

Statistics & Probability for the HP-41


 1°)  One Variable ( Grouped Data )

   1-a)  Moments of a Distribution  ( Program#1 )
   1-b)  Moments of a Distribution  ( Program#2 )
   1-c)  Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Means

 2°)  Two Variables ( Grouped Data )

   2-a)  Standard Deviation, Covariance, Coefficient of Correlation
   2-b)  Linear Regression

 3°)  Probability Functions

   3-a)  Chi2-Probability Function
   3-b)  Gaussian Probability Function
   3-c)  F-Distribution Function

    3-c1)  Program#1
    3-c2)  Inverse FDF function

   3-d)  Student's t-Distribution & UTPT Functions

    3-d1)  Program#1
    3-d2)  UTPT function
    3-d3)  Inverse UTPT function

   3-e)  Poisson distribution
   3-f)  Binomial Distribution
   3-g) Negative Binomial Distribution
   3-h) Pascal Distribution
   3-i)  Geometric Distribution
   3-j)  Hypergeometric Distribution

 4°)  Classic Problems

  4-a)  Binomial Coefficients ( Focal Program & M-Code Routine )
  4-b)  Probability of no repetition in a sample
  4-c)  Hypergeometric Distribution ( Urn Problem )
  4-d)  Multivariate Hypergeometric Distribution
  4-c)  Permutations with repetitions

-See also "Quantiles for the HP-41" & "Least-Squares Approximation for the HP-41"

-The latest addition is paragraph 3-c2)

1°)  One Variable ( Grouped Data )

     a) Moments of a Distribution ( Program#1 )

-This program calculates the arithmetic mean, the standard deviation, the skewness and the kurtosis
  of a given set of p points  x1 , x2 , ............ ,  xp
  with respective frequencies  n1 , n2 , ............ ,  np

Data Registers:    R00 = Sum ni                                         when the routine stops,  R05 = m = arithmetic mean

                               R01 = Sum ni xi    R03 = Sum ni xi3
                               R02 = Sum ni xi2   R04 = Sum ni xi4

Flag:   F01                  CF 01  if you want to use the sample standard deviation
Subroutines: /            SF 01  if you want to use the population standard deviation

01  LBL A
02  ST+ 00
03  RCL Y
04  STO T
05  *
06  ST+ 01
07  *
08  ST+ 02
09  *
10  ST+ 03
11  *
12  ST+ 04
13  RDN
14  RTN
15  LBL "STAT"
16  RCL 01
17  RCL 00
18  /
19  ENTER^
20  STO 05
21  6
22  *
23  RCL 02 
24  *
25  RCL 03
26  4
27  *
28  -
29  *
30  RCL 04       
31  +
32  RCL 00
33  /
34  R^
35  X^2
36  X^2
37  3
38  *
39  -
40  RCL 03 
41  R^
42  RCL 02       
43  *
44  3
45  *
46  -
47  RCL 00
48  /
49  RCL 05
50  3
51  Y^X
52  ST+ X
53  +
54  RCL 05
55  X^2
56  RCL 00 
57  *
58  RCL 02       
59  X<>Y
60  -
61  RCL 00
62  FC? 01
63  DSE X
64  /
65  ST/ Z
66  ST/ Z
67  ST/ Y
68  SQRT
69  ST/ Y
70  RCL 05       
71  END

   ( 95 bytes / SIZE 006 )

      STACK      INPUTS#i    OUTPUTS#i  final OUTPUTS
           T             /             /            µ4
           Z             /             /            µ3
           Y             xi             /            s
           X             ni            xi            m
           L             /            /         V = s2

      m = arithmetic mean                                               V = s2 = variance
       s = sample standard deviation if CF 01                        µ3 = skewness
       s = population standard deviation if SF 01                   µ4 = kurtosis

Example:    Given the following data

     xi      2      7      9     12     15     19
     ni      3      5      8     14      7      2

-Clear registers R00 thru R04  ( for instance execute CLS  if your statistics registers are R00 thru R05 )
-Then,  xi  ENTER^   ni S+  ( [A]  in user mode )  for all the points

   2  ENTER^      7  ENTER^      9  ENTER^     12  ENTER^    15  ENTER^     19  ENTER^
   3  S+               5  S+                8  S+              14  S+               7   S+               2   S+                in user mode

-Finally, simply press  R/S  ( or XEQ "STAT" )  it yields:

                                   CF 01                                                               SF 01

                                  m = 10.8718                                                       m = 10.8718
                       RDN    s  =  4.0012                                           RDN    s  =  3.9496
                       RDN   µ3 = -0.3406 = skewness                        RDN   µ3 = -0.3542 = skewness
                       RDN   µ4 =  3.0605 =  kurtosis                          RDN   µ4 =  3.2238 =  kurtosis

-To correct wrong inputs, key in  xi  ENTER^   ni  CHS  S+  ( [A] in user mode )  for the wrong ( xi , ni )
  or add   LBL a   CHS   just before  LBL A  and key in  xi  ENTER^   niS-  ( [a]  in user mode )

-For a normal distribution,  µ3 = 0  &  µ4 =  3

     b) Moments of a Distribution ( Program#2 )

-This routine computes the centered moment  µk =  [ (1/n) Sum ni.( xi - m )k ]/sk   for a given k-value
  where  m is the arithmetic mean and s is the standard deviation.
  µk is a dimensionless quantity.

Data Registers:       •  R00 = p = number of points ,                  ( Registers R00 thru R2p  are to be initialized before executing "RCMK" )

                                  •  R01 = x1     •  R03 = x2      .......    •  R2p-1 = xp
                                  •  R02 = n1     •  R04 = n2      .......    •  R2p   = np

Flag:   F01                  CF 01  if you want to use the sample standard deviation
Subroutines: /            SF 01  if you want to use the population standard deviation

01  LBL "RCMK"
02  CLA
03  STO O
04  RCL 00
05  ST+ X
06  STO M
07  ENTER^
08  CLX
09  LBL 01
11  ST+ N
12  DSE Z
14  *
15  +
16  DSE Y
17  GTO 01
18  RCL N
19  /
20  X<>Y
21  LBL 02
22  RCL IND M 
23  DSE M
24  RCL IND M 
25  R^
26  ST- Y
27  RDN
28  X^2
29  X<>Y
30  ST* Y
31  X<>Y
32  ST+ P
33  X<> L
34  X<>Y
35  X<> O          
36  Y^X
38  X<> O          
39  *
40  +
41  DSE M
42  GTO 02
43  X<>Y
44  RCL P
45  RCL N 
46  ST/ T
47  FC? 01
48  DSE X
49  /
50  SQRT
51  ENTER^
52  X<> O          
53  Y^X
54  ST/ Z
55  X<> O 
56  X<> Z
57  CLA
58  END

   ( 97 bytes / SIZE 2p+1 )

             STACK               INPUTS            OUTPUTS
                 T                    /     mk = Sum ni ( xi - m )k/n
                 Z                    /                  s
                 Y                    /                 m 
                 X                    k             µk = mk/sk
                 L                    /                  k

         m = arithmetic mean
          s = sample standard deviation if CF 01
          s = population standard deviation if SF 01


     xi      2      7      9     12     15     19
     ni      3      5      8     14      7      2

-Store these 12 numbers into

           R01         R03         ..............................            R11
           R02         R04         ..............................            R12         respectively

-There are  p = 6  data points whence   6  STO 00

   CF 01    4   XEQ "RCMK"  >>>>  µ4 =  3.0605   RDN   m = 10.8718   RDN   s =  4.0012   RDN   m4 = 784.4261       (  µ4 = kurtosis )
   SF 01    4           R/S            >>>>  µ4 =  3.2238   RDN   m = 10.8718   RDN   s =  3.9496   RDN   m4 = 784.4261

   CF 01    5           R/S           >>>>  µ5 =  -2.2513   RDN   m = 10.8718   RDN   s =  4.0012   RDN   m5 = -2308.7606    ( in 10 seconds )
   SF 01    5           R/S           >>>>  µ5 =  -2.4024   RDN   m = 10.8718   RDN   s =  3.9496   RDN   m5 = -2308.7606

     c)  Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Means

-The arithmetic mean m is defined by   m = ( n1 x1 + n2 x2 + ...... + np xp ) / ( n1 + n2 + .....  + np )
-The geometric mean m' is defined by  m' = [ ( x1^n1 ).( x2^n2 ) ...... ( xp^np ) ] 1/n                                        with   n =  n1 + n2 + .....  + np
-The harmonic mean m" is defined by   m" = ( n1 + n2 + .....  + np ) / ( n1/x1 + n2/x2 + ...... + np/xp )

Data Registers:       •  R00 = p = number of points                   ( Registers R00 thru R2p  are to be initialized before executing "MEANS" )

                                  •  R01 = x1     •  R03 = x2      .......    •  R2p-1 = xp
                                  •  R02 = n1     •  R04 = n2      .......    •  R2p   = np
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

02  RCL 00
03  ST+ X
04  1
05  CLA
06  LBL 01
08  STO O
09  ST+ P
10  DSE Z
11  RCL IND Z    
12  /
13  ST+ N
14  CLX
15  RCL O 
17  *
18  ST+ M 
19  X<> L
20  RCL O            
21  Y^X
22  *
23  DSE Y
24  GTO 01          
25  RCL P 
26  ST/ M
27  ST/ N
28  1/X
29  Y^X
30  RCL N            
31  1/X
32  X<>Y
33  RCL M 
34  CLA
35  END

   ( 63 bytes / SIZE 2p+1 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /             m"
           Y             /             m'
           X             /             m

        m = arithmetic mean
        m' = geometric mean
        m" = harmonic mean


     xi      2      7      9     12     15     19
     ni      3      5      8     14      7      2

-Store these 12 numbers into

          R01         R03         ..............................            R11
          R02         R04         ..............................            R12         respectively

-There are 6 points whence   6  STO 00

   XEQ "MEANS"  >>>>   m  = 10.8718        ( execution time = 7 seconds )
                              RDN    m' =  9.8020
                              RDN    m" =  8.0549

2°)  Two Variables ( Grouped Data )

     a) Standard Deviation, Covariance, Coefficient of Correlation

-This program calculates the arithmetic mean, the standard deviations and the covariance
  of a given set of p points  ( x1 , y1 )  , ( x2 , y2 )  ............ ,  ( xp , yp )
  with respective frequencies  n1 , n2 , ............ ,  np

Data Registers:    R00 = Sum ni xi     R02 = Sum ni yi      R04 = Sum ni xi yi    and when the routine stops,  R06 = mx = arithmetic mean
                               R01 = Sum ni xi2    R03 = Sum ni yi2    R05 = n = Sum ni                                                  R07 = my = arithmetic mean

Flag:   F01                  CF 01  if you want to use the sample standard deviation & covariance
Subroutines: /            SF 01  if you want to use the population standard deviation & covariance

-If your statistics registers are R00 thru R05, lines 01 to 22 may be replaced by

     LBL A
     X<> Z
     LBL 01
     S+                      ( Sigma+ )
     DSE Z
     GTO 01

01  LBL A
02  ST+ 05
03  STO 06
04  X<>Y
05  *
06  STO 07
07  ST+ 02
08  LASTX         
09  * 
10  ST+ 03 
11  X<>Y
12  ENTER^ 
13  ST* 07 
14  RCL 06 
15  * 
16  ST+ 00
17  * 
18  ST+ 01
19  RCL 07
20  ST+ 04
21  RCL 06
22  RTN
23  LBL "STAT2"
24  RCL 04
25  RCL 02
26  STO 07
27  RCL 00
28  RCL 05
29  ST/ 07
30  /
31  STO 06         
32  *
33  -
34  RCL 01
35  RCL 06 
36  X^2
37  RCL 05
38  *
39  -
40  RCL 07
41  X^2
42  RCL 05
43  *
44  RCL 03         
45  X<>Y
46  -
47  RCL 05 
48  FC? 01
49  DSE X
50  ST/ T
51  ST/ Z
52  /
53  SQRT 
54  ST/ T
55  X<>Y
56  SQRT            
57  ST/ T
58  END

    ( 83 bytes / SIZE 008 )

      STACK      INPUTS#i    OUTPUTS#i  final OUTPUTS
           T             /             /             r
           Z             xi             /       cov(x,y)
           Y             yi             /            sy
           X             ni            ni            sx
           L             /            /        Vx = sx2

       s = sample standard deviation if CF 01                             cov(x,y) = sample covariance if CF 01                   r = coefficient of correlation
       s = population standard deviation if SF 01                        cov(x,y) = population covariance if SF 01

      V = s2 = variance       ,     R06 = mx = arithmetic mean   ,    R07 = my = arithmetic mean

Example:    With the following data

     xi      2      5     10     16     21
     yi      4      7     12     19     24
     ni      3      4      7      5      2

-Clear registers R00 thru R05  ( for instance execute CLS  if your statistics registers are R00 thru R05 )
-Then,  xi  ENTER^   yi  ENTER^    ni   S+  ( [A]  in user mode )  for all the points

   2  ENTER^      5  ENTER^      10  ENTER^     16  ENTER^    21  ENTER^
   4  ENTER^      7  ENTER^      12  ENTER^     19  ENTER^    24  ENTER^
   3  S+                4  S+                7   S+                5   S+              2   S+            in user mode

-Finally, simply press  R/S  ( or XEQ "STAT2" )  it yields:

     if CF 01                         sx  =  5.9622                                       if SF 01                               sx = 5.8185
                       RDN            sy =  6.3808                                                              RDN            sy  =  6.2270
                       RDN   cov(x,y) = 38.0143                                                              RDN   cov(x,y) = 36.2041
                       RDN            r   =  0.9992                                                               RDN            r   =  0.9992

-And we have also

       R06 =  mx = 10.3810
       R07 =  my = 12.7143

-To correct wrong inputs, key in  xi  ENTER^  yi  ENTER^   ni  CHS  S+  ( [A] in user mode )  for the wrong ( xi , yi , ni )
  or add   LBL a   CHS   just before  LBL A  and key in  xi  ENTER^  yi  ENTER^  ni  S-  ( [a]  in user mode )

     b) Linear Regression

Data Registers:    R00 = Sum ni xi     R02 = Sum ni yi      R04 = Sum ni xi yi        R06 = mx = arithmetic mean
                               R01 = Sum ni xi2    R03 = Sum ni yi2    R05 = n = Sum ni         R07 = my = arithmetic mean

Flag:   F01 is used by "STAT2"
Subroutine:  "STAT2"

 01  LBL "LR+"
 02  XEQ "STAT2"
 03  R^
 04  R^
 05  LASTX
 06  /
 07  RCL 06
 08  RCL Y
 09  *
 10  RCL 07
 11  X<>Y
 12  -
 13  X<>Y
 14  END

( 29 bytes / SIZE 008 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Z             /             r
           Y             /             p
           X             /             m

  where   y = m x + p  is the least-squares line and  r = linear correlation coefficient

Example:    With the same data as in paragraph 2-a)

   XEQ "LR+"  gives   m = 1.0694
                       RDN   p =  1.6130
                       RDN   r  =  0.9992


-Though "STAT2" produces different outputs if flag F01 is set or clear, "LR+" yields the same results ( with perhaps a small difference in the last decimal )
-See also "LR" & "LSL" listed in "Least-Squares Approximation for the HP-41"

3°)  Probability Functions

     a)  Chi2-Probability Function

-This program computes P( X2 | m ) = 2 -m/2 [ 1/Gamma(m/2) ] §0X^2   t -1+m/2 e -t/2 dt

-It uses the series exansion:    P( X2 | m ) = (X2/2)m/2 e -(X^2)/2 [ 1/Gamma(m/2) ]  [ 1 + Sumk=1,2,...  X2k/[ (m+2)(m+4) ..... (m+2k) ]

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "GAM+" or "GAM" or "1/G"   ( cf "Gamma , Digamma , Polygamma & Beta Functions for the HP-41" )

01  LBL "PXN"
02  STO N
03  X<>Y
04  STO O
05  2
06  ST+ Y
07  /
08  XEQ "GAM+"
09  RCL N
10  2
11  /
12  E^X
13  ST* Y
14  X<> L
15  RCL O           
16  2
17  /
18  Y^X
19  X<>Y
20  /
21  STO M
22  1
23  RCL O           
24  1
25  ENTER^ 
26  LBL 01
27  X<> T
28  RCL N
29  *
30  R^
31  2
32  +
33  STO T
34  /
35  STO T 
36  X<>Y
37  ST+ Y
38  X#Y?
39  GTO 01         
40  RCL M
41  *
42  RCL N
43  SIGN
44  X<> O           
45  X<>Y
46  CLA
47  END

   ( 78 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             m            m
           X            X2      P( X2 | m )
           L             /           X2

  where m is a positive integer ( m > 0 )


    7   ENTER^
   12  XEQ "PXN"  >>>>   P (12 | 7 ) = 0.899441131  ( in 14 seconds )

     b)  Gaussian Probability Function

 "GPF"  calculates  P(x) = (1/sqrt(2.pi)) § -infinityx  exp (-t2/2).dt    via the error function if x >= 0 and via the complementary error function if x < 0


          P(x) = [ 1 + erf ( x/sqrt(2) ) ] / 2      if x >= 0
          P(x) = (1/2) erfc ( x/sqrt(2) )            if x < 0

          Q(x) = 1 - P(x)  verifies  Q(x) = P(-x)

Data Registers: /
Flag:  F10
Subroutine:  "ERF"  ( cf "Error Function for the HP-41" )

 01  LBL "GPF"
 02  CF 10
 03  X<0?
 04  SF 10
 05  2
 06  SQRT
 07  /
 08  XEQ "ERF"
 09  FS? 10
 10  X<>Y
 11  .5
 12  ST* Y
 13  FS?C 10
 14  CLX
 15  +
 16  END

( 34 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             x           P(x)


  3.14  XEQ "GPF"  >>>>  P(3.14) = 0.999155261 = Q(-3.14)                  ( in 8 seconds )
   -1         R/S          >>>>    P(-1)   = 0.158655254 =   Q(1)                       ( in 7 seconds )

   3-c)  F-Distribution Function

       3-c1)  Program#1

-This program calculates    Q( x | n1 , n2 ) =  (n1/n2)(n1)/2  Gamma[(n1+n2)/2] / [ Gamma(n1/2) Gamma(n2/2) ] §xinfinity  t -1+(n1)/2 ( 1 + t.n1/n2 ) -(n1+n2)/2 dt

  via the incomplete beta function:   Q( x | n1 , n2 ) = Iy( n2/2 , n1/2 )   with  y = n2/(n2+n1.x)

Data Registers:   R00 thru  R05
Flag:   F10
Subroutines:   "BETA"  "IBETA"  ( cf  "Gamma , Digamma , Polygamma & Beta Functions for the HP-41" )

01  LBL "FDF"     
02  RCL Z
03  STO 01
04  *
05  STO Z
06  RCL Y
07  STO 05
08  +
09  ST/ Z
10  /
11  CF 10            
12  X>Y?
13  SF 10
14  X>Y?
15  X<>Y
16  STO 00 
17  2
18  ST/ 01
19  ST/ 05
20  RCL 01         
21  RCL 05
22  XEQ "BETA"
23  X<> 05
24  RCL 01
25  FS? 10
26  X<>Y
27  RCL 00
29  FS? 10
30  CHS
31  RCL 05
32  FS?C 10         
33  ST+ Y
34  /
35  END

   ( 67 bytes / SIZE 006 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Z            n1            /
           Y            n2            /
           X         x >= 0   Q( x | n1 , n2 )


     7    ENTER^
     6    ENTER^
   4.3   XEQ "FDF"  >>>>  Q ( 4.3 |  7 , 6 ) = 0.04764079963  ( in 24 seconds )

     7    ENTER^
     9    ENTER^
   0.4      R/S       >>>>       Q ( 0.4 | 7 , 9 ) =  0.879873501  ( in 27 seconds )


-We have used the relation   Iy( a , b ) = 1 - I1-y( b , a )  to reduce execution time and roundoff errors when y > 0.5
-  Q( 0 | n1 , n2 ) =  1

       3-c2)  Inverse FDF function

-"IFDF" employs Halley's iterative method to solve  Q( y | n1 , n2 ) = x   i-e   to find  y = IFDF ( x | n1 , n2 )

       tk+1 = tk - 2 f(tk) f '(tk) / [ 2 ( f '(tk) )2 - f(tk) f ''(tk) ]      where   f = FDF

Data Registers:   R00 thru R11: temp
Flags: /
Subroutines:   "BETA"         ( cf  "Gamma , Digamma , Polygamma & Beta Functions for the HP-41" )
                          "FDF"           ( cf paragraph above )

-Line 21,  1  is the 1st guess whch could probably be replaced by a better estimation
-Lines 59-60 are probably superfluous

 01  LBL "IFDF"
 02  STO 06
 03  RDN
 04  STO 08
 05  X<>Y
 06  STO 07
 07  2
 08  ST/ Z
 09  /
 10  XEQ "BETA"
 11  RCL 07
 12  RCL 08
 13  /
 14  RCL 07
 15  2
 16  /
 17  Y^X
 18  X<>Y
 19  /
 20  STO 09
 21  1
 22  STO 10
 23  LBL 01
 24  VIEW 10
 25  RCL 07
 26  RCL 08
 27  RCL 10
 28  XEQ "FDF"  
 29  RCL 06
 30  -
 31  STO 11
 32  RCL 10
 33  RCL 07
 34  2
 35  /
 36  1
 37  -
 38  STO 03
 39  Y^X
 40  RCL 07
 41  RCL 10
 42  *
 43  RCL 08
 44  ST+ Y
 45  /
 46  STO 04        
 47  RCL 07
 48  RCL 08
 49  +
 50  2
 51  /
 52  STO 05
 53  Y^X
 54  /
 55  RCL 09
 56  *
 57  RCL 03
 58  RCL 10
 59  X=0?
 60  SIGN
 61  /
 62  RCL 07
 63  RCL 08        
 64  /
 65  RCL 05
 66  *
 67  RCL 04
 68  /
 69  -
 70  RCL 11
 71  STO T
 72  *
 73  2
 74  /
 75  +
 76  /
 77  ST+ 10
 78  ABS
 79   E-4
 80  X<Y?
 81  GTO 01
 82  RCL 10        
 83  CLD
 84  END

    ( 110 bytes / SIZE 012 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Z            n1            /
           Y            n2            /
           X            x   ifdf ( x | n1 , n2 )

  Where  y = ifdf ( x | n1 , n2 )  is the solution of   FDF ( y | n1 , n2 ) = x


     7     ENTER^
     6     ENTER^
   0.05  XEQ "IFDF"  >>>>   IFDF ( 0.05 | 7 , 6 ) = 4.206658486                     ---Execution time = 72s---

     3     ENTER^
     5     ENTER^
  0.001 XEQ "IFDF"  >>>>  IFDF ( 0.001 | 3 , 5 ) = 33.20246321                    ---Execution time = 93s---


-The execution times suppose that "IBETA" calls the M-Code routine HGF+
-Line 79  E-4  is a small number to control the precision of the result.
-Since Halley's method is of order 3, almost all the decimals are already correct !

   3-d)  Student's t-Distribution & UTPT Functions

       3-d1)  Program#1

- "STD"  computes  A( t | n ) = n -1/2 / Beta(0.5 ; n/2 )  §-t+t  ( 1 + x2/n ) -(n+1)/2  dx

-This routine also computes   n -1/2 / Beta(0.5 ; n/2 )  §t+infinity  ( 1 + x2/n ) -(n+1)/2  dx = [ 1 - A ( t | n ) ] / 2 = UTPT(t,n)  on the HP-48

Formula:   A( t | n ) = 1 - Iy( n/2 , 1/2 )   with   y = n/(n+t2)

Data Registers:   R00 thru  R05
Flag:  F10
Subroutines:   "GAM+" ( or "GAM" )  "IBETA"  ( cf  "Gamma , Digamma , Polygamma & Beta Functions for the HP-41" )

01  LBL "STD"    
02  X^2
03  STO Z
04  RCL Y
05  STO 00
06  +
07  ST/ Z
08  /
09  CF 10
10  X>Y?
11  SF 10
12  X>Y?
13  X<>Y
14  X<> 00
15  .5
16  *
17  STO 05
19  +
20  XEQ "GAM+"
21  STO 04
22  RCL 05
23  XEQ "GAM+"
24  PI
25  SQRT
26  *
27  RCL 04
28  /
29  X<> 05
30  .5
31  FS? 10
32  X<>Y
33  RCL 00
35  ENTER^
36  CHS
37  RCL 05
38  +
39  FC?C 10
40  X<>Y
41  LASTX          
42  ST/ Z
43  ST+ X
44  /
45  X<>Y
46  END

   ( 83 bytes / SIZE 006 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Y            n      UTPT(t,n)
           X        t >= 0       A( t | n )


   4   ENTER^
   1   XEQ "STD"   >>>>            A( 1 | 4 ) = 0.626099033        ( in 21 seconds )
                              RDN     UTPT( 1 , 4 ) = 0.186950483

  4   ENTER^
 10    R/S         >>>>            A( 10 | 4 ) = 0.999437997          ( in 16 seconds )
                        RDN     UTPT( 10 , 4 ) = 0.0002810018113

-We have used the symmetry relation   Iy( a , b ) = 1 - I1-y( b , a )  to reduce execution time and roundoff errors when y > 0.5
- A( 0 | n ) = 0

       3-d2)  UTPT function

-There is however a possible loss of significant digits with "STD" if y > 0.5
-To overcome that difficulty, the following program employs a quadratic transformation to calculate the hypergeometric function F. It yields:

   UTPT (t | n)  = { 1/[ n.B(n/2,1/2) ] }  yn/2  F ( 1 , n ; 1+n/2 ; y / [ 2 + 2 (1-y)1/2 ] )     where  B = beta function  and  y = n/(n+t2)

Data Registers:   R00 thru  R06
Flags:  /
Subroutines:   "1/G+" ( or "GAM+" )    ( cf  "Gamma , Digamma , Polygamma & Beta Functions for the HP-41" )
                          "HGF"                                           ( cf  "Hypergeometric functions for the HP-41" )

 01  LBL "UTPT"
 02  STO 04
 03  X<>Y
 04  STO 02
 05  2
 06  /
 07  STO 03
 08  XEQ "1/G+"
 09  STO 06
 10  RCL 03
 11  .5
 12  +
 13  XEQ "1/G+"
 14  PI
 15  SQRT
 16  *
 17  RCL 06
 18  /
 19  STO 06
 20  1
 21  STO 01
 22  ST+ 03
 23  RCL 02 
 24  RCL 02
 25  RCL 04       
 26  X^2
 27  STO T
 28  +
 29  ST/ Z
 30  /
 31  STO 05
 32  X<>Y
 33  SQRT
 34  1
 35  +
 36  ST+ X
 37  /
 38  XEQ "HGF"
 39  RCL 05
 40  RCL 02
 41  2
 42  /
 43  Y^X
 44  *
 45  RCL 02 
 46  RCL 06       
 47  *
 48  /
 49  END

    ( 77 bytes / SIZE 007 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Y            n            /
           X        t >= 0      UTPT(t,n)


   •  4    ENTER^
     2.8  XEQ "UTPT"  >>>>   UTPT ( 2.8 | 4 ) = 0.02440577530           ---Execution time = 10s---

   •  7    ENTER^
     10     R/S        >>>>   UTPT ( 10 | 4 ) = 1.069710145 E-5            ---Execution time = 8s---


-If you to compute  A(t | n) , simply add   ENTER^   ST+ X  1  -  CHS  X<>Y   after line 48.

       3-d3)  Inverse UTPT function

-IUTPT uses the same expression to calculte UTPT(t,n)  and find a solution of the equation  UTPT(t,n) - A = 0  where  A and n are given
-It employs Halley's method which is even better than Newton's method:

       tk+1 = tk - 2 f(tk) f '(tk) / [ 2 ( f '(tk) )2 - f(tk) f ''(tk) ]     with   f =  UTPT

Data Registers:   R00 thru  R09
Flags:  /
Subroutines:   "1/G+" ( or "GAM+" )    ( cf  "Gamma , Digamma , Polygamma & Beta Functions for the HP-41" )
                          "HGF"                                           ( cf  "Hypergeometric functions for the HP-41" )

 01  LBL "IUTPT"
 02  STO 06
 03  RDN
 04  STO 02
 05  1
 06  STO 01
 07  STO 03
 08  +
 09  2
 10  /
 11  STO 08
 12  X<>Y
 13  STO 04
 14  RCL 02
 15  2
 16  /
 17  ST+ 03
 18  STO 05
 19  XEQ "1/G+"
 20  STO 07
 21  RCL 08
 22  XEQ "1/G+" 
 23  PI
 24  SQRT
 25  *
 26   RCL 07
 27  /
 28  ST* 04
 29  LBL 01
 30  VIEW 06
 31  RCL 02
 32  RCL 02
 33  RCL 06
 34  X^2
 35  STO T
 36  +
 37  STO 09
 38  ST/ Z
 39  /
 40  STO 07
 41  X<>Y
 42  SQRT
 43  1
 44  +
 45  ST+ X
 46  /
 47  XEQ "HGF" 
 48  RCL 07
 49  RCL 05
 50  Y^X
 51  *
 52  RCL 02
 53  /
 54  RCL 04
 55  -
 56  RCL 07
 57  RCL 08
 58  Y^X
 59  RCL 02
 60  SQRT
 61  /
 62  RCL 02 
 63  RCL 06
 64  *
 65  RCL 08        
 66  *
 67  RCL 09
 68  X^2
 69  /
 70  R^
 71  *
 72  RCL 07 
 73  /
 74  -
 75  /
 76  ST+ 06
 77  ABS
 78   E-8
 79  X<Y?
 80  GTO 01
 81  RCL 06        
 82  CLD
 83  END

     ( 117 bytes / SIZE 010 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Z           A
           Y           n            /
           X           t0     IUTPT(A,n)

  where  t0  is an initial guess  and  t = IUTPT(A,n) is  the solution of the equation  UTPT(t,n) = A

Example1:          A = 0.0001 ,  n = 4  ,  with the initial approximation    t0 = 10

     0.0001   ENTER^
         4        ENTER^
        10       XEQ "IUTPT"  >>>>   t = 13.03367172                   ---Execution time = 22s---

Example2:          A = 0.025 ,  n = 21  ,  with the initial approximation    t0 = 1

       0.025  ENTER^
         21     ENTER^
          1      XEQ "IUTPT"   >>>>   t = 2.079613847                   ---Execution time = 63s---

Example3:          A = 0.001 ,  n = 21  ,  with the initial approximation    t0 = 1

       0.001  ENTER^
         21     ENTER^
          1      XEQ "IUTPT"   >>>>   t = 3.527153671                   ---Execution time = 66s---

   3-e)  Poisson Distribution

-The function is defined by   P(X=k) = exp(-L) Lk / k!        where  L > 0  and  k is a non-negative integer

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

 01  LBL "POI"
 02  RCL Y
 03  X<>Y
 04  Y^X
 05  LASTX
 06  FACT
 07  /
 08  X<>Y
 09  E^X
 10  /
 11  END

( 20 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Y            L            /
           X            k       P( X=k )

Example:           L = 5  ,  k = 6

   5   ENTER^
   6   XEQ "POI"   >>>>   P(X=6) = 0.146222808

-The cumulative distribution is given by   P( X <= k ) = exp(-L) SUMj=0,1,...,k  Lj / j!

Data Register:  R00 = k , k-1 , ..... , 0
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

 01  LBL "POI+"
 02  X=0?
 03  GTO 02
 04  STO 00
 05  CLX
 06  LBL 01
 07  RCL Y
 08  RCL 00
 09  Y^X
 10  LASTX
 11  FACT
 12  /
 13  +
 14  DSE 00
 15  GTO 01
 16  LBL 02
 17  1
 18  +
 19  RCL Y
 20  E^X
 21  /
 22  END

( 36 bytes / SIZE 001 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Y            L            /
           X            k      P( X<=k )

Example:           L = 5  ,  k = 6

   5   ENTER^
   6   XEQ "POI+"   >>>>   P(X<=6) = 0.762183463

   3-f)  Binomial Distribution

-This routine computes  P(X=k) = Cnk pk (1-p)n-k    where   0 <= k <= n  are integers and  0 < p < 1

Data Registers:  R00 thru R02: temp
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "CNK"  or an M-Code CNK  cf §4-a) below

 01  LBL "BNP"
 02  STO 00
 03  X<>Y
 04  STO 01
 05  X<>Y
 06  Y^X
 07  X<>Y
 08  STO 02
 09  RCL 00
 10  XEQ "CNK"
 11  *
 12  1
 13  RCL 01
 14  -
 15  RCL 02
 16  RCL 00
 17  -
 18  Y^X
 19  *
 20  END

( 32 bytes / SIZE 003 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Z            n            /
           Y            p            /
           X            k      P( X=k )

Example:        n = 100 ,  p = 1/6

   100   ENTER^
     6     1/X
    20    XEQ "BNP"   >>>>   P(X=20) = 0.067861995

-The cumulative distribution could be calculated by calling "BNP"  (k+1) times.
-The following routine is faster, at least for large k-values:

Data Registers:  R00 thru R03: temp
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

01  LBL "BNP+"
02  STO 00
03  SIGN
04  X<>Y
05  STO 01
06  -
07  ST/ 01
08  X<>Y
09  STO 02
10  Y^X
11  SIGN
12  RCL 00        
13  X=0?
14  GTO 02 
15  CLX
16  STO 03
18  LBL 01
19  LASTX 
20  RCL 01        
21  *
22  RCL 02
23  RCL 03 
24  -
25  *
26  RCL 03 
27  1
28  +
29  STO 03        
30  /
31  +
32  DSE 00
33  GTO 01        
34  SIGN
35  LBL 02 
37  END

   ( 50 bytes / SIZE 004 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Z            n            /
           Y            p            /
           X            k      P( X<=k )

Example:        n = 100 ,  p = 1/6

   100   ENTER^
     6     1/X
    15    XEQ "BNP+"   >>>>   P(X<=15) = 0.387657550

   3-g)  Negative Binomial Distribution

-Let  r a positive integer, k a non-negative integer and a real p  0 < p < 1

     P(X=k) = Ck+r-1r-1 pr (1-p)k

Data Registers:  R00-R01: temp
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "CNK"  or an M-Code CNK  cf §4-a) below

 01  LBL "JRP"
 02  STO 00
 03  SIGN
 04  X<>Y
 05  STO 01
 06  -
 07  RCL 00
 08  Y^X
 09  RCL 01
 10  RCL Z
 11  Y^X
 12  *
 13  RCL 00
 14  R^
 15  1
 16  -
 17  ST+ Y
 18  XEQ "CNK"
 19  *
 20  END

( 34 bytes / SIZE 002 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Z            r            /
           Y            p            /
           X            k      P( X=k )

Example:       r = 5  ,  p = 1/7

    5   ENTER^
    7   1/X
   10  XEQ "JRP"  >>>>   P(X=10) = 0.012748996

 "JRP+"  computes the cumulative negative binomial distribution

Data Registers:  R00 thru R03 temp
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

01  LBL "JRP+"
02  STO 00      
03  RDN
04  STO 01
05  X<>Y
06  STO 02
07  Y^X
08  ABS
09  RCL 00      
10  X=0?
11  GTO 02
12  CLX
13  STO 03
14  X<>Y
15  LBL 01
17  RCL 02 
18  RCL 03      
19  +
20  *
21  1
22  ST+ 03
23  RCL 01 
24  -
25  *
26  RCL 03      
27  /
28  +
29  DSE 00
30  GTO 01      
31  SIGN
32  LBL 02 
34  END

   ( 47 bytes / SIZE 004 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Z            r            /
           Y            p            /
           X            k      P( X<=k )

Example:       r = 5  ,  p = 1/7

    5   ENTER^
    7   1/X
   10  XEQ "JRP+"  >>>>   P(X<=10) = 0.051581690

   3-h)  Pascal Distribution

-The function is defined as   P(X=k) = Ck-1r-1 pr (1-p)k-1    where   r and k are positive integers ( r <= k )  and  0 < p < 1

Data Registers:  R00-R01-R02: temp
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "CNK"  or an M-Code CNK  cf §4-a) below

01  LBL "PRP"  
02  STO 00
03  1
04  -
05  RDN
06  STO 01
07  RDN
08  STO 02      
09  SIGN
10  -
11  XEQ "CNK"
12  RCL 01
13  RCL 02
14  Y^X
15  *
16  1
17  RCL 01       
18  -
19  RCL 00
20  RCL 02
21  -
22  Y^X             
23  *
24  END

   ( 36 bytes / SIZE 003 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Z            r            /
           Y            p            /
           X            k      P( X=k )

Example:       r = 10  ,  p = 0.6

  10   ENTER^
  0.6  ENTER^
  15   XEQ "PRP"  >>>>  P(X=15) = 0.123958563

-Now,  "PRP+"  calculates  P(X<=k)

Data Registers:  R00 thru R03: temp
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

01  LBL "PRP+"
02  RDN
03  STO 01      
04  X<>Y
05  STO 02
06  STO 03
07  R^
08  X<Y?
09  GTO 02 
10  X<>Y
11  -
12  STO 00      
13  RCL 01
14  RCL 02
15  Y^X
16  ABS
17  ISG 00
18  LBL 01
19  DSE 00 
20  X<0?
21  RTN
23  1
24  RCL 01      
25  -
26  *
27  RCL 03 
28  ST* Y
29  1
30  +
31  STO 03 
32  RCL 02      
33  -
34  /
35  +
36  GTO 01      
37  LBL 02
38  CLX
39  END

   ( 53 bytes / SIZE 004 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Z            r            /
           Y            p            /
           X            k      P( X<=k )

Example:       r = 10  ,  p = 0.6

  10   ENTER^
  0.6  ENTER^
  15   XEQ "PRP"  >>>>  P(X<=15) = 0.403215551

Note:      P(X=k)  is in L-register

   3-i)  Geometric Distribution

-This probability function is defined by                                    P(X=k)  =  p (1-p)k-1                  where   0 < p < 1  and  k is a positive integer
-The cumulative distribution may easily be computed since     P(X<=k) = 1 - (1-p)k

-So a simple program can return both results.

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

 01  LBL "GP"
 02  1
 03  RCL Z
 04  -
 05  ENTER^
 06  X<> Z
 07  DSE X
 08  INT
 09  Y^X
 10  ST* Z
 11  *
 12  1
 13  X<>Y
 14  -
 15  X<>Y
 16  END

( 27 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK       INPUTS     OUTPUTS
           Y            p     P( X<=k )
           X            k      P( X=k )

Example:    p = 0.6

    0.6    ENTER^
     4      XEQ "GP"   >>>>    P(X=4)  = 0.0384
                                RDN    P(X<=4) = 0.9744

   3-j)  Hypergeometric Distribution

-Here,   P(X=k)  =  Cmk Cn-ma-k / Cna    where   n , m , a , k  are integers with  m <= n ,   k <= a <= m  ,  a - k <= n - m    ( cf § 4-c) for a concrete example )

Data Register:  R00: temp
Flags: /
Subroutine:    "CNK"  ( cf 4-a) )

 01  LBL "HGD"
 02  RDN
 03  STO 00
 04  X<>Y
 05  R^
 06  ST- 00
 07  XEQ "CNK"
 08  RDN
 09  XEQ "CNK"
 10  ST/ Z
 11  X<> T
 12  X<>Y
 13  -
 14  RCL 00
 15  XEQ "CNK"
 16  *
 17  END

( 40 bytes / SIZE 001 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             n             /
           Z            m             /
           Y             a             /
           X             k        P(X=k)

Example:     n = 30  ,  m = 12  ,  a = 10

  30  ENTER^
  12  ENTER^
  10  ENTER^
   5   XEQ "HGD"  >>>>   P(X=5) = 0.225856303

- "HGD+" below computes  P(X<=k)

Data Registers:  R00 thru R05: temp
Flags: /
Subroutine:  "CNK"  or an M-Code CNK  cf §4-a)

01  LBL 'HGD+"
02  STO 00
03  RDN
04  STO 01
05  RDN
06  STO 02
07  X<>Y
08  STO 03
09  -
10  RCL 01
11  +
12  STO 05
13  X<0?
14  CLX
15  STO 04
16  RCL 00
17  -
18  X>0?
19  GTO 02
20  CHS
21  STO 00
22  RCL 02
23  RCL 04
24  XEQ "CNK"
25  RCL 03
26  RCL 02
27  -
28  RCL 01
29  RCL 04
30  -
31  XEQ "CNK"
32  *
33  RCL 03
34  RCL 01
35  XEQ "CNK"
36  /
37  ABS
38  ISG 00
39  LBL 01
40  DSE 00
41  X<0?
42  RTN
44  RCL 01        
45  RCL 04 
46  -
47  *
48  RCL 02
49  RCL 04
50  -
51  *
52  RCL 04
53  1
54  +
55  STO 04
56  ST/ Y
57  RCL 05        
58  -
59  /
60  +
61  GTO 01
62  LBL 02
63  CLX
64  END

   ( 90 bytes / SIZE 006 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             n             /
           Z             m             /
           Y             a             /
           X             k       P(X<=k)

Example1:       n = 30  ,  m = 12  ,  a = 10

  30  ENTER^
  12  ENTER^
  10  ENTER^
   5   XEQ "HGD+"  >>>>   P(X<=5) = 0.881728367

Example2:       n = 100  ,  m = 84  ,  a = 41

  100   ENTER^
   84    ENTER^
   41    ENTER^
   37    XEQ "HGD+"   >>>>  P(X<=37) =  0.958543068

4°)  Classic Problems

     4-a)  Binomial Coefficients

-This routine is only a slight modification of a program by Keith Jarret listed in "Synthetic Programming Made Easy"
-I've simply added lines 09-10-20 to avoid a data error if k = 0 or k = n

-"CNK" computes  Cnk =  n! / [ k! (n-k)! ]

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

01  LBL "CNK"
02  ST- Y
03  SIGN
04  STO M
05  CLX
06  LASTX 
07  X>Y?
08  X<>Y
09  X=0?
10  GTO 02     
11  LBL 01       
12  X<>Y
13  ISG X
14  CLX
15  ST* M
16  X<>Y
17  ST/ M
18  DSE X        
19  GTO 01 
20  LBL 02
21  X<> M       
22  X<>Y
23  RDN
24  END

   ( 41 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             T            n
           Z             Z            T
           Y             n            Z
           X             k           Cnk
           L             /            k

Example:      n = 100  ,  k = 84

    100  ENTER^
     84   XEQ "CNK"  >>>>   C10084 = 1.345860628 1018    ( in 5 seconds )

-One could of course use the buil-in FACT function, but there will be an OUT OF RANGE if n > 69

-The following M-Code routine performs the same calculations.
-Moreover, 0 is returned if n or k or n-k is negative or fractional.
-However, it does not check for alpha data or overflow.
-Synthetic register Q is used.

08B   "K"
00E   "N"
003   "C"
0F8   READ 3(X)
128   WRIT 4(L)
0B8   READ 2(Y)
0E8   WRIT 3(X)
04E   C=0 ALL
0A8  WRIT 2(Y)
0F8   READ 3(X)
2FE  ?C#0 MS
0BF  JC+23d=+17h
084   CLRF 5                 C
0ED  ?NCXQ                 =
064   193B                   frc(C)
2EE   ?C#0 ALL
097   JC+18d=+12h
138   READ 4(L)
2FE  ?C#0 MS
07F   JC+15d=+0Fh
084   CLRF 5                 C
0ED  ?NCXQ                 =
064   193B                   frc(C)
2EE   ?C#0 ALL
057   JC+10d=+0Ah
138   READ 4(L)
2BE  C=-C-1 MS         C=-C
070   N=C ALL
10E   A=C ALL
0F8   READ 3(X)
01D  ?NCXQ               C=
060   1807                   A+C
2FE  ?C#0 MS
01B   JNC+03
3A5   ?NCGO          ?NCgoto
052    14E9                  RDN
10E    A=C ALL
0F0    C<>N ALL
01D  ?NCXQ               C=
060   1807                   A+C
2FE  ?C#0 MS
01F   JC+03
138   READ 4(L)
070   N=C ALL
04E   C=0 ALL
268   WRIT 9(Q)
35C  PT=12
050   LD@PT- 1
0A8  WRIT 2(Y)
278   READ 9(Q)
10E   A=C ALL
0B0   C=N ALL
36E   ?A#C ALL
36B   JNC-19d=-13h
1BE   A=A-1 MS
0F8   READ 3(X)
01D  ?NCXQ               C=
060   1807                   A+C
10E   A=C ALL
0B8   READ 2(Y)
135   ?NCXQ               C=
060   184D                  A*C
0A8  WRIT 2(Y)
278   READ 9(Q)
00E   A=0 ALL             A
35C  PT=12                  =
162   A=A+1@PT        1
01D  ?NCXQ               C=
060   1807                   A+C
268   WRIT 9(Q)
10E   A=C ALL
0B8   READ 2(Y)
261   ?NCXQ               C=
060   1898                   A/C
360    ?C RTN                                        the routine stops here if you press a key ( useful if, for example,  n = 10000000 and k = 1000000 )
31B    JNC-29d=-1Dh

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           T             T            n
           Z             Z            T
           Y             n            Z
           X             k           Cnk
           L             /            k

Example:      n = 400  ,  k = 100

    400  ENTER^
    100   XEQ "CNK"  >>>>   C400100 = 2.241854802 1096    ( in 12 seconds )

-The last decimals should be 792 instead of 802

-With, for instance, n = 4 and k = 0.5  "CNK" returns 0.
-This may be useful when "CNK" is used in the cumulative distributions above.

     4-b)  Probability of no repetition in a sample

-The typical exercise is:  "In a room containing m persons, what is the probability P that nobody has the same birthday?"  ( neglecting the leap years )

-The answer is  P = ( 1 - 1/n ).( 1 - 2/n )........( 1 - (m-1)/n )           with  n = 365

Data Registers: /
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

 01  LBL "NRS"
 02  X<>Y
 03  ENTER^
 04  SIGN
 05  LBL 01
 06  LASTX
 07  *
 08  X<>Y
 09  ST/ Y
 10  X<>Y
 11  DSE L
 12  "" 
 13  DSE Z
 14  GTO 01
 15  END

( 27 bytes / SIZE 000 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             n           n
           X             m     probability

Example:    n = 365 ,  m = 24

   365   ENTER^
    24    XEQ "NRS"  >>>>  probability = 0.4617   ( in 8 seconds )

     4-c)  Hypergeometric Distribution ( Urn Problem )

 "An urn contains m black marbles and (n-m) white marbles. You take simultaneously ( or successively without replacement )  "a"  marbles.
  What is the probability P that you have drawn exactly k black marbles ( and (a-k) white ones ) ?"

-The answer is:    P = Cmk Cn-ma-k / Cna

-So we can use the program "HGD" listed in § 3-j above.

Example:    The urn contains 60 marbles ( 15 black ones and 45 white ones )  You take 10 marbles. Probability that you have exactly 3 black marbles?

  n = 60 , m = 15 , a = 10 , k = 3

  60  ENTER^
  15  ENTER^
  10  ENTER^
   3   XEQ "HGD"  >>>>   P = 0.273864227

     4-d)  Multivariate Hypergeometric Distribution

-The previous exercise may be generalized if the urn contains    n1 marbles of color 1  ,   n2 marbles of color 2  ,   .............................  ,  nk marbles of color k
-You take simultaneously - or successively without replacement -  m marbles.
-What is the probability P that you have drawn exactly    p1 marbles of color 1  ,   p2 marbles of color 2  ,   .............................  ,  pk marbles of color k
  ( of course  m =  p1 +  p2 + ............  +  pk )

-The program below computes the answer   P = Cn1p1 Cn2p2 ......  Cnkpk   / Cn1+n2+....+nkp1+p2+....+pk

Data Registers:       •  R00 = k                                     ( Registers R00 thru R2k  are to be initialized before executing "MHGD" )

                                  •  R01 = n1     •  R03 = n2      .......    •  R2k-1 = nk
                                  •  R02 = p1     •  R04 = p2      .......    •  R2k   = pk
Flags: /
Subroutine:   "CNK"  ( cf 4-a) )

01  LBL "MHGD"
02  RCL 00
03  ST+ X
04  STO N
05  1
06  LBL 01
08  DSE Z
10  X<>Y
11  XEQ "CNK" 
12  *
13  DSE Y
14  GTO 01
15  0
16  ENTER^
17  LBL 02
18  RCL IND N 
19  +
20  DSE N
21  X<>Y
22  RCL IND N 
23  +
24  X<>Y
25  DSE N
26  GTO 02
27  XEQ "CNK" 
28  /
29  END

   ( 58 bytes / SIZE 2k+1 )

      STACK        INPUT      OUTPUT
           X             /     probability

Example:        An urn contains 12 marbles ( 3 blue ones , 5 red ones , 4 green ones )  You take simultaneously 7 marbles
                          Calculate the probability P that you have exactly  2 blue marbles , 3 red marbles and 2 green marbles ?

  k = 3     n1 = 3     n2 =  5     n3 = 4     are to be stored into      R00     R01     R03     R05
               p1 = 2     p2 = 3      p3 = 2     are to be stored into                  R02     R04     R06      respectively

    XEQ "MHGD"  >>>>  probability = 0.227272727 = 5/22    ( in 6 seconds )

     4-c)  Permutations with repetitions

-This program calculates  P = n! / ( n1! n2! ....... nk! )   where  n = n1 + n2 + ...... + nk

Data Registers:     •  R00 = k                                               ( Registers R00 thru Rkk are to be initialized before executing "PERM" )

                                •  R01 = n1   •  R02 = n2   .....................   •  Rkk = nk
Flags: /
Subroutines: /

01  LBL "PERM"
02  RCL 00
03  1
04  -
05  RCL IND 00
06  LBL 01
07  RCL IND Y 
08  X=0?
09  GTO 03
10  LBL 02
11  X<>Y
12  ISG X          
13  CLX
14  ST* L
15  X<>Y 
16  ST/ L
17  DSE X 
18  GTO 02        
19  LBL 03 
20  RDN
21  DSE Y 
22  GTO 01         
24  END

   ( 43 bytes / SIZE k+1 )

      STACK        INPUTS      OUTPUTS
           Y             /            n
           X             /            P

Example1:     Calculate  157! / ( 12! 20! 41! 84! )

   ( k = 4 )      n1 = 12  ,  n2 = 20  ,  n3 = 41  ,  n4 = 84   ( n = 12 + 20 + 41 + 84 = 157 )

   4  STO 00   12  STO 01   20  STO 02   41  STO 03   84  STO 04

   XEQ "PERM"  >>>>  P = 9.078363541 1074  ( in 21 seconds )

Example2:     How many anagrams can you write with  the 16-letter "word"   AAABBCCCCEEEEELL

  ( k = 5 )     n1 = 3 A's  ,  n2 = 2 B's  ,  n3 = 4 C's  ,  n4 = 5 E's  ,  n5 = 2 L's    (  n = 16 )

  5  STO 00      3  STO 01     2  STO 02      4  STO 03     5  STO 04     2  STO 05

  XEQ "PERM"   yields   302,702,400  words ( including AAABBCCCCEEEEELL itself )  So, this "word" has 302,702,399  ( meaningless ) anagrams

Hint:   Store the largest ni into the last register, this will reduce execution time.


[1]  Abramowitz and Stegun - "Handbook of Mathematical Functions" -  Dover Publications -  ISBN  0-486-61272-4
[2]  Press , Vetterling , Teukolsky , Flannery - "Numerical Recipes in C++" - Cambridge University Press - ISBN  0-521-75033-4