
Polynomials Z[X]

Polynomials in Z[X] for the HP-41


 1°)  Irreducible Polynomials

   a)  Eisenstein Criterion
   b)  Eisenstein Criterion & Translation
   c)  Via Polynomials in Z/pZ[X] ( where p is a prime )
   d)  Cohn's Criterion
   e)  A better Criterion
   f)  2 other Criteria

 2°)  Factorization

   a)  The Brute Force
   b)  Via Factorization over finite Fields
   c)  Via Bairstow's Method

     c-1) Program#1
     c-2) Program#2

 3°)  Cyclotomic Polynomials

   a)   Program#1
   b)   Program#2

 4°)  Polynomial Factorization over Gaussian Integers

 The following routines deal with polynomials whose coefficients are integers ( complex numbers in §4 )
 Most of these polynomials are irreducible over Z, so irreducibity criteria are not useless before trying to factor them!

1°)  Irreducible Polynomials

     a) Eisenstein Criterion

-Let a polynomial  f(x) = an xn + an--1 xn-1 + ... + a1 x + a0
-If there is a prime p such that

   p is a divisor of  a0 , a1 , a2 , ............ , an-1
   p is not a divisor of  an ,  p2 is not a divisor of  a0

 then  f(x) is irreducible over Z

-The following program returns 1 in X-register if Eisenstein criterion is satisfied and in this case, f is irreducible in Z[X]
-Otherwise, "EISN" returns 0 and we cannot conclude - except if a0 = 0.

Data Registers:              R00 to R03: temp                                  ( Registers Rbb thru Ree are to be initialized before executing "EISN" )

                                      •  Rbb = an  •  Rbb+1 = an-1  ........................  •  Ree = a0          bbb > 004
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

-LBL 01   this loop calculates  GCD( a0 , a1 , ............ , an-1 )
-Lines 41 to 53 compute the prime divisors of  GCD( a0 , a1 , ............ , an-1 )
 they don't use the fastest method, but it is usually acceptable if gcd is not too large.

01  LBL "EISN"
02  STO 01
03  FRC
04   E3
05  *
06  STO 02
07  RCL 01
08  INT
09  -
10  1
11  X<Y?
12  X=0?
13  RTN         
14  RCL IND 02
15  X=0?
16  RTN
17  RCL 01
18  ISG X
19  STO 03
21  LBL 01  
22  ISG 03
23  FS? 30
24  GTO 00
25  RCL IND 03
26  LBL 02
27  MOD
29  X<>Y
30  X#0?
31  GTO 02
32  X<>Y
33  GTO 01
34  LBL 00
35  ABS
36  STO 03
37  2
38  STO 00
39  STO 04
40  GTO 06
41  LBL 03  
42  RCL 03 
43  RCL 00
44  MOD
45  X=0?
46  RTN
47  RCL 04       
49  X=Y?
50  DSE X
51  +
52  STO 00
53  GTO 03
54  LBL 04
55  STO 03
56  RCL 00
57  /
58  FRC
59  X#0?
60  RTN
62  GTO 04       
63  LBL 05
64  RCL 03
65  XEQ 04
66  LBL 06
67  RCL 03
68  DSE X
69  X<0?
70  RTN
71  XEQ 03
72  RCL IND 01
73  RCL 00
74  MOD
75  X=0?
76  GTO 05
77  RCL IND 02
79  X^2
80  MOD
81  X=0?
82  GTO 05
83  SIGN
84  END

   ( 116 bytes )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X        bbb.eee         0 or 1

  where   bbb.eee = control number of f(x)

    X-output = 1    if Eisenstein criterion is satisfied,         bbb > 004
    X-output = 0    otherwise.

Example:           f(x) = 10 x5 + 42 x3 + 98 x2 + 28 x + 56

-Store   [ 10  0  42  98  28  56 ]   into  R05  R06  R07  R08  R09  R10

  5.010  XEQ "EISN"  >>>>   1                        --- Execution time = 4s ---

-So,  f is irreducible in Z[X]

-The prime p is in register R00  ( here, p = 7 )

     b)  Eisenstein Criterion & Translation

-If Eisenstein criterion is not satisfied, we cannot conclude but if f is irreducible in Z[X]
 one may sometimes find an integer "a" such that f(x+a) satisfies Eisenstein property.
 ( "f(x) irreducible" & "f(x+a) irreducible" are equivalent )

Data Registers:              R00 to R10: temp                                   ( Registers Rbb thru Ree are to be initialized before executing "EISN2" )

                                      •  Rbb = an  •  Rbb+1 = an-1  ........................  •  Ree = a0                bbb > 010            Ree+1 ..... temp
Flags: /
Subroutines:  "PCOMP"  composition of 2 polynomials ( cf "Polynomials for the HP-41" )   &   "EISN"     cf § above

01  LBL "EISN2"  
02  STO 10
03  X<>Y
04  STO 09
05  FRC
06   E3
07  *
08  1
09  ST+ Y
10  STO IND Y    
11  +
12  STO Y
13  RCL 10
14  STO IND Y    
15  CLX
16  .1
17  %
18  +
19  1
20  ST+ Z
21  -
22  RCL 09
23  X<> Z
25  XEQ "EISN"   
26  RCL 10
27  SIGN
28  RCL 09
29  RCL Z
30  END

   ( 60 bytes )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y        bbb.eee        bbb.eee
           X             a         0 or 1
           L             /             a

    bbb.eee = control number of f(x)                                                 bbb > 010
         a       = an integer

   X-output = 1    if Eisenstein criterion is satisfied,
   X-output = 0    otherwise

Example:      f(x) = x5 - 7 x4 + 19 x3 - 20 x2 + 5 x + 4

-Store for instance   [ 1  -7  19  -20  5  4 ]    into   R11   R12   R13   R14   R15   R16

  11.016   XEQ "EISN"  >>>>   0    so,  f(x) doesn't satisfy Eisenstein criterion. Let's try "EISN2" with a = 1

  11.016  ENTER^
      1       XEQ "EISN2"  >>>>   0    It still doesn't work. But if we try  a = 2

  RDN  2  R/S   >>>>   1                 --- Execution time = 32 seconds ---

-So f(x+2) is irreducible and f(x) too!

      c)  Via Polynomials in Z/pZ[X]

-If a polynomial f(x) is irreducible over Z/pZ[X] for some prime p, then it is also irreducible over Z[X]  ( the converse is not true - unfortunately )
-For example,  f(x) = x7 + x + 1  is irreducible over Z/2Z  so f is irreducible over Z too.

-Use "IRRM?"  listed in "Polynomial Factorization over finite Fields for the HP-41" paragraph 10.

     d) Cohn's Criterion

-This test concerns a poynomial  f(x) = an xn + an-1 xn-1 + ... + a1 x + a0  in Z[X]   with  ak >= 0  for all k's  ( a0 # 0 )

  •  If there exists an integer m > max { ak }  such that  f(m) is a prime, then f(x) is irreducible in Z[X]

Data Registers:              R00 to R02:  are used by "PR?"              ( Registers Rbb thru Ree are to be initialized before executing "COHN" )
                                         R03 = bbb.eee    R04 = m

                                      •  Rbb = an  •  Rbb+1 = an-1  ........................  •  Ree = a0 # 0             bbb > 004
Flags: /
Subroutines:   "PL"   cf "Polynomials for the HP-41"  § 1-d)
                         "PR?"  cf "Primes, divisor functions and Euler function for the HP-41"

-Line 24 produces "OUT OF RANGE" if  f(m) > 10^10

01  LBL "COHN"
02  STO 03
03  0
04  LBL 01
06  X<0?
07  LN
08  X>Y?
09  X<>Y
10  RDN
11  ISG Y
12  GTO 01        
13  X=0?
14  LN
15  STO 04
16  LBL 02         
17  ISG 04
18  CLX
19  RCL 03
20  RCL 04
21  XEQ "PL"     
22   E10
23  X<Y?
24  E^X  
25  X<>Y
26  XEQ "PR?"  
27  X=0?
28  GTO 02
29  END

    ( 52 bytes )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X        bbb.eee            1

   where   bbb.eee = control number of f(x)            X-output = 1    if Cohn's criterion is satisfied,                  bbb > 004

Example1:       f(x) = 2 x4 + 3 x2 + 5 x + 1

  With  [ 2  0  3  5  1 ]  =  [ R05  R06  R07  R08  R09 ]

  5.009  XEQ "COHN"  >>>>   1         f(x) is irreducible in Z[X]               --- Execution time = 6s ---

  R04 = 6  and  f(6) = 2731 is a prime

Example2:       f(x) = 2 x6 +  3 x5 + 4 x3 + 5 x2 + 2 x + 1

  With  [ 2  3  0  4  5  2  1 ]  =  [ R05  R06  R07  R08  R09  R10  R11 ]

  5.011  XEQ "COHN"  >>>>   1         f(x) is irreducible in Z[X]               --- Execution time = 43s ---

  R04 = 8  and  f(8) = 624977 is a prime


-If no prime is found, the routine continues until f(m) exceeds 1010 and the HP-41 displays "OUT OF RANGE" and in this case, we cannot conclude.

     e) A better Criterion

-Unlike Cohn's criterion, the following one also works if the polynomial has negative coefficients.
-Let  f(x) = an xn + an-1 xn-1 + ... + a1 x + a0  in Z[X]  deg f > 1    ( a0 # 0 )

      m1 = max { | ai/an | ,  i = 0 , 1 , .... , n-1 }
      m2 = max { | ai/an |1/(n-i) ,  i = 0 , 1 , .... , n-1 }

      H = min { 1+m11/(r+1) , 2 m2 }   where  r is such that  an-1 = an-2 = ..... = an-r = 0 ,     ( r = 0 if an-1 # 0 )

  •  If there exists an integer m > H  such that  f(m) is a prime or +/-1, then f(x) is irreducible in Z[X]

Data Registers:              R00 to R02:  temp                                 ( Registers Rbb thru Ree are to be initialized before executing "IRR?" )
                                         R03 = bbb.eee    R04 = m

                                     •  Rbb = an  •  Rbb+1 = an-1  ........................  •  Ree = a0 # 0                 bbb > 004
Flags: /
Subroutines:   "PL"   cf "Polynomials for the HP-41"  § 1-d)
                         "PR?"  cf "Primes, divisor functions and Euler function for the HP-41"

-Lines 49-50-51  There is no XROOT function on the HP-41, and  1/X  Y^X  may produce a small error
  for example,  343  ENTER^  3  1/X  Y^X  gives  6.999999999  instead of 7
-So, we must add a very small number to avoid a too small M which could lead to a wrong conclusion.
-Lines 61 to 66 may be replaced by the M-code routine "PR?"

01  LBL "IRR?"
02  STO 01
03  STO 02
04  STO 03
05  SIGN
06  STO 00
07  STO 04
08  ST+ 01
09  ST+ 02
10  LBL 01
11  RCL IND 01
12  X#0?
13  GTO 00
14  SIGN
15  ST+ 04
16  ISG 01
17  GTO 01
18  LBL 00
19  CLST
20  LBL 02
21  RCL IND 02
22  RCL IND 03
23  /
24  ABS
25  STO 01
26  X>Y?
27  X<>Y
28  X<> Z
29  RCL 01
30  RCL 00
31  1/X
32  Y^X
33  X<Y?
34  X<>Y
35  R^
36  ISG 00
37  CLX
38  ISG 02
39  GTO 02       
40  RCL 04
41  1/X
42  Y^X
43  1
44  +
45  X<>Y
46  ST+ X
47  X>Y?
48  X<>Y
49   E-5   
50  +        
51  INT    
52  STO 04        
53  LBL 03
54  RCL 03
55  ISG 04
56  CLX
57  RCL 04
58  XEQ "PL"
59  X=0?
60  RTN
61  ABS  
62   E10
63  X<Y? 
64  E^X
65  X<>Y
66  XEQ "PR?"   
67  X=0?
68  GTO 03
69  END

  ( 105 bytes )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X        bbb.eee   1 or 0 or E10

  where   bbb.eee = control number of f(x)                                     bbb > 004

     if  X-output = 1   f is irreducible
     if  X-output = 0   f is reducible: we've found an integer root
     if  X-output = E10 the HP-41 displays "OUT OF RANGE" and we cannot conclude

Example:       f(x) =  2 x7 -  3 x4 + 4 x3 - 9 x2 + 6 x - 1

  With  [ 2  0  0  -3  4  -9  6  -1 ]  =  [ R05  R06  R07  R08  R09  R10  R11  R12 ]

   5.012  XEQ "IRR?"   >>>>   1    thus,  f is irreducible       --- Execution time = 50 s ---

   R04 = m = 6  and  f(6) = 556559  is a prime


-In some cases - when all the coefficients are non-negative and an is small - Cohn's criterion may be better ( for instance f(x) = x2 + 1 )
-Both criteria may be combined in a single program.

     f) 2 other Criteria

-The 2 criteria above compute f(M) , f(M+1) , .....  until we find a prime or a number larger than 1010 ( and we cannot test its primality in that case )
-This "OUT OF RANGE" may occur almost immediately if an is small and the other coefficients of the polynomial are very large.
-So another criterion is used by "IRR2?"

   Let  P(f) = card { m Î Z ,  f(m) = +/-p where p is a prime or 1 }

  •  If  P(f) > 2 + deg f  then  f is irreducible

-"IRR2?"  tests  f(0) , f(-1) , f(1) , f(-2) , f(2) , ............ until a prime is found or until f(m) > E10

Data Registers:              R00 to R02:  temp                                 ( Registers Rbb thru Ree are to be initialized before executing "IRR2?" )
                                         R03 = bbb.eee    R04 = m
                                         R05 = -n-3 , -n-2 , ..... , 0  if the criterion is satisfied.

                                      •  Rbb = an  •  Rbb+1 = an-1  ........................  •  Ree = a0 # 0                    bbb > 005
Flags: /
Subroutines:   "PL"   cf "Polynomials for the HP-41"  § 1-d)
                         "PR?"  cf "Primes, divisor functions and Euler function for the HP-41"

01  LBL "IRR2?"
02  STO 03
03  INT
05  FRC
06   E3
07  *
08  -
09  3
10  -
11  STO 05      
12  CLX
13  STO 04
14  LBL 01
15  RCL 03
16  RCL 04
17  XEQ "PL"   
18  ABS
19   E10
20  X<Y?
21  E^X
22  X<>Y
23  X=0?
24  RTN
25  XEQ "PR?"  
26  ST+ 05
27  RCL 04
28  CHS
29  X<=Y?
30  DSE X
31  LBL 01
32  STO 04
33  RCL 05      
34  X#0?
35  GTO 01
36  SIGN
37  END

  ( 60 bytes )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X        bbb.eee   1 or 0 or E10

  where   bbb.eee = control number of f(x)                       bbb > 005

     if  X-output = 1   f is irreducible
     if  X-output = 0   f is reducible
     if  X-output = E10 the HP-41 displays "OUT OF RANGE" and we cannot conclude

Example:       f(x) =  x5 + 101 x4 + 3 x + 1

  If  [ 1  101  0  0  3  1 ]  is stored into  [ R06  R07  R08  R09  R10  R11 ]

  6.011  XEQ "IRR2?"  >>>>  1           --- Execution time = 8m17s ---

  So, f is irreducible

-In this example, P(f) = card { 0  -2  -4  4  -10  -14  14  -20  ...... }  > 7

 and the corresponding f(m) are { 1  1579  24821  26893  909971  3342151  4417883  12959941 ... }

-"IRR2?" could be improved to store all these results.

-In fact, f(108) = 28434219589 is a prime as you can check if you have an HP-48, and f is irreducible by Cohn's criterion,
 but it's difficult to use this method with an HP-41 in that case...

A similar criterion:

   Let  P+(f) = card { m Î Z , f(m) > 0 and f(m) = p where p is a prime or 1 }

  •  If  P+(f) > deg f , then  f is irreducible

Data Registers:              R00 to R02:  temp                                 ( Registers Rbb thru Ree are to be initialized before executing "IRR3?" )
                                         R03 = bbb.eee    R04 = m
                                         R05 = -n-1 , -n , ..... , 0  if the criterion is satisfied.

                                      •  Rbb = an  •  Rbb+1 = an-1  ........................  •  Ree = a0 # 0                      bbb > 005
Flags: /
Subroutines:   "PL"   cf "Polynomials for the HP-41"  § 1-d)
                        "PR?"  cf "Primes, divisor functions and Euler function for the HP-41"

01  LBL "IRR3?"
02  STO 03
03  INT
05  FRC
06   E3
07  *
08  -
09  STO 05
10  CLX
11  STO 04
12  DSE 05
13  LBL 01
14  RCL 03
15  RCL 04
16  XEQ "PL"   
17  X=0?
18  RTN
19  X<0?
20  GTO 01      
21   E10
22  X<Y?
23  E^X
24  X<>Y
25  XEQ "PR?" 
26  ST+ 05
27  LBL 01
28  RCL 04
29  CHS
30  X<=0?
31  DSE X
32  LBL 01  
33  STO 04
34  RCL 05      
35  X#0?
36  GTO 01
37  SIGN
38  END

   ( 63 bytes )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X        bbb.eee   1 or 0 or E10

  where   bbb.eee = control number of f(x)                                                 bbb > 005

     if  X-output = 1   f is irreducible
     if  X-output = 0   f is reducible
     if  X-output = E10 the HP-41 displays "OUT OF RANGE" and we cannot conclude

Example:    With the same polynomial:     f(x) =  x5 + 101 x4 + 3 x + 1

  If  [ 1  101  0  0  3  1 ]  is stored into  [ R06  R07  R08  R09  R10  R11 ]

  6.011  XEQ "IRR3?"  >>>>  1           --- Execution time = 3mn55s ---   ( instead of 8m17s with "IRR2?" )

  So, f is irreducible


-It may happen that f(m) is never a prime. For instance, f(x) = x3 + 105 x + 12  ( Eisenstein  criterion works obviously )
-In that case,  try to apply the criterion to g(x) = f(a0x)/a0 ( a0 = constant term ) since "f irreducible" & "g irreducible" are equivalent.
-The following routine may be used: it replaces the coefficients of f(x) by those of g(x).

-Lines 28 thru 37 are only useful to check that all the coefficients are smaller than E10 in magnitude

01  LBL "PC/C"
02  ENTER^
03  STO 00
04  FRC
05   E3
06  *
08  FS? 00
09  ABS
10  ST/ IND Y
11  X<>Y
12  RCL 00
13  INT
14  -
15  SIGN
16  LBL 01
17  DSE L
18  FS? 30
19  GTO 02
20  CLX
21  RCL Y
23  Y^X
24  ST* IND Z 
25  ISG Z
26  GTO 01
27  LBL 02
28  RCL 00 
29  LBL 03
31  ABS
32   E10
33  X<=Y?
34  LN
35  X<> Z
36  ISG X
37  GTO 03      
38  RCL 00
39  END

   ( 65 bytes )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X        bbb.eee       bbb.eee

    where   bbb.eee = control number of f(x)

-With f(x) = x3 + 105 x + 12 , it yields g(x) = 144 x3 + 105 x + 1
  and "IRR?" proves ( in 4mn05s ) that g ( and f ) are irreducible since g(34) = 5663347 is a prime.

-If flag F00 is set, "PC/C" will replace f(x) by h(x) = f(| a0 |x)/| a0 | , it may sometimes work. For example,

   with  f(x) = x7 - 2 x6 + 3 x5 - 4 x4 + 7 x3 - 5 x2 + 6 x - 8                                                 "IRR?" doesn't work.

   then  g(x) = 262144 x7 + 65536 x6 + 12288 x5 + 2048 x4 + 448 x3 + 40 x2 + 6 x + 1     "IRR?" still doesn't work.
    but  h(x) =  262144 x7 - 65536 x6 + 12288 x5 - 2048 x4 + 448 x3 - 40 x2 + 6 x - 1   and "IRR?" finds that h(2) = 29724011 is a prime

-So, h is irreducible and f is irreducible too.

-Of course, the programs will run much faster if you use the M-code routine "PR?"

-In rare cases, "PL" could produce a wrong f(m) < E10 because an intermediate result is > E10. So, "PL" could be modify as follows:

 01  LBL "PL"
 02  0
 03  LBL 01
 04  RCL Y
 05  *
 06  ABS
 07   E10
 08  X<Y?
 09  E^X
 10  RDN
 11  X<> L
 12  RCL IND Z
 13  +
 14  ABS
 15   E10 
 16  X<Y?
 17  E^X
 18  RDN
 19  X<> L
 20  ISG Z
 21  GTO 01
 22  END


2°)  Factorization

     a)  The Brute Force

-Given a polynomial  f(x) = an xn + an-1 xn-1 + ... + a1 x + a0  ( a0 # 0 )  ,  "FCTR" seeks divisors g(x) = bm xm + bm-1 xm-1 + ... + b1 x + b0 such that:

        bm is a divisor of  an , bm > 0
        b0 is a divisor of  a0
        | b1 | , | b2 | , ........... , | bm-1 |  <=  N    where N is a positive integer that you choose.

-The HP-41 emits a BEEP for the last factor, and a TONE 9 for the other ones ( if any ).

Data Registers:       R00 to R14: temp                                         ( Registers Rbb thru Ree are to be initialized before executing "FCTR" )

                              •  Rbb = an  •  Rbb+1 = an-1  ........................  •  Ree = a0 # 0           bb > 14         Ree+1 thru Ree+2+n+Int(n/2)  are also used
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

-If you don't have an HP-41CX, replace line 53 by  SIGN  CLX  LBL 16  STO IND L  ISG L  GTO 16
-If you don't have an X-Functions Module, replace lines 66-68 by    RCL 01   RCL 03   INT   XEQ 11
-Lines 78-157-158-164-175-190-205-210-231-260  are three-byte  GTOs
-Line 232  LBL 11:  This subroutine is simply "LCO" ( cf "Miscellaneous short Routines for the HP-41" )

  01  LBL "FCTR"
  02  STO 00
  03  X<>Y
  04  STO 01
  05  INT
  06  STO 14
  07  LASTX
  08  FRC
  09   E3
  10  *
  11  STO 03
  12  X<>Y
  13  -
  14  STO 02
  15  STO 13
  16  RCL IND 01
  17  ABS
  18  STO 04
  19  RCL IND 03
  20  ABS
  21  STO 05
  22  SIGN
  23  ST+ 03
  24  RCL 02
  25  +
  26  STO 09
  27  RCL 03
  28  +
  29  STO 06
  30  1
  31  STO 08
  32  +
  33  STO 07
  34   E3
  35  /
  36  ST+ 06
  37  RCL 09
  38  LASTX
  39  /
  40  RCL 03
  41  +
  42   E3
  43  /
  44  ST+ 14
  45  RCL 06
  46  INT
  47  DSE X
  48   E3
  49  /
  50  ST+ 03
  51  LBL 01
  52  RCL 06    
  53  CLRGX  
  54  SIGN
  55  STO IND 06
  56  STO IND 07
  57  RCL 06
  58  ISG X
  59   E-3
  60  -
  61  STO 09
  62  STO 10
  63  LBL 02
  64  RCL 13
  65  STO 11
  66  RCL 14 
  67  REGMOVE 
  68  RCL 03
  69  STO 12
  70  LBL 03 
  71  RCL 12  
  72  RCL 06
  73  RCL IND Y
  74  RCL IND Y
  75  /
  76  FRC
  77  X#0?
  78  GTO 07  
  79  X<> L
  80  STO IND Z
  81  ISG Z
  82  SIGN
  83  ISG Y
  84  X=0?
  85  GTO 05
  86  LBL 04
  87  CLX
  88  RCL IND Y
  89  LASTX
  90  *
  91  ST- IND Z
  92  ISG Z
  93  CLX
  94  ISG Y
  95  GTO 04
  96  LBL 05
  97  ISG 12
  98  CLX
  99  DSE 11
100  GTO 03
101  RCL 12
102  LBL 06
103  RCL IND X
104  X#0?
105  GTO 00
106  RDN
107  ISG X
108  GTO 06
109  ENTER^
110  DSE Y
111  LBL 00
112  RCL IND Y
113  X#0?
114  GTO 07
115  RCL 03  
116  INT
117  RCL 12
118  INT
119  DSE X
120   E3
121  /
122  +
123  STO 12
124  RCL 06
125  TONE 9
126  RTN
127  RCL 12
128  RCL 01
129  INT
130  XEQ 11
131  STO 01
132  RCL IND X
133  ABS
134  STO 04
135  X<>Y
136  FRC
137   E3
138  *
139  RCL IND X
140  ABS
141  STO 05
142  CLX
143  RCL 01
144  INT
145  -
146  ENTER^
147  X<> 02
148  -
149  ST+ 13
150   E6
151  /
152  ST+ 14
153  RCL 02
154  RCL 08
155  ST+ X
156  X>Y?
157  GTO 14  
158  GTO 02 
159  LBL 07
160  RCL IND 07
161  CHS
162  STO IND 07
163  X<0?
164  GTO 02  
165  LBL 08
166  ISG IND 07
167  CLX
168  RCL 05
169  RCL IND 07
170  X>Y?
171  GTO 00
172  /
173  FRC
174  X=0?
175  GTO 02 
176  GTO 08
177  LBL 00
178  SIGN
179  STO IND 07
180  LBL 09
181  ISG IND 06
182  CLX
183  RCL 04
184  RCL IND 06
185  X>Y?
186  GTO 00
187  /
188  FRC
189  X=0?
190  GTO 02  
191  GTO 09
192  LBL 00
193  SIGN
194  STO IND 06
195  RCL 06
196  +
197  ISG X
198  X=0?
199  GTO 13
200  RCL 00
201  RCL IND 09
202  CHS
203  STO IND 09
204  X<0?
205  GTO 02   
206  1
207  +
208  STO IND 09
209  X<=Y?
210  GTO 02   
211  LBL 10
212  CLX
213  STO IND 09
214  ISG 09
215  X#0?
216  GTO 13
217  RCL IND 09
218  CHS
219  STO IND 09
220  X<0?
221  GTO 00
222  1
223  +
224  STO IND 09
225  RCL 00
226  X<Y?
227  GTO 10
228  LBL 00
229  RCL 10
230  STO 09
231  GTO 02 
232  LBL 11  
233  ENTER^
234  SIGN
235  ST- L
236  LBL 12
237  ISG L
238  CLX
239  CLX
240  RCL IND Z
241  STO IND L
242  ISG Z
243  GTO 12
244  X<> L
245   E3
246  /
247  +
248  RTN
249  LBL 13
250   E-3
251  ST+ 06
252  SIGN
253  ST+ 07
254  ST+ 08
255  ST- 13
256  RCL 02
257  RCL 08
258  ST+ X
259  X<=Y?
260  GTO 01 
261  LBL 14
262  RCL 01
263  BEEP
264  END

    ( 386 bytes )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y        bbb.eee             /
           X             N        bbb.eeek

     bbb.eee = control number of f(x)                      bbb.eeek = control number of the successive factors.           bbb > 014
          N     =  positive integer

Example:            f(x) = 2 x5 + 5 x4 + 15 x3 + 28 x2 + 27 x + 35

  Store for instance  [ 2  5  15  28  27  35 ]   into  R15  R16  R17  R18  R19  R20   and with  N = 4

  15.020  ENTER^
       4      XEQ "FCTR"   >>>>  ( TONE 9 )   27.029      --- Execution time = 4mn06s ---

-So, a factor g1(x) has been found,    R27 = 2   R28 = 1   R29 = 5    whence      g1(x) = 2 x2 + x + 5

      Press  R/S   >>>>   almost immediately  ( BEEP )   15.018

-The last factor g2(x) has been found   R15 = 1  R16 = 2   R17 = 4   R18 = 7     and       g2(x) = x3 + 2 x2 + 4 x + 7

-Thus,  f(x) = ( 2 x2 + x + 5 )( x3 + 2 x2 + 4 x + 7 )

-This factorization is complete in Z[X] but of course neither in R[X] nor - a fortiori - in C[X]


-The N-value does not influence the search for factors of degree 1
-The problem is that we don't know in advance the best choice for N:
  if N is too small, we can miss a factor and large N-values lead to prohibitive execution time.
-So, use "FCTR" with a good emulator like V41 in this case.

-For example,  f(x) = x9 + 6 x8 + 17 x7 + 40 x6 + 65 x5 + 74 x4 + 74 x3 + 36 x2 + 23 x + 6
                              = ( x4 + 4 x3 + 5 x2 + 7 x + 2 )( x5 + 2 x4 + 4 x3 + 7 x2 + x + 3 )

-This factorization is found ( with N = 7 ) in about 9 minutes with  V41 in turbo mode.
-With a true HP-41, it would probably last almost 4 days!

-The following result gives a bound on the bj's when b(x) is a divisor of a(x)

     •  | bj |  <=  Cjm-1 || a || + Cj-1m-1 | an |      where   n = deg a , m = deg b , || a || = ( an2 +  an-12 + ..... + a02 )1/2 and  Cjm = m!/[j!(m-j)!]

-Unfortunately, it's seldom a small number.

     b)  Via Factorization over finite Fields

-We can use a factorization over Z/pZ - where p is a prime ( cf Polynomial factorization over finite fields for the HP-41" ) - and deduce the factorization in Z[X]

-For instance:  f(x) = x9 + 6 x8 + 17 x7 + 40 x6 + 65 x5 + 74 x4 + 74 x3 + 36 x2 + 23 x + 6   over  Z/17Z

  "SQFREE"  proves that f(x) is squarefree in  Z/17Z[X]

  "PRFDK"   then gives no factor of degrees 1 , 2 , 3
                        exactly ( x4 + 4 x3 + 5 x2 + 7 x + 2 )  for the product of polynomials of degree 4
                         and  ( x5 + 2 x4 + 4 x3 + 7 x2+ x + 3 ) for the product of polynomials of degree 5

-Here, we must of course check that the product of these 2 irreducible polynomials = f(x) and it works!
 ( if the term 17 x7 had been omitted, we would have gotten the same result - true in Z/17Z[X] - but false in Z[X] )

-This example gives a misleading impression of easiness and in many cases,
  we'll have to choose several p-values ( or one large p-value if we use p > twice the bound mentioned above )
-Several "parasitic" factors will appear, and many tests will have to be made before finding the right factorization in Z[X]

-The following routine may be used to check if a polynomial g(x) is really a divisor of a polynomial f(x) in Z[X]

Data Registers:       R00 to R03: temp                      ( Registers Rbb thru Ree & Rbb' thru Ree' are to be initialized before executing "DIVN" )

                              •  Rbb = an    •  Rbb+1 = an-1    ........................  •  Ree = a0             bbb > 003
                              •  Rbb' = a'm  •  Rbb'+1 = a'm-1  ........................  •  Ree' = a'0           bbb' > 003
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

01  LBL "DIVN"
02  STO 02
03  FRC
04  X<>Y
05  STO 01
06  FRC
07  X<>Y
08  -
09   E3
10  *
11  RCL 01
12  INT
13  STO 03
14  -
15  RCL 02
16  INT
17  +
18  STO 00
19  ISG 00
20  LBL 01
21  RCL 01
22  RCL 02
25  /
26  FRC
27  X=0?
28  GTO 00
29  CLX
30  RTN
31  LBL 00
32  X<> L
34  ISG Z
35  SIGN
36  ISG Y
37  X=0?
38  GTO 03
39  LBL 02
40  CLX
43  *
44  ST- IND Z
45  ISG Z
46  CLX
47  ISG Y
48  GTO 02
49  LBL 03
50  ISG 01
51  CLX
52  DSE 00
53  GTO 01
54  RCL 01
55  LBL 04
57  X#0?
58  GTO 00
59  RDN
60  ISG X
61  GTO 04      
62  ENTER^
63  DSE Y
64  LBL 00
65  RDN
66  RCL 03
67  RCL 01
68  INT
69  DSE X
70   E3
71  /
72  +
73  END

  ( 107 bytes )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y      bbb.eee(f)      bbb.eee(r)
           X      bbb.eee(g)   bbb.eee(q) or 0

      (bbb.eee)f = the control number of the dividend                        (bbb.eee)r  = the control number of the remainder       ( all  bbb's > 003 )
      (bbb.eee)g = the control number of the divisor                           (bbb.eee)q = the control number of the quotient

  >>>    we assume that           deg f > deg g

    X-output = 0  as soon as a coefficient of the quotient is not an integer ( in this case, Y-output is meaningless )

-So g is a divisor of f in Z[X] if X-output # 0 , eee(r) = bbb(r)  and  Rbb(r) = 0

-This program is called as a subroutine by the program hereunder.

     c)  Via Bairstow's Method

        c-1)  Program#1

-Bairstow's method expresses a polynomial f(x) as a product of factors of degree 2 , multiplied by a linear term if deg f is odd.
-"FCTR1" first replaces the quadratic factors whose discrimant in non-negative by 2 polynomials of degree 1.
  In other words, we get f(x) as a product of irreducible factors in R[X]
-Then it computes all the - useful - combinations of these products, rounds the coefficients according to the current display settings
  and tests ( when we get integer coefficients ) if this candidate is really a divisor of f(x).

-To simplify the program, we assume that the leading coefficient  an = +/-1  though it may sometimes work in other cases too.

Data Registers:       R00 to R13+4n: temp                               ( Registers Rbb thru Ree are to be initialized before executing "FCTR1" )

                                 R04 = counter   R05 = eee+1   R06 = address of the first free register
                                 R07 = control number of the list of the irreducible factors in R[X]
                                 R08 = control number of a potential divisor
                                 R09 = control number of f(x)
                                 R10 = deg f                                  R11 = counter
                                 R12 = control number of the product of k-1 factors while we are testing products of k factors
                                 R13 = counter = 2m-1 - 1 , 2m-1 - 2 ,  .......  , 0

                 •  Rbb = an  •  Rbb+1 = an-1  ........................  •  Ree = a0      bb > 13+4n       and several other registers to store the products of polynomials.

Flags:  F00-F01-F26
Subroutines:   "BRST" ( lines 01 to 89 )   cf "Polynomials for the HP-41"
                         "P2"  "¨PRO"                     cf "Polynomials for the HP-41"
                         "LCO"   "LDL"                  cf "Miscellaneous short routines for the HP-41"
                         "DIVN"                             cf  paragraph above

-XEQ "LCO" may of course be replaced by the M-code routine LCO
-Lines 119 to 132 are not absolutely necessary: they simply rearrange the order of the factors
  so that the factors of degree 1 are placed before the factors of degree 2 in the list whose control number = R07
-So, you can delete these lines but if you delete lines 119 to 132, delete lines 284 to 293 too!
-The termination criterion wouldn't work well in all cases.
-You'll have sometimes to wait a little more to get the second factor, but it will obviously save bytes.
-You can also employ the other termination criterion used by "FCTR2" below.

-Lines 212-294-307-313-320-330  are three-byte  GTOs

  01  LBL "FCTR1"
  02  STO 09
  03  ENTER^
  04  ENTER^
  05  FRC
  06   E3
  07  *
  08  X<>Y
  09  INT
  10  -
  11  STO 10
  12  -
  13  INT
  14  DSE X
  15  XEQ "LCO" 
  16  PI
  17  2
  18  CF 26
  19  XEQ "BRST"
  20  SF 26
  21  RCL 10
  22  14
  23  +
  24  STO 05
  25  STO 06
  26  RCL 10
  27  ST+ X
  28  LASTX
  29  +
  30  STO 01
  31  RCL 10
  32  2
  33  MOD
  34  SF 01
  35  X=0?
  36  GTO 08
  37  CF 01
  38  RCL 08
  39  INT
  40  .1
  41  %
  42  +
  43   E-3
  44  +
  45  RCL 01
  46  XEQ "LCO"
  47  STO IND 06
  48  2
  49  ST+ 01
  50  ST+ 08
  51  ISG 06
  52  LBL 08
  53  1
  54  FS? 01
  55  RCL IND 08
  56  STO IND 01
  57  ISG 01
  58  CLX
  59  FS?C 01
  60  ISG 08
  61  RCL IND 08
  62  ISG 08
  63  RCL IND 08
  64  XEQ "P2"
  65  FS?C 00
  66  GTO 08
  67  CHS   
  68  STO IND 01
  69  RCL 01
  70  .1
  71  %
  72  +
  73  1
  74  ST+ 01
  75  STO IND 01
  76  -
  77  STO IND 06
  78  LASTX
  79  ST+ 01
  80  ST+ 06
  81  CLX
  82  R^
  83  CHS
  84  GTO 00
  85  LBL 08
  86  RCL 08
  87  1
  88  -
  89  RCL IND X
  90  STO IND 01
  91  LASTX
  92  ST+ 01
  93  CHS
  94  RCL IND 08
  95  LBL 00
  96  STO IND 01
  97  CLX
  98  RCL 01
  99  .1
100  %
101  +
102  +
103  1
104  -
105  STO IND 06
106  LASTX
107  ST+ 01
108  ST+ 06
109  ISG 08
110  GTO 08
111  DSE 06
112  RCL 06
113   E3
114  /
115  RCL 05
116  ST- 06
117  +
118  STO 07
119  STO 01   
120  STO 02 
121  LBL 09
122  RCL IND 01
123  ISG X    
124  ISG X
125  GTO 09   
126  RCL IND 01
127  X<> IND 02
128  STO IND 01
129  ISG 02
130  LBL 09
131  ISG 01
132  GTO 09
133  RCL 09
134  INT
135  RCL 10
136  +
137  1
138  +
139  STO 05
140  14.014
141  STO 04
142  2
143  RCL 06   
144  Y^X
145  DSE X 
146  STO 13
147  RCL 07 
148  STO 14
149  GTO 12
150  LBL 10 
151   E-3      
152  ST+ 04 
153  LBL 11 
154  RCL 07 
155   E-3       
156  RCL 04 
157  STO 11 
158  FRC   
159   E3
160  *
161  RCL 04
162  INT
163  -
164  *
165  -
166  LBL 01
167  STO IND 11
168  1.001
169  +
170  ISG 11
171  GTO 01
172  LBL 12
173  RCL 04
174  STO 11
175  RCL 05
176  STO 06
177  SF 01
178  LBL 02
179  STO 12
180  RCL IND 11
181  X<>Y
182  RCL IND Y
183  ISG 11
184  X=0?
185  GTO 03
186  FS?C 01
187  GTO 02
188  RCL 06
189  XEQ "PRO"
190  ENTER^
191  FRC
192   E3
193  *
194  1
195  +
196  STO 06
197  X<>Y
198  GTO 02
199  LBL 03
200  RCL 06
201  FS? 01
202  XEQ "LCO"
203  FC?C 01
204  XEQ "PRO"
205  ENTER^
206  LBL 04
207  RCL IND Y
208  RND     
209  STO IND Z
210  FRC
211  X#0?  
212  GTO 06  
213  RDN
214  ISG Y
215  GTO 04
216  STO 08
217  RCL 09
218  RCL 08
219  FRC
220   E3
221  *
222  1
223  +
224  XEQ "LCO"
225  RCL 08
226  XEQ "DIVN"
227  X=0?
228  GTO 06
229  RCL IND Y
230  X#0?
231  GTO 06
232  X<>Y
233  STO 01
234  RCL 08
235  TONE 9
236  RTN     
237  RCL 01
238  RCL 09
239  INT
240  XEQ "LCO"
241  STO 09
242  RCL 04
243  FRC
244  LASTX
245  INT
246  DSE X
247   E3
248  ST* Z
249  /
250  +
251  STO 01
252  RCL 07
253  LBL 05   
254  RCL IND 01
255  RDN
256  RCL IND T
257  XEQ "LDL"
258  DSE 01
259  GTO 05
260  STO 07
261  STO 14
262  FRC
263   E3
264  *
265  RCL 07
266  INT
267  -
268  2
269  X<>Y
270  Y^X
271  1
272  -
273  STO 13
274  X<=0?
275  GTO 00
276  RCL 09
277  FRC
278   E3
279  *
280  RCL 09
281  INT
282  -
283  STO 10
284  RCL 08
285  FRC
286   E3
287  *
288  RCL 08
289  INT
290  -         
291  ST+ X
292  X>Y? 
293  GTO 00
294  GTO 11 
295  LBL 06
296  DSE 13
297  FS? 30
298  GTO 00
299  DSE 11
300  CLX
301  RCL 04
302  ISG X
303  ABS 
304  ISG X
305  GTO 06
306  ISG IND 11
307  GTO 12  
308  LBL 07
309  RCL 11
310  INT
311  14
312  X=Y?
313  GTO 10 
314  SIGN
315  ST- 11
316  ISG IND 11
317  X=0?
318  GTO 07
319  RCL IND 11
320  GTO 01  
321  LBL 06
322  ISG IND 11
323  X=0?
324  GTO 07
325  RCL IND 11
326  RCL IND X
327  RCL 12 
328  ISG 11
329  CLX
330  GTO 03   
331  LBL 00
332  RCL 09
333  BEEP
334  END

    ( 531 bytes )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUTk
           X        bbb.eee        bbb.eeek

  where   bbb.eee = control number of f(x)                      bbb.eeek = control number of the successive factors.           bbb > 013+4n     with  n = deg f

-The HP-41 emits a BEEP for the last factor, and a TONE 9 for the other ones, if any.

Example1:         f(x) = x9 + 6 x8 + 17 x7 + 40 x6 + 65 x5 + 74 x4 + 74 x3 + 36 x2 + 23 x + 6

  deg f = 9 so we must choose  bbb > 049, for instance store

  [ 1  6  17  40  65  74  74  36  23  6 ]  into  [ R50  R51  R52  R53  R54  R55  R56  R57  R58  R59 ]

  FIX 4  ( if you choose this format )

  50.059  XEQ "FCTR1"  >>>>  ( TONE 9 )    63.067                         --- Eecution time = 7mn41s ---

  [ R63  R64  R65  R66  R67 ]  =  [ 1  4  5  7  2 ]

                R/S    >>>>   ( BEEP )    50.055

  [ R50  R51  R52  R53  R54  R55 ]  =  [ 1  2  4  7  1  3 ]

-Thus    f(x) =  ( x4 + 4 x3 + 5 x2 + 7 x + 2 )( x5 + 2 x4 + 4 x3 + 7 x2 + x + 3 )

Example2:          f(x) = x8 - 128 x6 - x5 + 5120 x4 + 64 x3 - 65538 x2 - 512 x + 262144

  We can choose  bbb = 046

  With  [ R46  R47  R48  R49  R50  R51  R52  R53  R54 ]  =  [ 1  0  -128  -1  5120  64  -65538  -512  262144 ]

  FIX 4
  46.054  XEQ "FCTR1"  >>>>   ( TONE 9 )    62.066                            --- Execution time = 17mn32s ---

  [ R62  R63  R64  R65  R66 ]  =  [ 1  0  -64  -2  512 ]

               R/S    >>>>  ( BEEP )   46.050

  [ R46  R47  R48  R49  R50 ]  =  [ 1  0  -64   1   512 ]

-So,    f(x) = ( x4 - 64 x2 - 2 x + 512 )( x4 - 64 x2 + x + 512 )

-The execution time is much longer because f(x) has actually 8 real roots and many more polynomial multiplications have been performed.

-In this example, we wouldn't have found this factorization in FIX 5:
-Before rounding the coefficients - line 208 - the product was  [ 1  0.000000999  -63.99999993  -2.000006500  511.9999998 ]
  and  -2.000006500  would have been rounded to  -2.00001  which is not an integer!

-If deg f is large and/or if there are many factors in R[X], we'll have to execute"FCTR1" in FIX 1 or FIX 0
 and even then, we could miss some factors because of roundoff errors...
-So the result is less guaranteed than via factorization over finite fields.


-Multiple roots often lead to slow convergence and inaccurate results with "BRST"
-So, try to use "MSR" ( cf polynomials §1-h ) to get a squarefree polynomial.
-If the process seems to diverge while "BRST" is executing, stop the subroutine, store other guesses in R06 & R07 and press GTO 01  R/S
-But do not press  XEQ 01 :  that would clear the return stack !
-You can also use the display setting for the termination criterion of "BRST" ( if you have replaced lines 67-68 by  RND  X#0? )
-In this case, add  FIX IND 11 after line 19 and  STO 11   X<>Y   after line 01  in the listing above,
  place bbb.eee in Y-register and 4 in X-register ( for FIX 4 )  before executing "FCTR1"

-If the leading coefficient  c = an # +/-1 , "FCTR1" can fail.
-Apply the program to h(x) = cn-1 f(x/c)
-After factorizing h(x), the factorization of f(x) will be easy to deduce.

        c-2)  Program#2

-Instead of calculating all these products of polynomials, we can also calculate the product of their constant coefficients first,
  then rounding it in the current format, and perform the polynomial multiplications only if this coefficient is an integer.
-We can thus expect a much faster program... provided the display setting is not FIX 0 !

Data Registers:       R00 to R12+4n: temp                                             ( Registers Rbb thru Ree are to be initialized before executing "FCTR2" )

                                 R04 = counter   R05 = eee+1   R06 = address of the first free register
                                 R07 = control number of the list of the irreducible factors in R[X]
                                 R08 = control number of a potential divisor
                                 R09 = control number of f(x)
                                 R10 = counter = 2m-1 - 1 , 2m-1 - 2 ,  .......  , 0

                 •  Rbb = an  •  Rbb+1 = an-1  ........................  •  Ree = a0        bb > 11+4n       and several other registers to store the products of polynomials.

Flags:  F00-F01-F26
Subroutines:   "BRST" ( lines 01 to 89 )   cf "Polynomials for the HP-41"
                         "P2"  "¨PRO"                     cf "Polynomials for the HP-41"
                         "LCO"   "LDL"                  cf "Miscellaneous short routines for the HP-41"
                         "DIVN"                             cf  paragraph 2-b)
                         "CNK"                              cf "Statistics & Probability for the HP-41"

-Lines 182-219-304-312-318-325  are three-byte  GTOs

  01  LBL "FCTR2"
  02  STO 12
  03  X<>Y
  04  STO 09
  05  ENTER^
  06  ENTER^
  07  FRC
  08   E3
  09  *
  10  X<>Y
  11  INT
  12  -
  13  STO 10
  14  -
  15  INT
  16  DSE X
  17  XEQ "LCO"
  18  PI
  19  2
  20  CF 26
  21  XEQ "BRST"
  22  SF 26
  23  FIX IND 12
  24  RCL 10
  25  12
  26  +
  27  STO 05
  28  STO 06
  29  RCL 10
  30  ST+ X
  31  LASTX
  32  +
  33  STO 01
  34  RCL 10
  35  2
  36  MOD
  37  SF 01
  38  X=0?
  39  GTO 08
  40  CF 01
  41  RCL 08
  42  INT
  43  .1
  44  %
  45  +
  46   E-3
  47  +
  48  RCL 01
  49  XEQ "LCO"
  50  STO IND 06
  51  2
  52  ST+ 01
  53  ST+ 08
  54  ISG 06
  55  LBL 08
  56  1
  57  FS? 01
  58  RCL IND 08
  59  STO IND 01
  60  ISG 01
  61  CLX
  62  FS?C 01
  63  ISG 08
  64  RCL IND 08
  65  ISG 08
  66  RCL IND 08
  67  XEQ "P2"
  68  FS?C 00
  69  GTO 08
  70  CHS
  71  STO IND 01
  72  RCL 01
  73  .1
  74  %
  75  +
  76  1
  77  ST+ 01
  78  STO IND 01
  79  -
  80  STO IND 06
  81  LASTX
  82  ST+ 01
  83  ST+ 06
  84  CLX
  85  R^
  86  CHS
  87  GTO 00
  88  LBL 08
  89  RCL 08
  90  1
  91  -
  92  RCL IND X
  93  STO IND 01
  94  LASTX
  95  ST+ 01
  96  CHS
  97  RCL IND 08
  98  LBL 00
  99  STO IND 01
100  CLX
101  RCL 01
102  .1
103  %
104  +
105  +
106  1
107  -
108  STO IND 06
109  LASTX
110  ST+ 01
111  ST+ 06
112  ISG 08
113  GTO 08
114  DSE 06
115  RCL 06
116   E3
117  /
118  RCL 05
119  ST- 06
120  +
121  STO 07
122  RCL 09
123  INT
124  RCL 10
125  +
126  1
127  +
128  STO 05
129  12.012
130  STO 04
131  2
132  RCL 06
133  Y^X
134  DSE X
135  STO 10
136  RCL 07
137  STO 12
138  GTO 12
139  LBL 10
140   E-3
141  ST+ 04
142  LBL 11
143  RCL 07
144   E-3
145  RCL 04
146  STO 11
147  FRC
148   E3
149  *
150  RCL 04
151  INT
152  -
153  *
154  -
155  LBL 01
156  STO IND 11
157  1.001
158  +
159  ISG 11
160  GTO 01
161  LBL 12
162  RCL 04
163  STO 11
164  RCL 05
165  STO 06
166  SIGN
167  LBL 02
168  RCL IND 11
169  X<>Y
170  RCL IND Y
171  FRC
172   E3
173  *
174  X<>Y
175  RCL IND Y
176  *
177  ISG 11
178  GTO 02
179  RND
180  FRC
181  X#0?
182  GTO 06 
183  RCL 04
184  STO 11
185  SF 01
186  LBL 03
187  RCL IND 11
188  X<>Y
189  RCL IND Y
190  ISG 11
191  X=0?
192  GTO 00
193  FS?C 01
194  GTO 03
195  RCL 06
196  XEQ "PRO"
197  ENTER^
198  FRC
199   E3
200  *
201  1
202  +
203  STO 06
204  X<>Y
205  GTO 03
206  LBL 00
207  RCL 06
208  FS? 01
209  XEQ "LCO"
210  FC?C 01
211  XEQ "PRO"
212  ENTER^
213  LBL 04
214  RCL IND Y
215  RND
216  STO IND Z
217  FRC
218  X#0?
219  GTO 06 
220  RDN
221  ISG Y
222  GTO 04
223  STO 08
224  RCL 09
225  RCL 08
226  FRC
227   E3
228  *
229  1
230  +
231  XEQ "LCO"
232  RCL 08
233  XEQ "DIVN"
234  X=0?
235  GTO 06
236  RCL IND Y
237  X#0?
238  GTO 06
239  X<>Y
240  STO 01
241  RCL 08
242  TONE 9
243  RTN
244  RCL 01
245  RCL 09
246  INT
247  XEQ "LCO"
248  STO 09
249  RCL 04
250  FRC
251  LASTX
252  INT
253  DSE X
254   E3
255  ST* Z
256  /
257  +
258  STO 01
259  RCL 07
260  LBL 05
261  RCL IND 01
262  RDN
263  RCL IND T
264  XEQ "LDL"
265  DSE 01
266  GTO 05
267  STO 07
268  STO 12
269  FRC
270   E3
271  *
272  RCL 07
273  INT
274  -
275  STO 01
276  2
277  X<>Y
278  Y^X
279  1
280  -
281  STO 10
282  RCL 04
283  FRC
284   E3
285  *
286  RCL 04
287  INT
288  -
289  X=0?
290  GTO 00
291  STO 02
292  LBL 09
293  RCL 01
294  RCL 02
295  XEQ "CNK"
296  RND
297  ST- 10
298  DSE 02
299  GTO 09
300  LBL 00
301  RCL 10
302  X<=0?
303  GTO 00
304  GTO 11
305  LBL 06
306  DSE 10
307  FS? 30
308  GTO 00
309  DSE 11
310  CLX
311  ISG IND 11
312  GTO 12
313  LBL 07
314  RCL 11
315  INT
316  12
317  X=Y?
318  GTO 10 
319  SIGN
320  ST- 11
321  ISG IND 11
322  X=0?
323  GTO 07
324  RCL IND 11
325  GTO 01 
326  LBL 00
327  RCL 09
328  BEEP
329  END

   ( 520 bytes )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUTk
           Y        bbb.eee            /
           X            m        bbb.eeek

  where   bbb.eee = control number of f(x)                                      bbb.eeek = control number of the successive factors.
    and     m is used to round numbers in FIX m ( line 23 )               bbb > 011+4n     with  n = deg f

Example:          f(x) = x8 - 128 x6 - x5 + 5120 x4 + 64 x3 - 65538 x2 - 512 x + 262144

  You can choose  bbb = 044

  With  [ R44  R45  R46  R47  R48  R49  R50  R51  R52 ]  =  [ 1  0  -128  -1  5120  64  -65538  -512  262144 ]

 >>>  FIX 8  if you want to execute "BRST" in this format, and if you want to execute the rest of "FCTR2" in FIX 4

  44.052  ENTER^
       4      XEQ "FCTR2"  >>>>   ( TONE 9 )    60.064            --- Execution time = 9mn20s ---          ( instead of 17mn32s with "FCRT1" )

  [ R60  R61  R62  R63  R64 ]  =  [ 1  0  -64  -2  512 ]

               R/S    >>>>    ( BEEP )   44.048     ( in a few seconds )

  [ R44  R45  R46  R47  R48 ]  =  [ 1  0  -64   1   512 ]

-And    f(x) = ( x4 - 64 x2 - 2 x + 512 )( x4 - 64 x2 + x + 512 )

-In this example, we have saved more than 8 minutes!

3°)  Cyclotomic Polynomials

     a)  Program#1

-Let n a positive integer, the cyclotomic polynomial Fn(x) = Product gcd(k,n)=1 ( x - rk )       where  rk = exp(2i.k.pi/n)     are the primitive ( complex ) roots of 1
-Though it is defined as a complex polynomial, all its coefficients are real, and more precisely integers.

-"CYCLO" uses this definition to compute its coefficients

Data Registers:  R00 to R08: temp  R09 ..... = the coefficients ... and several temporary data.
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "PRO" multiplication of 2 polynomials ( cf "Polynomials for the HP-41" )
                       "LCO" copying a list ( cf "Miscellaneous Short Routines for the HP-41" )

02  STO 04
03  2
04  X<Y?
05  GTO 00
06  SIGN   
07  STO 01
08  X=Y?
09  CHS
10  STO 02
11  1.002
12  RTN
13  LBL 00
14  /
15  ENTER^
16  FRC
17  X=0?
18  SIGN
19  -
20  STO 05
21  9.009
22  STO 06
23  10.012
24  STO 07
25  13
26  STO 08         
27  SIGN
28  STO 09
29  DEG
30  LBL 01
31  RCL 04
32  RCL 05
33  LBL 02 
34  MOD
36  X<>Y
37  X#0?
38  GTO 02
39  SIGN
40  X#Y?   
41  GTO 03
42  STO IND 07 
43  RCL 07
44  +
45  RCL 05
46  360
47  *
48  RCL 04
49  /
50  COS
51  ST+ X
52  CHS
54  1
55  ST+ Z
57  RCL 06
58  RCL 07
59  RCL 08
60  XEQ "PRO"  
61  RCL 06
62  INT
63  XEQ "LCO"
64  STO 06
65  2.002
66  ST+ 07
67  INT
68  ST+ 08
69  LBL 03
70  DSE 05
71  GTO 01
72  FIX 0
73  LBL 04 
74  CLX
75  RCL IND Y  
76  RND
78  ISG Y
79  GTO 04
80  RCL 06
81  FIX 4
82  END

  ( 138 bytes / SIZE 012+ 2.phi(n) )     where  phi = Euler function

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X            n        bbb.eee

  where bbb.eee = control number of Fn(x)


   1   XEQ "CYCLO"  >>>>   1.002    [ R01  R02 ] = [ 1  -1 ]                 so  F1(x) = x - 1
   2   XEQ "CYCLO"  >>>>   1.002    [ R01  R02 ] =  [ 1  1 ]                  so  F2(x) = x + 1
   3   XEQ "CYCLO"  >>>>   9.011    [ R09  R10  R11 ] = [ 1  1  1 ]      so  F3(x) = x2 + x + 1                 --- Execution time =  7s ---

  10           R/S            >>>>   9.013    [ R09  R10  R11  R12  R13 ]  =  [ 1  -1  1  -1  1 ]                          --- Execution time = 16s ---

  thus,  F10(x) = x4 - x3 + x2 - x + 1


-If n is a prime, Fn(x) = xn-1 + xn-2 + ............. + x + 1     all the coefficients = 1
-Deg Fn = phi(n)  where  phi = Euler Totient function
-Roundoff errors become huge as n increases
-The coefficients are still exact for n = 43 but they are wrong for n = 47
-So we must use another method for large n-values.

     b)  Program#2

-"CYCLO2"  uses the formula:    Fn(x) = Product d | n ( xd - 1 )µ(n/d)    where  µ = Moebius function

-First, the product is performed when µ(n/d) = +1 ( lines 22 to 65 )
-Then, the result is divided by the terms corresponding to µ(n/d) = -1  ( lines 66 to 99 )
-So, there is no roundoff error at all!

Data Registers:  R00 to R06: temp ( R03 = n )
                             R07  R08 .....  = coefficients of Fn(x) ... and other temporary data
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "MOEB" or "MOEB2"  ( cf "Primes & Number Theoretic Functions for the HP-41" )

-If you don't have an HP-41CX, replace lines 17 & 48 by  XEQ "LCL"  ( cf "Miscellaneous Short Routines for the HP-41" )
  replace line 45 by RCL Y and line 49 by CLX

  01  LBL "CYCLO2"
  02  STO 03
  03  2
  04  /
  05  INT
  06  STO 04
  07  STO 06
  08  RCL 03
  09  7
  10  +
  11  STO 01
  12   E3
  13  /
  14  7
  15  +
  16  STO 05
  17  CLRGX
  18  SIGN
  19  STO IND 05
  20  CHS
  21  STO IND 01
  22  LBL 01
  23  RCL 03
  24  RCL 04
  25  MOD
  26  X#0?
  27  GTO 03
  28  RCL 03
  29  LASTX
  30  /
  31  XEQ "MOEB"
  32  X<=0?
  33  GTO 03
  34  RCL 05
  35  FRC
  36   E3
  37  *
  38  STO 01
  39  RCL 04
  40  +
  41  STO 02
  42   E3
  43  /
  44  RCL 01
  45  X<>Y
  46  +
  47  ISG X
  48  CLRGX 
  49  LASTX
  50  RCL 05
  51  INT
  52  +
  53  STO 05
  54  LBL 02
  55  RCL IND 01  
  56  ST- IND 02
  57  DSE 01
  58  DSE 02
  59  RCL 01
  60  LASTX
  61  X<=Y?
  62  GTO 02
  63  LBL 03
  64  DSE 04
  65  GTO 01
  66  LBL 04
  67  RCL 03
  68  RCL 06
  69  MOD
  70  X#0?
  71  GTO 06
  72  RCL 03
  73  LASTX
  74  /
  75  XEQ "MOEB"
  76  X<0?
  77  X=0?
  78  GTO 06
  79  RCL 06
  80  RCL 05
  81  ST+ Y
  82  LBL 05
  83  RCL IND X
  84  ST+ IND Z
  85  RDN
  86  ISG X
  87  ISG Y
  88  GTO 05
  89  INT
  90  DSE X
  91   E3
  92  /
  93  RCL 05         
  94  INT
  95  +
  96  STO 05
  97  LBL 06
  98  DSE 06
  99  GTO 04
100  RCL 05
101  END

   ( 151 bytes )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X            n        bbb.eee

    where bbb.eee = control number of Fn(x)


  20    XEQ "CYCLO2"  >>>>  7.015                       --- Execution time = 33s ---

    [ R07  R08  ........  R15 ]  =  [ 1  0  -1  0  1  0  -1  0  1 ]       whence     F20(x) = x8 - x6 + x4 - x2 + 1


 SIZE 128 or greater

 105   XEQ "CYCLO2"   >>>>  7.055                       --- Execution time = 3m59s ---           ( 3m47s if you use "MOEB2" instead of "MOEB" )

   [ R07 .......  R55 ] = [ 1  1  1  0  0  -1  -1  -2  -1  -1  0  0  1  1  1  1  1  1  0  0  -1  0  -1  0  -1
                                           0  -1  0  -1  0  0  1  1  1  1  1  1  0  0  -1  -1  -2  -1  -1  0  0  1  1  1 ]

 whence  F105(x) = x48 + x47 + x46 - x43 -x42 - 2 x41 - x40 - x39 + x36 + x35 + x34 + x33 + x32 + x31 - x28 - x26 - x24
                                    - x22 - x20 + x17 + x16 + x15 + x14 + x13 + x12 - x9 - x8 - 2 x7 - x6 - x5 + x2 + x + 1


 F105(x) is the first cyclotomic polynomial with a coefficient ( in fact 2 ) different from  -1 , 0 , +1
 All the cyclotomic polynomials are irreducible in Z[X]

4°)  Polynomial Factorization over Gaussian Integers

-We assume that f(z) is unitary - leading coefficient = 1 - and that the other coefficients
  are Gaussian integers i-e complex numbers a + b.i  where  a and b are integers.

      f(z) = cn zn + cn-1 zn-1 + .................. + c1 z + c0          with         ck = ak + i.bk

Data Registers:       R00 to R15+4n: temp                               ( Registers R01 thru Ree are to be initialized before executing "FCTRZ" )

                                 R08 = counter   R09 = eee'+1   R10 = address of the first free register
                                 R11 = control number of the list of the irreducible factors in C[X]
                                 R12 = control number of a potential divisor
                                 R13 = control number of f(z)
                                 R14 = counter = 2m-1 - 1 , 2m-1 - 2 ,  .......  , 0    and several other registers to store the products of polynomials.

                 •  R01 = an = 1   •  R03 = an-1    ........................  •  Ree-1 = a0
                 •  R02 = bn = 0   •  R04 = bn-1    ........................  •  Ree = b0

Flags:  /

   "PLRZ"       cf "Polynomials for the HP-41"
   "PROZ"      cf "Polynomials for the HP-41"
   "DIVZ"       cf "Polynomials for the HP-41"
   "LDL"         cf "Miscellaneous short routines for the HP-41"

-If possible, employ the versions that use the M-code routine Z*Z & Z/Z  ( cf "A few M-code Routines for the HP-41" )
-If you use the 1st version of "DIVZ" ( without Z*Z and Z/Z ), delete the tiny leading-coefficients in the remainder  ( "DELZ" )
  before testing if the remainder = 0 ( lines 193-194 )
-And  add a loop to round the coefficients of the quotient  (  R-P  P-R  doesn't always return integers )
-For example, add   LBL 14   RCL IND X   RND   STO IND Y   X<>Y   ISG X   GTO 14   after line 207

-Other M-code routines like LCO , DEG F , CNK are used but they may be replaced by standard programs.

  LCO  may be replaced by  XEQ "LCO"  cf "Miscellaneous short routines"

-Lines 05-14  may be replaced by  FRC   E3   *   RCL Y   INT   -
-Lines 90-237 may be replaced by  FRC   E3   *   RCL 08   INT   -
-Line 228 may be replaced by   FRC   E3   *   RCL 11   INT   -

-Lines 155 to 160 may be replaced by  RCL IND 15   RCL IND X   RCL 10   XEQ "LCO"
  but add  STO 01  after line 147  and add   RCL 01  after line 163

-Lines 169-170 may be replaced  by  FRC   E3   *   1   +

-Line 244 may be replaced by  XEQ "CNK"  cf "Statistics & Probability for the HP-41"

-Lines  122-127-253-261-267-274 are three-byte  GTOs

  01  LBL "FCTRZ"
  02  STO 00 
  03  X<>Y  
  04  ENTER^
  05  DEG F   
  06  DSE X
  07  ST+ X
  08  16
  09  +
  10  LCO
  11  STO 13
  12  ENTER^
  13  ENTER^
  14  DEG F  
  15  STO 14
  16  -
  17  INT
  18  DSE X
  19  LCO    
  20  RCL 00
  21  STO 12
  22  CLX
  23  PI
  24  2
  25  XEQ "PLRZ"
  26  FIX IND 12
  27  STO 01
  28  STO 02
  29  RCL 14
  30  DSE X
  31  2
  32  /
  33  STO 03
  34  16
  35  +
  36  STO 04
  37  LBL 08
  38  RCL 01
  39  INT
  40  .1
  41  %
  42  +
  43   E-3
  44  +
  45  STO IND Y
  46  SIGN
  47  +
  48  ISG 01
  49  ISG 01
  50  GTO 08
  51  LASTX
  52  -
  53   E3
  54  /
  55  RCL 04
  56  +
  57  STO 11
  58  STO 16
  59  SIGN
  60  CHS
  61  LBL 13
  62  ST* IND 02
  63  ISG 02
  64  GTO 13
  65  RCL 13
  66  ISG X
  67  RCL 14
  68  +
  69  INT
  70  STO 09
  71  16.016
  72  STO 08
  73  2
  74  RCL 03
  75  1
  76  -
  77  Y^X
  78  1
  79  -
  80  STO 14
  81  GTO 12
  82  LBL 10
  83   E-3
  84  ST+ 08
  85  LBL 11
  86  RCL 11
  87   E-3
  88  RCL 08
  89  STO 15
  90  DEG F
  91  *
  92  -
  93  LBL 01
  94  STO IND 15
  95  1.001
  96  +
  97  ISG 15
  98  GTO 01
  99  LBL 12
100  RCL 08
101  STO 15
102  RCL 09
103  STO 10
104  CLST
105  LBL 02       
106  RCL IND 15
107  RDN
108  RCL IND T 
109  X<>Y
110  RCL IND Y 
111  +
112  ISG Y  
113  RCL IND Y
114  R^
115  +
116  X<>Y
117  ISG 15
118  GTO 02
119  RND
120  FRC
121  X#0?
122  GTO 06   
123  X<>Y
124  RND
125  FRC
126  X#0?
127  GTO 06  
128  RCL 08
129  STO 15
130  SIGN
131  STO IND 09
132  ST+ 10
133  CLX
134  STO IND 10
135  SIGN
136  ST+ 10
137  RCL IND 15
138  RCL IND X
139  RCL 10
140  LCO   
141  2
142  ST+ 10
143  -
144  LBL 03
145  ISG 15
146  X=0?
147  GTO 00
148  1
149  STO IND 10
150  ST+ 10
151  CLX
152  STO IND 10
153  SIGN
154  ST+ 10
155  CLX
156  RCL IND 15
157  X<>Y
158  RCL IND Y
159  RCL 10
160  LCO  
161  2        
162  ST+ 10
163  -
164  RCL 10
165  XEQ "PROZ"
166  RCL 09
167  LCO  
168  ENTER^
169  DEG F 
170  X<> L
171  STO 10
172  X<>Y
173  GTO 03
174  LBL 00
175  ENTER^
176  LBL 04
177  RCL IND Y
178  RND
179  STO IND Z
180  FRC
181  X#0?
182  GTO 06
183  RDN
184  ISG Y
185  GTO 04
186  STO 12
187  RCL 13
188  RCL 10
189  LCO   
190  RCL 12
191  XEQ "DIVZ"
192  STO 01    
193  RCL IND Y
194  X#0?
195  GTO 06
196  ISG Z
197  RCL IND Z
198  X#0?
199  GTO 06
200  RCL 12
201  TONE 9
202  RTN
203  RCL 01
204  RCL 13
205  INT
206  LCO 
207  STO 13  
208  RCL 08  
209  FRC
210  LASTX
211  INT
212  DSE X
213   E3
214  ST* Z
215  /
216  +
217  STO 01
218  RCL 11
219  LBL 05
220  RCL IND 01
221  RDN
222  RCL IND T
223  XEQ "LDL"
224  DSE 01
225  GTO 05
226  STO 11
227  STO 16
228  DEG F  
229  STO 01
230  2
231  X<>Y
232  Y^X
233  1
234  -
235  STO 14
236  RCL 08
237  DEG F 
238  X=0?
239  GTO 00
240  STO 02
241  LBL 09
242  RCL 01
243  RCL 02
244  CNK   
245  RND
246  ST- 14
247  DSE 02
248  GTO 09
249  LBL 00
250  RCL 14
251  X<=0?
252  GTO 00
253  GTO 11 
254  LBL 06
255  DSE 14
256  FS? 30
257  GTO 00
258  DSE 15
259  CLX
260  ISG IND 15
261  GTO 12  
262  LBL 07
263  RCL 15
264  INT
265  16
266  X=Y?
267  GTO 10 
268  SIGN
269  ST- 15
270  ISG IND 15
271  X=0?
272  GTO 07
273  RCL IND 15
274  GTO 01 
275  LBL 00
276  RCL 13
277  BEEP
278  END

   ( 431 bytes )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUTk
           Y        bbb.eee            /
           X            m        bbb.eeek

  where   bbb.eee = 001.eee = control number of f(z)                      bbb.eeek = control number of the successive factors.
    and     m is used to round numbers in FIX m ( line 26 )

Example:           f(z) = z5 + ( 4+6.i) z4 + (-4+20.i) z3 + (-27+35.i) z2 + (-31+8.i) z + (-31+24.i)

-Store  1  0  4  6  -4  20  -27  35  -31  8  -31  24  into  R01 R02 ............... R12  respectively:  control number = 1.012

    FIX 8   if you want to execute "PLRZ" in this format

 and if you want to execute the rest of "FCTRZ" in FIX 4

 1.012  ENTER^
     4     XEQ "FCTRZ"  >>>>     ( TONE 9 )     48.053         --- Execution time = 5mn10s ---

  [ R48  R49  R50  R51  R52  R53 ]  =  [ 1  0  1  2  2  7 ]       which corresponds to g(z) = z2 + (1+2.i) z + (2+7.i)

         R/S    >>>>    ( BEEP )    36.043

  [ R36  R37  R38  R39  R40  R41  R42  R43 ]  =  [ 1  0  3  4  -1  3  2  5 ]       which corresponds to h(z) = z3 + (3+4.i) z2 + (-1+3.i) z + (2+5.i)

-Thus,  f(z) = [ z2 + (1+2.i) z + (2+7.i) ] [ z3 + (3+4.i) z2 + (-1+3.i) z + (2+5.i) ]


-If the process seems to diverge while "PLRZ" is executing, stop the subroutine, store other guesses in R01 & R02 and press GTO 01  R/S
 ( XEQ 01  would clear the return stack ! )


[1]  R. Thangadurai - Mathematics Newsletter - Vol 17 #2 - "Irreducibility of Polynomials whose Coefficients are Integers"