

Linear Programming: the Simplex method for the HP-41


 1°)  The Big-M Method
 2°)  Artificial-variable free Algorithm

1°)  The Big-M Method

-The purpose is to find  m  non-negative real numbers:   x1 , ..... , xm  satisfying:

          bi³ ai;1x1 + ....... + ai;m xm            i = 1 , .... , n                                ( n inequations )                   all the bi  , bi'  and  bi"
          bi' = ai';1x1 + ....... +ai';m xm            i' = 1 , ..... , n'                              ( n' equations )                    must be non-negative*
          bi"£ ai";1x1+ ....... +ai";m xm          i" = 1 , ..... , n"                             (n" inequations )

and such that      F  =  c1x1 + ....... +  cmxm       is maximized.    ( to find the minimum of F, seek the maximum of  -F )

* if some bi are negative, multiply the corresponding lines by -1.

Data registers:

- R01 thru R(p+1)(m+n"+p+1) are used for the simplex array. ( p = n + n' + n" )
- The coefficients of the system must be stored column by column from R01 to Rm(p+1)   ( store 0 in Rp+1 )
- When the program stops,

        R00 = F  maximum
        R01 = x1 , .... , Rmm = xm
        Rm+1 ...etc... = The slack and/or artificial variables.

Flags:    F01 and F02. If at least one of these flags is set when the program stops, there is no solution ( or no bounded solution ).

Subroutines:  /

A short analysis of the program:

 -Lines 01 thru 123 store the other coefficients of the simplex matrix.
  If there are only inequations of the first type ( ³ ) it's quite easy: the right half is the unit matrix.
  But if there are equations and/or inequations of the second type ( £ ) it's much more complex:
  all the last row has to be changed because of the artificial variables.

-The idea is to weight these variables by a coefficient -M where M is such a large positive number
  that for a maximum, all the artificial variables will eventually turn out to be zero.
  On a calculator, we have to make a choice. In this program:   M = 100   ( lines 41-42 and line 103 ).

-Lines 124 thru 214 are the heart of the simplex method itself.
-Lines 215 thru 287 move the results to registers R00 to Rmm ... and verify:
    1- if a solution is found
    2- if all the artificial variables are really 0 ( lines 274 to 282 )
-Otherwise F01 and/or F02 are set.


-Because of the choice M = 100 , all the cj  must be significantly smaller than 100.
-For instance, if  F = 2400 x + 1200 y  it would be better to find the maximum of  2.4 x + 1.2 y and to multiply the result by 1000.

-This recommendation does not apply if there are only inequations of the first type ( ³ )  i-e if  n' = n" = 0.

-This program finds only 1 solution ( even if there are several solutions ).


-Status registers  M N O and a  are used.
-Therefore, "SPLEX" must not be called as more than a first level subroutine.
-Lines 137 and 214 are synthetic three-byte GTOs.
-If you don't have an HP-41CX, replace line 23 by these 6 lines:

   LBL 14
   ISG Y
   GTO 14
   RDN                        ( another possibility is to execute CLRG before storing the coefficients of the matrix )

  01  LBL "SPLEX"
  02  STO 00
  03  RDN
  04  STO O
  05  +
  06  X<>Y
  07  STO N
  08  +
  09  1
  10  ST+ 00
  11  +
  12  STO M
  13  +
  14  RCL O
  15  +
  16   E3
  17  /
  18  RCL 00
  19  +
  20  RCL M
  21  *
  22  ISG X
  23  CLRGX
  24  FRC
  25  RCL M
  26   E5
  27  /
  28  +
  29  RCL 00
  30  RCL M
  31  ST+ Y
  32  *
  33  +
  34  STO Y
  35   E-5
  36  +
  37  RCL O
  38  X=0?
  39  GTO 00
  40  -
  41  2
  42  10^X
  43  1
  44  LBL 01
  45  ST- IND Z
  46  X<>Y
  47  ST- IND T
  48  ISG Z
  49  X<>Y
  50  ISG T
  51  GTO 01
  52  LBL 00
  53  RCL 00
  54  .1
  55  %
  56  +
  57  RCL M
  58  STO Z
  59  DSE X
  60  +
  61  *
  62  DSE X
  63  RCL M
  64  1
  65  +
  66   E5
  67  /
  68  +
  69  SIGN
  70  LBL 02
  71  STO IND L 
  72  DSE L
  73  GTO 02
  74  RCL M
  75  RCL 00
  76  DSE X
  77  ST+ Y
  78  RCL N
  79  +
  80   E3
  81  /
  82  +
  83  STO a
  84  RCL N
  85  RCL M
  86  DSE X
  87  X=Y?
  88  GTO 00
  89   E-3
  90  STO Z
  91  *
  92  RCL 00
  93  X<> N
  94  +
  95  ISG X
  96  ST+ Y
  97  0
  98  LBL 03
  99  RCL IND Y 
100  +
101  ISG Y
102  GTO 03
103   E2
104  *
105  ST+ IND Y
106  RDN
107  +
108  0
109  DSE N
110  GTO 03
111  LBL 00
112  RCL 00
113  RCL O
114  +
115  DSE X
116  RCL M
117  ST+ Y
118  ST* Y
119   E2
120  /
121  +
122   E3
123  /
124  ISG X
125  STO 00
126  CF 01
127  CF 02
128  LBL 04
129  RCL 00
130  STO O
131  LBL 05
132  ISG O
133  GTO 05
134  RCL 00
135  ISG X
136  STO M
137  GTO 10
138  LBL 05
139  RCL IND O
140  X<=0?
141  GTO 05
142  RCL O
143  1
144  -
145  STO M
146  RCL 00
147  LAST X
148  -
149  INT
150  STO N
151  CLST
152   E99
153  LBL 06
154  RCL IND M 
155  X<=0?
156  GTO 06
157  RCL IND N
158  X<>Y
159  /
160  X>Y?
161  GTO 06
162  RCL M
163  STO Z
164  LBL 06
165  CLX
166  SIGN
167  ST- M
168  RDN
169  DSE N
170  GTO 06
171  X<>Y
172  ENTER^
173  X=0?
174  GTO 05
175  RCL M
176  INT
177  -
178  STO O
179  RCL IND Y
180  LBL 07
181  ST/ IND Y
182  ISG Y
183  GTO 07
184  RCL 00
185  INT
186  STO N
187  LBL 08
188  RCL 00
189  FRC
190  RCL N
191  +
192  RCL O
193  X=Y?
194  GTO 00
195  RCL M
196  RCL Z
197  +
198  RDN
199  RCL IND T
200  SIGN
201  LBL 09
202  CLX
203  RCL IND Y 
204  LAST X
205  *
206  ST- IND Z
207  ISG Y
208  CLX
209  ISG Z
210  GTO 09
211  LBL 00
212  DSE N
213  GTO 08
214  GTO 04
215  LBL 10
216  RCL IND M
217  X<0?
218  GTO 00
219  X>0?
220  SF 01
221  RCL M
222  INT
223  LAST X
224  DSE Y
225  DSE X
226  CLX
227  INT
228   E3
229  /
230  +
231  1
232  STO O
233  LBL 11
234  RCL IND Y
235  1
236  X#Y?
237  GTO 11
238  ST- O
239  R^
240  STO N
241  RDN
242  LBL 11
243  RDN
244  ABS
245  -
246  DSE Y
247  GTO 11
248  RCL O
249  X=0?
250  X#Y?
251  GTO 00
252  RCL N
253  RCL 00
254  INT
255  MOD
256    0
257  X<> IND Y
258  GTO 10
259  LBL 00
260  CLX
261  LBL 10
262  STO IND M
263  ISG M
264  GTO 10
265  RCL 00
266  0
267  LBL 12
268  RCL IND Y
269  STO IND Y
270  CLX
271  SIGN
272  +
273  ISG Y
274  GTO 12
275  CLX
276  LBL 13
277  X#0?
278  RCL IND a
279  X#0?
280  SF 02
281  PI
282  DSE a
283  GTO 13
284  RCL 00
285  CHS
286  STO 00
287  CLA
288  END

   ( 440 bytes / SIZE = 1+(p+1)(m+n"+p+1 )     with p = n+n'+n"

  STACK                                INPUTS  OUTPUTS
       T    n  = the number of inequations of the 1st kind ( ³ )          /
       Z    n' = the number of equations ( = )          /
       Y    n" = the number of inequations of the 2nd kind ( £ )          /
       X    m = the number of unknowns     max (F)


-Find  4 non-negative numbers  x, y, z and t satisfying:

      56 ³  x + 2y + 3z +4t
      41 ³ 5x +  y - 3z - t
      61 ³ 4x + 7y +2z - 3t
      25 = 2x + 3y - z + 2t                          ( always write the ">=" inequations first, then the "=" equations , and finally the "<=" inequations )
       7  £   x + y + z + t
      17 £ 2x - y + z + 3t

such that F = 2x + 4y +3z + 5t is maximized.

1- SIZE 092 ( or greater )

2- We store these 35 numbers in registers R01 thru R35 like this:

        56   1   2   3   4                  R01  R08  R15  R22  R29
        41   5   1  -3  -1                 R02  R09  R16  R23  R30
        61   4   7   2  -3                 R03  R10  R17  R24  R31
        25   2   3  -1   2      in        R04  R11  R18  R25  R32           respectively.    we must store 0  at the place of  F = R07 here
         7    1   1   1   1                 R05  R12  R19   R26  R33
        17   2  -1   1   3                 R06  R13  R20   R27  R34
         0    2   4   3   5                 R07  R14  R21   R28  R35

3- There are 3 inequations of the first type, 1 equation , 2 inequations of the second type and 4 unknowns, therefore:

        3 ENTER^
        1 ENTER^
        2 ENTER^
        4 XEQ SPLEX  and ( 3mn49s later ) we obtain 76 in the X-register and in R00  ( F01 and F02 are cleared )

        RCL 01 = 2
        RCL 02 = 7
        RCL 03 = 8
        RCL 04 = 4

-Thus the maximum of F is 76 and it is achieved for x = 2, y = 7, z = 8, t = 4.

-We can also verify that:

     R05 = 0 ; R06 = 52 ; R07 = 0    ( the n slack variables of the three first inequations )
     R08 = R09 = R10 = 0               ( the n'+n" artificial variables which are always 0 when a solution exists )
     R11 = 14 ; R12 = 0                  ( the n" slack variables of the two last inequations )

2°)  An Artificial-variable free Algorithm

The purpose is to find  n  non-negative real numbers:   x1 , ..... , xn   satisfying:

                          bi ³ ai;1x1 + ....... + ai;n xn            i = 1 , ....... , m                              ( m inequations )           the bi  , bi'  may be positive or not !
                          bi' = ai';1x1 + ....... +ai';n xn            i' = 1 , ..... , m'                              ( m' equations )

and such that      F  =  c1x1 + ....... +  cnxn       is maximized.    ( to find the minimum of F, seek the maximum of  -F )

-Here, we first treat each equation by pivoting on the largest coefficient to develop a complete basic variable set ( SF 00 ).

-Then, the dual simplex pivoting rule is used to transform all the negative bi into non-negative numbers ( if possible ) ( SF 01 )

       •  pivot = ai,j < 0  with the largest  cj / ai,j

-Then, the primal simplex pivoting rule is applied to transform all the positive ci into non-positive numbers ( CF 01 )

       •  pivot = ai,j > 0  with the smallest  bi / ai,j

-Finally, the tableau is solved.

Data Registers:                                               ( Registers R01 thru R(n+1)(m+m'+1) are to be initialized before executing "SPLX" )

             •  Store all the coefficients in column order ( with 0 in Rm+m'+1 at the place of  F )

   >>>>  When the program stops,  R00 = F maximum

                       R01 = x1 , .... , Rnn = xn    ;     Rnn+1 ...etc... = The slack variables.

Flags:  F00 & F01

   >>>>   If  F01 is set at the end, the problem has no solution.

Subroutines: /

-Lines 140-218-220-221  are synthetic three-byte GTO's

  01  LBL "SPLX"
  02  1
  03  ST+ Z
  04  +
  05  ST+ Z
  06  X<>Y
  07  R^
  08  STO M
  09  +
  10  ST* Y
  11  ST* Z
  12   E-5
  13  *
  14  STO 00
  15  LASTX
  16  +
  17  X<> Z
  18   E3
  19  /
  20  ST+ 00
  21  ISG 00
  22  +
  23  ISG X
  24  X=0?
  25  GTO 00
  26  CLRGX
  27  +
  28  SIGN
  29  LBL 16
  30  STO IND L
  31  ISG L
  32  GTO 16
  33  LBL 00
  34  RCL 00
  35  INT
  36  RCL M
  37   E3
  38  /
  39  +
  40  STO Q
  41  SF 00
  42  SF 01
  43  LBL 13
  44  DSE Q
  45  GTO 13
  46  CF 00
  47  GTO 01
  48  LBL 13
  49  RCL Q
  50  INT
  51  STO O
  52  RCL 00
  53  FRC
  54  +
  55  ISG X
  56  STO M
  57  CLST
  58  LBL 14
  59  RCL IND M
  60  ABS
  61  X<=Y?
  62  GTO 14
  63  RCL M
  64  STO Z
  65  LBL 14
  66  RDN
  67  ISG M
  68  GTO 14
  69  1/X
  70  X<>Y
  71  GTO 00
  72  LBL 01
  73  RCL 00
  74  INT
  75  STO O
  76  LBL 02
  77  DSE O
  78  GTO 02
  79  CF 01
  80  GTO 04
  81  LBL 02
  82  RCL IND O
  83  CHS
  84  X<=0?
  85  GTO 02
  86  RCL O
  87  RCL 00
  88  FRC
  89  +
  90  ISG X
  91  STO M
  92  RCL 00
  93  ISG X
  94  STO N
  95  CLST
  96   E99
  97  LBL 03
  98  RCL IND M
  99  CHS
100  X<=0?
101  GTO 03
102  RCL IND N
103  X<>Y
104  /
105  X>Y?
106  GTO 03
107  RCL M
108  STO Z
109  LBL 03
110  ISG M
111  RDN
112  ISG N
113  GTO 03
114  X<> Z
115  LBL 00
116  ENTER^
117  ENTER^
118  X=0?
119  GTO 02
120  RCL 00
121  INT
122  MOD
123  -
124  STO M
125  CLX
126  RCL O
127  RCL 00
128  FRC
129  +
130  GTO 00
131  LBL 04
132  RCL 00
133  STO O
134  LBL 05
135  ISG O
136  GTO 05
137  RCL 00
138  ISG X
139  STO M
140  GTO 10
141  LBL 05
142  RCL IND O
143  X<=0?
144  GTO 05
145  RCL O
146  1
147  -
148  STO M
149  RCL 00
150  LASTX
151  -
152  INT
153  STO N
154  CLST
155   E99
156  LBL 06
157  RCL IND M
158  X<=0?
159  GTO 06
160  RCL IND N
161  X<>Y
162  /
163  X>Y?
164  GTO 06
165  RCL M
166  STO Z
167  LBL 06
168  CLX
169  SIGN
170  ST- M
171  RDN
172  DSE N
173  GTO 06
174  X<>Y
175  ENTER^
176  X=0?
177  GTO 05
178  RCL M
179  INT
180  -
181  LBL 00
182  STO P
183  RCL IND Y
184  LBL 07
185  ST/ IND Y
186  ISG Y
187  GTO 07
188  RCL 00
189  INT
190  STO N
191  LBL 08
192  RCL 00
193  FRC
194  RCL N
195  +
196  RCL P
197  X=Y?
198  GTO 08
199  RCL M
200  ST+ L
201  CLX
202  RCL IND L
203  SIGN
204  LBL 09
205  CLX
206  RCL IND Y
207  LASTX
208  *
209  ST- IND Z
210  ISG Y
211  CLX
212  ISG Z
213  GTO 09
214  LBL 08
215  DSE N
216  GTO 08
217  FS? 00
218  GTO 13
219  FS? 01
220  GTO 01
221  GTO 04
222  LBL 10
223  RCL IND M
224  X<0?
225  GTO 00
226  X>0?
227  SF 01
228  RCL M
229  INT
230  LASTX
231  DSE Y
232  DSE X
233  CLX
234  INT
235   E3
236  /
237  +
238  1
239  STO O
240  LBL 11
241  RCL IND Y
242  X#Y?
243  X=0?
244  FS? 30
245  GTO 00
246  X#Y?
247  GTO 11
248  ST- O
249  ENTER^
250  +
251  LBL 11
252  RDN
253  DSE Y
254  GTO 11
255  RCL O
256  X#0?
257  GTO 00
258  R^
259  RCL 00
260  INT
261  MOD
262  0
263  X<> IND Y
264  GTO 10
265  LBL 00
266  CLX
267  LBL 10
268  STO IND M
269  ISG M
270  GTO 10
271  RCL IND 00
272  CHS
273  X<> 00
274  1
275  ISG Y
276  LBL 12
277  RCL IND Y
278  STO IND Y
279  X<0?
280  SF 01
281  CLX
282  SIGN
283  +
284  ISG Y
285  GTO 12
286  RCL 00
287  CLA
288  END

     ( 446 bytes / SIZE 1+(n+m+1)(m+m'+1) )

  STACK                                INPUTS    OUTPUTS
       Z           m  = the number of inequations  ( ³ )          /
       Y              m' = the number of equations ( = )          /
       X                n = the number of unknowns     max (F)

Example1:   The same one.

Find  4 non-negative numbers  x, y, z and t satisfying:

             56 ³  x + 2y + 3z +4t
             41 ³ 5x +  y - 3z - t
             61 ³ 4x + 7y +2z - 3t
             25 = 2x + 3y - z + 2t
               7 £   x + y + z + t
             17 £ 2x - y + z + 3t

such that F = 2x + 4y +3z + 5t is maximized.

1-SIZE 071  or more.  Then re-write the LP as follows:  the "³" inequations first ( if any ), then the "=" equations ( if any )

             56 ³  x + 2y + 3z +4t
             41 ³ 5x +  y - 3z - t
             61 ³ 4x + 7y +2z - 3t
             -7 ³  -x  -  y  -  z  -  t                          the "£" inequations must be multiplied by (-1) to become  "³" inequations
           -17 ³ -2x + y  -  z - 3t
             25 =  2x + 3y - z + 2t

2- We store these 35 numbers in registers R01 thru R35 like this:

            56   1   2   3   4                  R01  R08  R15  R22  R29
            41   5   1  -3  -1                 R02  R09  R16  R23  R30
            61   4   7   2  -3                 R03  R10  R17  R24  R31
            -7  -1  -1  -1  -1     in        R04  R11  R18  R25  R32           respectively.   ( we must store 0  at the place of  F that is in R07 here )
           -17 -2   1  -1  -3                R05  R12  R19   R26  R33
            25   2   3  -1   2                 R06  R13  R20   R27  R34
              0   2   4   3   5                 R07  R14  R21   R28  R35

3- There are m = 5 inequations, m' = 1 equation and n = 4 unknowns, therefore:

     5  ENTER^
     1  ENTER^
     4  XEQ "SPLX"   >>>>   Max = 76 = R00                  ---Execution time = 2mn45s---                ( instead of 3mn49s with the big-M method )

            R01 = x = 2
            R02 = y = 7
            R03 = z = 8
            R04 = t = 4       thus the maximum of F is 76 and it is achieved for x = 2, y = 7, z = 8, t = 4.

We can also verify that the 5 slack variables are

            R05 = 0 , R06 = 52 , R07 = 0 ,  R08 = 14 ,  R09 = 0

Example2:   Almost the same one: same constraints but find the minimum of  F = 2x + 4y +3z + 5t

-Simply change all the signs in the corresponding raw i-e the last one.  Store

            56   1   2   3   4                  R01  R08  R15  R22  R29
            41   5   1  -3  -1                 R02  R09  R16  R23  R30
            61   4   7   2  -3                 R03  R10  R17  R24  R31
            -7  -1  -1  -1  -1     in        R04  R11  R18  R25  R32           respectively.
           -17 -2   1  -1  -3                R05  R12  R19   R26  R33
            25   2   3  -1   2                 R06  R13  R20   R27  R34
             0  -2  -4  -3  -5                 R07  R14  R21   R28  R35

      5  ENTER^
      1  ENTER^
      4  XEQ "SPLX"   >>>>   Max = -30.62295079 = R00   ( F01 is clear )          ---Execution time = 3mn16s---

-So  Fmin = 30.62295079   and it is achieved for

     R01 = x = 7.967213120                 and the 5 slack variables are:
     R02 = y = 2.278688521
     R03 = z = 0                                    R05 = 39.01639346      R07 = 16.52459018
     R04 = t = 1.114754093                  R06 = 0      R08 = 4.360655733     R09 = 0


-We assume that all the equations are linearly independant.
-Especially, don't key in more equations ( = ) than unknowns.
-Line 69 ( 1/X ) is useful to produce a DATA ERROR message in this case, but roundoff-errors could fool this trick.

-If there is no equation and if all bi's are positive, both programs are equivalent.
-Otherwise, this method obviously uses less data registers, the program often runs faster and roundoff-errors are usually smaller !
-Moreover, synthetic register a is unused.

-If, however, there are not enough data registers, we can use the equations to sustitute one or several variables
  into the inequations and thus reduce the size of the problem.


-If you never solve problems that involve equations:

  delete lines 218-217-115 and replace lines 02 to 71 by

   RCL Y    *                ISG X         FRC            SIGN
   1             ST+ Y        CLRGX      ISG X         LBL 13
   ST+ Z     X<>Y        X<>Y         STO 00       STO IND L
   +             E3              E5              LASTX        ISG L
   STO T    /                  /                  E-5             GTO 13
   ST* Z     +                 +                +                 SF 01

-Then the inputs are:

  STACK                                INPUTS    OUTPUTS
       Y           m  = the number of inequations  ( ³ )          /
       X                n = the number of unknowns      max (F)

-Actually, this simplified version may also be used if there are equations:
-Replace them by 2 inequations, for example, instead of  25 =  2x + 3y - z + 2t  write

   25  ³  2x + 3y - z + 2t
 -25  ³ -2x  - 3y + z - 2t

-However, it might then require more data registers than the big-M method !


[1]  Francis Scheid - "Numerical analysis" - McGraw-Hill    ISBN:  07-055197-9
[2]  Hossein Arsham - "Artificial-variable Free Solution Algorithms for LP Models"