

Harmonic Constituents for the free42


-"HCST" employs the gradient method to find the harmonic constituents in a port, given 2000 water-levels.
-More than 2000 data may be used if you change the corresponding lines in the listing.

Program Listing

-The water-levels may be calculated by:

  WL(t) ~  SUM  Aj  [  cos ( fj .t + Vj ) +  aj cos ( fj .t + Vj - 2 N' ) + bj cos  ( fj .t + Vj - N' ) + cj cos ( fj .t + Vj + N' ) +  dj cos ( fj .t + Vj + 2 N' )  ]

  where  a , b , c , d  are constants to take the nodal corrections into account                  f = angular speed of the wave ,  V = phase

    and   N' = 234.98° +  0.05295376° t   where  t = numbers of days since 2000/01/01  0h UT

-You store in R100 thru R436 the approximate values of amplitudes A and phases V, and the gradient method improves these coefficients.

-I've used 2000 water-levels and 168 waves to get the harmonic constituents.

Data Registers:              R00 = gradient-method parameter < 0          ( All the Registers are to be initialized before executing "HCST" )

                                         R01 = Sum errors^2   R02 = Sum errors    R03 to R16: temp   R17 thru R99: unused


               •  R100 = Z0   •  R101 = V1   •  R103 = V2   .......................... •  R435 = V168           These registers are initialized by approximate values
                                      •  R102 = A1   •  R104 = A2   .......................... •  R436 = A168           and finally contain the improved constituents


                                      •  R501 = f1     •  R506 = f2    ..........................  •  R1336 = f168     the 168 angular speeds of the 168 waves
                                      •  R502 = a1    •  R507 = a2   ..........................  •  R1337 = a168     the 168 coefficients corresponding to -2.N'
                                      •  R503 = b1    •  R508 = b2  ..........................  •  R1338 = b168     the 168 coefficients corresponding to -N'
                                      •  R504 = c1    •  R509 = c2  ..........................  •  R1339 = c168     the 168 coefficients corresponding to +N'
                                      •  R505 = d1    •  R510 = d2  ..........................  •  R1340 = d168     the 168 coefficients corresponding to +2.N'


                                      •  R1501 = t1   •  R1502 = t2  ..........................  •  R3500 = t2000    the 2000 instants, expressed in days since 2000/01/01 0h UT
                                      •  R4001 = wl1 •  R4002 = wl2  .......................  •  R6000 = wl2000  the 2000 water-levels corresponding to the instants above

                                         R6501 = e1     R6502 = e2  .............................   R8500 = e2000  the 2000 errors

Flags: /
Subroutines: /

 01 LBL "HCST"
 02 -.0001
 03 STO 00
 04 234.98
 05 STO 13
 06 .05295376
 07 STO 14
 08  E99
 09 STO 16
 10 100.436
 11 STO 11        
 12 LBL 01
 13 8500
 14 STO 03
 15 6000
 16 STO 04
 17 3500
 18 STO 05
 19 CLX
 20 STO 01
 21 STO 02
 22 LBL 02
 23 RCL 11
 24 STO 06
 25 501
 26 STO 07
 27 RCL IND 06
 28 STO 08
 29 ISG 06
 30 LBL 03
 31 RCL IND 05
 32 RCL IND 07
 33 *
 34 RCL IND 06
 35 +
 36 STO 09
 37 COS
 39 RCL 14
 40 RCL IND 05
 41 *
 42 RCL 13
 43 +
 44 STO 10
 45 ST+ X
 46 -
 47 COS
 48 ISG 07
 49 CLX
 50 RCL IND 07
 51 *
 52 +
 53 RCL 09
 54 RCL 10
 55 -
 56 COS
 57 ISG 07
 58 CLX
 59 RCL IND 07
 60 *
 61 +
 62 RCL 09
 63 RCL 10
 64 +
 65 COS
 66 ISG 07
 67 CLX
 68 RCL IND 07
 69 *
 70 +
 71 RCL 09
 72 RCL 10
 73 ST+ X
 74 +
 75 COS
 76 ISG 07
 77 CLX
 78 RCL IND 07
 79 *
 80 +
 81 ISG 06
 82 RCL IND 06
 83 *
 84 ST+ 08
 85 ISG 07
 86 CLX
 87 ISG 06
 88 GTO 03
 89 RCL 08
 90 RCL IND 04
 91 -
 92 STO IND 03
 93 ST+ 02
 94 X^2
 95 ST+ 01
 96 DSE 03
 97 DSE 04
 98 DSE 05
 99 4000
100 RCL 04
101 X>Y?
102 GTO 02
103 RCL 00
104 RCL 02
105 *
106 ST+ IND 11
107 RCL 11
108 STO 06
109 501
110 STO 07
111 ISG 06
112 LBL 04
113 CLX
114 STO 12
115 STO 15
116 3500
117 STO 05
118 8500
119 STO 03
120 LBL 05
121 RCL IND 05
122 RCL IND 07
123 *
124 RCL IND 03
125 P-R
126 ST+ 12
127 X<>Y
128 ST+ 15
129 DSE 03
130 DSE 05
131 1500
132 RCL 05
133 X>Y?
134 GTO 05
135 RCL 00
136 ST* 12
137 ST* 15
138 RCL IND 06
139 ISG 06
140 RCL IND 06
141 P-R
142 X<>Y
143 RCL 15
144 -
145 X<>Y
146 RCL 12
147 +
148 R-P
149 STO IND 06
150 X<>Y
151 DSE 06
152 STO X
153 STO IND 06
154 CLX
155 SIGN
156 ST+ 06
157 5
158 ST+ 07
159 ISG 06
160 GTO 04
161 RCL 01
163 X<> 16
164 X<>Y
165 VIEW 01
166 X<Y?
167 GTO 01
168 END

    ( 285 bytes / SIZE 8501 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             /   SUM errors^2

Example:      Find the harmonic constituents in Brest ( France )

-The French "SHOM" ( Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine ) gives the water-levels in many ports.
-Unfortunately - for an unknown reason - they refuse to publish the constants and even the 143 waves that they employ.

-So, I've used 168 waves - listed below - to estimate the harmonic constituents from 2000 water-levels in 2018-2019:

-With  d = the number of days since 01/01/2000 at 0h UT

   h = (279.97°) +   0.98564736° d                         ( all angles are expressed in degrees )
   s = (211.73°) + 13.17639648° d
   p =  (83.30°) +   0.11140352° d
  p1 = (282.94°) + 0.00004708° d

With  168 WAVES ( 7+21+39+12+23+10+22+5+16+9+4 )

Wave  Speed (deg/day)  a/b/c/d     Expression

SA        0.98564736         0/0/0/0                   h
SSA     1.97129472          0/0/0/0                  2h
MSM   11.31650528   0/-0.072/-0.065/0    s-2h+p
Mm      13.06499296   0/-0.066/-0.065/0      s-p
MSf     24.38149824    0/-0.072/-0.065/0    2s-2h
Mf       26.35279296    0/0/0.415/0.039         2s
MTM  39.41778592    0/0/0.414/0.039       3s-p
2Q1    308.50286848  0/0.189/0/0                  360d-4s+h+2p
SIG1   310.25135616  -0.006/0.189/0/0         360d-4s+3h
Q1      321.56786144  -0.006/0.189/0/0         360d-3s+h+p
RHO1 323.31634912  -0.005/0.189/0/0         360d-3s+3h-p
O1      334.63285440  -0.006/0.189/0/0         360d-2s+h
MP1   336.60414912  0/-0.037/-0.011/0        360d-2s+3h
A19    345.94935968  -0.013/-0.229/0/0        360d-s-h+p
M1     347.92065440  0/-0.029/0.201/-0.006 360d-s+h+p
M1B   347.69784736  -0.016/0.185/0/0         360d-s+h-p
CHI1  349.66914208  0/-0.029/0.219/-0.005 360d-s+3h-p
PI1     358.02875236  0/0/0/0                         360d-2s+p1
P1      359.01435264  0/0/0/0                         360d-h
S1      360                   0/0/0/0                         360d
K1     360.98564736  0/-0.020/0.136/-1:343  360d+h
PSI1  361.97124764  0/0.004/0.019/0            360d+2h-p1
PHI1  362.95694208  0/0/-0.039/-0.019        360d+3h
THET1 372.30215264  0/-0.032/0.198/-0.004  360d+s-h+p
J1        374.05064032  0/-0.029/0.199/0         360d+s+h-p
SO1    385.36714560  0/0/0.189/0                  360d+2s-h
OO1   387.33844032  0/0/0.640/0.134/0.009  360d+2s+h
UPS1  400.40343328  0/0/0.640/0.134            360d+3s+h-p
2MN2S2  633.79051232  0/-0.112/0.004/0      720d-7s+6h+p
3MKS2   644.88421056  0.032/0.186/-0.011/0  720d-6s+4h
2NS2      645.10701760  0/-0.075/0/0                 720d-6s+4h+2p
3M2S2   646.85550528  0/-0.112/0.004/0          720d-6s+6h
OQ2       656.20071584  -0.012/0.378/0/0          720d-5s+2h+p
???         656.42352208  0/0/0/0                          720d-5s+2h+3p
MNS2    658.17201056  0/-0.075/0/0                  720d-5s+4h+p
MNUS2   659.92049824  0/-0.075/0.002/0          720d-5s+6h-p
2MS2K2  667.29441408  0.032/0.596/-0.026/0  720d-4s
2MK2      669.26570880  0.032/0.223/-0.013/0  720d-4s+2h
2N2         669.48851584  0/-0.037/0/0                 720d-4s+2h+2p
MU2        671.23700352  0/-0.038/0/0                 720d-4s+4h
???           672.22260380  0/-0.037/0/0                 720d-4s+5h-p1
NA2        681.56790852  0/-0.032/0/0                  720d-3s+h+p+p1
N2          682.55350880  0/-0.037/0/0                   720d-3s+2h+p
NU2       684.30199648  0/-0.038/0/0                   720d-3s+4h-p
MKL2S2  686.27329128  0/-0.088/0.302/0.032  720d-3s+6h-p
OP2        693.64720704  0/0.178/0/0                    720d-2s
GAM2    693.87001408  0/-0.035/0/0                   720d-2s+2p
ALPH2   694.63290148  0/0/0/0                            720d-2s+h+p1
M2         695.61850176  0/-0.037/0/0                    720d-2s+2h
BET2      696.60410204  0/-0.021/0/0                    720d-2s+3h-p1
DEL2      697.58979648  0/-0.037/0/0                    720d-2s+4h
M2KS2   699.56109120  0/-0.063/0.600/0.064     720d-2s+6h
2SNMK2  704.96371232  0.032/0.227/-0.050/0   720d-s-2h+p
LAM2    706.93500704  0/-0.045/0/0                    720d-s+p
L2          708.68349472  0/-0.037/0/0                    720d-s+2h-p
L2B        708.90630172  0/-0.015/0.441/0.062     720d-s+2h+p
T2           719.01439972  0/0/0/0                           720d-h+p1
S2            720           0/0.002/0/0                            720d
R2           720.98560028  0/0/0/0                            720d+h-p1
K2           721.97129472  0/-0.013/0.298/0.032     720d+2h
MSNU2   731.31650528  0/-0.035/-0.038/0          720d+s-2h+p
MSN2     733.06499296  0/-0.035/-0.037/0           720d+s-p
XI2          733.28780000  0/-0.021/0.436/0.047     720d+s+p
KJ2          735.03628768  0/-0.049/0.335/-0.003    720d+s+2h-p
2KMSN2  737.00758240  0/-0.063/0.561/0.064    720d+s+4h-p
2SM2        744.38149824  0/-0.004/-0.037/0         720d+2s-2h
SKM2      746.35279296  0/-0.011/0.261/0.032      720d+2s
MQ3     1017.18636320  -0.006/0.152/0/0        1080d-5s+3h+p
2MK3    1030.25135616  0/0.061/-0.020/0        1080d-4s+3h
2MP3    1032.22265088  0/-0.075/0/0                1080d-4s+5h
M3      1043.42775264  0/-0.056/0/0                  1080d-3s+3h
SO3     1054.63285440  -0.006/0.191/0/0          1080d-2s+h
MK3     1056.60414912  0/-0.057/0.136/0         1080d-2s+3h
A87     1069.78054560  0/-0.038/0.439/0.048    1080d-s+3h
SP3     1079.01435264  0/-0.009/0/0                   1080d-h
S3      1080           0/0/0/0                                     1080d
SK3     1080.98564736  0/-0.018/0.136/-1:343   1080d+h
K3      1082.95694208  0/-0.060/0.408/0.010     1080d+3h
2SO3    1105.36714560  0/0.004/0.189/-0.006    1080d+2s-h
2NMS4   1340.72551936  0/-0.112/0.002/0          1440d-8s+6h+2p
2MMUS4  1342.47400704  0/-0.112/0.002/0        1440d-8s+8h
2MNS4   1353.79051232  0/-0.112/0.002/0          1440d-7s+6h+p
2MNUS4  1355.53900000  0/-0.112/0.002/0        1440d-7s+8h-p
3MK4    1364.88421056  0.032/0.187/-0.013/0    1440d-6s+4h
N4      1365.10701760  0/-0.075/0/0                      1440d-6s+4h+2p
3MS4    1366.85550528  0/-0.112/0.002/0            1440d-6s+6h
MN4     1378.17201056  0/-0.075/0/0                   1440d-5s+4h+p
MNU4    1379.92049824  0/-0.075/0/0                  1440d-5s+6h-p
2MSK4   1389.26570880  0.032/0.223/-0.013/0    1440d-4s+2h
M4      1391.23700352  0/-0.075/0/0                      1440d-4s+4h
2MKS4   1393.20829824  0/-0.088/0.298/0.002    1440d-4s+6h
SN4     1402.55350880  0/-0.035/0/0                     1440d-3s+2h+p
3MN4    1404.30199648  0/-0.112/-0.037/0          1440d-3s+4h-p
NK4     1404.52480352  0/-0.050/0.298/0            1440d-3s+4h+p
MT4     1414.63290148  0/-0.037/0/0                   1440d-2s+h+p1
MS4     1415.61850176  0/-0.035/0/0                   1440d-2s+2h
MK4     1417.58979648  0/-0.050/0.298/0           1440d-2s+4h
2SNM4   1426.93500704  0/-0.035/-0.037/0       1440d-s+p
2MSN4   1428.68349472  0/-0.075/-0.037/0       1440d-s+2h-p
2MKN4   1430.65478944  0/-0.088/0.261/0.032    1440d-s+4h-p
S4      1440           0/0/0/0                                         1440d
SK4     1441.97129472  0/-0.011/0.298/0.032       1440d+2h
MNO5    1712.80486496  0/0.115/0/0                   1800d-7s+5h+p
2MO5    1725.86985792  0/0.115/0/0                    1800d-6s+5h
3MP5    1727.84115264  0/-0.112/-0.011/0            1800d-6s+7h
M5      1739.04625440  0/-0.094/0/0                      1800d-5s+5h
MNK5    1739.15765792  0/-0.095/0.134/-0.003   1800d-5s+5h+p
2MP5    1750.25135616  0/-0.086/0/0                     1800d-4s+3h
2MK5    1752.22265088  0/-0.095/0.136/-0.003    1800d-4s+5h
MSK5    1776.60414912  0/-0.055/0.136/-0.003   1800d-2s+3h
3KM5    1778.57544384  0/-0.097/0.408/-0.009   1800d-2s+5h
2SK5    1800.98564736  0/-0.016/0.136/-0.003   1800d+h
3MNK6   2047.43771936  0.032/0.186/-0.013/0    2160d-9s+6h+p
3MNS6   2049.40901408  0/-0.149/0.002/0           2160d-9s+8h+p
3MNUS6  2051.15750176  0/-0.150/0.002/0        2160d-9s+10h-p
4MK6    2060.50271232  0.032/0.149/-0.013/0    2160d-8s+6h
2NM6    2060.72551936  0/-0.112/0/0                  2160d-8s+6h+2p
4MS6    2062.47400704  0/-0.147/0/0                    2160d-8s+8h
2MN6    2073.79051232  0/-0.112/0/0                    2160d-7s+6h+p
2MNU6   2075.53900000  0/-0.113/0/0                  2160d-7s+8h-p
3MSK6   2084.88421056  0.032/0.188/-0.013/0    2160d-6s+4h
M6      2086.85550528  0/-0.112/0/0                       2160d-6s+6h
3MKS6   2088.82680000  0/-0.125/0.300/0.032    2160d-6s+8h
MSN6    2098.17201056  0/-0.073/0/0                   2160d-5s+4h+p
4MN6    2099.92049824  0/-0.149/-0.037/0           2160d-5s+6h-p
MNK6    2100.14330528  0/-0.088/0.298/0.032    2160d-5s+6h+p
2MT6    2110.25140324  0/-0.075/0/0                    2160d-4s+3h+p1
2MS6    2111.23700352  0/-0.073/0/0                   2160d-4s+4h
2MK6    2113.20829824  0/-0.088/0.298/0.032    2160d-4s+6h
2SN6    2122.55350880  0/-0.033/0/0                     2160d-3s+2h+p
3MSN6   2124.30199648  0/-0.110/-0.037/0          2160d-3s+4h-p
3MKN6   2126.27329120  0/-0.125/0.261/0.032    2160d-3s+6h-p
2SM6    2135.61850176  0/-0.033/0/0                    2160d-2s+2h
MSK6    2137.58979648  0/-0.048/0.298/0.032    2160d-2s+4h
2MNO7   2408.42336672  -0.006/0.077/0/0             2520d-9s+7h+p
2NMK7   2421.71116672  0/-0.132/0.136/-0.003    2520d-8s+7h+2p
M7      2434.77615968  0/-0.129/0/0                        2520d-7s+7h+p
2MSO7   2445.86985792  -0.006/0.116/0/0              2520d-6s+5h
MSKO7   2472.22265088  -0.006/0.141/0.298/0.032 2520d-4s+5h
2MNS8   2745.02751584  0/-0.110/0/0                 2880d-11s+10h+p
2(MN)8  2756.34402112  0/-0.149/0/0                  2880d-10s+8h+2p
3MN8    2769.40901408  0/-0.149/0/0                  2880d-9s+8h+p
3MNU8   2771.15750176  0/-0.149/0/0                 2880d-9s+10h-p
4MSK8   2780.50271232  0.032/0.151/-0.013/0     2880d-8s+6h
M8      2782.47400704  0/-0.149/0/0                      2880d-8s+8h
2MSN8   2793.79051232  0/-0.109/0/0                  2880d-7s+6h+p
3ML8    2795.53900000  0/-0.149/0/0                    2880d-7s+8h-p
2MNK8   2795.76180704  0/-0.125/0.298/0.032     2880d-7s+8h+p
3MS8    2806.85550528  0/-0.110/0/0                     2880d-6s+6h
3MK8    2808.82680000  0/-0.125/0.298/0.032     2880d-6s+8h
2SMN8   2818.17201056  0/-0.071/0/0                  2880d-5s+4h+p
4MSN8   2819.92049824  0/-0.147/-0.037/0          2880d-5s+6h-p
MSNK8   2820.14330528  0/-0.086/0.298/0.032     2880d-5s+6h+p
2(MS)8  2831.23700352  0/-0.071/0/0                      2880d-4s+4h
2MSK8   2833.20829824  0/-0.086/0.298/0.032     2880d-4s+6h
5MNS10  3440.64601760  0/-0.224/0.002/0         3600d-13s+12h+p
3M2N10  3451.96251288  0/-0.187/0/0               3600d-12s+10h+2p
4MN10   3465.02751584  0/-0.187/0/0              3600d-11s+10h+p
M10     3478.09250880  0/-0.187/0/0                 3600d-10s+10h
3MSN10  3489.40901408  0/-0.147/0/0             3600d-9s+8h+p
4MS10   3502.47400704  0/-0.147/0/0                 3600d-8s+8h
4MK10   3504.44530176  0/-0.162/0.298/0.032     3600d-8s+10h
5MSN10  3515.53900000  0/-0.186/-0.037/0        3600d-7s+8h-P
3M2S10  3526.85550528  0/-0.098/0/0                 3600d-6s+6h
4MNS12  4185.02751584  0/-0.183/0/0              4320d-11s+10h+p
5MS12   4198.09250880  0/-0.183/0/0                4320d-10s+10h
4MSL12  4211.15750176  0/-0.183/0/0              4320d-9s+10h-p
4M2S12  4222.47400704  0/-0.146/0/0              4320d-8s+8h

-Store the angular speeds of the waves and the coefficients a b c d in registers R501 to R1340
-Then, the times ( in days since 2000/01/01 0h UT ) in R1501 thru R3500 and the corresponding water-levels in R4001 thru R6000

-If you have approximate values for the phases and amplitudes, store them in R101 thru R436
 ( otherwise, store an approximate value of the mean-sea-level in R100 & zero in R101 to R436 )

-Then, XEQ "HCST" >>>>  free42 will display the successive R01 = sum of errors^2
-The program will stop when R01 starts to increase ( it may last 1 or 2 hours )
-If the routine doesn't stop, stop it when R01 becomes almost constant and enough small.

-You can also set flag F21 and "HCST" will stop at each iteration.

-It will work with free42decimal but free42binary is faster !
-With 168 waves, each iteration lasts about 5 seconds with free42binary.

-The gradient method employs the 1st derivatives. I've neglected the nodal corrections a b c d to compute them.
-For the "gradient parameter" in R00, I've used -0.0001 but another value is perhaps better:
-Change line 02 or store another value in R00 before running the routine again.

>>>> The results I've obtained are used in the routine "BREST" listed in "Brest Water-Level for the HP41"


[1] Bernard Simon - " La Marée Océanique Côtière"
[2] Harmonic Constituents with Nodal Corrections - November 2006 - Edition n°1
[3] Hartmann and Wenzel - ( 1995 ) - Tidal Potential Catalogue ( HW95 )
[4] Cartwright, Tayler and Edden - Tidal Potential Catalogue  ( 1971 & 1973 ).