

Sphynx for the HP-41


-"Sphynx" is a number guessing game.
-You have to find a mystery-number X
-After you've keyed in a guess N, the HP-41 displays  "N / d"  where  d = the sum of the digits of | X - N |

-For example, with N = 456789 and X = 259191, the HP-41 displays  "456789 / 39"  because | 259191 - 456789 | = 197598 and 1+9+7+5+9+8 = 39

-Exception:        if  d = 0 ( i-e  if  X = N ) , the calculator displays   "X // G"    where  G is the number of your guesses.

-In the following program, X is always a 6-digit number.
-It uses ATOX , ALENG and the CX-Function GETKEYX

-The program only stops when you've found the solution!
-After keying in your guess, press any key ( for instance ENTER^ ) except the numeric keys, CHS and the decimal point.

Program Listing

Data Registers:           •  R00 = r     ( random numbers )                       ( Register R00 is to be initialized before executing "SPHYNX" )

                                         R01 = X    R02 = 0 , 1 , 2 , .... , G
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

-The append character is denoted  ~
-SST  line 58  in RUN mode to compile the GTO 03 before the first execution

02  RCL 00
03  R-D
04  FRC
05  STO 00
06  9 E5
07  *
08  INT
09   E5
10  +
11  STO 01
12  0
13  STO 02
14  FIX 0
15  CF 29
16  LBL 01             
17  X<> Z
18  ISG 02
19  CLX
20  ENTER^
21  CLA
22  RCL 01
23  -
24  ABS
25  ARCL X
26  CLX
28  CHS
29  48
30  *
31  ENTER^
32  LBL 02             
33  STO Y
34  ATOX
35  +
36  X#Y?
37  GTO 02
38  " "         
39  ARCL Z
40  "~/"     
41  X=0?
42  GTO 04
43  ARCL X
45  CLX
46  LBL 03             
47  48        
49  X=0?
50  GTO 01
51  X<>Y
52  X<> L
53  -
54  X<>Y
55  10
56  *
57  +
58  GTO 03
59  LBL 04             
60  "~/"    
61  ARCL 02
62  FIX 4
63  SF 29
65  END

   ( 106 bytes / SIZE 003 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           X             /             /

Example:      1  STO 00

  1st guess    123456  XEQ "SPHYNX"     "123456 / 24"        meaning  the sum of the digits of   | 123456 - X |  = 24
 2nd guess    4 3 7 2 1 8       ENTER^        "437218 / 21"        meaning  the sum of the digits of   | 437218 - X |  = 21
 3rd guess     3 6 6 2 0 1       ENTER^        "366201 // 3"        the program stops:  you've found the solution in 3 guesses

-Do not press the different digit keys too quickly.
-I let you find a good strategy, but much more than 3 guesses are usually necessary...
-"Sphynx" is probably not so interesting as the Mastermind, but it makes a little change.