 RCL 22
225 XROM "FD"
226 STO IND 23
227 DSE 23
228 DSE 22
229 GTO 08
230 RCL 09
231 STO 21
232 ST+ 23
233 LBL 01
234 RCL 21
235 STO 22
236 LBL 02
237 CLX
238 STO 20
239 RCL 09
240 STO 25
241 LBL 03
242 RCL 21
243 RCL 22
244 RCL 25
245 CIJK
246 X=0?
247 GTO 00
248 RCL IND 23
249 *
250 ST+ 20
251 LBL 00
252 DSE 23
253 DSE 25
254 GTO 03
255 RCL 09
256 ST+ 23
257 RCL 10
258 RCL 21 
259 RCL 22
260 XROM "SD"
261 ST- 20
262 RCL 21          
263 RCL 22 
264 X=Y?
265 GTO 00
266 RCL 20
267 ST+ 20
268 RDN
269 LBL 00
271 CLX
272 CIJK
273 RCL 20
274 *
275 ST- 24
276 DSE 22
277 GTO 02
278 DSE 21
279 GTO 01
280 RCL 23
281  E3
282 /
283 RCL 26
284 +
285 RCL 24
286 RTN
287 LBL "V<>V^"
288 LBL 16
289 XEQ 14
290 LBL 11
291 CLX
292 STO 14
293 SIGN
294 STO 12
295 LBL 12
296 RCL 21
297 RCL 12
298 1
299 CHS
300 FC? 01
301 CLX
302 CIJK
303 RCL IND 26
304 *
305 ST+ 14
306 CLX
307 SIGN
308 ST+ 26
309 ST+ 12
310 RCL 09           
311 RCL 12 
312 X<=Y?
313 GTO 12
314 RCL 14
315 STO IND 23
316 RCL 09
317 ST- 26
318 SIGN
319 ST+ 21
320 ST+ 23
322 RCL 21
323 X<=Y?
324 GTO 11
325 XEQ 13
326 RTN
327 GTO 16
328 LBL 14
329 STO 19
330 INT
331 STO 26
332 RCL 39
333 RCL 09
334 ST+ Z
335 2
336 +
337 *
338 41
339 +
340 X<Y?
341 X<>Y
342 STO 23
343 STO 24
344 SIGN
345 STO 21
346 END

        ( 589 bytes / SIZE 41+n(n+1)(n+2)/2 )

             STACK          T  INPUTS           OUTPUTS           V  INPUTS           OUTPUTS
                 T             bbb.eee            bbb.eee                   /                    /
                 Z                  i                  i               bbb.eee             bbb.eee
                 Y                  j                  j                   i                  i
                 X                  k  Dk Tij or Dk Tij or Dk Tij                   k     Dk Vi   or   Dk Vi
                 L                  /                  k                   /                   k

Examples:   With the same metric as above and still at the same point  ( x , y , z ) = ( 1 , 1 , 1 )

    Covariant Tensor Field of order 2 - CF 01  CF 02

    T11 = x2 + y z3      T12 = x2 y z3     T13 = x2 + y2 + z2
    T21 = x2 y z           T22 = x y z        T23 = x2 + y z
    T31 = x + y z         T32 = x2 y2 z2    T33 = x + y + z

-Load the corresponding routines in main memory ( the names are arbitrary, provided they have less than 7 characters - global LBLs )

 01  LBL "T11"
 02  RCL 01 
 03  X^2
 04  RCL 03
 05  ENTER^
 06  X^2
 07  *
 08  RCL 02
 09  *
 10  +
 11  RTN
 12  LBL "T21"
 13  RCL 01 
 14  X^2
 15  RCL 02
 16  *
 17  RCL 03
 18  *
 19  RTN
 20  LBL "T31"
 21  RCL 01
 22  RCL 02
 23  RCL 03 
 24  *
 25  +
 26  RTN
 27  LBL "T12"
 28  RCL 01
 29  X^2
 30  RCL 02
 31  *
 32  RCL 03
 33  ST* Y
 34  X^2
 35  *
 36  RTN
 37  LBL "T22"
 38  RCL 01 
 39  RCL 02
 40  RCL 03
 41  *
 42  *
 43  RTN
 44  LBL "T32"
 45  RCL 01
 46  RCL 02
 47  RCL 03 
 48  *
 49  *
 50  X^2
 51  RTN
 52  LBL "T13"
 53  RCL 01
 54  X^2
 55  RCL 02
 56  X^2
 57  RCL 03 
 58  X^2
 59  +
 60  +
 61  RTN
 62  LBL "T23"
 63  RCL 01
 64  X^2
 65  RCL 02
 66  RCL 03
 67  *
 68  +
 69  RTN
 70  LBL "T33"
 71  RCL 01
 72  RCL 02 
 73  RCL 03
 74  +
 75  +
 76  RTN
 77  END

-Store the names of theses subroutines in 9 consecutive registers, without disturbing R41 to R70 , or R39 , R09 , R10 , R21 to R25 which are used by "DKTIJ"

-For instance, in R27 thru R35 ->  control number = 27.035

    T11      T12     T13                      R27     R30     R33
    T21      T22     T23    stored in     R28     R31     R34
    T31      T32     T33                      R29     R32     R35

-If you want to get D3 T12

    Covariant Tensor Field of order 2 - CF 01  CF 02

          CF 01   CF 02       ( and still  SF 00  since the metric is orthogonal )

         27.035    ENTER^
              1        ENTER^
              2        ENTER^
              3        XEQ "DKTIJ"    >>>>    D3 T12  =  1/4                                             ---Execution time = 16s---

    Contravariant Tensor Field of order 2 - CF 01  SF 02

-Assuming we keep the same expressions but the tensor is Tij instead of Tij

          CF 01    SF 02

         27.035    ENTER^
              1        ENTER^
              2        ENTER^
              3        XEQ "DKTIJ"    >>>>    D3 T12  =  5/4                                             ---Execution time = 16s---

    Mixed Tensor Field of order 2 - SF 01  CF 02

-Assuming again the same expressions with the tensor Tij

          SF 01    CF 02

         27.035    ENTER^
              1        ENTER^
              2        ENTER^
              3        XEQ "DKTIJ"    >>>>    D3 T12  =  3/4                                             ---Execution time = 16s---

    Covariant Vector Field - CF 01  CF 02

-Let's keep the first 3 functions as the components of the covariant vector field

          CF 01    CF 02

         27.029    ENTER^
              2        ENTER^
              3        XEQ "DKTIJ"    >>>>    D3 V2  =  -1/4                                             ---Execution time = 12s---

    Contravariant Vector Field - SF 01  CF 02

-Let's take again the first 3 functions as the components of the contravariant vector field

          SF 01    CF 02

         27.029    ENTER^
              2        ENTER^
              3        XEQ "DKTIJ"    >>>>    D3 V2  =  +1/4                                             ---Execution time = 12s---

   i)  Curl of a Covariant Vector Field, Divergence of a Contravariant
       Vector Field, Laplacian & Gradient of a Scalar Field

-The partial derivatives of a vector is not a tensor   and  Curlij V is defined as   Di Vj - Dj Vi
-But if we apply the formulae given in the paragraph above, the Christoffel symbols vanish and finally it yields

     Curlij V = i Vj - j Vi

-This tensor is obviously antisymmetric, so  Curlii V = 0  and  Curlji V = - Curlij V

-So, to save space, "RCURL" only calculates and stores in consecutive registers  Curlij V with i < j  &  i = 1 , 2 , ... , n-1   i-e  n(n-1)/2 components

Data Registers:          R00: temp
                                  •  R01 thru Rnn  coordinates of the point  ( n < 8 )

                                  •  R09 = n      R20 to R26 are used by "RCURL"       •  R39 = n(n+1)/2   R41 thru R40+n(n+)(n+2)/2  =  gij ,  gijGkij
                                  •  R10 = h

Flags: /
Subroutine:         "FD"

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X        bbb.eee     bbb.eeeCURL
           L             /        bbb.eee

Example:   Again the same metric at the same point and the following covariant vector field:

    X = x2 + y z3
    Y = x2 y z2
    Z = x + y z

 01  LBL "X"
 02  RCL 01
 03  X^2
 04  RCL 03
 05  ENTER^
 06  X^2
 07  *
 08  RCL 02
 09  *
 10  +
 11  RTN
 12  LBL "Y"
 13  RCL 01
 14  X^2
 15  RCL 02
 16  *
 17  RCL 03
 18  X^2
 19  *
 20  RTN
 21  LBL "Z"
 22  RCL 01
 23  RCL 02
 24  RCL 03
 25  *
 26  +
 27  RTN

-If you store the function names in R31 R32 R33 -> control number = 31.033

  31.033   XEQ "RCURL"  >>>>   71.073                                  ---Execution time = 53s---

-And you get

    R71 = -1                                                      0    +1   -2
    R72 = 2       so, the complete result is          -1     0    -1
    R73 = 1                                                        2     1      0


-The HP41 stores the results in a block of consecutive registers starting at RBB
  where  BB = Max ( bb+n , 41+n(n+1)(n+2)/2 )
-So, the data are not disturb.

-This definition will not give the same results as "CDGL" in cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
  because the usual formulae in 3D-Euclidean space involve what is called "Vraies Grandeurs" in French ( "True Magnitudes" in English ? )
  which are neither the covariant nor the contravariant components, except with an orthonormal basis
-In tensor calculus, this "vraie grandeur" is the product of the contravariant component Vk by the modulus of the corresponding vector ek of the basis
  or the quotient of the covariant component Vk by the same quantity:

    Vk ek = Vk / ek = (gkk)1/2 Vk = (gkk) -1/2 Vk         ( No summation here )

Divergence of a Contravariant Vector Field

-The divergence of a vector field V is given by

    Div V =     Di Vi =     i Vi + Giik Vk

-It is a scalar

Data Registers:          R00: temp
                                  •  R01 thru Rnn  coordinates of the point  ( n < 8 )

                                 •   R09 = n      R19 to R25 are used by "RDIV"       •  R39 = n(n+1)/2   R41 thru R40+n(n+)(n+2)/2  =  gij ,  gijGkij
                                  •  R10 = h

Flags: /
Subroutines:    CIJK     "FD"

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X        bbb.eee     bbb.eeeCURL
           L             /        bbb.eee

Example:   Again the same metric at the same point and the following contravariant vector field:

    X = x2 + y z3
    Y = x2 y z2
    Z = x + y z

 01  LBL "X"
 02  RCL 01
 03  X^2
 04  RCL 03
 05  ENTER^
 06  X^2
 07  *
 08  RCL 02
 09  *
 10  +
 11  RTN
 12  LBL "Y"
 13  RCL 01
 14  X^2
 15  RCL 02
 16  *
 17  RCL 03
 18  X^2
 19  *
 20  RTN
 21  LBL "Z"
 22  RCL 01
 23  RCL 02
 24  RCL 03
 25  *
 26  +
 27  RTN

-If you store the function names in R31 R32 R33 -> control number = 31.033

  31.033   XEQ "RDIV"  >>>>    41/4                                 ---Execution time = 33s---


-For the same reason mentioned above, the divergence here will be generally different from the usual definition in Euclidean calculus.

Laplacian and Gradient of a Scalar Field

-The gradient of a scalar field f is defined as  Gradk f  =  k f    i-e  simply the usual partial derivatives: it is a covariant vector

-The Laplacian of the same scalar field f  is a scalar defined by

    Lapl(f) = gjk ( jk f  -  Gijk i f  )

Data Registers:       •  R00 = f name                                     ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "RLAPGR" )

                                  •  R01 thru Rnn  coordinates of the point  ( n < 8 )

                                  •  R09 = n      R20 to R26 are used by "RLAPGR"       •  R39 = n(n+1)/2   R41 thru R40+n(n+)(n+2)/2  =  gij ,  gijGkij
                                  •  R10 = h      R11 thru R19 are used by "SD"

Flags: /
Subroutines:    CIJK     "FD"  "SD"  and a function that computes f assuming x1 is in R01 ..................  xn is in Rnn

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /     bbb.eeeGRAD
           X             /        Lapl (f)

   With bbb = 41+n(n+1)(n+2)/2

Example:   Again the same metric at the same point ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) and the following scalar field:

    f(x,y,z) = x2 + y2 z3

 01  LBL "FF"
 02  RCL 01
 03  X^2
 04  RCL 02
 05  RCL 03
 06  *
 07  X^2
 08  RCL 03
 09  *
 10  +
 11  RTN

    FF  ASTO 00
    XEQ "RLAPGR"  >>>>     61/16                                                                      ---Execution time = 56s---
                                X<>Y    71.073

 And you get the covariant components of the gradient in R71-R72-R73 i-e  ( 2 , 2 , 3 )


-For the same reason mentioned above, the gradient here will be generally different from the usual definition in Euclidean calculus.
-Contrariwise, the 2 definitions of the Laplacian match because f & Lapl(f) are scalars.

-If you prefer the contravariant components of the gradient, use the folowing routine  "V<>V^"

    j) Covariant Vector <> Contravariant Vector

-If flag F01 is clear  "V<>V^"  transforms the covariant components of a vector into its contravariant components
-If flag F01 is set, the reverse operation is performed.

Data Registers:           R00           R12-R14: temp

                                  •  R01 thru Rnn  coordinates of the point  ( n < 8 )

                                  •  R09 = n      R20 to R26 are used by "V<>V^"       •  R39 = n(n+1)/2   R41 thru R40+n(n+)(n+2)/2  =  gij ,  gijGkij
                                  •  R10 = h

Flag:  F01                     CF01 = V>V^
                                      SF01 = V^>V
Subroutine:    CIJK

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X      bbb.eee(V)     bbb.eee(V')
           L             /        bbb.eee

Example:   Again the same metric at the same point.

-Suppose the covariant components of a vector is ( 2 , 3 , 4 )
-Let's calculate the contravariant components.

-If you store 2  3  4  into  R31  R32  R33  respectively

    CF 01
   31.033   XEQ "V<>V^"  >>>>  71.073                                                                       ---Execution time = 8s---

-And you get the contravariant components  ( 1 , 3/4 , 1 )  in R71-R72-R73

-To recalculate the covariant components

    SF 01   71.073   XEQ "V<>V^"   >>>>   74.076    and the covariant components ( 2 , 3 , 4 )  are in R74-R75-R76


-The HP41 stores the results in a block of consecutive registers starting at RBB
  where  BB = Max ( bb+n , 41+n(n+1)(n+2)/2 )

8°)  An Example of a non-diagonal metric Tensor ( 3D-manifolfd )

    g11 = 1 + x2 y2 z2                            g12 = x y
    g22 = 1 + x2 + y2 + z2                     g13 = x z
    g33 = 1 + x2 y2 + x2 z2 + y2 z2         g23 = y z

-Load for instance the 6 routines in main memory:

01  LBL "G11"
 02  CLX
 03  SIGN
 04  RCL 01 
 05  RCL 02
 06  RCL 03 
 07  *
 08  *
 09  X^2
 10  +
 11  RTN
 12  LBL "G22"
 13  CLX 
 14  SIGN
 15  RCL 01 
 16  X^2
 17  +
 18  RCL 02     
 19  X^2
 20  +
 21  RCL 03
 22  X^2
 23  +
 24  RTN
 25  LBL "G33"
 26  CLX
 27  SIGN
 28  RCL 01    
 29  RCL 02 
 30  *
 31  X^2
 32  +
 33  RCL 01
 34  RCL 03
 35  *
 36  X^2
 37  +
 38  RCL 02
 39  RCL 03 
 40  *
 41  X^2
 42  +
 43  RTN
 44  LBL"G12"
 45  RCL 01
 46  RCL 02
 47  *
 48  RTN
 49  LNL "G13"
 50  RCL 01
 51  RCL 03 
 52  *
 53  RTN
 54  LBL "G23"
 55  RCL 02
 56  RCL 03
 57  *
 58  RTN
 59  END

-At the point  x = y = z = 1

   Christoffel Symbols:

   1  STO 01  STO 02  STO 03    ( SIZE 071 at least )   and if you choose  h = 0.1

        •  SF 03   to avoid the test with alpha data - unuseful here since all the gijare different from 0
        •  CF 04   to get the Gkij

   0.1  ENTER^
    3    XEQ "INIGC"   >>>>   41.070                                                               ---Execution time = 21m24s---

-And you find in registers R41 thru R52

    R41 = g11 = 2     R42 = g12 = 1      R44 = g13 = 1              R47 = g11 = +5/8      R48 =  g12 = -1/8           R50 = g13 = -1/8
                               R43 = g22 = 4     R45 = g23 = 1                                                R49 = g22 = +7/24         R51 =  g23 = -1/24
                                                          R46 = g33 = 4                                                                                      R52 = g33 = +7/24

>>>    R40 = g = det gij = 24

-And in registers R53 to R70

   R53 = G111 = 5/8    R54 = G112 =  1/2     R56 = G113 =  3/8
                                  R55 = G122 = -1/8     R57 = G123 = -3/8
                                                                   R58 = G133 = -3/4

   R59 = G211 = -1/8     R60 = G212 = 1/6     R62 = G213 = -5/24
                                    R61 = G222 = 7/24    R63 = G223 = 5/24
                                                                     R64 = G233 = -1/4

   R65 = G311 = -1/8          R66 = G312 = -1/6           R68 = G313 =  11/24
                                         R67 = G322 = -1/24          R69 = G323 =  13/24
                                                                                 R70 = G333 =   3/4

-We have also   R39 = 6  i-e  n(n+1)/2

   Curvature Tensor:

  2  ENTER^
  3  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  3  XEQ "RIJKL"  >>>>  R2313 = -7/24                                       ---Execution time = 86s---

  2  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  2  ENTER^
  1  XEQ "RIJK^L"  >>>>  R1212 = -13/96                                     ---Execution time = 232s---

   Ricci Tensor:

  1  ENTER^
  3  XEQ "RIJ"      >>>>  R13 = -17/96                                         ---Execution time = 12m26s---

-All the components - with i <= j - are

   R11 = +7/96       R22 = -79/288      R33 = -5/144
   R12 = -28/96      R23 = -277/288
   R13 = -17/96

   Scalar Curvature:

   XEQ "RR"  >>>>   R = +11/72 = R38                                                   ---Execution time = 59mn36s---        ( 40m55s  with  h < 0 )

>>> You can change the h-value in R10 to get faster results, for example,  h = - 0.01  STO 10 )

   Einstein Tensor: ( after executing "RR" )

  2  ENTER^
  3  XEQ "EIJ"      >>>>  "R38=R?"  and   E23 = -299/288                               ---Execution time = 6m59s---   ( with  h < 0 )

-All the components - with i <= j - are

   E11 = -23/288         E22 = -167/288      E33 = -49/144
   E12 = -53/144         E23 = -299/288
   E13 = -73/288

   Weyl Tensor:   ( after executing "RR" )

  1  ENTER^
  2  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  2  XEQ "WIJKL"  >>>>  "R38=R?"  and finally    W1212 = 0

-Not a surprise since W = 0 if n < 4.

   Differential Operators:

-With the same fields as above ( FF  X  Y  Z  T11 ..... T33 )  you will get:

   Lap(f)   = 317/96                                      ---Execution time = 140s---

   Curlij & Gradk are unchanged because they don't depend on the metric.

   Div(X Y Z ) = 10.5                                 ---Execution time = 33s---

   D3T12 = 31/24                                          ---Execution time = 18s---

-Likewise,      D3T33 = 1         D1T23 = -5/12          D2T22 = 19/24     ... and so on ...


-As you can see, though dim = 3 , several routines are very slow, especially "RR" to get the scalar curvature.
-That's why a good emulator is recommended.

-Practically, there are often several gij = 0, even if the metric is not diagonal and execution time could be much smaller.
-Remember also that the programs run faster if you choose h < 0.

9°) Schwarzchild Metric ( 4D-Spacetime )

-Expressed in spherical coordinates ( r , u , v , ct ), we have:

    ds2 = ( 1 - a / r ) -1 dr2 + r2 ( du2 + Sin2 u dv2 ) - ( 1 - a / r )  c2 dt2        where    a = 2GM/c2

-Let's store a in register R07 and load the following routines ( we must add the 6 functions LBL "G12" ........... LBL "G34" )

 01  LBL "G11"
 02  CLX
 03  SIGN
 04  RCL 07
 05  RCL 01
 06  /
 07  -
 08  1/X
 09  RTN
 10  LBL "G22"
 11  RCL 01
 12  X^2
 13  RTN
 14  LBL "G33"
 15  RCL 01
 16  RCL 02
 17  SIN
 18  *
 19  X^2
 20  RTN
 21  LBL "G44"
 22  RCL 07
 23  RCL 01
 24  /
 25  ENTER^
 26  CLX
 27  SIGN
 28  -
 29  RTN
 30  LBL "G12"
 31  LBL "G13"
 32  LBL "G14"
 33  LBL "G23"
 34  LBL "G24"
 35  LBL "G34"
 36  ASTO X
 37  RTN
 38  END

-Let's take, for example   r = 2    u = PI/6   v = 0   ct = 0    and   a = 1

  2  STO 01    PI  6  /  STO 02   CLX   STO 03   STO 04    1  STO 07


   XEQ "RAD"     CF 04   CF 03

-Dimension = n = 4  and if you choose  h = 0.1

   0.1   ENTER^
     4    XEQ INIGC    >>> >   41.100                                                        ---Execution time = 8m18s---

 And the Christoffel symbols are  ( after rounding the results given by the HP41 )

   R61 = G111 = -1/4    R62 = G112 =  0        R64 = G113 =    0      R67 = G144 =   0
                                    R63 = G122 = -1       R65 = G123 =   0      R68 = G134 =   0
                                                                    R66 = G133 = -1/4     R69 = G124 =   0
                                                                                                     R70 = G114 = 1/16

   R71 = G211 =   0     R72 = G212 = 1/2     R74 = G213 =   0              R77 = G244 =  0
                                  R73 = G222 =   0      R75 = G223 =   0              R78 = G234 =   0
                                                                  R76 = G233 = -sqrt(3)/4    R79 = G224 =    0
                                                                                                           R80 = G214 =   0

   R81 = G311 =   0     R82 = G312 =  0        R84 = G313 =  1/2      R87 = G314 =  0
                                  R83 = G322 =  0        R85 = G323 = sqrt(3)  R88 = G324 =  0
                                                                   R86 = G333 =   0        R89 = G334 =   0
                                                                                                     R90 = G344 =   0

   R91 = G411 =   0    R92 = G412 =   0    R94 = G413 =  0    R97 = G414 = 1/4
                                 R93 = G422 =   0    R95 = G423 =   0    R98 = G424 =  0
                                                               R96 = G433 =   0    R99 = G434 =   0
                                                                                             R100 = G444 = 0

   Curvature Tensor:

  1  ENTER^
  2  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  2  XEQ "RIJKL"  >>>>  R1212 = -1/2       ( HP41 gives  -0.500001321 )                        ---Execution time = 30s---

  1  ENTER^
  4  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  4     R/S     >>>>  R1414 = -0.124999921      ( exact result = -1/8 )

  3  ENTER^
  4  ENTER^
  3  ENTER^
  4     R/S     >>>>  R3434 =  1/32                    ... and so on ...

   Ricci Tensor:

  2  ENTER^
  3  XEQ "RIJ"      >>>>  R23 = 0                                                                ---Execution time = 3m14s---

-All the components are actually zero.
-However, roundoff-errors are unavoidable and the HP41 sometime returns small numbers instead of 0, for example:

   R11 = -0.000000820

   Scalar Curvature:

   XEQ "RR"  >>>>   R =  -0.000000846    ( exact result = 0 )

   Einstein Tensor:

  2  ENTER^
  3  XEQ "EIJ"      >>>>  E23 = 0

-Here again, all the components are 0

   Weyl Tensor:

  1  ENTER^
  2  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  2  XEQ "WIJKL"  >>>>  "R38=R?"  and finally    W1212 = -0.500000095   ( exact result = -1/2 )

  2  ENTER^
  3  ENTER^
  2  ENTER^
  3     R/S     >>>>      W2323 = 0.500000097   ( exact result = +1/2 )

  1  ENTER^
  4  ENTER^
  1  ENTER^
  4     R/S     >>>>      W1414 = -0.125000024   ( exact result = -1/8 )

  3  ENTER^
  4  ENTER^
  3  ENTER^
  4     R/S     >>>>      W3434 = 0.031250006   ( exact result = +1/32 )     ....  and so on ...

10°) Non-Riemannian Geometry

-In Riemannian manifolds, the metric tensor determines the connexion by the Christoffel symbols.
-In more general differential manifolds, the linear connexions Gkij are independant functions and may be non-symmetric.

>>>  So, you have to load in main memory  n3  functions called   LBL "C111"  LBL "C112"  LBL "C121" and so on...

-Registers R09 & R10 are also to be initialized before executing the programs below:

   •  R09 = n < 9
   •  R10 = h

-And of course,

   •  R01 = x1  .................  •  Rnn = xn    ( n < 9 )

>>>  If the tensor depends on the metric tensor, execute "INIGC" first - with SF 04 to avoid calculating the Christoffel symbols.

      a) Curvature Tensor (1-3)

-If  CF 02,  "2RIJK^L" calculates the curvature tensor defined as

    Rlijk = jGlik - kGlij + GlmjGmik - GlmkGmij

-If  SF 02   this routine calculates the curvature tensor defined by the transposed connexion  Gkji

    Rlijk = jGlki - kGlji + GljmGmki - GlkmGmji

-This listing also contains other programs below.

 01 LBL "2RIJK^L"
 02 LBL 10
 03 STO 14
 04 RDN
 05 STO 13
 06 RDN
 07 STO 12
 08 X<>Y
 09 STO 11
 10 CLX
 11 STO 20
 12 RCL 09
 13 STO 15                  
 14 LBL 01
 15 RCL 15
 16 RCL 13 
 17 FS? 02
 18 X<>Y
 19 RCL 14 
 21 ASTO X
 23 SIGN
 24 X#0?
 26 STO 26
 27 RCL 11
 28 RCL 12
 29 FS? 02
 30 X<>Y
 31 RCL 15
 33 ASTO X
 35 SIGN
 36 X#0?
 38 ST* 26
 39 RCL 15
 40 RCL 12
 41 FS? 02
 42 X<>Y
 43 RCL 14
 45 ASTO X
 47 SIGN
 48 X#0?
 50 STO 19 
 51 RCL 11                 
 52 RCL 13
 53 FS? 02
 54 X<>Y
 55 RCL 15
 57 ASTO X
 59 SIGN
 60 X#0?
 62 RCL 19
 63 *
 64 RCL 26
 65 -
 66 ST+ 20
 67 DSE 15
 68 GTO 01
 69 RCL 11
 70 STO 21
 71 RCL 12
 72 STO 22
 73 FS? 02
 74 X<>Y
 75 RCL 14
 76 STO 24
 78 ASTO 00
 79 RCL 10
 80 RCL 13
 81 STO 23
 82 XROM "FD"
 83 ST- 20
 84 RCL 21
 85 RCL 23                 
 86 FS? 02
 87 X<>Y
 88 RCL 24
 90 ASTO 00
 91 RCL 10
 92 RCL 22
 93 XROM "FD"
 94 ST+ 20
 95 RCL 24
 96 SIGN
 97 RCL 21
 98 RCL 22
 99 RCL 23
100 RCL 20
101 RTN
102 GTO 10
103 LBL "RQIJ"
104 LBL 12
105 STO 23
106 X<>Y
107 STO 28
108 RCL 09
109 STO 24
110 CLX
111 STO 27
112 LBL 02
113 RCL 28
114 RCL 24
115 FS? 00
116 X<>Y
117 RCL 23
118 RCL 24
119 XROM "2RIJK^L"
120 ST+ 27
121 DSE 24
122 GTO 02
123 RCL 23                
124 SIGN
125 RCL 28
126 RCL 27
127 RTN
128 GTO 12
129 LBL "RQ"
130 LBL 09
131 RCL 09
132 STO 28
133 CLX
134 STO 38
135 LBL 03
136 RCL 09
137 STO 29
138 LBL 04
139 RCL 28
140 RCL 29
142 CLX
143 CIJK
144 X=0?
145 GTO 00
146 STO 30
147 RCL 28
148 RCL 29
150 RCL 30
151 *
152 ST+ 38
153 LBL 00
154 DSE 29
155 GTO 04
156 DSE 28
157 GTO 03
158 RCL 38                
159 RTN
160 GTO 09
161 LBL "SIJK"
162 LBL 05
163 STO 13
164 RDN
165 STO 12
166 X<>Y
167 STO 11
168 R^
170 ASTO X
172 SIGN
173 X#0?
175 STO 14
176 RCL 11
177 RCL 12
178 RCL 13
180 ASTO X
182 SIGN
183 X#0?
185 RCL 14
186 -
187 STO 14
188 RCL 13
189 SIGN
190 RCL 11
191 RCL 12                 
192 RCL 14 
193 RTN
194 GTO 05
195 LBL "SJ"
196 LBL 06
197 STO 11
198 RCL 09 
199 STO 12
200 CLX
201 STO 15
202 LBL 07
203 RCL 11
204 RCL 12
206 XROM "SIJ"
207 ST+ 15
208 DSE 12
209 GTO 07
210 RCL 11
211 SIGN
212 RCL 15
213 RTN
214 GTO 06
215 END

     ( 349 bytes /  SIZE var. )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             i            i
           Z             j            j
           Y             k            k
           X             l          Rlijk
           L             /             l

Example:   Let's take the 3D-manifold with the same metric as above at the point  x = y = z = 1

    g11 = 1 + x2 y2 z2                            g12 = 0
    g22 = 1 + x2 + y2 + z2                     g13 = 0
    g33 = 1 + x2 y2 + x2 z2 + y2 z2         g23 = 0

-Load the 6 routines in main memory:

 01  LBL "G11"
 02  CLX
 03  SIGN
 04  RCL 01
 05  RCL 02
 06  RCL 03
 07  *
 08  *
 09  X^2
 10  +
 11  RTN
 12  LBL "G22"
 13  CLX 
 14  SIGN
 15  RCL 01
 16  X^2
 17  +
 18  RCL 02
 19  X^2
 20  +
 21  RCL 03
 22  X^2
 23  +
 24  RTN
 25  LBL "G33"
 26  CLX
 27  SIGN
 28  RCL 01
 29  RCL 02
 30  *
 31  X^2
 32  +
 33  RCL 01 
 34  RCL 03     
 35  *
 36  X^2
 37  +
 38  RCL 02
 39  RCL 03
 40  *
 41  X^2
 42  +
 43  RTN
 44  LBL "G12"
 45  LBL "G13"
 46  LBL "G23"
 47  ASTO X
 48  RTN
 49  END

-But let's change the connexion as follows:

   G111 = x y2 z2  /  g11           G122 = - x / g11
   G112 = x2 y z2  /  g11  = G121G123 = G132 = 0
   G113 = x2 y2 z  /  g11  = G131G133 = - x ( y2 + z2 ) / g11

   G211 = - x2 y z2   /  g22       G222 =  y / g22
   G212 = x  /  g22  =  G221      G223 = G232 = z / g22
   G213 = 0  =  G231               G233 = - y ( x2 + z2 ) / g22

   G311 = - x2 y2 z  /  g33                G322 =  - z / g33                                      so, it is the same as the Riemannian connexion
   G312 =  0  =  G321                      G323 = - G332 = y ( x2 + z2 ) / g33            except that  G323 = - G332
   G313 = x ( y2 + z2 ) / g33  =  G331G333 = z ( x2 + y2 ) / g33

-We have to load these 27 functions in main memory:

 01 LBL "C111"
 02 XEQ "G11"
 03 RCL 02
 04 RCL 03
 05 *
 06 X^2
 07 RCL 01
 08 *
 09 X<>Y
 10 /
 11 RTN
 12 LBL "C121"
 13 LBL "C211"
 14 XEQ "G11"
 15 RCL 01
 16 RCL 03
 17 *
 18 X^2
 19 RCL 02
 20 *
 21 X<>Y
 22 /
 23 RTN
 24 LBL "C131"
 25 LBL "C311"
 26 XEQ "G11"
 27 RCL 01
 28 RCL 02
 29 *
 30 X^2
 31 RCL 03
 32 *
 33 X<>Y
 34 /
 35 RTN
 36 LBL "C221"
 37 XEQ "G11"
 38 RCL 01
 39 CHS
 40 X<>Y
 41 /
 42 RTN
 43 LBL "C231"
 44 LBL "C321"
 45 CLX
 46 RTN
 47 LBL "C331"
 48 XEQ "G11"
 49 RCL 02
 50 X^2
 51 RCL 03
 52 X^2
 53 +
 54 RCL 01
 55 *
 56 CHS
 57 X<>Y
 58 /
 59 RTN
 60 LBL "C112"
 61 XEQ "G22"
 62 RCL 01
 63 RCL 03
 64 *
 65 X^2
 66 RCL 02
 67 *
 68 CHS
 69 X<>Y
 70 /
 71 RTN
 72 LBL "C122"
 73 LBL "C212"
 74 XEQ "G22"
 75 RCL 01
 76 X<>Y
 77 /
 78 RTN
 79 LBL "C132"
 80 LBL "C312"
 81 CLX
 82 RTN
 83 LBL "C222"
 84 XEQ "G22"
 85 RCL 02
 86 X<>Y
 87 /
 88 RTN
 89 LBL "C232"
 90 LBL "C322"
 91 XEQ "G22"
 92 RCL 03
 93 X<>Y
 94 /
 95 RTN
 96 LBL "C332"
 97 XEQ "G22"
 98 RCL 01
 99 X^2
100 RCL 03
101 X^2
102 +
103 RCL 02
104 *
105 CHS
106 X<>Y
107 /
108 RTN
109 LBL "C113"
110 XEQ "G33"
111 RCL 01
112 RCL 02
113 *
114 X^2
115 RCL 03
116 *
117 CHS
118 X<>Y
119 /
120 RTN
121 LBL "C123"
122 LBL "C213"
123 CLX
124 RTN
125 LBL "C133"
126 LBL "C313"
127 XEQ "G33"
128 RCL 02
129 X^2
130 RCL 03
131 X^2
132 +
133 RCL 01
134 *
135 X<>Y
136 /
137 RTN
138 LBL "C223"
139 XEQ "G33"
140 RCL 03
141 CHS
142 X<>Y
143 /
144 RTN
145 LBL "C323"
146 SF 09
147 GTO 00
148 LBL "C233"
149 CF 09
150 LBL 00
151 XEQ "G33"
152 RCL 01
153 X^2
154 RCL 03
155 X^2
156 +
157 RCL 02
158 *
159 X<>Y
160 /
161 FC? 09
162 RTN
163 CHS
164 RTN
165 LBL "C333"
166 XEQ "G33"
167 RCL 01
168 X^2
169 RCL 02
170 X^2
171 +
172 RCL 03
173 *
174 X<>Y
175 /
176 RTN
177 END

-Though this is not necessary to calculate Rlijk  let's execute "INIGC"  with SF04  to calculate the metric tensor ( covariant & contravariant ) only

  1  STO 01  STO 02  STO 03   CF 03  SF 04

  0.1  ENTER^
    3   XEQ "INIGC"   >>>>   41.052                                                   ---Execution time = 33s---

-We get the same values as before:

    R41 = g11 = 2     R42 = g12 = 0      R44 = g13 = 0              R47 = g11 = 1/2     R48 =  g12 = 0            R50 = g13 =  0
                               R43 = g22 = 4     R45 = g23 = 0                                             R49 = g22 = 1/4          R51 =  g23 = 0
                                                          R46 = g33 = 4                                                                               R52 = g33 = 1/4

-Then,  with  CF 02

  3  ENTER^
  2  ENTER^
  3  ENTER^
      XEQ "2RIJK^L"  >>>>  R3323 = 0                                      ---Execution time = 62s---

-Likewise with SF 02  ( transposed connexion )

  3  ENTER^
  2  ENTER^
  3  ENTER^
         R/S      >>>>  R3323 = +1/4                                      ---Execution time = 59s---

    b) Ricci Tensors & Segmental Curvatures

-Ricci tensor is  Rij = Rmimj

-There is also a segmental curvature tensor  Qij = Rmmij   which equals zero in Riemannian manifolds.

      Qij = iGmmj - jGmmi  is actually a curl.

  If  CF 00  "RQIJ"  returns the components of  Rij
       -If  CF 02 with the connexion Gkij
       -If  SF 02 with the connexion Gkji

  If  SF 00  "RQIJ" returns the components of Qij
       -If  CF 02 with the connexion Gkij
       -If  SF 02 with the connexion Gkji

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             i            i
           X             j       Rij or Qij
           L             /             j

     Rij  if CF 00   ( connexion Gkij if CF 02 ,  transpose connexion Gkji  if SF 02 )
     Qij  if SF 00   ( connexion Gkij if CF 02 ,  transpose connexion Gkji  if SF 02 )


    CF 00   CF 02

    2  ENTER^
    3  XEQ "RQIJ"   >>>>   R23 = - 3/8                                      ---Execution time = 2m44s---

-Remark that  R32 = - 7/8   Ricci tensor is no more symmetric

    CF 00   SF 02

    2  ENTER^
    3     R/S       >>>>   R23 = - 9/8

    SF 00   CF 02

    2  ENTER^
    3     R/S       >>>>   Q23 =  0

    SF 00   SF 02

    2  ENTER^
    3      R/S      >>>>   Q23 =  0

    c)  Scalar Curvatures

-The contracted tensors  R = gij Rij  and  Q = gij Qij  gives 2 scalars.

-To obtain correct results, "INIGC" must be executed before "RQ" to store  gij  in the proper registers.

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             /        R or Q

   R if CF 00   ( connexion Gkij if CF 02 ,  transpose connexion Gkji  if SF 02 )
   Q if SF 00   ( connexion Gkij if CF 02 ,  transpose connexion Gkji  if SF 02 )


    CF 00   CF 02

    2  ENTER^
    3  XEQ "RQ"   >>>>   R = - 17/32                               ---Execution time = 9m40s---

    CF 00   SF 02

    2  ENTER^
    3     R/S     >>>>   R = - 9/16

    SF 00   CF 02

    2  ENTER^
    3     R/S     >>>>   Q =  0

    SF 00   SF 02

    2  ENTER^
    3     R/S     >>>>   Q =  0


-A more important modification of the connection would be necessary to get Q # 0
-"RQ" uses 5 subroutine levels, so the functions "CIJK" must use less than 2 subroutine levels...

    d) Torsion Tensor

-Since the Christoffel symbols are symmetric in Riemannian manifolds, GkijGkji = 0
-In the general case, we get a tensor of order 3 that is called the torsion tensor

     Skij = GkijGkji                ( some authors define  Skij = (1/2) ( GkijGkji )    others by   Skij = ( GkjiGkij )  )

-Though Gkij is not a tensor, Skij is a tensor !

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             i            i
           Y             j            j
           X             k          Skij
           L             /             k


   2  ENTER^
   3  ENTER^
       XEQ "SIJK"  >>>>   S323 = +1

   3  ENTER^
   2  ENTER^
   3     R/S      >>>>  S332 = -1

    e) Torsion Vector

-Contracting  Skij  we get a covariant vector  Sj = Skjk

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             j           Sj
           L             /            j


   1  XEQ "SJ"  >>>>  S1 =  0
   2      R/S       >>>>  S2 = +1
   3      R/S       >>>>  S3 =  0


-I called this program "SJ" instead of "SI" to avoid a conflict with the Sine Integral...

11°)  Differential Geometry QRG

Functions       DESCRIPTION         REMARKS
 KHT  Curvature & Torsion 3D-parametric Curve            X(t) Y(t) Z(t)               h ­ t   ->   Khi(t)  X<>Y  Tau(t)                       /
 KGS  Gaussian Curvature of a surface z = f(x,y)           •  R00 = f name        h ­ y ­ x   ->  K(Gauss)                       /
 dF  1st- 2nd- 3rd-derivative of a function of 1 var.    •  R00 = f name               h ­ x   ->  f'(x)  RDN  f"(x)  RDN  f'''(x)                       /
 dF2  Derivatives of a function of 2 variables    •  R00 = f name     h ­ y ­ x   ->   f 'x  RDN  f 'y  RDN  f ''xx  RDN  f ''yy                       /
 dF3  Derivatives of a function of 3 variables   •  R00 = f name   h ­ z ­ y ­ x  ->  f 'x   RDN  f 'y    RDN   f 'z   RDN  Df                       /
 MDV  Mixed Derivative of a function of 2 var.                •  R00 = f name                 h ­ y ­ x    ->  f ''xy                       /
 BHRM  Biharmonic Operator of a function of 3 var.          •  R00 = f name           h ­ z ­ y ­ x    ->  D2f                       /
 CDGL     Curl-Diverg-Grad-Lapl                           h ­ z ­ y ­ x  ->  Curl1  RDN Curl2 RDN Curl3 RDN  Div E
    E = [ X(x,y,z) Y(x,y,z) Z(x,y,z) ]                                           L = 4.019 ( contr. numb. all results )
 CF01 CF 02 = Rect Coord
 SF 01 CF 02 = Cyl Coord
 CF 01 SF 02 = Sph. Coord.
  FD  First Deriv. funct n var. ( n < 10 )   •  R00 = f name  •  R01 = x1 , ..... , •  Rnn = xn        h ­ i  ->   f / xi  SF03 -> X'=0 if X = alpha 
           h > 0 = order10
           h < 0 = order 4 
  SD  2nd Deriv.  funct n var. ( n < 10 )   •  R00 = f name  •  R01 = x1 , ..... , •  Rnn = xn   h ­ j ­ i  ->  2f / xixj          X'=0 if X = alpha 
           h > 0 = order10
           h < 0 = order 4
 LAPL  Laplacian   funct n var. ( n < 10 )   •  R00 = f name  •  R01 = x1 , ..... , •  Rnn = xn         h ­ n  ->   D f          X'=0 if X = alpha
           h > 0 = order10
           h < 0 = order 4
  LS  Solves linear system,  p = small number for tiny elements, rr = nb rows               bbb.eee,rr ­ p  ->  det M                       /
     /                                   N-DIMENSIONAL RIEMANNIAN  MANIFOLDS                      /
 INIGC  Initialization:  •  R01 = x1 , ..... , •  Rnn = xn        h ­ n  ->  41.eee = control number of gij , gij  and Gkij         SF 04 -> gij , gij  only
  CIJK  Recalls  Gkij  assuming INIGC has been executed      i ­ j ­ k  -> Gkij                      /
 RIJKL  Covariant Curvature Tensor      i ­ j ­ k ­ l  ->  Rijkl = (1/2) ( jk gil + il gjk - jl gik - ik gjl )
                                                                                          + gmp ( GmjkGpil - GmjlGpik )
 RIJK^L  Curvature Tensor ( 1-3 )           i ­ j ­ k ­ l  ->  Rlijk = glm Rmijk                      /
  RIJ  Ricci Tensor                                         i ­ j   ->  Rij  = gkm  Rikjm                      /
  RR  Scalar Riemannian Curvature            no input  ->  R =  gij  Rij                      /
  EIJ  Einstein Tensor                                     i ­ j   ->  Eij = Rij - (1/2) R gij XEQ "RR" first to get R38 = R
 WIJKL  Weyl Tensor                            i ­ j ­ k ­ l  ->  Wijkl = Rijkl + [ 1/(n-2) ] ( Ril gjk - Rik gjl + Rjk gil - Rjl gik )
                                                                                              + [ R/(n-1)/(n-2) ] ( gik gjl - gil gjk )
XEQ "RR" first to get R38 = R
 DKTIJ  Covariant Derivative of a Tensor    bbb.eee ­  i ­ j ­ k ->  Dk Tij or Dk Tij or Dk Tij
             or a Vector                            bbb.eee ­  i ­ k  ->       Dk Vi   or   Dk Vi
  CF 01  CF 02  covariant
         SF 01      1 contrav
         SF 02      2 contrav 
 RCURL  Curl of a Covariant Vector Field                bbb.eee  ->  Curlij V = i Vj - j Vi                       /
 RDIV  Divergence of a Contrav. Vector Fied        bbb.eee  ->  Div V =  Di Vi =     i Vi + Giik Vk                       /
 RLAPGR  Laplacian & Gradient of a Scalar Field   •  R00 = f name   no input ->  Lapl(f) = gjk ( jk f  -  Gijk i f  )
                                                                                                   X<>Y  bbb.eee(Gradient)
 V<>V^   Exchanging Covariant & Contravariant Coord. of a Vector             bbb.eee(Vi) ->  bbb.eee(Vi)   SF 01 = inverse operation
      /         GENERAL DIFFERENTIAL MANIFOLDS including NON-RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS                       /
 2RIJK^L   2 Curvature Tensors: with the connexion  Gkij  & with the transpose connexion  Gkji            i ­ j ­ k ­ l  ->  Rlijk
  Rlijk = jGlik - kGlij + GlmjGmik - GlmkGmij   OR   Rlijk = jGlki - kGlji + GljmGmki - GlkmGmji
  CF 02 = first Tensor
  SF 02 = second Tensor
  RQIJ        Ricci Tensor(s)                           i ­ j   ->  Rij = Rmimj
  & Segmental Curvatue Tensor(s)     i ­ j   ->  Qij = Rmmij   = iGmmj - jGmmi
  CF 00 = Ricci Tensor
  SF 00 = Segmental Tensor
  CF 02 & SF 02 as above
   RQ  Scalar Curvatures      no input ->  R = gij Rij
                                  no input -> Q = gij Qij
             CF 00 = R
             SF 00 = Q
  CF 02 & SF 02 as above
  SIJK  Torsion Tensor          i ­ j ­ k ->   Skij = GkijGkji                      /
   SJ  Torsion Vector                     j  ->   Sj = Skjk                      /


[1]  Elie Cartan - "Leçons sur la géométrie des espaces de Riemann" - Gauthier-Villars, Paris   ( in French )
[2]  Denis-Papin & Kaufmann - "Cours de calcul Tensoriel Appliqué" - Albin Michel    ( in French )
[3]  List of Formulas in Riemannian Geometry
[4]  Nikodem J. Poplawski - "Spacetime and fields"- Department of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
[5]  Marie-Antoinette Tonnelat - Theorie unitaire affine du champ physique. J. Phys. Radium, 1951, 12 (2),
       pp.81-88. <10.1051/jphysrad:0195100120208100>. <jpa-00234360>