GCD , LCM and Bezout's Identity for the HP-41
1°) Greatest Common Divisor & Lowest
Common Multiple
2°) Bezout's Identity
1°) Greatest Common Divisor & Lowest Common
-This routine computes GCD(a,b) & LCM(a,b) and calculates
a' = a/GCD(a,b) & b' = b/GCD(a,b)
-Thus, a'/b' = a/b and a'/b' is irreductible.
-The Euclidean algorithm is used.
Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
01 LBL "GCD"
02 RCL Y 03 RCL Y 04 LBL 01 05 MOD 06 LASTX 07 X<>Y 08 X#0? 09 GTO 01 10 + 11 ST/ T 12 / 13 ST* Y 14 X<>Y 15 LASTX 16 END |
( 29 bytes / SIZE 000 )
T | / | a'= a/gcd(a,b) |
Z | / | b'= b/gcd(a,b) |
Y | a | lcm(a,b) |
X | b | gcd(a,b) |
L | / | gcd(a,b) |
950796 ENTER^
107016 XEQ "GCD" >>>> GCD(950796,107016) =
RDN LCM(950796,107016) = 24720696
RDN b' = 26
RDN a' = 231
-Thus, 950796/107016 = 231/26
2°) Bezout's Identity
-The equation a u + b v = c where a , b , c
are known integers and u , v are 2 unknowns
has integer solutions iff c is a multiple of GCD(a,b)
-"UV" computes 2 numbers u & v that satisfy this equation.
-GCD(a,b) is also returned in Z-register & T-register.
-The extended Euclidean algorithm is used: let a0 = a & a1 = b , we perform the successive Euclidean divisions
a0 = a1 q1 + a2
and we
u0 = 1 , u1 = 0 , uk+1
= uk-1 - qk uk
a1 = a2 q2 + a3
v0 = 0 , v1 = 1 , vk+1
= vk-1 - qk vk
ak-1 = ak qk + ak+1
an-1 = an qn + 0
it yields
an = gcd(a,b) u =
c un/ an
v = c vn/ an
Data Registers: R00
thru R04: temp
When the program stops, R02 = -b & R04 = a or
R02 = b & R04 = -a
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
01 LBL "UV"
02 STO 00 03 CLX 04 STO 02 05 STO 03 06 1 07 STO 01 08 STO 04 |
09 *
10 + 11 LBL 01 12 STO T 13 MOD 14 ST- Y 15 X<> Z 16 / |
17 RCL 01
18 X<> 02 19 STO 01 20 X<>Y 21 * 22 ST- 02 23 CLX 24 RCL 03 |
25 X<> 04
26 STO 03 27 LASTX 28 * 29 ST- 04 30 RDN 31 X#0? 32 GTO 01 |
33 X<>Y
34 ST/ 00 35 RCL 03 36 RCL 01 37 RCL 00 38 ST* Z 39 * 40 END |
( 57 bytes / SIZE 005 )
Z | a | gcd(a,b) |
Y | b | v |
X | c | u |
125 ENTER^
1 XEQ "UV" >>>>
u = -20
-20x125 + 61x41 = 1
RDN v = 61
RDN gcd(125,41) = 1
-If c is not a multiple of gcd(a,b) u and v are not integers.
-When c = gcd(a,b) , u and v are minimal solutions. Otherwise,
they are not!
-For instance, with a = 125 , b = 41 , c = 7 "UV" gives u = -140 & v = 427
-If you want to get minimal solutions,
add STO 01 RCL 02 MOD ENTER^
X<> 01 - RCL 02 / RCL 04 * +
RCL 01 after line 39
125 ENTER^
7 XEQ "UV" yields
u = 24 RDN v = -73 ( and RDN still gives gcd(125,41)
= 1 )
-So, 24x125-73x41 = 7