
Ellipsoid Surface Area of an Ellipsoid for the HP-41


-The surface area of an ellipsoid of revolution may be computed by the following formulae ( a = semi-major axis ; b = semi-minor axis ):

   Prolate ellipsoid:     S = 2 Pi a.b ( b/a + ( Arc sin µ )/µ )        with    µ = ( 1 - b2/a2 )1/2
   Oblate ellipsoid:     S' = 2 Pi a.b ( a/b + ( Arc sinh µ' )/µ' )     with    µ' = ( a2/b2 - 1 )1/2

-For a scalene ellipsoid:   x2/a2 + y2/b2 +x2/c2 = 1  , the formula is more complex:

   Area = 2.Pi ( c2 + b.c2/(a2-c2)1/2 F( µ | m ) + b.(a2-c2)1/2 E( µ | m ) )      ( c < b < a )

 where  F and E are the Legendre elliptic integrals of the first and second kind respectively.

-But we can also use a Carlson elliptic integral of the second kind ( namely, RG ) and we have:

    Area = 4.PI.RG( a2b2 , a2c2 , b2c2 )

1°) Ellipsoid of Revolution

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

01  LBL "SAER"
02  RCL Y
03  RCL Y
04  *
05  PI
06  *
07  ST+ X
08  STO M       
09  RDN
10  X>Y?
11  X<>Y
12  /
13  ENTER^
14  ENTER^
15  1/X
16  ACOS        
17  TAN
18  ENTER^
19  R^
20  +
21  LN
22  X<>Y
23  X=0?
24  SIGN         
25  /
26  X=0?
27  SIGN 
28  +
29  X<>Y
30  1/X
31  ENTER^
32  ASIN         
33  COS
34  RAD
35  ASIN
36  DEG
37  LASTX 
38  X=0?
39  SIGN
40  /
41  X=0?
42  SIGN
43  +
44  0
45  X<> M       
46  ST* Z
47  *
48  END

   ( 62 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             b             S'
           X             a             S

  where  S'  is  the area of the oblate ellipsoid
    and    S  is  the area of the prolate ellipsoid


     2  ENTER^
     3  XEQ "SAER"    >>>>     S = 67.67287267
                                   X<>Y    S' = 89.00073737

-Lines 23-24-26-27-38-39-41-42 are only useful if a = b ( sphere )
-This program doesn't work if a = 0 or b = 0 ( add  X=0?   RTN  after line 04 if you want to take this case into account )
-Synthetic register M may be replaced by any data register ( like R00 ... )

2°)  Scalene Ellipsoid

        a) Program#1

Data Registers:  R00 to R09
Flags: /
Subroutine:    "ELI"  ( cf "Elliptic integrals for the HP-41" )

01  LBL "SAE"
02  DEG
03  STO 01       
04  X^2
05  X<>Y
06  STO 07
07  ENTER^
08  *
09  ST/ Y
10  R^
11  X^2
12  STO 08       
13  -
14  *
15  RCL 01 
16  X^2
17  RCL 08
18  -
19  X#0?
20  ST/ Y
21  SQRT
22  STO 09       
23  RCL 01
24  /
25  ASIN
26  XEQ "ELI"
27  X<>Y
28  RCL 08
29  *
30  RCL 09       
31  ST* Z
32  X#0?
33  /
34  +
35  RCL 07 
36  *
37  X=0?
38  RCL 08       
39  RCL 08 
40  +
41  ST+ X
42  PI
43  *
44  END

   ( 60 bytes / SIZE 010 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             c             /
           Y             b             /
           X             a         Area

   with  c < b < a


    2  ENTER^
    4  ENTER^
    9  XEQ "SAE"  >>>>   Area =  283.4273845    ( in 17 seconds )

-Lines 19-32-37-38 are only useful if  a = b = c
-This program doesn't work if a , b or c = 0 ( add   X=0?  RTN   after line 10 if you want to take this case into account )
  but it works for an ellipsoid of revolution.
-Add   X<Y?   X<>Y   RDN   X<Y?   X<>Y   R^   X<Y?   X<>Y  after line 02 if you want to ENTER  a , b , c  in an arbitrary order.

        b) Program#2

Data Registers:  R00 to R13
Flags: /
Subroutine:    "RG"  ( cf "Elliptic integrals for the HP-41" )

 01  LBL "SAE2"
 02  X^2
 03  X<>Y
 04  X^2
 05  X<> Z
 06  ENTER^
 07  *
 08  ST* T
 09  X<>Y
 10  ST* Z
 11  *
 12  XEQ "RG"
 13  4
 14  *
 15  PI 
 16  *
 17  END

 ( 32 bytes / SIZE 014 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             c             /
           Y             b             /
           X             a         Area


    2  ENTER^
    4  ENTER^
    9  XEQ "SAE2"  >>>>   Area =  283.4273843    ( in 52 seconds )


-If you key in

    9  ENTER^
    4  ENTER^
    2  XEQ "SAE2"  it yields  283.4273841  ( in 48 seconds )