Data Smoothing for the HP-41
1°) Least-Squares Parabola
2°) Smoothing & Differentiation
3°) Moving Window Average
-We assume that the set of n data points
x1 | x2 | ........... | xn |
y1 | y2 | ........... | yn |
verifies h = xk+1 - xk = Constant
( equally-spaced abscissas )
1°) Least-Squares Parabola
-Given a set of n data points y1 , y2 ,
............. , yn we want to smooth noisy data.
-The following program uses a 5-point least-squares-parabola and replaces
each yk by the value zk of
this quadratic polynomial at this point.
zk = (1/35) ( -3 yk-2 + 12 yk-1 + 17 yk + 12 yk+1 - 3 yk+2 )
z1 = (1/35) ( 31 y1 + 9 y2
- 3 y3 - 5 y4 + 3 y5 )
and 2 similar expressions
z2 = (1/35) ( 9 y1 + 13 y2
+ 12 y3 + 6 y4 - 5 y5 )
for zn-1 and zn
Data Registers: • R00 = n > 4 ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "SMOOTH" )
• R01 = y1 • R02 = y2 ....................... • Rnn = yn Rnn+1 & Rnn+2: temp
>>>> when the program stops: R01 = z1 R02 = z2 ....................... Rnn = zn
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
02 RCL 00 03 STO M 04 31 05 RCL IND Y 06 * 07 9 08 LASTX 09 * 10 DSE M 11 RCL IND M 12 13 13 * 14 + 15 X<>Y 16 RCL IND M 17 9 18 * 19 + 20 DSE M 21 RCL IND M 22 3 23 * 24 - 25 X<>Y 26 RCL IND M 27 12 28 * 29 + |
30 DSE M
31 RCL IND M 32 6 33 * 34 + 35 X<>Y 36 RCL IND M 37 5 38 * 39 - 40 DSE M 41 RCL IND M 42 3 43 * 44 + 45 X<>Y 46 RCL IND M 47 5 48 ST+ M 49 * 50 - 51 35 52 ST/ Z 53 / 54 STO IND M 55 ISG M 56 CLX 57 X<>Y 58 STO IND M |
59 RCL 00
60 STO M 61 LBL 01 62 RCL IND X 63 3 64 * 65 DSE Y 66 RCL IND Y 67 12 68 * 69 X<>Y 70 - 71 DSE Y 72 RCL IND Y 73 17 74 * 75 + 76 DSE Y 77 RCL IND Y 78 12 79 * 80 + 81 DSE Y 82 RCL IND Y 83 3 84 * 85 - 86 35 87 / |
88 X<> IND M
89 STO N 90 DSE M 91 4 92 RCL M 93 X>Y? 94 GTO 01 95 RCL 01 96 9 97 * 98 RCL 02 99 13 100 * 101 + 102 RCL 03 103 12 104 * 105 + 106 RCL 04 107 6 108 * 109 + 110 RCL N 111 5 112 * 113 - 114 RCL 01 115 31 116 * |
117 RCL 02
118 9 119 * 120 + 121 RCL 04 122 5 123 * 124 - 125 RCL N 126 RCL 03 127 - 128 3 129 * 130 + 131 35 132 ST/ Z 133 / 134 STO 03 135 X<>Y 136 STO 04 137 3.001 138 RCL 00 139 E6 140 / 141 + 142 REGMOVE 143 CLA 144 END |
( 210 bytes / SIZE nnn+3 )
X | / | / |
Example: Smooth the following data
x | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
y | 0.071 | 0.613 | 1.112 | 1.395 | 1.511 | 1.795 | 1.944 | 2.141 | 2.153 | 2.334 |
-Store the ten yk into registers R01 thru R10
-Store the number of data points ( i-e 10 ) into R00 and XEQ "SMOOTH"
The results - in R01 thru R10 - are:
z | 0.055 | 0.650 | 1.093 | 1.370 | 1.566 | 1.753 | 1.980 | 2.091 | 2.211 | 2.314 |
-The first array was obtained by adding random "errors" between -0.1
and +0.1 to Y = Ln x
Y | 0.000 | 0.693 | 1.099 | 1.386 | 1.609 | 1.792 | 1.946 | 2.079 | 2.197 | 2.303 |
-So, we can compare the root-mean-square errors:
RMS error of yk = 0.053
, RMS error of zk = 0.032
2°) Smoothing & Differentiation
-The formulae used in "Numerical Differentiation for the HP-41" produce
accurate results when the data are exact.
-But if there are roundoff or observational errors, data smoothing
may give better estimations of dy/dx
-The following routine also uses a 5-point least-squares-quadratic polynomial
to calculate the derivatives.
y'k ~ (1/10.h) ( -2 yk-2 - yk-1 + yk+1 + 2 yk+2 ) where h = xk+1 - xk
y'1 ~ (1/70.h) ( -54 y1 + 13 y2
+ 40 y3 + 27 y4 - 26 y5 )
and 2 similar expressions
y'2 ~ (1/70.h) ( -34 y1 + 3 y2
+ 20 y3 - 17 y4 - 6 y5 )
for y'n-1 and y'n
Data Registers: • R00 = n > 4 ( Registers R00 thru Rnn are to be initialized before executing "SMDV" )
• R01 = y1 • R02 = y2 ....................... • Rnn = yn Rnn+1 & Rnn+2: temp
>>>> when the program stops: R01 = y'1 R02 = y'2 ....................... Rnn = y'n
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
02 10 03 * 04 STO O 05 RCL 00 06 STO M 07 34 08 RCL IND Y 09 * 10 54 11 LASTX 12 * 13 DSE M 14 RCL IND M 15 13 16 * 17 - 18 X<>Y 19 RCL IND M 20 3 21 * 22 - 23 DSE M 24 RCL IND M 25 20 26 * 27 ST- Z 28 ST- Z |
29 -
30 DSE M 31 RCL IND M 32 17 33 * 34 - 35 X<>Y 36 RCL IND M 37 27 38 * 39 - 40 DSE M 41 RCL IND M 42 26 43 * 44 + 45 X<>Y 46 RCL IND M 47 6 48 ST+ M 49 * 50 + 51 7 52 RCL O 53 * 54 ST/ Z 55 / 56 X<>Y |
58 DSE M 59 X<>Y 60 STO IND M 61 RCL 00 62 STO M 63 LBL 01 64 RCL IND X 65 ST+ X 66 DSE Y 67 RCL IND Y 68 + 69 DSE Y 70 DSE Y 71 RCL IND Y 72 - 73 DSE Y 74 RCL IND Y 75 ST+ X 76 - 77 RCL O 78 / 79 X<> IND M 80 STO N 81 DSE M 82 4 83 RCL M 84 X>Y? |
85 GTO 01
86 RCL 02 87 3 88 * 89 RCL 01 90 34 91 * 92 - 93 RCL 03 94 20 95 * 96 + 97 RCL 04 98 17 99 * 100 + 101 RCL N 102 6 103 * 104 - 105 RCL 02 106 13 107 * 108 RCL 01 109 54 110 * 111 - 112 RCL 03 |
113 40
114 * 115 + 116 RCL 04 117 27 118 * 119 + 120 RCL N 121 26 122 * 123 - 124 7 125 RCL O 126 * 127 ST/ Z 128 / 129 STO 03 130 X<>Y 131 STO 04 132 3.001 133 RCL 00 134 E6 135 / 136 + 137 REGMOVE 138 CLA 139 END |
( 213 bytes / SIZE nnn+3 )
X | h | / |
where h = xk+1 - xk
Example: With the same data, evaluate
y'(1) , y'(2) , .............. , y'(10)
x | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
y | 0.071 | 0.613 | 1.112 | 1.395 | 1.511 | 1.795 | 1.944 | 2.141 | 2.153 | 2.334 |
-Store the ten yk into registers R01 thru R10
-Store the number of data points ( i-e 10 ) into R00
h = 1 XEQ "SMDV" The results - in R01 thru R10 -
y'(x) | 0.671 | 0.519 | 0.366 | 0.276 | 0.206 | 0.193 | 0.163 | 0.129 | 0.111 | 0.094 |
-The exact values should be 1/x i-e:
y'(x) | 1 | 0.500 | 0.333 | 0.250 | 0.200 | 0.167 | 0.143 | 0.125 | 0.111 | 0.100 |
-The accuracy is relatively good - except y'(1) !
-If we use a collocation polynomial, for instance the 5-point formula:
y'k ~ (1/12.h) ( yk-2 - 8 yk-1 +
8 yk+1 - yk+2 )
it yields: y'(3) ~ 0.401 y'(4) ~ 0.168 y'(5) ~ 0.197 y'(6) ~ 0.227 y'(7) ~ 0.177 y'(8) ~ 0.094
-All these values are much less accurate except y'(5)
3°) Moving Window Average
-Given n values y1 , y2 , .............
, yn and k coefficients c1
, c2 , ....... , ck ,
"MWAV" computes z1 , z2 ,
............. , zm where the z's are defined by
z1 = ( c1
y1 + ............ + ck yk ) / c
z2 = (
c1 y2 + ............ + ck yk+1
) / c
................................................................. with c = c1 + ............ + ck ( we assume that c # 0 )
zm = ( c1
yn-k+1 + ............ + ck yn ) / c
Data Registers: R00 = c ( Registers Rbb thru Ree & Rbb' thru Ree' are to be initialized before executing "MWAV" )
R01 = bbb.eee
R02 = bbb.eee'
R04-R05-R06: temp
R03 = bbb.eee"
• Rbb = y1 • Rbb+1 = y2 .......................
• Ree = yn
• Rbb' = c1 • Rbb'+1 = c2 .........
• Ree' = ck
>>>> when the program stops: Rbb" = z1 Rbb"+1 = z2 ....................... Ree" = zm
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
-If you want that this routine also works when c = 0 ( for
numerical differentiation ) , add X=0? SIGN
after line 47
-Lines 50-51 may be replaced by CLX SIGN
ST+ 05 ( slightly faster )
02 STO 03 03 RDN 04 STO 02 05 INT 06 X<>Y 07 STO 01 08 INT 09 STO 05 10 - 11 RCL 03 |
12 +
13 E3 14 / 15 RCL 01 16 FRC 17 RCL 02 18 FRC 19 - 20 + 21 RCL 03 22 + |
23 STO 03
24 STO 04 25 RCL 02 26 0 27 LBL 00 28 RCL IND Y 29 + 30 ISG Y 31 GTO 00 32 STO 00 33 LBL 01 |
34 RCL 02
35 RCL 05 36 STO 06 37 CLX 38 LBL 02 39 RCL IND Y 40 RCL IND 06 41 * 42 + 43 ISG 06 44 CLX |
45 ISG Y
46 GTO 02 47 RCL 00 48 / 49 STO IND 04 50 ISG 05 51 CLX 52 ISG 04 53 GTO 01 54 RCL 03 55 END |
( 77 bytes )
Z | bbb.eee | / |
Y | bbb.eee' | zm |
X | bbb" | bbb.eee" |
bbb.eee is the
control number of the y's
bbb.eee' is the control
number of the c's
All the bbb's > 006
bbb" is the first
register of the block that will contain the z's
{ y } = { 1 2 5 9 14
16 13 9 4 1 0 } that we
store in registers R12 R13 .................. R22
{ c } = { 1 3 4 1
1 }
that we store in registers R07 R08 ..................
-If we choose bbb" = 31
12.022 ENTER^
XEQ "MWAV" >>>> 31.037 --- in
15 seconds ---
-And we have in registers R31 to R37: { z } = { 5 8.3 11.7 13.7 12.7 9.6 5.7 }
-These smoothing filters are defined by zi = wi-L
yi-L + wi-L+1 yi-L+1 + ....... + wi
yi + ........... + wi+R-1 yi+R-1 + wi+R
yi+R ( wj = cj/c )
L is the number of points used to the left of yi
R is the number of points used to the right of yi
-So, you can interpret the results according to your choice: { 5 8.3 11.7 13.7 12.7 9.6 5.7 }
may represent the smoothed values of { 14
16 13 9 4 1 0 } if R =
0 ( causal filters )
or the smoothed values of { 1 2 5 9
14 16 13 } if L = 0
or the smoothed values of { 5 9 14
16 13 9 4 } if L = R
and 2 other possibilities in this example.
-Usually, the "moving window averaging" assumes that all cj's = 1, but this program is more general.
-With n = 100 & k = 9 , execution time = 5mn13s
-You can choose bbb" = bbb , the y-values will be gradually overwritten
but the z-values will be correctly calculated.
-So, a set of 300 data points may be smoothed in about 16 minutes.
-The variant below uses synthetic registers to increase the number of
data registers available:
Data Registers: R00 = c ( Registers Rbb thru Ree & Rbb' thru Ree' are to be initialized before executing "MWAV" )
• Rbb = y1 • Rbb+1 = y2 .......................
• Ree = yn
• Rbb' = c1 • Rbb'+1 = c2 .........
• Ree' = ck
>>>> when the program stops: Rbb" = z1 Rbb"+1 = z2 ....................... Ree" = zm
Flags: /
Subroutines: /
-If you want that this routine also works when c = 0 ( for
numerical differentiation ) , add X=0? SIGN
after line 45
-Lines 48-49 may be replaced by CLX SIGN
ST+ M ( slightly faster )
02 RDN 03 STO N 04 INT 05 X<>Y 06 STO Z 07 INT 08 STO M 09 - 10 R^ 11 + |
12 E3
13 / 14 X<>Y 15 FRC 16 + 17 RCL N 18 STO T 19 FRC 20 - 21 + 22 STO O |
23 STO P
24 CLX 25 LBL 00 26 RCL IND Y 27 + 28 ISG Y 29 GTO 00 30 STO 00 31 LBL 01 32 RCL N 33 RCL M |
34 STO Q
35 CLX 36 LBL 02 37 RCL IND Y 38 RCL IND Q 39 * 40 + 41 ISG Q 42 CLX 43 ISG Y 44 GTO 02 |
45 RCL 00
46 / 47 STO IND P 48 ISG M 49 CLX 50 ISG P 51 GTO 01 52 RCL O 53 CLA 54 END |
( 87 bytes )
Z | bbb.eee | / |
Y | bbb.eee' | zm |
X | bbb" | bbb.eee" |
bbb.eee is the control number
of the y's
bbb.eee' is the control number
of the c's
All the bbb's > 000
bbb" is the first register of
the block that will contain the z's
-Of course, the same example gives the same results, but we can choose
bbb = 1
[1] F. Scheid - "Numerical Analysis" - Mc Graw Hill
ISBN 07-055197-9
[2] Press , Vetterling , Teukolsky , Flannery - "Numerical Recipes
in C++" - Cambridge University Press - ISBN 0-521-75033-4