

Harmonic Numbers for the HP-41


 1°)  Harmonic Numbers

   a)  Program#1
   b)  Program#2

 2°)  Generalized Harmonic Numbers

   a)  Program#1
   b)  Program#2

 3°)  A Touch of Quaternions

   a)  Program#1
   b)  Program#2

-All these programs are quite elementary !

1°)  Harmonic Numbers

     a) Program#1

-The n-th harmonic number is defined as  Hn = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ........... + 1/n            where n is a positive integer.

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

 01  LBL "HRM"
 02  ENTER^
 03  ENTER^
 04  CLX
 05  LBL 01
 06  RCL Y
 07  1/X
 08  +
 09  DSE Y
 10  GTO 01
 11  R^
 12  SIGN
 13  RDN
 14  END

 ( 25 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             n            Hn
           L             /             n

  where  n is a positive integer


   41  XEQ "HRM"  >>>>  H41 = 4.302933282           ---Execution time = 9s---


-Lines 11-12-13 are only useful to save n in L-register
-Otherwise, they could be deleted
-"HRM" is very slow for large n-values.

-If n is very large,  Hn ~  Ln n + gamma + 1/(2n)   where   gamma = Euler's constant = 0.5772156649....

     b) Program#2

-For large n-values, we can use a better asymptotic series, namely:

             Hn ~  Ln n + gamma + 1/(2 n) - 1/(12 n2) + 1/(120 n4) - 1/(256 n6) + 1/(240 n8) - 1/(132 n10) + ....

  where   gamma = Euler's constant = 0.5772156649....

Data Register:  R00 = n
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

 01  LBL "HRM+"
 02  STO 00         
 03  X^2
 04  1/X
 05  ENTER^
 06  STO Z
 07  11
 08  /
 09  CHS
 10  20
 11  1/X                
 12  +
 13  *
 14  21
 15  1/X                
 16  -
 17  *
 18  .1
 19  +
 20  *
 21  1
 22  -
 23  *
 24  12
 25  /
 26  RCL 00         
 27  ST+ X
 28  1/X
 29  +
 30  RCL 00         
 31  LN
 32  +
 33  .5772156649
 34  +
 35  END

        ( 61 bytes / SIZE 001 )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             n            Hn

  where  n is a positive integer


   10  XEQ "HRM+"  >>>>   H10 = 2.928968254           ---Execution time = 2s---
   41          R/S           >>>>   H41 = 4.302933282
 1000        R/S           >>>>  H1000 = 7.485470861

2°)  Generalized Harmonic Numbers

     a) Program#1

-The harmonic numbers may be generalized by the definition:

    Hn,m = 1 + 1/2m + 1/3m + ........... + 1/nm            where n is a positive integer.

Data Registers:   R00 = - m
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

 01  LBL "HNM"
 02  CHS
 03  STO 00
 04  CLX
 05  LBL 01
 06  RCL Y
 07  RCL 00
 08  Y^X
 09  +
 10  DSE Y
 11  GTO 01
 12  END

 ( 23 bytes / SIZE 001 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             n             0
           X             m            Hn,m

  where  n is a positive integer


   41   ENTER^
   0.7  XEQ "HNM"  >>>>  H41,0.7 = 7.414455630           ---Execution time = 26s---


-If  m = 1 , we get the harmonic numbers Hn
-"HNM" is even slower than "HRM" for large n-values...

-The following M-Code routine is significantly - but not a lot - faster

08D  "M"
00E   "N"
008   "H"
0F8   C=X
128   L=C
04E   C=0 ALL
0E8   X=C
0B8   C=Y
070   N=C ALL
004   CLRF 3                       Loop
084   C
115   =
06C  Ln(C)
138   C=L
2BE  C=-C
13D  C=
061   AB*C
044   C
035   =
068  exp(AB)
0F8  C=X
025  C=
060  AB+C
0E8  X=C
0B0  C=N ALL
02E  C
0FA  ->
009   C=
060   AB-1
070   N=C ALL
360   ?C RTN
2EE   ?C#0 ALL
3A0   ?NC RTN
2FE   ?C#0 MS
32B   JNC-27d                   Goto Loop

 ( 39 words )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             n             n
           X             m            Hn,m
           L             /             m

  where  n is a positive integer


   41   ENTER^
   0.7  XEQ "HNM"  >>>>  H41,0.7 = 7.414455628           ---Execution time = 19s---


-Roundoff-errors are smaller.
-Registers Z & T are saved

-There is no check for alpha data.
-Press any key to stop an infinite loop or if you think the routine is too slow

     b) Program#2

-A even more generalized harmonic number may be defined if we introduce an offset  c

   Hn,c,m = SUMk=1,2,...,n  1/(c+k)m

Data Registers:  R00 = - m  ,  R01 = c
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

 01  LBL "HNCM"
 02  CHS
 03  STO 00
 04  RDN
 05  STO 01
 06  CLX
 07  LBL 01
 08  RCL Y
 09  RCL 01
 10  +
 11  RCL 00
 12  Y^X
 13  +
 14  DSE Y
 15  GTO 01
 16  END

 ( 28 bytes / SIZE 002 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             n             /
           Y             c             0
           X             m          Hn,c,m

  where  n is a positive integer


   41  ENTER^
    3   1/X
    2   SQRT  XEQ "HNCM"  >>>>   H41 , 1/3 , sqrt(2)  =  2.016949427               ---Execution time = 30s---


-If  c = 0  ,  Hn,c,m = Hn,m

3°)  A Touch of Quaternions

     a) Program#1

-"HNQ"  computes    Hn,q = 1 + 1/2q + 1/3q + ........... + 1/nq            where n is a positive integer and q is a quaternion.

Data Registers:      •  R00 = n                    ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "HNQ" )

                                     R01 thru R08: temp  ,  When the program stops,  R05 to R08 = Hn,q
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "E^Q"  ( cf "Quaternions for the HP-41" paragraph 6 )

 01  LBL "HNQ"
 02  STO 01
 03  RDN
 04  STO 02
 05  RDN
 06  STO 03        
 07  X<>Y
 08  STO 04 
 09  CLX
 10  STO 05
 11  STO 06
 12  STO 07
 13  STO 08 
 14  LBL 01
 15  RCL 00        
 16  LN
 17  CHS
 18  SIGN
 19  RCL 04
 20  RCL 03
 21  RCL 02
 22  RCL 01        
 23  X<> L
 24  ST* L
 25  ST* Y
 26  ST* Z
 27  ST* T
 28  X<> L
 29  XEQ "E^Q"
 30  ST+ 05 
 31  RDN
 32  ST+ 06        
 33  RDN
 34  ST+ 07 
 35  X<>Y
 36  ST+ 08 
 37  DSE 00
 38  GTO 01
 39  RCL 08        
 40  RCL 07
 41  RCL 06 
 42  RCL 05
 43  END

      ( 67 bytes / SIZE 009 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             t             t'
           Z             z             z'
           Y             y             y'
           X             x             x'

   Where  q = x + y i + z j + t k  ,   Hn,q =  x' + y' i + z' j + t' k
    and  R00 = n = positive integer

Example:    Calculate  H12 , 1+2i+3j+4k

   12   STO 00

    4    ENTER^
    3    ENTER^
    2    ENTER^
    1    XEQ "HNQ"  >>>>   0.961265794 = R05                    ---Execution time = 35s---
                                 RDN   0.116094882 = R06
                                 RDN   0.174142323 = R07
                                 RDN   0.232189764 = R08

  Whence,  H12 , 1+2i+3j+4k  =  0.961265794  +  0.116094882 i  +  0.174142323 j  +  0.232189764 k

     b) Program#2

-Here, we compute      Hn,q,m = SUMp=1,2,...,n  1/(q+p)m

   where  n is a positive integer , m is a real number and q is a quaternion:  q = x + y i + z j + t k

Data Registers:               R00 = - m                ( Registers R01 thru R04 are to be initialized before executing "HNQM" )

                                      •  R01 = x
                                      •  R02 = y                       R05 thru R09: temp
                                      •  R03 = z
                                      •  R04 = t                        When the program stops,  R05 to R08 = Hn,q,m
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "Q^R"  ( cf "Quaternions for the HP-41" paragraph 8-a) )

 01  LBL "HNQM"
 02  CHS
 03  STO 00         
 04  X<>Y
 05  STO 09 
 06  CLX
 07  STO 05 
 08  STO 06
 09  STO 07
 10  STO 08         
 11  LBL 01
 12  RCL 01 
 13  RCL 09 
 14  +
 15  RCL 04
 16  RCL 03 
 17  RCL 02         
 18  R^
 19  XEQ "Q^R"
 20  ST+ 05
 21  RDN
 22  ST+ 06
 23  RDN
 24  ST+ 07         
 25  X<>Y
 26  ST+ 08
 27  DSE 09 
 28  GTO 01 
 29  RCL 08         
 30  RCL 07
 31  RCL 06 
 32  RCL 05 
 33  END

      ( 52 bytes / SIZE 010 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             /             t'
           Z             /             z'
           Y             n             y'
           X             m             x'

   Where  q = x + y i + z j + t k  is stored in R01 thru R04 ,           Hn,q,m =  x' + y' i + z' j + t' k
    and   n = positive integer , m = real number

Example:    Calculate  H41 , 1+2i+3j+4k , 0.7

    1   STO 01
    2   STO 02
    3   STO 03
    4   STO 04

   41   ENTER^
   0.7  XEQ "HNQM"   >>>>    5.116889312  = R05                            ---Execution time = 128s---
                                     RDN   -0.643311229  = R06
                                     RDN   -0.964966843  = R07
                                     RDN   -1.286622458  = R08

-Whence  H41 , 1+2i+3j+4k , 0.7  =  5.116889312 - 0.643311229 i  - 0.964966843 j  - 1.286622458 k


-The programs listed in paragraph 3 are probably not very useful...


[1]  http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HarmonicNumber.html
[2]  M. J. Kronenburg - "Some Generalized Harmonic Number Identities"