

Astrology for the HP-41


-This program takes the geocentric longitudes L of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
  in registers  R00-R01-R02-R03-R04-R05-R06-R07-R08-R09  and checks if there are
  Conjonction ( delta L = 0° ), Sextile ( delta L = 60° ), Quartile ( delta L = 90° ), Trine ( delta L = 120° ), Opposition ( delta L = 180° ) between these 10 stars.

-The precision is Pi degrees ( about 3°14... )
-Change lines 27-46-65-84-103 if you prefer another criterium...

Program Listing

Data Registers:     • R00 ..... • R09 = geocentric longitudes of the Sun, ..... , Pluto.                        ( Registers R00 thru R09 are to be initialized before executing "ASTL" )
Flags: /
Subroutines:  /

-Lines 116-118 are three-byte GTOs


 01 LBL "ASTL"
 02 FIX 0
 03 CF 29
 04 .008
 05 STO 10
 06 13
 07 STO 13
 08 GTO 01
 09 LBL 00
 10 1
 11 ST+ 13
 12 " "
 13 RCL 10
 14 INT
 15 ARCL X
 16 >"-"
 17 RCL 11
 18 INT
 19 ARCL X
 20 RTN
 21 LBL 01
 22 RCL 10
 23 1.001
 24 +
 25 STO 11
 26 LBL 02
 27 PI
 28 RCL IND 10
 29 RCL IND 11
 30 -
 31 360
 32 MOD
 33 STO 12
 34 X<=Y?
 35 GTO 03
 36 360
 37 -
 38 CHS
 39 X>Y?
 40 GTO 04
 41 LBL 03
 42 XEQ 00
 43 >" C"
 44 GTO 05
 45 LBL 04
 46 PI
 47 RCL 12
 48 60
 49 -
 50 ABS
 51 X<=Y?
 52 GTO 03
 53 CLX
 54 RCL 12
 55 300
 56 -
 57 ABS
 58 X>Y?
 59 GTO 04
 60 LBL 03
 61 XEQ 00
 62 >" S"
 63 GTO 05
 64 LBL 04
 65 PI
 66 RCL 12
 67 90
 68 -
 69 ABS
 70 X<=Y?
 71 GTO 03
 72 CLX
 73 RCL 12
 74 270
 75 -
 76 ABS
 77 X>Y?
 78 GTO 04
 79 LBL 03
 80 XEQ 00
 81 >" Q"
 82 GTO 05
 83 LBL 04
 84 PI
 85 RCL 12
 86 120
 87 -
 88 ABS
 89 X<=Y?
 90 GTO 03
 91 CLX
 92 RCL 12
 93 240
 94 -
 95 ABS
 96 X>Y?
 97 GTO 04
 98 LBL 03
 99 XEQ 00
100 >" T"
101 GTO 05
102 LBL 04
103 PI
104 RCL 12
105 180
106 -
107 ABS
108 X>Y?
109 GTO 06
110 XEQ 00
111 >" O"
112 LBL 05
113 ASTO IND 13
114 LBL 06
115 ISG 11
116 GTO 02
117 ISG 10
118 GTO 01
119 RCL 13
120  E3
121 /
122 14
123 +
124 FIX 4
125 END

    ( 217 bytes / SIZE 014+??? )

          STACK            INPUT         OUTPUT
              X                /           14.eee

-If X-output = 14.013 ,  there is no astrological aspects !

    On 2021/11/16   at   7h41 TT  we have the following geocentric longitudes for the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Moon, Mars, ...... , Pluto:

   234°16  226°71  279°79  20°56  221°31  323°72  307°96  42°32  350°47  294°71

-Store these 10 numbers into R00 thru R09

   XEQ "ASTL"  ->   14.0180                   ---Execution time = 1m46s---

-And we have:

     R14 = 0-5 Q       Quartile  Sun-Jupiter
     R15 = 0-9 S        Sextile Sun-Pluto
     R16 = 2-4 S        Sextile Venus-Mars
     R17 = 2-7 T        Trine Venus-Uranus
     R18 = 4-7 O       Opposition Mars-Uranus


-Conjonction, sextile, quartile, trine, opposition are displayed  "C"  "S"  "Q"  "T"  "O"

-Quartiles are usually called "squares" but I've choosen quartile to have a symbol different from the sextile symbol.
-Other aspects ( semi-sextile, quintile and so on ) and other stars may also be added...