1°) Mean Sidereal Time at Greenwich
2°) Rising-Transit-Setting
3°) Simplified Programs
4°) For the Sun Only
-"RTS" calculates the times of rising, transit and setting of a celestial
body on a day D and the geometric altitude at the moment of transit.
-For a better precision, the coordinates ( right ascension and declination
) must be obtained independently on days D-1, D , D+1 ( 0h UT )
-But first, we need a routine to compute the mean sidereal time at Greenwich:
1°) Mean Sidereal Time at Greenwich
Data Register: R00
Flag: /
Subroutine: "J0" or "J1" or "J2" ( cf "Julian
& Gregorian Calendars" for the HP-41" )
none if you have a Time module.
-Line 03 may be deleted if you replace line 05 by XEQ "J1" or XEQ "J2"
-If you have a Time module, lines 05 to 08 may be replaced by
1.012 DDAYS 24 * -
-Line 11 stores the number of millenium since 2000/01/01 0h , but is
not really necessary here.
01 LBL "MST" 02 HR 03 STO Z 04 X<>Y 05 XEQ "J0" 06 24 07 * 08 + 09 8766 E3 10 / 11 STO 00 12 .26 13 % 14 24000.5134 15 + 16 * 17 6.6645 18 + 19 + 20 24 21 MOD 22 HMS 23 END |
( 58 bytes / SIZE 001 )
Y | YYYY.MNDD | / |
X | hh.mnss (UT) | HH.MNSS (MST) |
Example: Find the mean sidereal time at Greenwich
on 2005/01/27 at 14h29m16s
2005.0127 ENTER^
14.2916 XEQ "MST"
>>>> MST = 22h57m08s
2°) Rising-Transit-Setting
Data Registers: R00 and R07 thru R15 are used for temporary data storage. ( Registers R01 to R06 are to be initialized before executing "RTS" )
( on day D-1 ) ( on day D ) ( on day D+1 ) ( at 0h )
• R01 = RA(-1) • R03 = RA(0) • R05
= RA(+1) RA = right
ascension ( hh.mnss )
• R02 = decl(-1) • R04 = decl(0) • R06 = decl(+1)
decl = declination ( ° . ' " )
Set Flag F00 for the Sun
Set Flag F02 for the Moon
( Clear these 2 flags for the other celestial bodies )
Subroutine: "MST"
01 LBL "RTS" 02 DEG 03 STO 12 04 RDN 05 STO 11 06 CLX 07 XEQ "MST" 08 RCL 03 09 X<>Y 10 HMS- 11 HR 12 RCL 11 13 HR 14 15 15 / 16 - 17 24 18 MOD 19 STO 13 20 .34 21 FS? 00 22 .5 23 FS? 02 24 -.073 25 HR 26 SIN 27 STO 00 28 2 |
29 FS? 02 30 3 31 STO 15 32 24.0657 33 STO 14 34 CLX 35 STO 08 36 STO 09 37 STO 10 38 LBL 01 39 RCL 08 40 STO 07 41 XEQ 02 42 STO 08 43 XEQ 03 44 ST- 08 45 RCL 10 46 STO 07 47 XEQ 02 48 STO 10 49 XEQ 03 50 ST+ 10 51 RCL 09 52 STO 07 53 XEQ 02 54 STO 09 55 DSE 15 56 GTO 01 |
57 XEQ 03 58 24 59 ST* 08 60 ST* 09 61 ST* 10 62 R^ 63 ASIN 64 HMS 65 RCL 10 66 HMS 67 RCL 09 68 HMS 69 RCL 08 70 HMS 71 RTN 72 LBL 02 73 RCL 01 74 HR 75 RCL 05 76 HR 77 RCL 03 78 HR 79 XEQ 04 80 RCL 13 81 + 82 RCL 14 83 / 84 RTN |
85 LBL 03 86 RCL 02 87 HR 88 RCL 06 89 HR 90 RCL 04 91 HR 92 XEQ 04 93 RCL 04 94 HR 95 + 96 ENTER^ 97 SIN 98 RCL 12 99 HR 100 SIN 101 * 102 STO Z 103 RCL 00 104 + 105 CHS 106 X<>Y 107 COS 108 RCL 12 109 HR 110 COS 111 * 112 ST+ T |
113 / 114 SF 25 115 ACOS 116 RCL 14 117 / 118 15 119 / 120 FC?C 25 121 CLX 122 RTN 123 LBL 04 124 ST- Z 125 - 126 STO Z 127 X<>Y 128 ST- Z 129 + 130 RCL 07 131 * 132 + 133 RCL 07 134 * 135 2 136 / 137 END |
( 199 bytes / SIZE 016 )
T | / | h = altitude* ( ° . ' " ) |
Z | Date ( YYYY.MNDD ) | setting(UT) (hh.mnss) |
Y | Longitude ( ° . ' " ) | transit(UT) (hh.mnss) |
X | latitude ( ° . ' " ) | rising (UT) (hh.mnss) |
* where h = the geometric altitude of the center of the body at the time of transit.
Example1: Find the times of rising, transit and setting of the Sun at Seattle ( 122°19'51"W ; 47°36'23"N ) on 2005/01/27
-First, we find the right ascension and declination of the Sun on 2005/01/26
, 2005/01/27 , 2005/01/28 at 0h UT ( cf "Astronomical Ephemeris for
the HP-41" )
and we store these values into R01 thru R06:
20.3404 STO 01
20.3813 STO 03 20.4221 STO
-18.4416 STO 02
-18.2900 STO 04 -18.1324 STO 06
then, SF 00 CF 02
47.3623 XEQ "RTS" >>>>
Rising = 15h41m39s (UT)
---Execution time = 34s---
RDN Transit = 20h22m12s (UT)
RDN Setting = 25h03m17s (UT) ( i-e
1h03m17s on 2005/01/28 )
RDN altitude of the Sun at the
time of transit = 24°07'48"
-For the Moon, CF 00 SF 02 , execution time = 47 seconds
Example2: Same questions for Sirius. The right ascension and declination are 6h45m23s and -16°43'18" for this date.
STO 01 STO 03 STO 05
the coordinates may be regarded as constant.
-16.4318 STO 02
STO 04 STO 06
then, CF 00 CF 02
2005.0127 ENTER^ ( or
2005.0127 RCL 11 RCL 12 XEQ "RTS"
-122.1951 ENTER^
47.3623 XEQ "RTS" >>>>
Rising = 1h42m05s (UT)
---Execution time = 34s---
RDN Transit = 6h28m09s (UT)
RDN Setting = 11h14m14s (UT)
RDN altitude
of Sirius at the time of transit = 25°40'19"
-If the body is circumpolar, there will be no rising and setting: the star
will remain above ( or below ) the horizon.
-In this case however, "RTS" yields ( approximately ) the same values in
X, Y, Z registers
-For example, with the pole star ( RA = 2h37m39s ; Decl = 89°17'10"
) "RTS" gives X = Y = Z = 2h21m06s
but since T = altitude of the star at the instant of transit
= 48°19'13"
we can deduce that X and Z are meaningless results.
-The longitudes are measured positively Eastward from the meridian of Greenwich
( otherwise, replace line 16 by + instead of - ).
-The time of transit is ( almost ) always between 0h and 24h but the
time of rising may be negative ( day D-1 ) ( press 24 HMS+ )
and the time of setting greator than 24 ( day D+1 ).
-3 iterations are performed for the Moon, 2 in the other cases ( lines 28
to 31 ).One would be enough if the coordinates are constant.
-A quadratic interpolation formula is used.
-Line 25, register X contains a small angle -h0 that takes
the refraction into account ( and the parallax for the Moon ).
-If you are situated at an altitude A ( in meters ) above sea level and/or
if the horizon is limited by mountains, add to -h0 the correction:
arccos (a/(a+A)) - arctan H/d
a =
6378137 m = the radius of the Earth
H = height of
the mountain
d = distance
( Add this term after line 25 )
-In fact, the refraction also depends on the air temperature and pressure
( cf "Astronomical Refraction for the HP-41" )
and rising and setting times are accurate to 1 minute only.
3°) Simplified Programs
-If low accuracy is sufficient, we may consider the right ascension &
declination as constants:
-The program will be shorter and faster.
Formulae: cos H = ( Sin h0 - Sin d Sin b ) / ( Cos d Cos b ) where b = latitude & d = declination
time(rise) = 0.99727
( a - L - ST - H )
time(transit) = 0.99727 ( a - L - ST )
with a = right-ascension
& L = longitude
time(set) = 0.99727
( a - L - ST + H )
Data Registers: R00 and R03 to R06: temp. ( Registers R01- R02 & R16-R17 are to be initialized before executing "RTS" )
• R01 = a ( hh.mnss )
• R16 = L ( positive East ) ( ° . '
" )
• R02 = d ( ° .
' " )
• R17 = b ( ° . ' " )
Set Flag F00 for the Sun
Set Flag F02 for the Moon
( Clear these 2 flags for the other celestial bodies )
Subroutine: "MST"
01 LBL "RTS" 02 DEG 03 0 04 XEQ "MST" 05 RCL 01 06 X<>Y 07 HMS- 08 HR 09 RCL 16 10 HR 11 15 12 / 13 - 14 24 |
15 MOD 16 STO 03 17 STO 04 18 STO 05 19 .34 20 FS? 00 21 .5 22 FS? 02 23 -.073 24 HR 25 SIN 26 STO 00 27 RCL 02 28 HR |
29 1 30 P-R 31 RCL 17 32 HR 33 1 34 P-R 35 ST* Z 36 X<> T 37 * 38 STO 06 39 RCL 00 40 + 41 CHS 42 X<>Y |
43 ST+ 06 44 / 45 SF 25 46 ACOS 47 15 48 / 49 FC?C 25 50 CLX 51 ST- 03 52 ST+ 05 53 .99727 54 ST* 03 55 ST* 04 56 ST* 05 |
57 RCL 06 58 ASIN 59 HMS 60 RCL 05 61 HMS 62 RCL 04 63 HMS 64 RCL 03 65 HMS 66 END |
( 106 bytes / SIZE 018 )
T | / | h = altitude* ( ° . ' " ) |
Z | / | setting(UT) (hh.mnss) |
Y | / | transit(UT) (hh.mnss) |
X | Date ( YYYY.MNDD ) | rising (UT) (hh.mnss) |
* where h = the geometric altitude of the center of the body at the time of transit.
Example: Find the times of rising, transit and setting of the Sun at Seattle ( 122°19'51"W ; 47°36'23"N ) on 2005/01/27
STO 16
47.3623 STO 17
-Here, we can use the right ascension and declination of the Sun on
2005/01/27 12h UT ( cf "Astronomical Ephemeris for the HP-41"
-We get: RA = 20h40m17s & Decl = -18°21'15" and we store these
values into R01 & R02:
20.4017 STO 01
-18.2115 STO 02
then, SF 00 CF 02
2005.0127 XEQ "RTS"
>>>> Rising = 15h41m13s (UT)
---Execution time =7s---
RDN Transit = 20h20m47s (UT)
RDN Setting = 25h00m20s (UT)
( i-e 1h00m20s on 2005/01/28 )
RDN altitude = 24°02'22"
( at the time of transit )
-In this example, the error is about 3 minutes which may be acceptable.
-For the stars or for slow planets, the 2 versions are equivalent.
-Contrariwise, with the Moon, the differences are of course much more important.
-But we can iterate and re-calculate the positions at several instants:
-We have saved bytes, not always time...
-I've chosen R16 & R17 to store the longitude & latitude because
they are unchanged by the ephemeris programs.
-If you prefer other registers, change lines 09 and 31 according to your
-If you want to get the azimuth Az at the instant of set, you have the following formula:
Cos Az = ( Sin h0 Sin b - Sin d ) / ( Cos b Cos h0 )
where b = latitude & d
= declination
Data Registers: R00 and R03 to R08: temp. ( Registers R01- R02 & R16-R17 are to be initialized before executing "RTS" )
• R01 = a ( hh.mnss )
• R16 = L ( positive East ) ( ° . '
" )
• R02 = d ( ° .
' " )
• R17 = b ( ° . ' " )
Set Flag F00 for the Sun
Set Flag F02 for the Moon
( Clear these 2 flags for the other celestial bodies )
Subroutine: "MST"
01 LBL "RTS" 02 DEG 03 0 04 XEQ "MST" 05 RCL 01 06 X<>Y 07 HMS- 08 HR 09 RCL 16 10 HR 11 15 12 / 13 - 14 24 15 MOD 16 STO 03 17 STO 04 18 STO 05 |
19 .34 20 FS? 00 21 .5 22 FS? 02 23 -.073 24 HR 25 1 26 P-R 27 STO 08 28 X<>Y 29 STO 00 30 CHS 31 STO 07 32 RCL 17 33 HR 34 1 35 P-R 36 ST* 08 |
37 X<>Y 38 ST* 07 39 RCL 02 40 HR 41 1 42 P-R 43 ST* T 44 RDN 45 ST- 07 46 * 47 STO 06 48 RCL 00 49 + 50 CHS 51 X<>Y 52 ST+ 06 53 / 54 SF 25 |
55 ACOS 56 15 57 / 58 FC? 25 59 CLX 60 ST- 03 61 ST+ 05 62 .99727 63 ST* 03 64 ST* 04 65 ST* 05 66 RCL 07 67 RCL 08 68 / 69 SF 25 70 ACOS 71 FC?C 25 72 CLX |
73 HMS 74 STO 07 75 RCL 06 76 ASIN 77 HMS 78 RCL 05 79 HMS 80 RCL 04 81 HMS 82 RCL 03 83 HMS 84 SIGN 85 CLX 86 RCL 07 87 X<> L 88 END |
( 134 bytes / SIZE 018 )
T | / | h = altitude* ( ° . ' " ) |
Z | / | setting(UT) (hh.mnss) |
Y | / | transit(UT) (hh.mnss) |
X | Date ( YYYY.MNDD ) | rising (UT) (hh.mnss) |
L | / | Az ( ° . ' " ) = R07 |
* where h = the geometric altitude of the center of the body at the time of transit.
Example: Same questions for Sirius. The right ascension and declination are 6h45m23s and -16°43'18" for this date.
STO 01
-122.1951 STO 16
-16.4318 STO 02
47.3623 STO 17
CF 00 CF 02
2005.0127 XEQ "RTS" >>>>
Rise = 1h42m05s (UT)
---Execution time = 9s---
RDN Transit = 6h28m09s (UT)
RDN Set = 11h14m14s (UT)
RDN h =
25°40'19" = altitude of Sirius at the time of transit
LASTX = Az = 65°25'18" = Azimuth of Sirius at the time of set = R07
-The Azimuth at the time of rising = - Az = - 65°25'18"
-Tha azimuths are reckoned positively clockwise from South.
-This program computes all the data needed to get the results for the Sun.
-The position of the Sun at 12h is calculated without taking the perturbations
into account.
-However, it seems enough, at least between 1950 & 2050 ( and probably
a little more... )
Data Registers: R00 and R03 to R08: temp.
R01 = a ( deg )
R07 = L ( positive East ) ( ° .
' " )
R02 = d ( deg )
R08 = b ( ° . ' " )
Flags: F25
Subroutine: "J0" or "J1" or "J2" ( cf
"Julian & Gregorian Calendars" for the HP-41" )
01 LBL "SRTS" 02 DEG 03 STO 08 04 RDN 05 STO 07 06 X<>Y 07 XEQ "J2" 08 STO 00 09 .4928237 10 STO 03 11 ST+ X 12 * 13 79.539 14 - 15 STO 04 16 77.063 17 RCL 00 18 21242 19 / 20 - 21 + |
22 STO 05 23 SIN 24 1.915 25 * 26 + 27 RCL 05 28 ST+ X 29 SIN 30 50 31 / 32 + 33 1 34 P-R 35 549.4 36 SQRT 37 1 38 P-R 39 R^ 40 ST* Z 41 * 42 X<>Y |
43 ASIN 44 STO 02 45 X<> Z 46 R-P 47 X<>Y 48 STO 01 49 RCL 04 50 - 51 RCL 07 52 HR 53 - 54 RCL 03 55 + 56 15 57 / 58 12 59 ST+ Y 60 ST+ X 61 MOD 62 STO 03 63 STO 04 |
64 STO 05 65 RCL 02 66 1 67 P-R 68 RCL 08 69 HR 70 1 71 P-R 72 ST* Z 73 X<> T 74 * 75 STO 06 76 .5 77 HR 78 SIN 79 + 80 CHS 81 X<>Y 82 ST+ 06 83 / 84 SF 25 |
85 ACOS 86 15 87 / 88 FC?C 25 89 CLX 90 ST- 03 91 ST+ 05 92 .99727 93 ST* 03 94 ST* 04 95 ST* 05 96 RCL 06 97 ASIN 98 HMS 99 RCL 05 100 HMS 101 RCL 04 102 HMS 103 RCL 03 104 HMS 105 END |
( 172 bytes / SIZE 009 )
T | / | h = altitude* ( ° . ' " ) |
Z | Date ( YYYY.MNDD ) | setting(UT) (hh.mnss) |
Y | Longitude ( ° ' " ) ( positive East ) | transit(UT) (hh.mnss) |
X | Latitude ( ° ' " ) |
rising (UT) (hh.mnss) |
* where h = the geometric altitude of the center of the body at the time of transit.
Example: Find the times of rising, transit and
setting of the Sun at Seattle ( 122°19'51"W ; 47°36'23"N )
on 2005/01/27
2005.0127 ENTER^
-122.1951 ENTER^
47.3623 XEQ "SRTS"
>>>> Rising = 15h41m12s (UT)
---Execution time =12s---
RDN Transit = 20h20m45s (UT)
RDN Setting = 25h00m18s (UT)
( i-e 1h00m18s on 2005/01/28 )
RDN altitude = 24°02'15"
( at the time of transit )
[1] Jean Meeus , "Astronomical Algorithms" - Willmann-Bell
- ISBN 0-943396-61-1