
Astronomical Refraction for the HP-41


 1°) Standard Atmosphere

   a) Apparent Altitude >>> True Altitude
   b) Other Simple Formulae
   c) True Altitude >>> Apparent Altitude

 2°) More general Programs

   a) 2 short routines
   b) Middle programs
   c) A long program

-The light coming from a star is curved by the atmosphere,  so that its apparent altitude differs from its true altitude.
-Knowing the refraction R allows to convert the apparent altitude h0 and the true altitude h of a given star:   h = h0 - R
-The following programs use data from the Pulkovo Refraction Tables.

1°)  Standard Atmosphere(s)

     a) Apparent Altitude >>> True Altitude

-The short routine hereafter gives relatively accurate results in the following atmospheric conditions:

   Temperature:                                +15°Celsius
   Pressure:                                    1013.25 mbar
   Light wave-length:                         0.590 µm
   Partial pressure of water vapor:          0   ( dry air )
   Latitude:                                           45°
   Observer's altitude:                            0   ( i-e at sea-level )

Formula:    R ~ (1°/62.8093)/Tan( h0 + 4.2206/( h0 + 15.1115/( h0 + 5.9431 ) ) )       where h0 is expressed in degrees

-Errors are smaller than  0"29  over the whole range [ 0° , 90° ]

 01 LBL "H0H"
 02 DEG
 03 HR
 04 15.1115
 05 RCL Y
 06 5.9431
 07 +
 08 /
 09 +
 10 4.2206
 11 X<>Y
 12 /
 13 +
 14 TAN
 15 1/X
 16 62.8093
 17 /
 18 ST- Y
 19 HMS
 20 X<>Y
 21 HMS
 22 END

( 54 bytes / SIZE 000 )


      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /             R
           X             h0             h

-All angles expressed in ° ' "

Examples:     With  h0 = 1°30'00"  ;   h0 = 27°  ;   h0 = 0

  1.30  XEQ "H0H"  >>>>   h =   1°09'42"6    RDN    R = 0°20'17"4
    27        R/S          >>>>   h = 26°58'08"3    RDN    R = 0°01'51"7
     0         R/S          >>>>   h = -0°32'57"9     RDN   R =  0°32'57"9

-For the horizontal refraction, "H0H" yields 1977"880
-According to Pulkovo refraction tables, it should be  1977"971

-Laplace formula  R = 57".085/Tan h0 - 0".0666/Tan3 h0  gives even better results if h0 > 20° , more precisely:

     errors are smaller than   0"02   for h0 > 20°
     errors are smaller than   0"01   for h0 > 23°
     errors are smaller than  0"002  for h0 > 30°

     b) Other Simple Formulae

-We can build similar formulae for other atmospheric conditions.

         R  ~   a/Tan( h0 + b/( h0 + c/( h0 + d ) ) )       where h0 is expressed in degrees

-For a dry air, light wave-length = 0.59 µm , latitude = 45° at sea-level, we find:

     t (°C)     P (mbar)          a          b          c          d         E     error(0)
      -30      1013.25    67"8716     3.3124     13.2157     4.9474       0"20      -80"0
      -10     1013.25     62"720      3.713      14.049      5.389       0"28      -33"6
      +10     1013.25     58"292      4.093      14.561      5.730       0"30       -4"9
      +30     1013.25     54"451      4.469      15.077      6.089       0"32     +14"4
       15       500     28"265      4.438      15.125      5.892       0"17       0"17
       15       700     39"576      4.350      15.088      5.904       0"23       0"09 
       15       900     50"885      4.253      14.937      5.881       0"29       0"23
       15      1100     62"187      4.145      14.609      5.801       0"32       0"02

-  E is the maximum error ( in absolute value ) over the interval  [ 0°10' ; 90° ]
-  error(0) is the error at the horizon ( compared with the Pulkovo tables )

-As you can see, error(0) is much greater than E when  t < 15°C or t > 15°C , especially for very low temperatures,
 and I don't really know the behavior of the function R(h0)  for  0° < h0 < 0°10'  if t # 15°C

     c) True Altitude >>> Apparent Altitude

-We now assume t = 15°C & P = 1013.25 mbar again with the other standard parameters above.

Formula:    R ~ (1°/62.644)/Tan( h + 5.409/( h + 18.732/( h + 6.807 ) ) )       where h is expressed in degrees

-Errors are smaller than  0"62  over the whole range [ -0°32'58" , 90° ]

 01 LBL "HH0"
 02 DEG
 03 HR
 04 18.732
 05 RCL Y
 06 6.807
 07 +
 08 /
 09 +
 10 5.409
 11 X<>Y
 12 /
 13 +
 14 TAN
 15 1/X
 16 62.644
 17 /
 18 ST+ Y
 19 HMS
 20 X<>Y
 21 HMS
 22 END

( 50 bytes / SIZE 000 )


      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /             R
           X             h             h0

-All angles expressed in ° ' "

Example:        With  h = 1°30'00"

  1.30  XEQ "H-H0"  >>>>  h0 = 1°48'38"8    RDN    R = 0°18'38"8

2°)  More General Programs

     a) 2 Short Routines

-We still assume a dry air, light wave-length = 0.59 µm , latitude = 45° , altitude = 0
  but now, the temperature t may be different from 15°C and the pressure P may be different from 1013.25 mbar.

Formula:    R ~ (P/1013.25).(288.15/(t+273.15)).(1°/62.8093)/Tan( h0 + 4.2206/( h0 + 15.1115/( h0 + 5.9431 ) ) )       where h0 is expressed in degrees

Data Registers:    R00 = unused                              ( Registers R01 & R02 are to be initialized before executing "REF" )

                           •  R01 = t     ( in °C )
                           •  R02 = P    ( in mbar )
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

01  LBL "REF"
02  DEG
03  HR
04  15.1115
05  RCL Y      
06  5.9431
07  +
08  /
09  +
10  4.2206
11  X<>Y      
12  /
13  +
14  TAN
15  1/X
16  220.8625
17  /
18  RCL 01      
19  273.15
20  +
21  /
22  RCL 02      
23  *
24  X<0?
25  CLX
26  ST- Y
27  HMS
28  X<>Y        
29  HMS
30  END

   ( 68 bytes / SIZE 003 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /             R
           X             h0             h

-All angles expressed in ° ' "

Example:       t = -10°C , P = 1100 mbar      -10  STO 01   1100   STO 02

-If   h0 =  12°34'56"    12.3456  XEQ "REF"  >>>>   h = 12°29'58"4   X<>Y   R = 0°04'57"6
-If   h0 =  10°12'34"    10.1234       R/S          >>>>   h = 10°06'29"5   X<>Y   R = 0°06'04"5

-The results are acceptable for  h0 > 10°  ( errors are of the order of 1 or 2 arcseconds for h0 = 10° )
-For heights of a few degrees, the outputs are much more doubtful.

-The following program takes the true altitude ( in decimal degrees ) and returns the apparent altitude ( in decimal degrees )


      h0 - h  ~  (P/1013.25).(288.15/(t+273.15)).(1°/62.644)/Tan( h + 5.409/( h + 18.732/( h + 6.807 ) ) ) 

Data Registers:    R00 = unused                                                            ( Registers R01 & R02 are to be initialized before executing "HH0" )

                           •  R01 = t     ( in °C )
                           •  R02 = P    ( in mbar )
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

 01 LBL "HH0"
 02 DEG
 03 18.732
 04 RCL Y          
 05 6.807
 06 +
 07 /
 08 +
 09 5.409
 10 X<>Y          
 11 /
 12 +
 13 TAN
 14 1/X
 15 220.281        
 16 /
 17 RCL 01        
 18 273.15
 19 +
 20 /
 21 RCL 02        
 22 *
 23 +
 24 END

   ( 57 bytes / SIZE 003 )

           STACK           INPUT          OUTPUT
               X                h               h0

-All angles expressed in decimal degrees.

Example:       t = 0°C , P = 1100 mbar        0  STO 01   1100   STO 02

  if h = 20°     20  XEQ "HH0"  >>>     h0 = 20°0495
  if h = 10°     10      R/S           >>>     h0 = 10°0987

     b) Middle Programs

-We suppose a light wave-length = 0.59 µm , latitude = 45° , altitude = 0
  but the temperature t , the pressure P and the humidity f may have non-standard values.

Formulae:   The standard refraction is computed by  R0 ~ (1°/62.8093)/Tan( h0 + 4.2206/( h0 + 15.1115/( h0 + 5.9431 ) ) )

   R = R0 ( P/1013.25 ) [ 286.68 / ( t + 271.68 ) ] [ 1 - f / 6579 - ( f/426 )2 ] [ 1 + { (15-t) + (15-t)2 / 196 } exp(-h0/7) / (1+h0) / 157 ]
                                                     x [ 1 + (P-1013.25) exp(-0.4h0)/12181 ] [ 1 - ( f + f2/16 ) exp(-0.18h0) / (1+h0) / 5198 ]

Data Registers:    R00 = h0                                                                 ( Registers R01 thru R03 are to be initialized before executing "H0H" )

                           •  R01 = t     ( in °C )           ( -10 <= t <= +30 )
                           •  R02 = P    ( in mbar )      ( 700 <= P <= 1100 )
                           •  R03 = f     ( in mbar )          ( 0 <= f <= 20 )
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

01  LBL "H0H"
02  DEG
03  HR
04  STO 00
05  15.1115
06  RCL 00        
07  5.9431
08  +
09  /
10  +
11  4.2206
12  X<>Y
13  /
14  +
15  TAN
16  RCL 02
17  X<>Y
18  /
19  221.995
20  /
21  RCL 01        
22  271.68
23  +
24  /
25  RCL 03
26  6579
27  /
28  RCL 03
29  426
30  /
31  X^2
32  +
33  *
34  -
35  15
36  RCL 01
37  -
38  ENTER^
39  X^2
40  196
41  /
42  +
43  157
44  /
45  RCL 00        
46  7
47  /
48  E^X
49  /
50  RCL 00
51  1
52  +
53  /
54  *
55  +
56  RCL 02
57  1013.25
58  -
59  12181
60  /
61  RCL 00
62  .4
63  *
64  E^X
65  /
66  *
67  +
68  RCL 03       
69  RCL 03
70  4
71  /
72  X^2
73  +
74  5198
75  /
76  RCL 00
77  .18
78  *
79  E^X
80  /
81  RCL 00
82  1
83  +
84  /
85  *
86  -
87  RCL 00       
88  X<>Y
89  ST- Y
90  HMS
91  X<>Y
92  HMS
93  END

   ( 155 bytes / SIZE 004 )

           STACK            INPUTS         OUTPUTS
               Y                 /               R
               X                h0               h

   ( All angles are expressed in ° ' " )   Execution time = 6 seconds.

Example:         t = 0°C ;  P = 900 mbar  ;  f = 12 mbar

      0  STO 01    900  STO 02    12  STO 03

-If   h0 =  0°                     0      XEQ "REF2"  >>>>   h = -0°33'32"       X<>Y    R = 0°33'32"
-If   h0 =  10°23'45"    10.2345       R/S          >>>>   h = 10°19'02"8    X<>Y    R = 0°04'42"2
-If   h0 =  49°12'34"    49.1234       R/S          >>>>   h = 49°11'47"9    X<>Y    R = 0°00'46"1

-If  h0 > 20° more accurate results will be obtained if  R0 is computed by Laplace's formula.
-The accuracy is of the order of 10" near the horizon, but errors rapidly decrease as h0 increases.
-However, disturbances of the atmosphere make accurate results more theoretical than real for very small h0-values:
  near the horizon, the refraction may fluctuate by several arcminutes !

Data Registers:    R00 = h                                                                 ( Registers R01 thru R03 are to be initialized before executing "HH0" )

                           •  R01 = t     ( in °C )           ( -10 <= t <= +30 )
                           •  R02 = P    ( in mbar )      ( 700 <= P <= 1100 )
                           •  R03 = f     ( in mbar )          ( 0 <= f <= 20 )
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

 01 LBL "HH0"
 02 DEG
 03 HR
 04 STO 00
 05 18.732
 06 RCL 00          
 07 6.807
 08 +
 09 /
 10 +
 11 5.409
 12 X<>Y
 13 /
 14 +
 15 TAN
 16 1/X
 17 62.644
 18 /
 19 STO 06
 20 +
 21 STO 04
 22 7
 23 /
 24 CHS
 25 E^X
 26 15
 27 RCL 01          
 28 -
 29 STO 05
 30 196
 31 /
 32 RCL 05
 33 +
 34 *
 35 1
 36 RCL 04
 37 +
 38 STO 07
 39 /
 40 157
 41 /
 42 1
 43 +
 44 RCL 04
 45 .4
 46 *
 47 CHS
 48 E^X
 49 12181
 50 /
 51 RCL 02          
 52 1013.25
 53 STO 05
 54 -
 55 *
 56 1
 57 +
 58 *
 59 RCL 03
 60 6579
 61 /
 62 RCL 03
 63 426
 64 /
 65 X^2
 66 +
 67 CHS
 68 1
 69 +
 70 *
 71 RCL 03          
 72 RCL 03
 73 4
 74 /
 75 X^2
 76 +
 77 5198
 78 /
 79 RCL 04
 80 .18
 81 *
 82 CHS
 83 E^X
 84 *
 85 RCL 07
 86 /
 87 CHS
 88 1
 89 +
 90 *
 91 286.677
 92 *
 93 RCL 02          
 94 *
 95 RCL 05
 96 /
 97 RCL 01
 98 271.677
 99 +
100 /
101 RCL 06
102 *
103 RCL 00
104 +
105 HMS
106 END

   ( 170 bytes / SIZE 008 )

           STACK            INPUTS         OUTPUTS
               X                 h               h0

   ( All angles are expressed in ° ' " )   Execution time = 7 seconds.

Example:         t = 0°C ;  P = 900 mbar  ;  f = 12 mbar

      0  STO 01    900  STO 02    12  STO 03

  h = 1°                       1        XEQ "HH0"  >>>>    h0 = 1°20'18"7
  h = 10°23'45"     10.2345        R/S          >>>>    h0 = 10°28'25"3

-The following program tries to produce the accurate values of the Pulkovo refraction tables, and the other parameters are now taken into account:

     c) A Long Program

-This program uses the following formula to compute the atmospheric refraction in a standard atmosphere:

   R0 ~ (1°/63.05561)/Tan( h0 + 3.81451/( h0 + 6.04529/( h0 + 8.42681/( h0 + 23.82074/( h0 + 7.40780 ) ) ) ) )

-Then, refraction R in more general conditions is calculated by:

  R = R0 (1.0552126/(1+0.00368084.t)).(1+A).(P/1013.25).(1+B).(0.98282+0.005981/Lwl2).(1+C).(1-0.152 10 -3 f -0.55 10 -5 f 2 ).(1+D).(1+E).(1+F)


      t = temperature (°C) ; P = pressure (mbar) ; f = partial pressure of water vapor (mbar)
      Lwl = Light wave-length ( µm ) ; lat = latitude
      alt = observer's altitude ( over sea-level ) in meters.

- A , B , C , D , E , F are coefficients which depend on the temperature, pressure, Light wave-length, humidity, latitude and observer's altitude respectively.

-They are very small near the zenith, but they can't be neglected near the horizon!
-Reference [1] provides tables for these coefficients, but "REFR" uses approximate formulae instead:

-Lagange's interpolation formula is used to obtain A and B for other t- and P-values.

Coefficient A:         With  x = 1/(1+h0)

-If t = -30°C    105A = Max ( -2 - 1411 x + 100967 x2 + 3583 x3 - 465432 x4 + 928890 x5 - 783471 x6 + 251549 x7 + 2377 e -43.h0 ; 0 )
-If t = -10°C    105A = Max (  -880 x + 57082 x2 - 6928 x3 - 250807 x4 + 515833 x5 - 438687 x6 + 141374 x7 + 976 e -41.h0 ; 0 )
-If t = +10°C    105A = Max ( -175 x + 11332 x2 - 1318 x3 - 54120 x4 + 112625 x5 - 96545 x6 + 31284 x7 + 147 e -30.h0 ; 0 )
-If t = +15°C          A = 0
-If t = +30°C    105A = Min ( -1 + 589 x - 34750 x2 + 9753 x3 + 154745 x4 - 335229 x5 + 291742 x6 - 95395 x7 - 284 e -37.h0 ; 0 )

-The exponential terms on the right are quite arbitrary and the results are uncertain for 0° < h0 < 0°10' ( though correct for h0 = 0° and 0°10' )
-The coefficient A increases more rapidly ( for t < 15°C ) or less rapidly ( for t > 15°C ) near the horizon,
  and I don't really know the behavior of the function A(h0) in this interval.
-Though slightly less accurate, the following formulae may also be used:

-If t = -30°C    105A = Max ( -15 - 387 x + 82156 x2 + 142877 x3 - 963927 x4 + 1845007 x5 - 1614635 x6 + 545974 x7 ; 0 )
-If t = -10°C    105A = Max (  -5 - 466 x + 49149 x2 + 49994 x3 - 454890 x4 + 891332 x5 - 779644 x6 + 262223 x7 ; 0 )
-If t = +10°C    105A = Max ( -1 - 113 x + 10184 x2 + 7212 x3 - 84702 x4 + 168894 x5 - 147638 x6 + 49394 x7 ; 0 )
-If t = +15°C          A = 0
-If t = +30°C    105A = Min ( +1 + 469 x - 32520 x2 - 6816 x3 + 214150 x4 - 444530 x5 + 390988 x6 - 130572 x7 ; 0 )

Coefficient B:

-If P = 500 mbar          105B =  -27 + 909 x - 42020 x2 + 102902 x3 - 101640 x4 + 16348 x5 + 39269 x6 - 19816 x7
-If P = 700 mbar          105B =  -16 + 506 x - 24962 x2 + 58265 x3 - 49889 x4 - 6869 x5 + 35957 x6 - 15541 x7
-If P = 900 mbar          105B =   -7 + 229 x - 9556 x2 + 23689 x3 - 25749 x4 + 9819 x5 + 3176 x6 - 2541 x7
-If P = 1013.25 mbar        B = 0
-If P = 1100 mbar        105B =   4 - 153 x + 7206 x2 - 18115 x3 + 21595 x4 - 12458 x5 + 2134 x6 + 572 x7

Coefficient C:

  105C = [ 473 ( 0.59-Lwl ) + 1570 ( 0.59-Lwl )2 + 2911 ( 0.59-Lwl )3 ] exp ( -0.472 h00.866 )

Coefficient D:

  105D =  ( -14.6 f + 2.556 f 2 - 0.12445 f 3 + f 4/214 - f 5/16540 )/( 1 + 1.057 h0 + 0.29 h02 + h03/80 )

Coefficient E:

       E = ( -1/260 ) Cos ( 2.Lat ) exp ( -0.467 h00.8215 )

Coefficient F:

       F = [ exp ( - alt/18031 ) - 1 ] exp ( -1.106 h00.805 )

-All these formulae may certainly be improved.
-They are empirical and I 've found many of them with my HP-48 and Sune Bredahl's excellent "SOLVESYS" library ( cf  http://www.hpcalc.org )

Data Registers:    R00 = h0                                                               ( Registers R01 thru R06 are to be initialized before executing "REFR" )

                           •  R01 = t     ( in °C )         ( -30 <= t <= +30 )
                           •  R02 = P    ( in mbar )     ( 500 <= P <= 1100 )            These limits are not absolute...
                           •  R03 = f     ( in mbar )      ( 0 <= f <= 30 )
                           •  R04 = Lwl  ( in µm )       ( 0.4 <= lwl <= 0.7 )                     R08 thru R24: temp
                           •  R05 = lat   ( in °. ' " )
                           •  R06 = alt   ( in meters )   ( 0 <= alt <= 1000 )

          When the program stops,  R07 = Refraction ( in degrees and decimals )

               t = temperature ; P = pressure ; f = partial pressure of water vapor
               Lwl = Light wave-length ; lat = latitude
               alt = observer's altitude ( over sea-level )

Flags: /
Subroutine:  "LAGR"  ( cf "Lagrange Interpolation formula for the HP-41" )

-If you want to take advantage of Laplace's formula,   replace lines 27-28 by   LBL 02
  and add the following instructions after line 04:

       21                 X<>Y         ENTER^        *                  1/X           GTO 02
       X>Y?           TAN           X^2                CHS            +               LBL 01
       GTO 01        1/X             185 E-7          63.064         *               CLX

-If you want to use the second formulae to calculate A, replace lines 77 to 102 by

       15                   82156             CHS                CHS
       STO 08          STO 10          STO 12            545974
       387                 142877          1845007           XEQ 01
       CHS                STO 11         STO 13
       STO 09           963927         1614635

-Replace lines 106 to 132 by

       5                     49419           454890              779644
       STO 08           STO 10         CHS                  CHS
       466                  575               STO 12             262223
       CHS                +                   891332              XEQ 01
       STO 09           STO 11         STO 13

-Replace lines 136 to 160 by

       1                    10184             CHS                 CHS
       STO 08          STO 10          STO 12            49394
       113                7212               168894             XEQ 01
       CHS              STO 11          STO 13
       STO 09          84702            147638

-And replace lines 164 to 189 by

       1                       32520                STO 11          STO 13
       CHS                  CHS                  214150          390988
       STO 08             STO 10             STO 12          130572
       469                    6816                 444530           CHS
       STO 09              CHS                 CHS               XEQ 01

 01 LBL "REFR"
 02 DEG
 03 HR
 04 STO 00
 05 23.82074
 06 RCL Y
 07 7.4078
 08 +
 09 /
 10 +
 11 8.42681
 12 X<>Y
 13 /
 14 +
 15 6.04529
 16 X<>Y
 17 /
 18 +
 19 3.81451
 20 X<>Y
 21 /
 22 +
 23 TAN
 24 1/X
 25 63.05561
 26 /
 27 X<0?
 28 CLST
 29 RCL 02
 30 *
 31 960.233
 32 /
 33 RCL 01
 34 271.677
 35 /
 36 1
 37 +
 38 /
 39 1
 40 RCL 03          
 41 18 E4
 42 /
 43 6579
 44 1/X
 45 +
 46 RCL 03
 47 *
 48 -
 49 *
 50 5
 51 RCL 04
 52 X^2
 53 836
 54 *
 55 /
 56 .98282
 57 +
 58 *
 59 STO 07
 60 10
 61 STO 19
 62 CHS
 63 STO 17
 64 15
 65 STO 21
 66 ST+ X
 67 STO 23
 68 CHS
 69 STO 15
  70  CLX
  71  STO 22
  72  SIGN
  73  RCL 00
  74  +
  75  1/X
  76  STO 14
  77  2            
  78  STO 08
  79  1411      
  80  CHS     
  81  STO 09
  82  100967 
  83  STO 10
  84  3583
  85  STO 11
  86  465432
  87  CHS
  88  STO 12
  89  928890
  90  STO 13
  91  783471
  92  CHS
  93  251549
  94  XEQ 01
  95  2377
  96  RCL 00       
  97  43
  98  *
  99  CHS
100  E^X
101  *
102  +
103  X<0?
104  CLX
105  STO 16
106  CLX      
107  STO 08
108  880       
109  CHS     
110  STO 09        
111  57082  
112  STO 10
113  6928
114  CHS
115  STO 11
116  250807
117  CHS
118  STO 12
119  515833
120  STO 13
121  438687
122  CHS
123  141374
124  XEQ 01
125  976
126  RCL 00
127  41
128  *
129  CHS
130  E^X
131  *
132  +
133  X<0?
134  CLX
135  STO 18
136  175      
137  CHS
138  STO 09 
139  11332  
140  STO 10
141  1318   
142  CHS    
143  STO 11
144  54120
145  CHS
146  STO 12
147  112625
148  STO 13
149  96545
150  CHS
151  31284
152  XEQ 01
153  147
154  RCL 00
155  30
156  *
157  CHS
158  E^X
159  *
160  +
161  X<0?
162  CLX
163  STO 20       
164  1       
165  STO 08
166  589         
167  STO 09   
168  34750 
169  CHS   
170  STO 10 
171  9753
172  STO 11
173  154745
174  STO 12
175  335229
176  CHS
177  STO 13
178  291742
179  95395
180  CHS
181  XEQ 01
182  284
183  RCL 00        
184  37
185  *
186  CHS
187  E^X
188  *
189  -
190  X>0?
191  CLX
192  STO 24
193  RCL 01
194  XEQ 02
195  500
196  STO 15
197  700
198  STO 17
199  90
200  ST* 19
201  67.55
202  ST* 21
203  1100
204  STO 23
205  27
206  STO 08
207  909
208  STO 09
209  42020
210  CHS
211  STO 10
212  102902
213  STO 11
214  101640
215  CHS
216  STO 12
217  16348
218  STO 13
219  39269
220  19816
221  CHS
222  XEQ 01
223  STO 16
224  16
225  STO 08
226  506
227  STO 09
228  24962
229  CHS
230  STO 10
231  58265
232  STO 11       
233  49889
234  CHS
235  STO 12
236  6869
237  CHS
238  STO 13
239  35957
240  15541
241  CHS
242  XEQ 01
243  STO 18
244  7
245  STO 08
246  229
247  STO 09
248  9556
249  CHS
250  STO 10
251  23689
252  STO 11        
253  25749
254  CHS
255  STO 12
256  9819
257  STO 13
258  3176
259  2541
260  CHS
261  XEQ 01
262  STO 20
263  4
264  CHS
265  STO 08
266  153
267  CHS
268  STO 09
269  7206
270  STO 10
271  18115
272  CHS
273  STO 11
274  21595
275  STO 12
276  12458
277  CHS
278  STO 13
279  2134
280  572
281  XEQ 01
282  STO 24
283  RCL 02
284  XEQ 02
285  RCL 03
286  RCL 03
287  RCL 03
288  16540
289  /
290  214
291  1/X
292  -
293  *
294  .12445
295  +
296  *
297  2.556
298  -
299  *
300  14.6
301  -
302  *
303  RCL 00       
304  80
305  /
306  .29
307  +
308  RCL 00
309  *
310  1.057
311  +
312  RCL 00
313  *
314  1
315  +
316  /
317  XEQ 03
318  .59
319  RCL 04        
320  -
321  1570
322  RCL Y
323  2911
324  *
325  +
326  *
327  473
328  +
329  *
330  RCL 00
331  .866
332  Y^X
333  .472
334  *
335  E^X
336  /
337  XEQ 03
338  GTO 04
339  LBL 01
340  RCL 14
341  STO T
342  *
343  +
344  *
345  RCL 13
346  +
347  *
348  RCL 12
349  +
350  *
351  RCL 11
352  +
353  *
354  RCL 10
355  +
356  *
357  RCL 09
358  +
359  *
360  RCL 08
361  -
362  RTN
363  LBL 02
364  15.024
365  X<>Y
366  XEQ "LAGR"
367  LBL 03
368   E5
369  ST+ Y
370  /
371  ST* 07
372  RTN
373  LBL 04
374  1
375  RCL 05
376  HR
377  ST+ X
378  COS
379  260
380  /
381  RCL 00        
382  .8215
383  Y^X
384  .467
385  *
386  E^X
387  /
388  -
389  ST* 07
390  RCL 06
391  18031
392  /
393  CHS
394  E^X-1
395  RCL 00
396  .805
397  Y^X
398  1.106
399  *
400  E^X
401  /
402  1
403  +
404  ST* 07
405  RCL 00
406  RCL 07
407  ST- Y
408  HMS
409  X<>Y
410  HMS
411  END

   ( 852 bytes / SIZE 025 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /             R
           X             h0             h

   ( All angles expressed in ° ' " )   Execution time = 64 seconds.

Example:   With  t = 20°C , P = 1000 mbar , f = 12 mbar , Lwl = 0.5 µm , lat = 30° , alt = 500 m           ( store these 6 numbers into R01 thru R06 )

    h0 = 0               XEQ "REFR"  >>>>   h =   -0°30'03"88    X<>Y    R =  0°30'03"88  
    h0 = 1°                    R/S           >>>>   h =    0°37'43"50    X<>Y    R =  0°22'16"50
    h0 = 12°34'56"        R/S           >>>>   h =  12°30'52"86    X<>Y    R =  0°04'03"14
    h0 = 41°16'24"        R/S           >>>>   h =  41°15'20"85    X<>Y    R =  0°01'03"15

-The accuracy is of the order of 1 or 2 arcseconds near the horizon ( with a greater uncertainty for 0° < h0 < 0°10' ). Interpolation may also decrease the precision.
- errors ~  0"5 for h0 = 5°
- errors ~  0"2 for h0 = 10°
-For h0 > 20° the accuracy is determined by the formula which computes R0 , therefore use Laplace's formula
 as explained on the right of the beginning of this listing if you need more accurate results for these h0-values.

-As mentioned above, the accurate results near the horizon are often unrealistic without knowing the detailed structure of low atmosphere.
 ( cf references [3] & [9] for a detailed analysis on low-altitude refraction )


  [1]  Jean Kovalevsky et al. - "Introduction aux Ephemerides Astronomiques" - EDP Sciences - ISBN 2-86883-298-9  ( in French )
  [2]  Abalakin 1985 - "Refraction Tables of Pulkovo Observatory" 5th edition - Nauka, Leningrad
  [3]  Andrew T. Young - "Sunset Science IV. Low-Altitude Refraction" - 2004, the Astronomical Journal, 127 , 3622
  [4]  Lawrence H. Auer & E. Myles Standish - "Astronomical Refraction, Computational method for all zenith angles" 2000 AJ, 119 , 2472
  [5]  Krystyna Kurzynska - "Precision in determination of astronomical refraction from aerological data" - 1987, Astron. Nachr. 308, 323
  [6]  Krystyna Kurzunska - "Local effects in pure astronomical refraction" - 1988, Astron. Nachr. 309, 57
  [7]  Krystyna Kurzynska - "On the accuracy of the Refraction Tables of Pulkovo Observatory, 5th edition" 1988, Astron. Nachr. 309, 213
  [8]  Minodora Lipcanu - "A direct method for the calculation of astronomical refraction"
  [9]  Andrew T. Young - "Understanding Astronomical Refraction" - 2006, The Observatory, Vol. 126, N° 1191, pp. 82-115