
Hypermat Hypermatrix and Magic Cubes for the HP-41


-An hypermatrix  [ ai,j,k ] ( 1<= i <= n ; 1 <= j <= m ; 1 <= k <= p )  is actually equivalent to a p-list of n x m  matrices.
-Two programs are listed herafter:

  1°) "HYPMAT" creates an   n x m x p hypermatrix provided its elements verify  ai,j,k = f(i,j,k)  where  f is a known function.
  2°) "T" allows to compute the elements of a p x p x p magic cube, where p is a prime > 2  ( and p < 999 )

-If p = 3 or 5  the cube is an Andrews magic cube ( the sums equal the magic constant p(p3+1)/2  in the 3 directions and the 4 space diagonals )
-If p = 7         the cube is perfect pandiagonal ( all the orthogonal sections are panmagic squares )
-If p = 11 , 13 , ... ,  we have a panmagic cube ( all the orthogonal or diagonal sections - broken or unbroken - are panmagic squares )

1°) Creating an Hypermatrix

-The elements of the hypermatrix  [ ai,j,k ] are stored as shown below.
-If n.m.p > 318 , replace line 42 by VIEW X and the coefficients will be displayed ( from the last to the first )

Data Registers:           •  R00 =  n.mmm,ppp = n + m/1,000 + p/1,000,000   ( this register is to be initialized before executing "HYPMAT" )

  and when the program stops:

                                  R01 = a1,1,1        Rn+1 = a1,2,1   .......................................     Rnm-n+1 = a1,m,1
                                  R02 = a2,1,1        Rn+2 = a2,2,1   .......................................     Rnm-n+2 = a2,m,1
                                  Rn   = an,1,1        R2n  =  an,2,1   ........................................    Rnm = an,m,1

                                           Rnm+1 = a1,1,2        Rnm+n+1 = a1,2,2   .......................................     R2nm-n+1 = a1,m,2
                                            Rnm+2 = a2,1,2        Rnm+n+2 = a2,2,2   .......................................     R2nm-n+2 = a2,m,2
                                            Rnm+n = an,1,2        Rnm+2n  =  an,2,2   ........................................    R2nm = an,m,2


                                                      Rnm(p-1)+1 = a1,1,p        Rnm(p-1)+n+1 = a1,2,p   .......................................     Rnmp-n+1 = a1,m,p
                                                      Rnm(p-1)+2 = a2,1,p        Rnm(p-1)+n+2 = a2,2,p   .......................................     Rnmp-n+2 = a2,m,p
                                                      Rnm(p-1)+n = an,1,p        Rnm(p-1)+2n  =  an,2,p   ........................................    Rnmp = an,m,p

Flag: /
Subroutine:  a program called "T" ( global label )  that calculates   ai,j,k  = f(i,j,k)  assuming  i , j , k are in registers X , Y , Z ( respectively ) upon entry.

02  RCL 00
03  INT
05  FRC
06   E3
07  *
08  INT
09  *
10  STO 01
11  RCL 00              
12   E6
13  ST* Y
14  SQRT
15  MOD
16  *
17  STO M 
18  LBL 01
19  RCL M
20  1
21  -
22  STO Y
23  RCL 01              
24  /
25  INT
26  RCL Y
27  RCL 01 
28  MOD
29  RCL 00
30  INT
31  /
32  INT
33  R^
34  RCL 00              
35  INT
36  MOD
37  1
38  ST+ T
39  ST+ Z
40  +
41  XEQ "T"
42  STO IND M       
43  DSE M
44  GTO 01
45  CLA
46  END

   ( 71 bytes / SIZE nmp+1 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             /             /

Example:   n = 4 ; m = 5 ; p = 3  and   ai,j,k = ( i2 + j3 + k4 ) modulo (pi)

-Load this short routine in program memory:

  LBL "T"

-Then   4.005003   STO 00  XEQ "HYPMAT"  yields  ( in 75 seconds )

     R01 = 3 ; R02 = 2.8584 ; R03 = 1.5752 ; ..... ; R21 = 2.2920 ; .....; R41 = 1.3186 ; ..... ; R60 = 2.0885

2°) Magic Cubes ( of order p , assuming p is a prime and p > 2 )

-The following program calculates the elements of a magic cube   ai,j,k  assuming  i , j , k are in registers X , Y , Z ( respectively ) upon entry.

Data Registers:           •  R00 = p.ppp,ppp    ( R00 is to be initialized )

                                         R01 to Rp3 = the coefficents of the magic cube
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

01  LBL "T"
02  1
03  ST- T
04  ST- Z
05  -
06  STO N
07  RDN
08  STO O
09  RCL 00
10  INT
11  7
12  -
13  X<0?
14  GTO 01
15  X=0?
16  GTO 02
17  X<> T
18  ST+ X
19  +
20  ST+ X
21  RCL N
22  +
23  RCL X
24  RCL Z
25  +
26  RCL X
27  RCL O
28  +
29  GTO 03
30  LBL 01
31  X<> T
32  +
33  RCL N
34  ST- Y
35  ST+ X
36  RCL Y
37  +
38  RCL O
39  ST+ X
40  CHS
41  X<>Y
42  ST+ Y
43  R^
44  ST+ X
45  -
46  GTO 03
47  LBL 02
48  CLX
49  RCL N
50  +
51  ST+ X
52  +
53  CHS
54  RCL N
55  CHS
56  X<>Y
57  ST+ Y
58  RCL O
59  CHS
60  X<>Y
61  ST+ Y
62  R^
63  ST+ X
64  -
65  RCL N
66  +
67  LBL 03
68  RCL 00
69  INT
70  MOD
71  X<>Y
73  ST* Z
74  MOD
75  +
76  X<>Y
77  RCL 00
78  INT
79  ST* Z
80  MOD
81  +
82  1
83  +
84  END

   ( 125 bytes )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             /             /

Example:      3.003003  STO 00  XEQ "HYPMAT"  stores the following Andrews magic cube

          1                              23                           18                                             R01                       R10                        R19
               17                              3                             22                                             R04                       R13                        R22
         15        24                  7         16               20          2                                 R02       R07         R11        R16          R20       R25
               19                             14                             9                 in                          R05                       R14                        R23              respectively.
         26         8                  12        21                4          13                                R03       R08         R12        R17          R21       R26
                6                              25                            11                                             R06                       R15                        R24
                     10                              5                             27                                              R09                       R18                        R27

-As you can check, the sums equal 42 in the  x- , y- , z- directions
 and the space diagonals 1 + 14 + 27 = 26 + 14 + 2 = 10 + 14 + 18 = 24 + 14 + 4 = 42


-If p = 7 , 11 , 13 , 17 , .... , replace line 42 by VIEW X in the "HYPMAT" listing to see the successive coefficients of the magic cube.
-A perfect magic cube of order 5 has been discovered in 2003, but this program cannot calculate its elements.