
Orbit Determination

Orbit Determination for the HP-41


 0°)  3 Subroutines: "R-S"  "S-R"  "EE"
 1°)  Gauss-Herrick-Gibbs Method
 2°)  Position & Velocity >>> Orbital Elements
 3°)  Position & Velocity >>> Position2
 4°)  2 Positions >>> Velocity
 5°)  Herget's Method: more than 3 Observations
 6°)  A Test

0°)  3 Subroutines

-These short routines are already listed in "Transformation of Coordinates for the HP-41"

    a) Rectangular-Spherical conversion:

       x = r cos b cos l
       y = r cos b sin l
       z = r sin b

   where    x , y , z = rectangular coordinates,    r  = ( x2 + y2 + z2 )1/2  ,   l  = longitude ,  b = latitude

-However, the results can be obtained more easily by the R-P and P-R functions:
 T-register is saved and no data register is used!

 01  LBL "R-S"
 02  R-P
 03  X<>Y
 04  RDN
 05  R-P
 06  R^
 07  X<>Y
 08  END

( 16 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           T            T            T
           Z            z            b
           Y            y            l
           X            x            r
           L            /      (x2+y2)1/2

Example:     x = 3 ; y = 4 ; z = -7   find the spherical coordinates ( in DEG mode )

    -7  ENTER^
     4  ENTER^
     3  XEQ "R-S"    r  =  8.602325267
                  RDN     = 53.13010235°
                  RDN     b = -54.46232221°

   b) Spherical-Rectangular conversion:

 01  LBL "S-R"
 02  X<>Y
 03  RDN
 04  P-R
 05  R^
 06  X<>Y
 07  P-R
 08  END

( 16 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           T            T             T
           Z            b             z
           Y            l             y
           X            r             x
           L            /      (x2+y2)1/2

Example:     r = 10 ; l = 124° ; b = 37°   find    x ; y ; z   ( in DEG mode )

   37   ENTER^
  124  ENTER^
   10  XEQ "S-R"   x = -4.465913097
                  RDN   y =  6.620988446
                  RDN   z =  6.018150232

- "R-S" and "S-R" work in all angular modes

   c) A very useful subroutine: "EE"

-Many transformations use the same type of formulae which appear in the equatorial-ecliptic conversion, namely:

                       sin  b = cos e  sin d - sin e  cos d  sin a
             cos cos l = cos d  cos a
             cos b  sin  l = sin e  sin d  +  cos e  cos d  sin a

- But once again, P-R and R-P lead to a shorter and faster algorithm.

 01  LBL "EE"
 02  1
 03  XEQ "S-R"
 04  RDN
 05  R-P
 06  X<> Z
 07  ST- Y
 08  X<> Z
 09  P-R
 10  R^
 11  XEQ "R-S"
 12  RDN
 13  END

( 31 bytes / SIZE 000 )

-If "EE" is useful for you but "R-S" and "S-R" are not, here is another version of this program that doesn't need any subroutine:

 01  LBL "EE"
 02  1
 03  X<>Y
 04  RDN
 05  P-R
 06  R^
 07  X<>Y
 08  P-R
 09  RDN
 10  R-P
 11  X<> Z
 12  ST- Y
 13  X<> Z
 14  P-R
 15  R^
 16  R-P
 17  X<>Y
 18  RDN
 19  R-P
 20  X<> T
 21  END

( 32 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK      INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z            e            e
           Y         decl            b
           X          RA            l

  where  e = obliquity of the ecliptic

Example:     if right-ascension = RA = 116.328942 , declination = decl = 28.026183 and  e = 23.4392911

    23.4392911  ENTER^
    28.026183    ENTER^
  116.328942    XEQ "EE"  >>>> l  =  113.215630°   RDN   b  =  6.684170°

-Like "R-S" and "S-R" , "EE"  works in all angular modes.

1°)  Gauss-Herrick-Gibbs Method

-This program is very similar to the routine listed in "Comets for the HP-41" paragraph  6-b)
-However, it does not use any M-Code function, it also works if e = 1 ( parabolic orbits )
 and the velocity vector at the second instant V2 is computed too.

-Moreover, Newton's method is used instead of the secant method for faster convergence.

-Given 3 observations of an asteroid, comet... "GAUSS" returns the orbital elements of its orbit.

Data Registers:              R00 & R19 to R50: temp               ( Registers R01 thru R18 are to be initialized before executing "GAUSS" )

                                      •  R01 = t1               •  R07 = t2               •  R13 = t3                  expressed in days since 2000/01/01  0h TT
                                      •  R02 = RA1           •  R08 = RA2          •  R14 = RA3              in hh.mnss
                                      •  R03 = d1              •  R09 = d2              •  R15 = d3                 in °. ' ''
                                      •  R04 = X1             •  R10 = X2             •  R16 = X3                 in Astronomical Units          rectangular ecliptic
                                      •  R05 = Y1             •  R11 = Y2             •  R17 = Y3                 ---------------------              coordinates
                                      •  R06 = Z1             •  R12 = Z2              •  R18 = Z3                 ---------------------               of the Sun

    >>>> When the program stops,

                 R19 = T = instant of passage in perihelion  ( in days from 2000/01/01  0h )
                 R20 = q = perihelion distance    ( in Astronomical Units )
                 R21 = e = eccentricity
                 R22 =  i = inclination  ( in degrees )
                 R23 = omega = argument of perihelion ( in degrees )
                 R24 = OMEGA = longitude of the ascending node ( in degrees )
                 R25 = n = mean motion  ( in degrees/day )
                 R26 = p = parameter ( in AU )

   >>>>  You have also:       R00 = Distance Earth-Comet at the 2nd instant

                 R29 = Distance Sun-Comet at the 1st instant  = r1
                 R28 = (Distance Sun-Comet at the 2nd instant)^3 = r2^3
                 R30 = Distance Sun-Comet at the 3rd instant      = r3

      The coordinates of the vector r1 are stored in R41-R42-R43
      The coordinates of the vector r2 are stored in R44-R45-R46         The coordinates of the vector V2 are stored in R34-R35-R36
      The coordinates of the vector r3 are stored in R47-R48-R49

Flags:  F00 - F01       Set   F01 if you are using the mean ecliptic of the date(s)
                                  Clear  F01 if you are using the standard equinox J2000
Subroutines: /

  01  LBL "GAUSS"
  02  DEG
  03  STO 50 
  04  15
  05  STO 19
  06  49
  07  STO 20 
  08  LBL 01
  09  RCL IND 19 
  10  DSE 19
  11  RCL IND 19
  12  DSE 19
  13  RCL IND 19
  14  .5
  15  -
  16  FC? 01
  17  ST- X
  18  2807410
  19  /
  20  23.439279
  21  -
  22  STO 00 
  23  RDN
  24  HR
  25  15
  26  *
  27  X<>Y
  28  HR
  29  STO 21
  30  COS
  31  P-R
  32  X<>Y
  33  RCL 00
  34  X<>Y
  35  P-R
  36  X<>Y
  37  X<> 00
  38  RCL 21
  39  SIN
  40  P-R
  41  ST+ 00
  42  RDN
  43  -
  44  RCL 00
  45  STO IND 20
  46  DSE 20
  47  RDN
  48  STO IND 20
  49  DSE 20
  50  X<>Y
  51  STO IND 20
  52  3
  53  ST- 19
  54  DSE 20
  55  DSE 19
  56  GTO 01
  57  RCL 44
  58  RCL 48
  59  *
  60  RCL 45
  61  RCL 47
  62  *
  63  -
  64  STO 30
  65  RCL 46
  66  RCL 47
  67  *
  68  RCL 44
  69  RCL 49
  70  *
  71  -
  72  STO 29
  73  RCL 45
  74  RCL 49
  75  *
  76  RCL 46
  77  RCL 48
  78  *
  79  -
  80  STO 28
  81  RCL 42
  82  RCL 49
  83  *
  84  RCL 43
  85  RCL 48
  86  *
  87  -
  88  STO 31
  89  RCL 43
  90  RCL 47
  91  *
  92  RCL 41
  93  RCL 49
  94  *
  95  - 
  96  STO 32
  97  RCL 41
  98  RCL 48
  99  *
100  RCL 42
101  RCL 47
102  *
103  -
104  STO 33
105  RCL 42
106  RCL 46
107  *
108  RCL 43 
109  RCL 45
110  *
111  -
112  STO 34 
113  RCL 47
114  *
115  RCL 43
116  RCL 44 
117  *
118  RCL 41
119  RCL 46
120  *
121  -
122  STO 35 
123  RCL 48
124  *
125  +
126  RCL 41
127  RCL 45
128  *
129  RCL 42
130  RCL 44
131  *
132  -
133  STO 36
134  RCL 49
135  *
136  +
137  STO 00
138  RCL 13
139  RCL 07
140  -
141  STO 37
142  X^2
143  RCL 07
144  RCL 01
145  -
146  STO 38
147  X^2
148  RCL 13
149  RCL 01
150  -
151  ST/ 37
152  ST/ 38
153  X^2
154  ST- Z
155  X<>Y
156  -
157  RCL 38
158  *
159  STO 40
160  X<>Y
161  CHS
162  RCL 37
163  *
164  3379.380681
165  STO 27
166  6
167  *
168  ST/ 40
169  /
170  STO 39
171  RCL 04
172  *
173  RCL 16
174  RCL 40
175  *
176  +
177  STO M
178  RCL 05
179  RCL 39
180  *
181  RCL 17
182  RCL 40
183  *
184  +
185  STO N
186  RCL 06
187  RCL 39
188  *
189  RCL 18
190  RCL 40
191  *
192  +
193  STO O
194  24
195  STO 25
196  XEQ 02
197  RCL 04
198  RCL 37
199  *
200  RCL 10
201  -
202  RCL 16
203  RCL 38
204  *
205  +
206  STO M
207  RCL 05
208  RCL 37
209  *
210  RCL 11
211  -
212  RCL 17 
213  RCL 38 
214  *
215  +
216  STO N
217  RCL 06
218  RCL 37
219  *
220  RCL 12 
221  -
222  RCL 18
223  RCL 38 
224  *
225  +
226  STO O
227  DSE 25
228  XEQ 02
229  " D=?"
230  ASTO O
231  RCL 37
232  RCL 38
233  *
234  RCL 13
235  RCL 01
236  -
237  X^2
238  ST* Y
239  +
240  12
241  RCL 27
242  *
243  STO 26
244  /
245  STO 25
246  RCL 10
247  RCL 44
248  *
249  RCL 11
250  RCL 45
251  *
252  +
253  RCL 12
254  RCL 46
255  *
256  +
257  ST+ X
258  STO M
259  RCL 10
260  X^2
261  RCL 11
262  X^2
263  +
264  RCL 12
265  X^2
266  +
267  STO N
268  GTO 10
269  LBL 02
270  RCL 34
271  RCL M
272  *
273  RCL 35
274  RCL N
275  *
276  +
277  RCL 36
278  RCL O
279  *
280  +
281  RCL 00
282  /
283  STO IND 25
284  DSE 25
285  RCL 31
286  RCL M
287  *
288  RCL 32
289  RCL N
290  *
291  +
292  RCL 33
293  RCL O
294  *
295  +
296  RCL 00
297  /
298  STO IND 25
299  DSE 25
300  RCL 28
301  RCL M
302  *
303  RCL 29
304  RCL N
305  *
306  +
307  RCL 30
308  RCL O
309  *
310  +
311  RCL 00
312  /
313  STO IND 25 
314  RTN
315  LBL 10
316  VIEW 50
317  RCL 25 
318  RCL 50 
319  ENTER
320  X^2
321  *
322  STO 28
323  ST+ Y
324  X^2
325  /
326  STO 29
327  RCL 23 
328  *
329  RCL 20
330  +
331  ENTER
332  STO 00
333  RCL M
334  -
335  *
336  RCL N
337  +
338  RCL 50
339  X^2
340  -
341  RCL 25
342  ST+ X
343  RCL 28
344  ST+ Y
345  X^2
346  RCL 50
347  *
348  /
349  RCL 23
350  *
351  3
352  *
353  RCL 00
354  ST+ X
355  RCL M
356  -
357  *
358  RCL 50
359  ST+ X
360  +
361  /
362  ST+ 50
363  RCL 50
364  /
365  ABS
366   E-8
367  X<Y?
368  GTO 10
369  CLD
370  RCL 00
371  RCL 50
372  X>Y?
373  X<>Y
374  X>0?
375  GTO 00
376  RCL O
377  TONE 9
378  STOP
379  STO 50
380  GTO 10
381  LBL 00
382  RCL 00
383  ST* 44
384  ST* 45
385  ST* 46
386  RCL 10
387  ST- 44
388  RCL 11
389  ST- 45
390  RCL 12
391  ST- 46
392  RCL 22
393  RCL 29
394  *
395  RCL 19
396  +
397  RCL 39
398  RCL 29
399 *
400   RCL 37
401  +
402  /
403  ST* 41
404  ST* 42
405  ST* 43
406  RCL 04
407  ST- 41
408  RCL 05
409  ST- 42
410  RCL 06
411  ST- 43
412  RCL 24
413  RCL 29
414  *
415  RCL 21
416  +
417  RCL 40
418  RCL 29 
419  *
420  RCL 38         
421  +
422  /
423  ST* 47
424  ST* 48
425  ST* 49
426  RCL 16 
427  ST- 47
428  RCL 17
429  ST- 48
430  RCL 18 
431  ST- 49
432  RCL 41
433  X^2
434  RCL 42
435  X^2
436  RCL 43
437  X^2
438  +
439  +
440  SQRT
441  STO 29
442  RCL 47
443  X^2
444  RCL 48
445  X^2
446  RCL 49
447  X^2
448  +
449  +
450  SQRT
451  STO 30
452  RCL 37
453  RCL 07
454  RCL 01
455  -
456  STO 35
457  /
458  STO 31
459  RCL 13
460  RCL 07
461  -
462  ST/ 38
463  RCL 26
464  ST/ 35
465  /
466  STO 34
467  RCL 29
468  3
469  Y^X
470  /
471  +
472  CHS
473  STO 37
474  RCL 41
475  *
476  RCL 35
477  ST- 34
478  RCL 30
479  3
480  Y^X
481  /
482  RCL 38
483  ST- 31
484  +
485  STO 39
486  RCL 47
487  *
488  +
489  RCL 31
490  RCL 34
491  RCL 28
492  /
493  +
494  STO 38
495  RCL 44
496  *
497  +
498  STO 34
499  RCL 42
500  RCL 37
501  *
502  RCL 45
503  RCL 38
504  *
505  +
506  RCL 48
507  RCL 39
508  *
509  +
510  STO 35
511  RCL 43
512  RCL 37
513  *
514  RCL 46
515  RCL 38
516  *
517  +
518  RCL 49
519  RCL 39
520  *
521  +
522  STO 36
523  RCL 45 
524  *
525  RCL 46 
526  RCL 35         
527  *
528  -
529  STO 37 
530  X^2
531  RCL 44
532  RCL 36
533  *
534  RCL 46 
535  RCL 34
536  *
537  -
538  STO 38
539  X^2
540  +
541  RCL 44
542  RCL 35
543  *
544  RCL 45
545  RCL 34
546  *
547  -
548  STO 39
549  X^2
550  +
551  RCL 27
552  *
553  STO 26
554  RCL 37
555  RCL 38
556  R-P
557  X<>Y
558  STO 24
559  CLX
560  RCL 39
561  R-P
562  X<>Y
563  STO 22
564  RCL 43
565  X<>Y
566  SIN
567  /
568  RCL 41
569  RCL 24
570  COS
571  *
572  RCL 42
573  RCL 24
574  SIN
575  *
576  +
577  R-P
578  X<>Y
579  STO 23
580  RCL 49
581  RCL 22
582  SIN
583  /
584  RCL 47
585  RCL 24
586  COS
587  *
588  RCL 48
589  RCL 24
590  SIN
591  *
592  +
593  R-P
594  CLX
595  RCL 23
596  -
597  2
598  /
599  STO 25
600  RCL 26
601  RCL 29
602  /
603  STO Y
604  RCL 26
605  RCL 30
606  /
607  ST+ Z
608  -
609  RCL 25
610  SIN
611  /
612  X<>Y
613  2
614  -
615  RCL 25
616  COS
617  /
618  R-P
619  2
620  /
621  STO 21
622  CLX
623  RCL 25
624  -
625  ST- 23
626  STO 25
627  RCL 26 
628  1
629  RCL 21          
630  +
631  /
632  STO 20 
633  1
634  RCL 21 
635  -
636  X#0?
637  GTO 00
638  X<> 25
639  2
640  /
641  TAN
642  ENTER
643  X^2
644  3
645  +
646  *
647  RCL 20
648  3
649  Y^X
650  ST+ X
651  9
652  /
653  RCL 27
654  *
655  SQRT
656  *
657  GTO 05
658  LBL 00
659  CF 00
660  X<0?
661  SF 00
662  STO Z
663  /
664  3
665  Y^X
666  RCL 27
667  *
668  SIGN
669  LASTX
670  ABS
671  SQRT
672  *
673  1/X
674  R-D
675  X<> 25
676  2
677  /
678  X<>Y
679  1
680  RCL 21
681  +
682  /
683  ABS
684  SQRT
685  FS?C 00
686  GTO 03
687  P-R
688  LASTX
689  /
690  R-P
691  X<>Y
692  ST+ X
693  D-R
694  LASTX
695  SIN
696  GTO 04
697  LBL 03
698  X<>Y
699  TAN
700  *
701  1
702  RCL Y
703  -
704  /
705  ST+ X
706  LN1+X
707  ENTER
708  E^X-1
709  LASTX
710  CHS
711  E^X-1
712  -
713  2
714  /
715  LBL 04
716  RCL 21
717  *
718  -
719  R-D
720  RCL 25
721  /
722  LBL 05
723  RCL 01
724  X<>Y
725  -
726  STO 19
727  CLA
728  END

          ( 1102 bytes / SIZE 051 )

      STACK         INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             D            T

  Where  D  is an estimtion of the distance Sun-Comet at the 2nd instant

Example:    Comet C/2014 AA52 Catalina, on 2015/02/01 0h TT , 2015/02/10 0h  TT , 2015/02/20 0h , astrometric coordinates ( /J2000 ):

                   2015/02/01 0h                   2015/02/10 0h                  2015/02/20 0h

      t                 5510                                   5519                                5529                               days
    RA        1h07m43s058                     0h58m40s151                   0h53m53s415
   Decl       -57°17'23"42                      -52°05'21"91                    -46°54'15"67
     X          0.653892160                      0.763553245                   0.863088915                  Astronomical Units
     Y        -0.736974521                     -0.624900515                 -0.482202751                   Astronomical Units
     Z          0.000019390                      0.000019018                   0.000014378                   Astronomical Units

-Store these 18 numbers into

                        R01                                     R07                                   R13
                        R02                                     R08                                   R14
                        R03                                     R09                                   R15                               respectively
                        R04                                     R10                                   R16
                        R05                                     R11                                   R17
                        R06                                     R12                                   R18

-If you choose  D = 3 AU

  CF 01   3   XEQ "GAUSS"   >>>>    T = 5536.68812 = R19                                 ---Execution time = 58s---

 and               q      =   2.002314                    = R20
                      e      =   0.999456                    = R21
                       i      = 105°2133                      = R22
                 omega   = -67°7290                      = R23
               OMEGA = -29°5133                      = R24
                      n      =   0.000004415 deg/d     = R25
                      p      =  4.003539                     = R26


-If your guess leads to a negative value for the distance Sun-asteroid or Earth-asteroid,
 the HP-41 emits a TONE 9 , displays  D=?  and stops line 378
-Key in another guess in X-register and R/S

-If you add  STO 33 after line 422 and if you add  STO 32  after line 402,
 you will get the distance Earth-Asteroid at the 1st & 3rd instants in R32 & R33

-This will be useful in the Herget method below and for aberration too...

-Lines 523 to 727 may be replaced by    RCL 07   XEQ "RV-EL"
  where  "RV-EL" is listed in paragraph 3 below.
-The results could be slightly different because "GAUSS" employs
  the positions at the first and third instant.

-To get accurate position of the Sun, see reference [1] which uses DE421 ephemerides
-If the coordinates of the asteroid are topocentric, use the topocentric coordinates of the Sun.

2°)  Position & Velocity >>> Orbital Elements

-If we know the position and velocity vectors r & V  at an instant t , we can deduce the 6 orbital elements  T  q  e  i  omega  OMEGA
-The formulas are given in "Comets for the HP-41"

Data Registers:              R00 = t                    ( Registers R44-45-46 & R34-35-36 are to be initialized before executing "RV-EL" )

                                      •  R44-R45-R46 = r  = rectangular ecliptic coordinates of the asteroid
                                      •  R34-R35-R36 = V = -------------------------------------  velocity    at the same instant t

    >>>> When the program stops,

                 R19 = T   ( in days from 2000/01/01  0h )
                 R20 = q    ( in Astronomical Units )
                 R21 = e
                 R22 =  i     ( in degrees )
                 R23 = omega  ( in degrees )
                 R24 = OMEGA  ( in degrees )
                 R25 = n = mean motion  ( in degrees/day )
                 R26 = p = parameter
                 R27 = a = semi-major axis

Flag:  F00
Subroutines: /

-Line 100  is a three-byte GTO 02

  01  LBL "RV-EL"
  02  DEG
  03  STO 00
  04  RCL 36 
  05  RCL 45
  06  *
  07  RCL 35 
  08  RCL 46
  09  *
  10  -
  11  STO 37
  12  X^2
  13  RCL 36
  14  RCL 44 
  15  *
  16  RCL 34
  17  RCL 46
  18  *
  19  -
  20  STO 38
  21  X^2
  22  +
  23  RCL 35
  24  RCL 44
  25  *
  26  RCL 34
  27  RCL 45
  28  *
  29  -
  30  STO 39
  31  X^2
  32  +
  33  3379.380681
  34  STO 40 
  35  *
  36  STO 26
  37  RCL 37
  38  RCL 38
  39  R-P
  40  X<>Y
  41  STO 24 
  42  CLX
  43  RCL 39 
  44  R-P
  45  X<>Y
  46  STO 22
  47  RCL 46
  48  X<>Y
  49  SIN
  50  /
  51  RCL 44       
  52  RCL 24
  53  COS
  54  *
  55  RCL 45
  56  RCL 24
  57  SIN
  58  *
  59  +
  60  R-P
  61  X<>Y
  62  STO 23
  63  RCL 34
  64  RCL 44
  65  *
  66  RCL 35
  67  RCL 45 
  68  *
  69  +
  70  RCL 36
  71  RCL 46
  72  *
  73  +
  74  SIGN
  75  STO 48
  76  2
  77  RCL 44 
  78  X^2
  79  RCL 45 
  80  X^2
  81  +
  82  RCL 46
  83  X^2
  84  +
  85  SQRT
  86  STO 47       
  87  /
  88  RCL 34
  89  X^2
  90  RCL 35
  91  X^2
  92  +
  93  RCL 36
  94  X^2
  95  +
  96  RCL 40 
  97  *
  98  -
  99  X=0?
100  GTO 02
101  CF 00
102  X>0?
103  SF 00
104  1/X
105  STO 27
106  RCL 26
107  LASTX
108  *
109  1
110  -
111  ABS
112  SQRT
113  STO 21 
114  1
115  ST+ Y
116  RCL 21
117  -
118  /
119  ABS
120  SQRT
121  STO 25 
122  RCL 48       
123  RCL 27 
124  RCL 47
125  -
126  RCL 27
127  RCL 21
128  *
129  /
130  FS? 00
131  ACOS
132  FS? 00
133  GTO 00
134  ENTER
135  X^2
136  1
137  -
138  SQRT
139  +
140  LN
141  LBL 00
142  *
143  STO 28 
144  FS? 00
145  GTO 00
146  E^X-1
147  STO Y
148  2
149  +
150  /
151  RCL 25 
152  *
153  ATAN
154  GTO 01
155  LBL 00
156  2
157  /
158  RCL 25       
159  P-R
160  LASTX
161  /
162  R-P
163  X<>Y
164  LBL 01
165  ST+ X
166  ST- 23
167  RCL 27
168  3
169  Y^X
170  RCL 40
171  *
172  SIGN
173  LASTX
174  ABS
175  SQRT
176  *
177  1/X
178  R-D
179  STO 25 
180  RCL 26
181  1
182  RCL 21
183  +
184  /
185  STO 20
186  RCL 28 
187  FS?C 00
188  GTO 00
189  ENTER
190  E^X-1
191  LASTX
192  CHS
193  E^X-1
194  -
195  2
196  /
197  GTO 01
198  LBL 02
199  STO 25       
200  RCL 47
201  RCL 26
202  2
203  /
204  STO 20 
205  /
206  1
207  STO 21
208  -
209  SQRT
210  RCL 48
211  *
212  ATAN
213  ST+ X
214  ST- 23
215  LASTX
216  ENTER
217  X^2
218  3
219  +
220  *
221  RCL 20 
222  3
223  Y^X
224  ST+ X
225  9
226  /
227  RCL 40       
228  *
229 SQRT
230  *
231  GTO 03
232  LBL 00
233  D-R
234   LASTX
235  SIN
236  LBL 01
237  RCL 21 
238  *
239  -
240  R-D
241  RCL 25 
242  /
243  LBL 03
244  RCL 00
245  X<>Y
246  -
247  STO 19
248  END

        ( 363 bytes / SIZE 049 )

      STACK         INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             t            T

  Where  t  &  T  are expressed in days since  2000/01/01  0h  TT

Example1:                t = 4321  r = ( 1.4  ,  5.3  ,  -0.9 ) V = ( 0.003 , -0.004 , -0.009 )

   Store  the 3 components of r into  R44-R45-R46
     and   -------------------- V --   R34-R35-R36   respectively

   4321   XEQ "RV-EL"  >>>>   T = 4487.011977 = R19                   ---Execution time = 12s---

  and in registers R20 thru R27

                      q      =   5.419995                    = R20
                      e      =   0.990189                    = R21
                       i      = 112°36768                    = R22
                 omega   = -151°91629                  = R23
               OMEGA = -100°92280                  = R24
                      n      =   0.000075905 deg/d     = R25
                      p     =   10.786814                   = R26
                      a      =  552.446418                 = R27

Example2:       Same values except the last component of the velocity:      -0.010    STO 36

   4321   XEQ "RV-EL"  >>>>   T = 4431.72425 = R19                    ---Execution time = 12s---

  and in registers R20 thru R27

                      q      =   5.474724                    = R20
                      e      =   1.341612                    = R21
                       i      = 110°43073                    = R22
                 omega   = -157°13432                  = R23
               OMEGA = -101°29046                  = R24
                      n      =   -0.015362 deg/d         = R25
                      p     =   12.819681                   = R26
                      a      =  -16.026128                 = R27


-For a hyperbolic orbit,  n & a are negative
-For a parabolic orbit, n = 0

3°)  Position & Velocity >>> Position2

-Here, we could use "RV-EL" first to get the orbital elements and then the programs listed in "Comets for the HP-41" to get the position at another instant.
-But, in order to avoid a possible loss of accuracy if the eccentricity is very close to 1, "RV-R" employs the universal variable x  to perform the calculations
 ( cf reference [2] )

-We solve the equation:   f(x) = x3 S(z) + ( r.V / k ) x2 C(z) + r x ( 1 - z S(z) ) -  t k = 0   by the method of Newton

   here,  z = x2 / a    where   a = semi-major axis              1 / a = 2 / r - V2 / k2

       t = ( t2 - t1 )  and  k = 0.01720209895 = Gauss gravitational constant

  C(z) = ( 1 - Cos z1/2 ) / z = ( 1 - Cosh (-z)1/2 ) / z                  S(z) =  ( z1/2 - Sin (z1/2) ) / ( z3/2) = ( Sinh (-z)1/2 - (-z)1/2 ) / (-z)3/2

-After founding  x  ,  we have

      f = 1 - x2 C(z) / r
      g = t - x3 S(z) / k

  and   r' = f r + g V

Data Registers:              R00 = t2 - t1                    ( Registers R44-45-46 & R34-35-36 are to be initialized before executing "RV-R" )

                                      •  R44-R45-R46 = r1  = rectangular ecliptic coordinates of the asteroid
                                      •  R34-R35-R36 = V1 = -------------------------------------  velocity    at the same instant t1

                                          R01 thru R06 & R12 thru R26 are unused

    >>>> When the program stops,

                 R27 = X    rectangular  ecliptic
                 R28 = Y    heliocentric coordinates                                                 R27-R28-R29 = r2
                 R29 = Z     of the asteroid at the second instant in AU.

Flag:  F00   ( F00 is temporarily set if the orbit is hyperbolic )
Subroutines: /

-Line 183 is a three-byte  GTO 01

  01  LBL "RV-R"
  02  RAD
  03  STO 00
  04  RCL 34
  05  RCL 44        
  06  *
  07  RCL 35
  08  RCL 45 
  09  *
  10  +
  11  RCL 36
  12  RCL 46
  13  *
  14  +
  15  STO 08
  16  2
  17  RCL 44
  18  X^2
  19  RCL 45
  20  X^2
  21  +
  22  RCL 46
  23  X^2
  24  +
  25  SQRT
  26  STO 07
  27   /
  28  RCL 34
  29  X^2
  30  RCL 35
  31  X^2
  32  +
  33  RCL 36
  34  X^2
  35  +
  36  58.13244087
  37  STO 09        
  38  X^2
  39  *
  40  -
  41  STO 27 
  42  CF 00
  43  X<0?
  44  SF 00
  45  ABS
  46  RCL 00
  47  *
  48  RCL 09
  49  ST* 08
  50  /
  51  STO 10
  52  LBL 01
  53  RCL 10
  54  X^2
  55  RCL 27
  56  *
  57  STO 11
  58  ABS
  59  .73
  60  X<=Y?
  61  GTO 03
  62  4
  63  ENTER
  64  CLX
  65  LBL 02
  66  RCL Y
  67  ST+ X
  68  3
  69  +
  70  FACT
  71  1/X
  72  +
  73  RCL 11        
  74  *
  75  CHS
  76  DSE Y
  77  GTO 02
  78  6
  79  1/X
  80  +
  81  GTO 04
  82  LBL 03
  83  X<>Y
  84  SQRT
  85  ENTER
  86  ENTER
  87  FS? 00
  88  GTO 03
  89  SIN
  90  GTO 00
  91  LBL 03
  92  E^X-1
  93  LASTX
  94  CHS
  95  E^X-1
  96  -
  97  2
  98  /
  99  LBL 00
100  -
101  X<>Y
102  /
103  RCL 11        
104  /
105  LBL 04
106  RCL 11 
107  ABS
108  SQRT
109  2
110  /
111  FS? 00
112  GTO 03
113  SIN
114  X^2
115  ST+ X
116  RCL 11
117  GTO 04
118  LBL 03
119  E^X-1
120  LASTX
121  CHS
122  E^X-1
123  -
124  X^2
125  RCL 11
126  ST+ X
127  CHS
128  LBL 04
129  X#0?
130  GTO 04
131  RDN
132  SIGN
133  2
134  LBL 04
135  /
136  STO 28        
137  RCL 08
138  *
139  X<>Y
140  STO 29
141  RCL 10 
142  *
143  +
144  RCL 10
145  *
146  1
147  RCL 11
148  RCL 29
149  *
150  -
151  STO Z
152  RCL 07
153  *
154  +
155  RCL 10
156  *
157  RCL 00
158  RCL 09
159  /
160  -
161  RCL 10
162  RCL 28
163  *
164  R^
165  RCL 08
166  *
167  +
168  RCL 10        
169  *
170  RCL 11 
171  RCL 28
172  *
173  1
174  -
175  RCL 07 
176  *
177  -
178  /
179  ST- 10
180  ABS
181   E-7
182  X<Y?
183  GTO 01
184  RCL 44
185  1
186  RCL 10
187  X^2
188  RCL 28
189  *
190  RCL 07
191  /
192  -
193  *
194  STO 27
195  RCL 45
196  LASTX
197  *
198  STO 28
199  RCL 46
200  LASTX
201  *
202  X<> 29
203  RCL 10        
204  3
205  Y^X
206  *
207  RCL 09 
208  *
209  RCL 00
210  X<>Y
211  -
212  RCL 34
213  X<>Y
214  *
215  ST+ 27
216  RCL 35
217  LASTX
218  *
219  ST+ 28
220  RCL 36
221  LASTX
222  *
223  ST+ 29
224  RCL 29
225  RCL 28
226  RCL 27
227  DEG
228  CF 00
229  END

     ( 310 bytes / SIZE 047 )

      STACK         INPUT      OUTPUT
           Z             /            Z
           Y             /            Y
           X          t2 - t1            X

  Where  t2 - t1   is expressed in days and  X Y Z  are the rectangular ecliptic coordinates of the asteroid ( in AU )

Example1:        r1  = ( 0.16 , 1.38 , 0.24 )    V1 = ( 0.015 , 0.01 , 0.001 )    Find the position 100 days later

     0.16   STO 44     0.015   STO 34
     1.38   STO 45     0.010   STO 35
     0.24   STO 46     0.001   STO 36

     100   XEQ "RV-R"   >>>>    X = 1.509299637 = R27                              ---Execution time = 25s---
                                      RDN     Y = 1.919542031 = R28
                                      RDN     Z = 0.265117223 = R29

Example2:      Same values except the second component of the velocity vector:  0.015 instead of 0.01

    0.015   STO 35
     100      R/S       >>>>   X = 1.541288717 = R27                              ---Execution time = 31s---
                             RDN     Y = 2.468789822 = R28
                             RDN     Z = 0.277102516 = R29


-The HP-41 displays the successive approximations
-In example 1 , the orbit is elliptic.
-In example 2 , the orbit is hyperbolic.

-I first wrote a program that uses the initial guess given in reference [2]
-It works well for elliptic orbits, but for hyperbolic orbits, there are a few iterations only if x is large.
-When "RV-R" is called by "HRG" below, I found better to take as a 1st guess x0 = k ( t2 - t1 ) / (-a)
-If you prefer the other value, replace lines 44 to 51 by

  44  GTO 00
  45  RCL 00
  46  *
  47  RCL 09
  48  ST* 08
  49  /
  50  STO 10
  51  GTO 01
  52  LBL 00
  53  SF 00
  54  RCL 00
  55  ST+ X
  56  *
  57  CHS
  58  1
  59  RCL 07
  60  RCL 27
  61  *
  62  -
  63  RCL 27
  64  CHS
  65  SQRT
  66  RCL 09
  67  *
  68  /
  69  RCL 00
  70  SIGN
  71  *
  72  RCL 08
  73  +
  74  /
  75  RCL 09 
  76  ST* 08
  77  X^2
  78  /
  79  X#0?
  80  LN
  81  RCL 27
  82  CHS
  83  SQRT
  84  /
  85  RCL 00 
  86  SIGN
  87  *
  88  STO 10

-Even simpler:  delete lines 45 to 51 and add  SIGN  STO 10 after line 03

4°)  2 Positions >>> Velocity

-We solve Lambert problem: given 2 position-vectors  r1 & r2  at different instants  t1 & t2
  "RR-V"  returns the velocity vector  V1 at the first instant
-It uses an iteration method called the method of Herrick & Liu  or  p-iteration method ( cf reference [3] )

-You have to give an estimate of the parameter p

-Flag F04 must be cleared if the angle  ( r1 ; r2 ) < 180°
-Flag F04 must be set if the angle  ( r1 ; r2 ) > 180°

-Let    C = Cos ( v2 - v1 ) = ( r1.r2 ) / ( r1. r2 )          where    v  is the true anomaly                  Sin ( v2 - v1 ) = +/- ( 1 - C2 )1/2

-We have   f = ( r2 / p ) ( C - 1 ) + 1   &  g = ( r1. r2 ) / ( k p1/2 )  Sin ( v2 - v1 )

  from which   V1 =  ( r2 - f r1 ) / g   whence  an estimate of r2 ( say r* )   whence   C* = ( r1.r* ) / ( r1. r* )

-The solution is found if  C - C* = 0

-This equation is solved by the secant method.

Data Registers:                                             ( Registers R44-45-46 & R41-42-43 are to be initialized before executing "RV-R" )

                                      •  R44-R45-R46 = r1  = rectangular ecliptic coordinates of the asteroid at the instant t1
                                      •  R41-R42-R43 = r2 = ----------------------------------------------- at the instant t2

    >>>> When the program stops,   R34-R35-R36 = V1 = rectangular ecliptic coordinates of the velocity at the first instant t1

Flag:  F04    Clear F04 if the angle  ( r1 ; r2 ) < 180°
                     Set F04 if the angle  ( r1 ; r2 ) > 180°

Subroutine:  "RV-R"  ( cf paragraph 3 above )

  01  LBL "RR-V"
  02  STO 03 
  03  .99
  04  /
  05  STO 04 
  06  RDN
  07  STO 02 
  08  X<>Y
  09  STO 01      
  10  RCL 41 
  11  RCL 44        
  12  *
  13  RCL 42
  14  RCL 45
  15  *
  16  +
  17  RCL 43
  18  RCL 46
  19  *
  20  +
  21  RCL 44
  22  X^2
  23  RCL 45
  24  X^2
  25  +
  26  RCL 46
  27  X^2
  28  +
  29  SQRT
  30  STO 31
  31  RCL 41
  32  X^2
  33  RCL 42 
  34  X^2
  35  +
  36  RCL 43 
  37  X^2
  38  +
  39  SQRT
  40  STO 32      
  41  *
  42  /
  43  STO 30
  44  XEQ 10
  45  STO 33        
  46  RCL 03
  47  X<> 04
  48  STO 03
  49  LBL 01
  50  XEQ 10
  51  ENTER
  52  ENTER
  53  X<> 33
  54  -
  55  X#0?
  56  /
  57  RCL 04
  58  RCL 03
  59  STO 04
  60  STO T
  61  -
  62  *
  63  +
  64  STO 03 
  65  LASTX
  66  X<>Y
  67  /
  68  ABS
  69  VIEW 03
  70   E-7
  71  X<Y?
  72  GTO 01
  73  RCL 03        
  74  RTN
  75  LBL 10
  76  1
  77  RCL 30
  78  -
  79  RCL 32
  80  *
  81  RCL 03
  82  ST- Y
  83  /
  84  RCL 44
  85  X<>Y
  86  *
  87  STO 34
  88  RCL 45
  89  LASTX
  90  *
  91  STO 35
  92  RCL 46
  93  LASTX
  94  *
  95  STO 36 
  96  RCL 41
  97  ST+ 34
  98  RCL 42 
  99  ST+ 35
100  RCL 43
101  ST+ 36
102  RCL 30        
103  ACOS
104  SIN
105  FS? 04
106  CHS
107  RCL 31
108  RCL 32
109  *
110  *
111  RCL 03 
112  SQRT
113  /
114  58.13244087
115  *
116  ST/ 34
117  ST/ 35
118  ST/ 36
119  RCL 02
120  RCL 01
121  -
122  XEQ "RV-R"
123  RCL 44
124  RCL 27 
125  *
126  RCL 45
127  RCL 28 
128  *
129  +
130  RCL 46         
131  RCL 29       
132  *
133  +
134  RCL 31
135  /
136  RCL 27
137  X^2
138  RCL 28
139  X^2
140  +
141  RCL 29
142  X^2
143  +
144  SQRT
145  /
146  RCL 30
147  -
148  RTN
149  END

      ( 286 bytes / SIZE 049 )

      STACK        INPUTS     OUTPUTS1
           Z            t1             /
           Y            t2             /
           X            p0             p

   When the program stops,  R03 = p

Example:    t1 = 0   ,   t1 = 100 days  ,    r1 = ( 0.16 , 1.38 , 0.24 )  ,  r2 = ( 1.509299637 , 1.919542031 , 0.265117223 )

     0.16   STO 44     1.509299637   STO 41
     1.38   STO 45     1.919542031   STO 42
     0.24   STO 46     0.265117223   STO 43

-If you choose  p0 = 1   and   CF 04

           CF 04
     0    ENTER^
   100  ENTER^
     1    XEQ "RR-V"  >>>>   p = 1.276338017                                         ---Execution time = 2mn58s---

 and the velocity-vector in R34-R35-R36 = ( 0.015 , 0.01 , 0.001 )


-The HP-41 displays the successive p-approximations and, between 2 such approximations, the successive x-approximations !

-A bad guess may lead to a DATA ERROR line 112.
-Try another p-estimation ( often a smaller one ) and execute "RR-V" again.

-After finding the velocity-vector, you can use "RV-EL" to get the orbital elements...
-You will find for instance eccentricity = e = 0.771671...
-The parameter p in R26 will be sometimes slightly different than the value found above:
-In this example R26 = 1.276338002 instead of  1.276338017

5°)  Herget's Method: more than 3 Observations

-Now, we have the tools to program Herget's method with more than 3 observations:

-Assuming there are n observations, you have to give an estimate of the distances Earth-Asteroid at the first and last instants  D1 & Dn
 and an estimate of the parameter p.
-So, the HP-41 can compute the position-vectors ri  for  i = 2 , 3 , .... , n-1  thanks to "RR-V" & "RV-R"

-For i = 2 , .... , n-1  the dot-products

   Pi = ( ri + Ri ).Ai               where      Ri = rectangular ecliptic coordinates of the Sun                                                  Li = eclptic longitude
   Qi = ( ri + Ri ).Di                       Ai = ( -Sin Li , Cos Li , 0 ) Di = ( -Sin bi Cos Li , -Sin bi Sin Li , Cos bi )      bi = ecliptic latitude

 ( Herget uses the right-ascensions & declinations instead of the longitudes & latitudes )

-If there were no errors, we'd have  Pi = Qi = 0
-To find the correct D1 & Dn , we solve non-linear systems of  ( 2n-4 ) equations in 2 unknowns by Newton's method & least-squares approximation.

    (Pi/D1)DD1 + (Pi/Dn)DDn = - Pi
    (Qi/D1)DD1 + (Qi/Dn)DDn = - Qi

-The partial derivatives are approximated by formulas of the type: f/x ~ [ f(x+h) - f(x) ] / h

Data Registers:              R00 & R19 to R50: temp               ( Registers R50 thru R50+6n are to be initialized before executing "HRG" )

                                      •  R50 = control number of the data below = 51.00006 + ( 50+6n) / 1000

                                      •  R51 = t1               •  R57 = t2         ...............    •  R45+6n = tn                  expressed in days since 2000/01/01  0h TT
                                      •  R52 = L1              •  R58 = L2        ...............    •  R46+6n = Ln                Ecliptic longitudes in degrees
                                      •  R53 = b1              •  R59 = b2         ...............   •  R47+6n = bn                 Ecliptic latitudes in degrees
                                      •  R54 = X1             •  R60 = X2         ..............    •  R48+6n = Xn                 in Astronomical Units          rectangular ecliptic
                                      •  R55 = Y1             •  R61 = Y2         ..............    •  R49+6n = Yn                 ---------------------              coordinates
                                      •  R56 = Z1             •  R62 = Z2          ..............    •  R50+6n = Zn                 ---------------------               of the Sun

    >>>> When the program eventually stops,

                 R19 = T = instant of passage in perihelion  ( in days from 2000/01/01  0h )
                 R20 = q = perihelion distance    ( in Astronomical Units )
                 R21 = e = eccentricity
                 R22 =  i = inclination  ( in degrees )
                 R23 = omega = argument of perihelion ( in degrees )
                 R24 = OMEGA = longitude of the ascending node ( in degrees )
                 R25 = n = mean motion  ( in degrees/day )
                 R26 = p = parameter ( in AU )

Flags:  F00 - F04      Clear F04 if the angle  ( r1 ; rn ) < 180°
                                     Set F04 if the angle  ( r1 ; rn ) > 180°

Subroutines:  "RR-V"  "RV-R"  "S-R"

-Line 148 is a three-byte  GTO 10

  01  LBL "HRG"
  02  STO 06
  03  RDN
  04  STO 05 
  05  RDN
  06  STO 03
  07  X<>Y
  08  STO 21
  09  LBL 10
  10  RCL 50          
  11  FRC
  12   E3
  13  *
  14  INT
  15  1
  16  +
  17  STO 24 
  18  XEQ 01
  19  RCL 21 
  20  ST+ 05
  21  XEQ 01
  22  RCL 21 
  23  ST- 05
  24  ST+ 06
  25  XEQ 01
  26  RCL 21
  27  ST- 06
  28  CLX
  29  STO 14
  30  STO 15
  31  STO 16
  32  STO 17
  33  STO 18
  34  ISG 50
  35  .006
  36  ST- 50
  37  87.041006
  38  STO 24
  39  LBL 02
  40  RCL 24
  42  XEQ 03
  43  STO 12
  44  X<>Y
  45  STO 22
  46  RCL 24
  47  6
  48  +
  50  XEQ 03
  51  RCL 12 
  52  -
  53  RCL 21
  54  /
  55  STO 13
  56  RCL 12
  57  *
  58  ST+ 14
  59  X<>Y
  60  RCL 22          
  61  -
  62  RCL 21
  63  /
  64  STO 23 
  65  RCL 22 
  66  *
  67  ST+ 14
  68  RCL 13
  69  X^2
  70  RCL 23 
  71  X^2
  72  +
  73  ST+ 16
  74  RCL 24
  75  12
  76  +
  78  XEQ 03
  79  RCL 12
  80  -
  81  RCL 21
  82  /
  83  X^2
  84  ST+ 18
  85  LASTX
  86  ST* 13
  87  RCL 12
  88  *
  89  ST+ 15
  90  R^
  91  RCL 22
  92  -
  93  RCL 21
  94  /
  95  X^2
  96  ST+ 18
  97  LASTX
  98  ST* 23
  99  RCL 22 
100  *
101  ST+ 15
102  RCL 23
103  RCL 13
104  +
105  ST+ 17
106  ISG 50
107  GTO 02
108  RCL 50          
109  .006
110  +
111  FRC
112  51
113  +
114  STO 50 
115  RCL 15
116  RCL 17 
117  *
118  RCL 14 
119  RCL 18
120  *
121  -
122  RCL 16
123  RCL 18
124  *
125  RCL 17
126  X^2
127  -
128  STO 12
129  /
130  STO 13
131  ST+ 05
132  RCL 14
133  RCL 17
134  *
135  RCL 15
136  RCL 16
137  *
138  -
139  RCL 12
140  /
141  STO 14
142  ST+ 06
143  RCL 03
144  RCL 06
145  RCL 05 
146  RTN
147  X#0?
148  GTO 10
149  XEQ 01
150  RCL 51
151  XEQ "RV-EL"
152  RTN
153  LBL 01
154  RCL 53          
155  RCL 52
156  RCL 05
157  XEQ "S-R"
158  RCL 54
159  -
160  STO 44 
161  CLX
162  RCL 55 
163  -
164  STO 45
165  CLX
166  RCL 56 
167  -
168  STO 46
169  RCL 50
170  FRC
171   E3
172  *
173  INT
174  3
175  -
176  STO 04
177  RCL IND X
178  DSE Y
179  RCL IND Y
180  RCL 06
181  XEQ "S-R"
182  ISG 04
183  CLX
184  RCL IND 04
185  -
186  STO 41
187  ISG 04
188  CLX
189  CLX
190  RCL IND 04
191  -
192  STO 42 
193  ISG 04
194  CLX
195  CLX
196  RCL IND 04
197  -
198  STO 43
199  5
200  ST- 04
201  RCL 51          
202  RCL IND 04
203  RCL 03
204  XEQ "RR-V"
205  CLD
206  RCL 34 
207  STO 41
208  RCL 35
209  STO 42 
210  RCL 36
211  STO 43
212  RCL 24 
213  INT
214  .006
215  +
216   E3
217  /
218  41
219  +
221  6
222  ST+ 24
223  RTN
224  LBL 03
225  RCL 41
226  STO 34
227  RCL 42
228  STO 35
229  RCL 43
230  STO 36
231  RCL IND 50
232  RCL 51
233  -
234  XEQ "RV-R"
235  RCL 50
236  INT
237  5
238  +
239  RCL IND X
240  ST+ 29
241  DSE Y
242  RCL IND Y
243  ST+ 28
244  DSE Z
245  RCL IND Z
246  ST+ 27
247  R^
248  DSE X
249  RCL IND X
250  1
251  P-R
252  STO 04          
253  RDN
254  STO 07
255  DSE Y
256  RCL IND Y
257  LASTX
258  P-R
259  STO 08 
260  RCL 27 
261  *
262  X<>Y
263  STO 09
264  RCL 28
265  *
266  +
267  RCL 07
268  *
269  RCL 29
270  RCL 04
271  *
272  X<>Y
273  -
274  RCL 28
275  RCL 08
276  *
277  RCL 27
278  RCL 09
279  *
280  -
281  RTN
282  END

      ( 471 bytes / SIZE 69+6n )

      STACK        INPUTS     OUTPUTS1    OUTPUTS2    OUTPUTS3 ...       OUTPUT
           T            h             /            /             /            /
           Z            p             /            /             /            /
           Y           D1            D'n           D"n           D"'n  ...            /
           X           Dn            D'1           D"1           D"'1   ...            T

Example:      Let's take again Comet C/2014 AA52 Catalina, astrometric coordinates ( /J2000 ) with the 6 observations below,

  where the right-ascensions have been rounded to 0.1 second and the declinations to 1 arcsecond

      t                 5510                         5519                         5529                     5538                     5547                       5557
    RA          1h07m43s1              0h58m40s2                0h53m53s4            0h52m18s7          0h52m13s9             0h53m10s1
   Decl         -57°17'23"               -52°05'22"                -46°54'16"             -42°45'51"          -39°04'47"               -35°27'29"
     X          0.653892160           0.763553245            0.863088915       0.930110731       0.974274312           0.995480570
     Y        -0.736974521           -0.624900515          -0.482202751     -0.341009813      -0.191511107         -0.020002821
     Z          0.000019390            0.000019018            0.000014378      0.000005490        0.000004634         -0.000001613

1st Step          Store these 36 numbers into

                        R51                        R57                            R63                                                                                    R81
                        R52                        R58                            R64                                                                                    R82
                        R53                        R59                            R65                ..................................................                  R83
                        R54                        R60                            R66                                                                                    R84
                        R55                        R61                            R67                                                                                    R85
                        R56                        R62                            R68                                                                                    R86

-Before using "HRG" , let's execute "GAUSS" with the first 3 observations and with the last 3 observations

  51.001018  REGMOVE  CF 01
   3  ( or another guess )  XEQ "GAUSS"   >>>>      T = 5536.50275 = R19                                 ---Execution time = 58s---

 and               q      =   2.004237                    = R20
                      e      =   1.004567                    = R21
                       i      = 105°2001                      = R22
                 omega   = -67°7889                      = R23
               OMEGA = -29°4726                      = R24
                      n      =  -0.000107203 deg/d     = R25
                      p      =  4.017627                     = R26     and   R00 = 2.405567

and, if you have modified "GAUSS" as suggested in the 1st paragraph

 R32 = D1 = 2.316488230

-Likewise, for the last 3 observations

  69.001018  REGMOVE
   3  ( or another guess )  XEQ "GAUSS"   >>>>      T = 5536.66386 = R19                                 ---Execution time = 58s---

 and               q      =   2.004552                    = R20
                      e      =   1.003666                    = R21
                       i      = 105°1992                      = R22
                 omega   = -67°7051                      = R23
               OMEGA = -29°4677                      = R24
                      n      =  -0.000077070 deg/d     = R25
                      p      =  4.016452                      = R26     and   R00 = 2.655687

and, if you have modified "GAUSS" as suggested in the 1st paragraph

 R33 = Dn = 2.717138781

-Note that we get a hyperbolic orbit, unlike the result found in paragraph 1 without rounding the data.

2nd Step         Now, we have to replace the right-ascensions & declinations by the longitudes & latitudes.
                       This may be performed by the short routine below:

 01  LBL "INIT" 
 02  6
 03  *
 04  50.06
 05  +
 06   E3
 07  /
 08  51
 09  +
 10  STO 49       
 11  STO 50 
 12  LBL 01
 13  RCL IND 49
 14  .5
 15  -
 16  1
 17  ST+ 49
 18  CLX
 19  RCL IND 49
 20  HR
 21  15
 22  *
 23  1
 24  ST+49
 25  CLX
 26  RCL IND 49
 27  HR
 28  RCL Z
 29  2807410
 30  /
 31  23.439279
 32  X<>Y
 33  FC? 01
 34  CLX
 35  -
 36  X<> Z
 37  XEQ "EE"
 38  X<>Y
 39  STO IND 49
 40  1
 41  ST- 49
 42  X<> Z
 43  STO IND 49
 44  1
 45  ST- 49
 46  ISG 49
 47  GTO 01
 48  RCL 50
 49  END

     ( 101 bytes )

      STACK         INPUT       OUTPUT
           X             n       51.eee06

     where n = number of observations

Example:     Here  n = 6  so,

  CF 01    6  XEQ "INIT"   >>>>   51.08606 = R50

[ CF 01 if the coordinates are reffered to the standard equinox  J2000
  SF 01 ------------------------------------  equinox of the date ]

3rd Step     Now, we are ready to use "HRG"

-A good choice for h is often  0.01  AU
-The results given by "GAUSS"   suggest  p = 4.017   D1 = 2.316488230   Dn = 2.717138781  thus,

                           CF 04

         0.01           ENTER^
        4.017          ENTER^
  2.316488230    ENTER^
  2.717138781    XEQ "HRG"  >>>>    D1 = 2.314988382 = R05              ---Execution time = 10m55s---
                                                X<>Y    Dn = 2.715024458 = R06

-To get the next approximation, press R/S  without  clearing X,  it yields

                           R/S    >>>>   D1 = 2.314978136 = R05
                                    X<>Y   Dn = 2.715012525 = R06

                           R/S    >>>>   D1 = 2.314977837 = R05
                                    X<>Y   Dn = 2.715012172 = R06

-Here, the new position & velocity vectors have not yet been calculated.

4th Step       If we want to stop the iterations and get the orbital elements, clear register X and press R/S

             CLX   R/S   >>>>          T = 5536.68133 = R19

 and               q      =   2.002584                    = R20
                      e      =   1.000091                    = R21
                       i      = 105°21130                    = R22
                 omega   = -67°7278                      = R23 = 292°2722
               OMEGA = -29°5072                      = R24 = 330°4928

-The exact values - given for instance by the imcce - are

              T =  2015 février 27,64787 TT ±0,00000 TT = 5536.64787  TT
              q =  2,0025966  ±0,0000008
               e =  1,0004430  ±0,0000019
               i =  105,2112331°  ±0,0000262°
      omega =  292,2632213°  ±0,0000207°
  OMEGA = 330,4930204°  ±0,0000259°

-The JPL gives almost the same results:

 Element                  Value                                    Uncertainty (1-sigma)    Units

     T           2015-Feb-27.61499079                         0.00040407
     q             2.002902188984628                             3.7736e-06              AU
     e             1.000563179802131                             6.0681e-06
      i              105.207183638451                               3.7436e-05             deg
   peri           292.2449325905247                             0.00018586             deg
  node          330.4895894198529                              2.3831e-05             deg


-Due to the execution time, a good emulator or a 41CL is preferable...
-The results seem better than what we got with "GAUSS" in paragraph1 with more accurate data.
-Convergence would have occured even with the estimates  p = D1 = Dn =  2  but good guesses will reduce the number of iterations.

6°)  A Test

-This routine calculates the sum of the squares of the angular separations between the observed positions and the calculated positions.

-We assume that registers R44-R45-R46 = Position-vector & R34-R35-R36 = Velocity-vector
-The n observations data are to be stored in registers R51-R52- ..............

-The right-ascensions & declinations must be replaced by the ecliptic longitudes & latitudes
  ( Execute "INIT" listed above if it's not already done )

Data Registers:              R00 & R19 to R50: temp               ( Registers R50 thru R50+6n are to be initialized before executing "EPS" )

                                      •  R44-R45-R46 = r  = rectangular ecliptic coordinates of the asteroid
                                      •  R34-R35-R36 = V = -------------------------------------  velocity    at the same instant t

                                      •  R50 = control number of the data below = 51.00006 + ( 50+6n) / 1000

                                      •  R51 = t1               •  R57 = t2         ...............    •  R45+6n = tn                  expressed in days since 2000/01/01  0h TT
                                      •  R52 = L1              •  R58 = L2        ...............    •  R46+6n = Ln                Ecliptic longitudes in degrees
                                      •  R53 = b1              •  R59 = b2         ...............   •  R47+6n = bn                 Ecliptic latitudes in degrees
                                      •  R54 = X1             •  R60 = X2         ..............    •  R48+6n = Xn                 in Astronomical Units          rectangular ecliptic
                                      •  R55 = Y1             •  R61 = Y2         ..............    •  R49+6n = Yn                 ---------------------              coordinates
                                      •  R56 = Z1             •  R62 = Z2          ..............    •  R50+6n = Zn                 ---------------------               of the Sun

Flags:  F02      Clear F02 if the instant t is the 1st one, i-e  in R51
                          Set   F02 ------------------  2nd one, i-e in R57

Subroutines:   "RV-R"  "R-S"

 01  LBL "EPS"
 02  CLX
 03  STO 49
 04  RCL 50
 05  STO 48
 06  LBL 01
 07  RCL 51
 08  FS? 02
 09  RCL 57 
 10  RCL IND 48
 11  X<>Y
 12  -
 13  XEQ "RV-R"
 14  RCL 48 
 15  INT
 16  5
 17  +
 18  RCL IND X 
 19  ST+ 29
 20  DSE Y
 21  RCL IND Y
 22  ST+ 28
 23  DSE Z
 24  RCL IND Z 
 25  ST+ 27
 26  RCL 29 
 27  RCL 28
 28  RCL 27
 29  XEQ "R-S"
 30  CLX
 31  2
 32  RCL 48
 33  INT
 34  +
 35  X<> Z 
 36  RCL IND Z 
 37  ST- Y
 38  COS
 39  DSE T
 40  RCL IND T 
 41  R^
 42  -
 43  SIN
 44  ASIN
 45  *
 46  X^2
 47  X<>Y
 48  X^2
 49  +
 50  ST+ 49
 51  ISG 48
 52  GTO 01
 53  RCL 49       
 54  END

     ( 100 bytes / SIZE 51+6n )

      STACK         INPUT       OUTPUT
           X             /           eps

     where  eps = SUM [ dL2Cos2b + db2 ]

Example:   After solving the example of the previous paragraph ( "HRG" ),

      CF 02  XEQ "EPS"   >>>>   eps = 34  E-9

-Since there are 6 observations, the Root-Mean-Square error is obtained by

     6  /   SQRT   which yields    RMS = 0.000075 deg   about  0.27 arcsecond


-If the position vector & the velocity vector were obtained by "GAUSS" and the first 3 observations, set flag F02
 ( don't forget to execute "INIT" before "EPS" )
-If you want to get directly the RMS error, add the following instructions after line 49:

    RCL 50   FRC  ISG X   INT  /   SQRT

-The formula  dL2Cos2b + db2 for the square of the angular separations is only valid if the separation is small.


[1]  "SOLEX" which may be downloaded from http://chemistry.unina.it/~alvitagl/solex/
[2]  "FUNDAMENTALS OF ASTRODYNAMICS" - Roger R. Bate Donald D. Mueller Jerry E. White
[3]  "Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics" - JMA Danby - Willmann-Bell - ISBN 0-943396-20-4
[3]  Robin M. Green - "Spherical Astronomy" - Cambridge University Press - ISBN  0-521-31779-7
[4]  John D. Anderson - JPL Technical Report n° 32-497
[5]  Dan Boulet - "Methods of Orbit Determination for the Micro Computer" - Willmann-Bell  -  ISBN 0-943396-34-4